Whether or not an everlasting hell exists is a difficult matter to settle. Nevertheless, we cannot just drop this concern, because how we develop the idea of hell has to do with the such concepts as divine love and divine justice. The existence of Hell corresponds to divine justice.
Pope Francis has just appointed Argentinian Archbishop Victor Manuel “Tucho” Fernández to head the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. Among other enjoinders, His Holiness has shifted the emphasis away from heresy hunting toward sharing "theological knowledge." In this post I try to spell out how valuable theological knowledge can be when it takes the form of systematic theology that is applicable, comprehensive, logical, and coherent. New leader for the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
Heaven is God's promise which we can understand only symbolically in terms of (1) the ecstasy of worship; (2) the beatific vision or visio Dei; (3) Paradise as a garden; or the kingdom of God as (4) the New Jerusalem. Rather than a return to the Garden of Eden, heaven comes to us as God's future fulfillment of all creation. Heaven is God's future for all creation
Jesus recommended that we keep our prayers short. He modeld the prayer of all prayers, "Not my will but your will be done, O God." This post has links for one short prayer for each of Lent's 40 days. prayers for Lent 2023.
American Christian nationalists warn us to not trust our pastors, especially if those pastors are liberal or progressive. Why? Because only political organizations such as Turning Point USA truly grasp the fact that America is a Christian nation. Must we choose between America and God? If you're a Christian nationalist, don't trust your pastor.