getting out with a weapon. so, i was in shear sisterer. when you got out of the car i was still? shear terror. and repositioned yourself and took aim at the car again, that wasn t a conscious decision to fire? yes, it was, when i pointed at the car, yes. each of those last three times? right. and as i recall, it was like to shoot once, but obviously, i did shoot three times. so you could imagine the but however. mr. dunn, you said several times throughout the course of the day that you didn t call the police until the next morning. are you talking about the morning of the 24th? yes, sir. who was it that you called? could you tell me the name of the officer? i don t remember his name. but he was here yesterday. and i didn t call him personally. he was called on my behalf. okay. and is it your testimony that