Top 10 Dirty Tricks Pulled By US Politicians
The political climate in today’s United States is rife with political extremism and increasingly negative attack ads designed to prey on the fears of either party. However, the tricks used in earlier elections, even those involving the founding fathers, would cause the most hardened extremist to blush.
10Grover Cleveland And The Murchison Letter
Fresh off his first term as president, Grover Cleveland was once again embroiled in a hard-fought presidential election. As he tried to court the English-American vote, the incumbent president was a target of various farming groups thanks to his pledge to lower tariffs on foreign-grown crops. In order to ensure Cleveland’s defeat in the upcoming election, a man named George Osgoodby penned a phony letter under the pseudonym “Charles F. Murchison” and sent it to Lionel Sackville-West, the British ambassador in Washington.