"Everyone dies." This was the first line in the California Attorney General's 2021 complaint against the nation's largest funeral service provider, Service Corporation International ("SCI").
Everyone dies. This was the first line in the California Attorney General s 2021 complaint against the nation s largest funeral service provider, Service Corporation International . Earlier this.
LAKEPORT The Lakeport Police Department are on the cusp of transforming how they interact with the homeless population by pivoting from incarceration to treatment and evidence shows that strategy is reaping rewards toward reducing recidivism.
Given the UDJ’s series on the homeless-mental health-substance abuse issue, I thought it would be timely to take a look at one chapter of mental health history in California that I’ve written and spoken about for many years.
Given the UDJ’s series on the homeless-mental health-substance abuse issue, I thought it would be timely to take a look at one chapter of mental health history in California that I’ve written and spoken about for many years.