And some of his newly elected mps mAde their entrAnce to their pArty conference. And when it comes to policies, the lib dem leAder is Also sticking to the sAme themes thAt were pArt of the formulA thAt brought him electorAl success, sAying his pArty will Aim to be A constructive force in pArliAment. A constructive force in pArliAment. A constructive force in ArliAment. ,. , pArliAment. The priority of heAlth And pArliAment. The priority of heAlth And cAre, pArliAment. The priority of heAlth And cAre, weve pArliAment. The priority of i heAlth And cAre, weve been rAising it AlreAdy At prime ministers questions, the 72 new lib dem mps were rAising it for our constituents And our country. We will be A better opposition thAn the conservAtives who Are very weAk And divided, extreme, they do not represent the mAinstreAm vAlues of even former lifelong conservAtives. The lib dems do. While they Are revelling in brighton And whAt they cAll their best Election Result ever, the lib dems Are trying
The first time you showed a collection at London Fashion week was back in 1972 . Yes, it did Midnight Week was back in 1972 . Yes, it did midnight at week was back in 1972 . Yes, it did midnight at the week was back in 1972 . Yes, it| did midnight at the roundhouse with and the raw whole. I had models from anti War Hole and leonard did the hair and i think it was the first time we had coloured hair on the catwalks. Had coloured hair on the Catwalrs had coloured hair on the catwalks. ~. , catwalks. We have stuck with the coloured catwalks. We have stuck with the coloured hair. Catwalks. We have stuck with the coloured hair. Still catwalks. We have stuck with the coloured hair. Still here. | the coloured hair. Still here. It has evolved the coloured hair. Still here. It has evolved so the coloured hair. Still here. It has evolved so much the coloured hair. Still here. It has evolved so much over| the coloured hair. Still here. I it has evolved so much over its 40 it has evolved so much o
Ever general ElectIon Results, The Party Is the thIrd bIggest In parlIament. Some of Its members are here as mps for the fIrst tIme. The mood Is so upbeat, It Is so buoyant but we are really determIned to get stuff done. The reason we fIght In ElectIons and we wIn ElectIons Is so we can achIeve thIngs for our communIty so I am excIted to be talkIng about our plan fIxIng SocIal Care and the health servIce, and how we really represent our communIty to be that strong, determIned opposItIon to the government and represent our communIty Is the best possIble way we can. The lIberal democrats achIeved record ElectIon Results by pItchIng themselves In opposItIon to the conservatIves. RaIsIng the questIon of what to do now that labour are In power. The party says It wants to offer a constructIve opposItIon, challengIng mInIsters on polIcIes they dont lIke, such as the recent cut In the wInter fuel allowance. And they want to use thIs platform to put forward theIr own Ideas too. WIth a Focus Tod