Scotgold Resources Limited (LON:SGZ – Get Rating) crossed below its two hundred day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of GBX 71.32 ($0.94) and traded as low as GBX 65.60 ($0.86). Scotgold Resources shares last traded at GBX 68.50 ($0.90), with a volume of 15,362 […]
and that s a par five, mind you. see how much you could save on car insurance. go to today. sgz a lot happening on capitol hill, much of it to do with the russia investigation and now jared kushner. democrats sought to highlight as what they see as his ongoing access to classified intelligence. fair or not, they re trying to make him a bigger part of this story. manu, the democratic members, what are they saying about former national security adviser michael flynn first? reporter: both flip and kushner may have should not have given security clearances or have been suspended as allegations whether or not they were fit to get classified intelligence were investigated. they were pointing specifically to regulations that they say show that someone needs to be fit and in order to get these
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