there are some supporters here. and he s wasting no time postin a list of things to make americ rate again. what is his bold national visio for. with the objective be a quantum leap in the american standard o living? our objective would be a quantum leap in the american standard of living, almost one third of the landmass of the united states is owned by the federal government, we should hold a contest to charter up to ten new cities and award them t the best proposals for development, and new shop at home ownership in in fact the american dream. you want bold, that s bold, as bold as using hot sauce to treat . that s not a suggestion. some people learn the hard way. we keep hearing about affordabl housing, but no one ever has a handle on that. that s because our cities aren built for adding that in the mix . it s time for news towns, planned wisely. when time could be a solution for the homeless by choice. sure, you could live off the land, but not on my front lawn. you c
there are some supporters here. and he s wasting no time postin a list of things to make americ rate again. what is his bold national visio for. with the objective be a quantum leap in the american standard o living? our objective would be a quantum leap in the american standard of living, almost one third of the landmass of the united states is owned by the federal government, we should hold a contest to charter up to ten new cities and award them t the best proposals for development, and new shop at home ownership in in fact the american dream. you want bold, that s bold, as bold as using hot sauce to treat . that s not a suggestion. some people learn the hard way. we keep hearing about affordabl housing, but no one ever has a