Shreyas Talpade Health Update: 47-year-old actor Shreyas Talpade, widely known for his versatile performances and as the voice behind Allu Arjun s character in Pushpa, recently suffered a heart attack while shooting for the upcoming film Welcome 3 in Mumbai.
Golmaal star Shreyas Talpade survived a heart attack on Thursday evening. Reports said that he underwent angioplasty. In this article, we delve into the various factors that may be contributing to the heart health risks among young adults. - Shreyas Talpade Suffers Heart Attack at 47: Causes Behind The Increasing Cardiac Arrests Among Young Adults
Dynamic, fun, challenging and thrilling as cricket may be, the heart-warming film will give a unique insight into the life and passion of the leg spinner who started playing for Rajasthan Royals at the age of 41 with just dreams in his eyes and an untiring tenacity to prove his love for the sport.