Shamshera , which featured Ranbir along with Sanjay Dutt & Vaani Kapoor, failed to impress the movie buffs. In recent times, mainstream Hindi movies like Ranveer Singh s Jayeshbhai Jordaar , Akshay Kumar s Bachchhan Paandey , Samrat Prithviraj and Raksha Bandhan failed to register big numbers.
Shamshera Box Office Collection: The Karan Malhotra-directorial is struggling to touch even the Rs 50 crore-mark. The numbers of Shamshera are constantly going down, and the film has barely crossed Rs 48 crore.
Shamshera Box Office Collection: Ranbir Kapoor and Sanjay Dutt starrer is struggling to touch even the Rs 50 crore-mark. This has left the makers shocked as the film is made on a massive budget of Rs 150 crore.