joe biden. he s back in delaware for another weekend of rest and relaxation. we have full coverage of his latest cognitivefullerage of ma. that s it was pretty bad. coming that s coming up tonight. also, england s own piers morgan will weigh in on megan and harry, right? the royal coupleon harry. will quarterly s. le are they are struggling to cope with a cartoon that made fun oft them. these are people that say they want privacy, buthey they show up on oprah, on netflix, they write books.ety they don t want privacy. they want money.ey are j they re just lying to usus anyway. g s.first, we begin tonightwith with something really deadly seriouhing reas and america is w suffering from what is a severe violence and murder crisis. now, in fact, country wideer murder rate is now at the highest point in more than 20 years. and it s going higher.going high it seemser, every day with another four point three percent increase. 4.3%reasin 2020 one alone. u now, of course, you won te
offense and should not have been out on bond. but what bbut afte after he wase on bond, he committed numerous bond violations and circuit attorney never moved to revoke his bond. u that shehil yo made oral motion in courtle and that it s the court s fault his bond wasn t revoked. wasn t revoked. but she has a responsibility here, but she has a responsibility here.go and here s the thing that she s got a problem with . t everything that happens inhat ha court is transcribed. there are court recordcribed.s n the form of electronicme documentaries, and there are memos that of the part ofntarie court record. what she is saying happened is the court record . and what she s saying happened is directly refuted by the evidence in this by the this cn she says that on august 10th, se tre fought against bond for mr. fro and yet the transcript fromm th that hearing shows she shows that ssentedd to the bondr her statements don t add up. bi and luckily, we have evidenceute to disprove them.