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Transcripts For CNNW Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20180808 22:00:00

A look at breaking news, politics and reports from around the world. no hint of their conditions or demands. >> he's got all -- honestly he has all of the information that he needs. the interview will pronide nothing in addition to what he already has. >> reporter: he said the probe should be finished by september 1st but the time line is up to mueller and not giuliani. for months they have sought to limit face-to-face questions about obstruction of justice. a key point of mueller inquiry the president repeatedly rails against. >> that is a total witch hunt. >> reporter: the president out of public view again at his new jersey golf club. but keeping a close eye on the fraud trial of his former campaign chairman paul manafort. but tension inside of the virginia courtroom with judge ellis telling a government prosecutor to hurry things along. as a concession to the shortness of life, we need to get it done. also today the senate intelligence committee calling on wikileaks founder julian assange to make himself available for an interview for an inquiry into the interference in the 2016 election. about a month ago. so they're a bit late on this. their hands are tied. it is required by law. the big test is going to be -- if russia does not meet the next round of requirements, including allowing inspections of the chemical weapons facilities and in 90 days the administration will have to impose much harsher sanctions, including possibly the end of diplomatic relations and that is a big test for this administration. >> and we're learning more about senator rand paul's visit to moscow and the letter he brought to the putin government from trump. we're getting more information on all of that. what are you hearing. >> we now have the contents of that letter that he carried and it is apparently not as advertised based on the tweet from rand paul it appeared this is some communication between trump and putin but it appears president trump wrote something of a letter of introduction for rand paul who wanted to get a meeting with putin during his trip to moscow. he mentioned a number of things to talk about, legislative exchanges, cultural exchanges, the conflicts in syria and the need for diplomacy. >> diplomacy, conversations, dialogue and communication is important and my goal in coming to russia is to say that we want to have open lines of communication. >> reporter: however paul did not answer cnn question when asked if he confronted russian officials about russia's ongoing interference in u.s. politics. >> senator, did you speak about election interference as well? does that come up? >> we had general discussions about a lot of issues. and basically we decided that right now what we're trying to do is have dialogue and i don't think we solve issues other than -- our biggest issue is no dialogue. it isn't the issues at hand -- >> reporter: paul's apparent lack of urgency stands in sharp contrast to the nation's senior most national security officials, just last week they delivered the stark warning that russian interference remains pervasive today. >> it goes beyond the elections, it goes to russia 's intent to undermine our democratic values. >> reporter: putin's officials say they handled this letter through normal diplomatic channels and did not give -- any official response and rand did not get his meeting with putin as he wanted. >> on a different issue. i know you're getting word on the latest information involving the senate intelligence committee, they would like to interview the wikileaks founder julian assange about interference in the 2016 election. >> it's wikileaks that announced this request from the senate intelligence committee but they have not commented on this. wikileaks saying they've been asked to be interviewed by the senate intelligence committee and u.s. intelligence views wikileaks as what is known as a cut-out. they acted as a middle man with russia during the election stole the information from the democratic party and then, wolf, handed it on to wikileaks which release the that information. i'm spoken to julian assange's lawyers and they haven't said whether they made a decision to accept this request. but they have said they are considering it. some of the questions are going to be, where does it take place because right now he is taking refuge in the ecuador embassy and would he leave for this interview and would the u.s. try to extradite him if he were to do so. >> the british arrested -- >> absolutely. >> thank you very much. jim sciutto with information for us. let's get more on this. eric swalwell of california is joining us. he's a member of both the intelligence and judiciary committee. i want to begin with the new sanctions the trump administration is now imposing against the russians for their role in the poisoning of this former russian spy in the ux k. and his daughter. do you support the action taken by the administration today? >> good evening, wolf. i do support additional sanctions and thankfully this came at the behest of congress who had a -- a deep interest in making sure russia would answer for what they did in great britain and i think additional sanctions will be needed because they continue to meddle in our elections today. senator bill nelson announced today that he believes florida's election systems have been penetrated by the russians. and so it is -- when congress pushes the president and the administration to act, because i think left to their own devices, they would let russia one wild throughout our democracy and our allies. >> and moving on to another sensitive issue. do you believe robert mueller should take the deal offered by the president's personal lawyer rudy guiliani, significantly narrowing the scope of a potential interview with the president? >> no, wolf. we don't allow witnesses or suspects to set the negotiating terms in criminal investigations and the president shouldn't be treated any differently than any other suspect. look, wolf, this is really about who do you believe? do you believe bob mueller who has indicted two dozen individuals and obtained five guilty pleas and about to go to verdict with paul manafort, or do you believe the president of the united states who continues to lie and give misleading statements about his involvement with russia and refuses to sit down and answer the questions that have already been given to him. i think right now bob mueller has all of the credibility and he should use that leverage. >> how long should mueller engage in these negotiations with the trump legal team before issuing a subpoena? >> you know, i'm going to leave that to bob mueller. but, wolf, donald trump is the reason that this is delaying. he's the reason that this investigation is not wrapped up. he's been given the questions and it looks like most witnesses have already been interviewed. but when you tamper with witnesses, when you lie to investigators, when you obstruct justice and don't sit in the chair, it takes a lot longer. >> let's turn to another important story. you just heard jim sciutto report on the senate intelligence committee apparently requested that the wikileaks founder julian assange make himself available for an interview regarding russian interference in the 2016 election. do you think he has valuable information? >> i do, wolf. and if you remember it was back in october of 2016 just as we were hearing candidate trump's words as he was talking to billy bush and describing women in such awful ways, hours after that video was made available, wikileaks started to dump the documents that were stolen from john podesta by the russians and so there is a -- a connection and i think there are questions that need to be answered by them. >> and assange has taken up refuge at the embassy in london and do you think he would risk his freedom to do so to do this interview with members of the senate intelligence committee? >> well, if he's irnlts -- interested in telling a truthful story and has nothing to hide, i think he would. i think he has other legal problems as well. but i think the senate will probably show some flexibility because his testimony -- and also comparing his testimony to what we know about what roger stone was doing with wikileaks and guccifer 2.0 would shed light on what was happening with the trump administration, their campaign and wikileaks. >> congressman, thanks so much for joining us. >> my pleasure. just ahead, more on the arrest of one of president trump's closest congressional allies, congressman chris collins. we're stanlding by to hear from him this hour. what will he say about his political future? 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see if cosentyx could make a difference for you. cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis find clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me now. i'm still clear. how sexy are these elbows? get clear skin that can last. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. i do. check out the new united explorer card. saving on this! saving on this! saving in here. rewarded! learn more at (crying, screaming) today is your day. crush it. angie's boom chicka pop whole grain popcorn. boom! breaking news tonight. we're standing by to hear from congressman and close trump ally chris collins to pleaded not guilty today, just a little while ago to charges of insider trading and lying to the fbi. our national correspondent is outside of the courthouse in new york where he was arraigned. brin, colins is free on half a million dollars bond. >> reporter: that is right. all three men are and they had to turn in their passports. the congressman's diplomatic passport. they appeared before a judge and appeared calm when they said they were not guilty. but according to the u.s. attorney's office these three men were anything but calm. upon hearing that the drug trial failed for this drug they were heavily invested in and then the u.s. attorney's office laid out of a time line to unload stocks to save hundreds of thousands of dollars and the u.s. attorney saying they thought they were above the law. republican congressman chris collins, first member of congress to support donald trump arraigned in federal court after prosecutors charged him and his son cameron and another man steven czarski with 13 counts of security fraud and wire fraud and making a false statement to the fbi. the charges stemming from an alleged insider trading scheme. it played out on the south lawn of the white house last year according to court documents. at the center, a pharmaceutical company called innate immunotherapeutics where collins was a board member. >> he was told confidential and highly sensitive information about innate. information that was not yet made public. namely, that inmate's main drug, the druggin na -- the drug inna developing to be the backbone of the company was a total failure. >> reporter: according to the 30-page complaint, that happened while he attended the annual congressional picnic at the white house on june 22nd, 2017. federal prosecutors say collins received nnd -- an e-mail that the drug had failed its trial and at 7:10 he responded to the e-mail and proceeded to try to reach his son cameron. the two placing six calls over a period of five minutes and connecting on the seventh call. later that night, cameron drove to the home of steven czarski, the father of his fiance and then at 9:34 his wife placed a call to her stockbroker to sell shares of the company according to the complaint. prosecutors allege that between the opening of the market on friday june 23rd and the close of business on the following monday, cameron collins sold a total of nearly 1.4 million shares of in ---in nate. they said they avoided $750,000 in losses on the stock. >> here is a better inside tip for those who think they can play by a different set of rules. access to this kind of information carries with it significant responsibility. especially for those in society who hold a position of trust. act honorably and in accordance with the law and do not lie to especially agents of the fib sfwlrvelg. >> reporter: collins has been dodging questions for over a year. >> congressman tom price, a friend of yours nominated to be secretary of health and human services facing serious ethics questions after acting on a stock tip from you. this is what all came up in the hearing. did you encourage him to buy stock in this company called innate immunotherapeutics. >> no, absolutely not. there was nothing done that was insider trading or unethical. i've been involved with innate they' therapeutics in 15 years and i'm the largest shareholder and i'm involved all of the time just like you talk about your children. >> reporter: it made national headlines by becoming a frequent trump surrogate during the 2016 campaign and his lawyers saying in a statement we'll answer the charges filed against the congressman in court and amount a vigorous defense to clear his good name. we're confident he'll be completely vindicated and exonerated. and the congressman has been known to tout this company to members of capitol hill. we saw that happen again wolf in the interview with you in 2017. and we asked the u.s. attorney's office if we could expect more indictments down the road of either people on capitol hill or maybe someone in the trump administration or former trump administration and it was a strong no comment from the u.s. attorney's office. of course we saw that statement from the congressman but we are expecting more words from him about this and these allegations at a press conference supposedly starting very shortly. >> momentarily it will start in buffalo, new york. we'll see what he has to say. we'll have live coverage. brin, thank you very much. let's dig deeper into the case with senior analyst, preet bharara. what is your analysis on chris collins and his son and another individual, what stands out to you. >> that office as you may remember has a lot of experience doing insider trading cases. we presided over scores of such cases and even against that back drop and given the experience that i have as a u.s. attorney there, this is an extraordinary document. the timeline that was laid out by the report a couple of minutes ago is incredibly incriminating. it doesn't seem like there are wiretaps like in some of our cases but the mere fabts -- the fact that shun -- that someone gets bad information and replied and saying how could this be true in the e-mail and one minute later sending an -- or calls his son from the white house lawn no less, they engage in phone tag and then there is a conversation that lasts for six minutes. even if it is not recorded, i think a reasonable juror, if there is a trial in this case, would surmise, given that the stock was then traded later and losses were avoided, that the only thing that could have happened in that case was an insider trading offense. it reminds me of a particular case that we had when i was in the office against a very significant figure in finance named roger gupta who was the head of mckenzie and during the relevant time period of our case against him i was on the -- he was on the board of goldman sachs and gets inside information and within minutes, the same kind of parallel case here, made calls to somebody and then trades were made based on the insider information. there was no wiretap so you couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt of what was said to the letter on the phone calls but a jury found that very persuasive and convicted. and the other thing that is bizarre here, you are used to seeing criminal defendants engage in bad behavior and they are usually not people who have won the trust by being elected to congress in this way. that is a rare phenomenon. but this is not somebody off the radar screen. as you pointed out in the report a second ago, he was on notice that he was under ethical review and people were looking at his finances and association as a board member and as a proponent of buying stock in this company and you basically put upon notice in the interview six months before the crimes that are enunciated in this indictment were committed and in that context to brazenly go forward and create a phone -- a set of proof for prosecutors to use to a devastating effect in this indictment is mildly surprising and i'm not often surprised. >> and we have live pictures from buffalo. the statement that is coming forward from chris collins. we'll have live coverage and see what he announces. you say the issue was discussed regularly, even before the stock collapsed in the aftermath of that clinical trial failure for a form of ms. i want to listen to the exchange i had with congressman collins in january of 2017. >> were you telling other constituents and friends of yours to go ahead and this is a great stock and go buy it. >> i never said to buy it or it is a great -- i talked to them about the great work this company is doing, the market for secondary progressive m.s. and, yes, there are many hundreds -- 50, 100 people from western new york, friends and family and so forth who decide the on their own, this was a pretty darn good investment and it certainly turned out -- >> you saw the stories of politico and "the washington post" saying you were bragging to your friends how many millionaires emerged from this company. >> well i wouldn't use the word bragging. it is was a -- it is a factual and i got off the house floor on the phone and talking about the price of the stock and how many of our good friends -- 50 good friends all investors for 11 years -- this is not like -- >> and they all become millionaires as a result of this one stock. >> many of them did. because they were buying it at 15 cents and trading at $1.10 so that was -- >> we should point out this interview was in january of 2017, and that is several months before the allegations contained in the formal indictment released today which date from june of 2017. but listen to collins during that interview. he was bragging about making his friends and family millionaires based on this stock tip. would that kind of behavior put collins on investigators radar? >> yes. consider me old-fashioned and quaint, but i don't think that sitting congressman should be on boards of publicly traded companies or sitting congressman should be making stock tips and i don't think sitting congressmen should own individual stocks when they are in a position to engage in legislation and impose regulations on the industry where they own stock. and you see here as i was saying a few minutes ago. you're basically telling him that he is on the radar screen for potential insider trading. he's telling you whether it is believable or not. i don't know. he's been charged with lying to the fbi. and you're perhaps more formidable than the average fbi agent but i don't know that he wasn't lying to you either and even after all of that he decides to engage in this behavior in part because i'm sure he felt bad, because he couldn't sell his own stock and lost millions of dollars and this is part of the defense that he brings to baear, he encouragd other people to invest in the company and include the son and the father of his fiancee and other folks not identified in the indictment and wanted to give them the ability to get out of the stock. now i don't know if he told some of the other people he was boasting became millionaires. if he told them also to get out of the stock. and there may be other shoes to drop still. >> in his entertainment the lawyer's statement they pointed out he didn't sell his own stock when he got the bad word that the clinical trial had failed. but the allegation -- the assertion in the indictment is that he told his son who immediately began to sell a lot of stock and wound up saving mfl a million dollars. >> that is not required. in insider trading there is a tipper, and the tipee and so it is not necessary guilty of conduct in insider trading and in the same way you hire a hitman to kill someone and because you weren't the shooter doesn't mean you're not guilty of conspiracy for homicide. and they are reluctant to indict officials up for re-election and the department guidelines say they avoid taking steps to sway voters and so what do you make of the timing of the arrest. >> there are still a number of months before the election and they had come to the end of the investigation. they have based on the allegations that you see, and again he's presumed innocent but if you read the allegations and my old office is credible, this is a good time to bring the evidence. it is difficult to decide when is a good time to bring a case against a sitting congressman given the terms are only two years. so any time other than right after being sworn in is not too far away from an election and so i'm sure they were cognizant and took care to do what was right. i believe it must be true that they consulted with folks at the public integrity section, that main justice in a case where you are bringing a charge against a sitting member of congress. and there were discussions about it and deem t was deemed appropriate and i'm they crossed every t and dotted every i. >> and the live pictures comi coming -- from buffalo where chris collins is about to make a statement. i'll have live coverage of that. as we await the start of that event, preet, let me get to another important story we're following. rudy guiliani, the president's potential lawyer laid out what is described as a counter offer significantly narrowing the scope of a potential interview that the president would grant the special counsel. as a former prosecutor, would you ever accept the terms on the table and we pretty much know what rudy guiliani is seeking. >> probably not. at some point it becomes an exercise in futility and gamesmanship. mostly on the part of the trump team. i think when you are investigating openly and overt live like they are here, conduct by people close to a powerful figure like the president, you want to afford that person who is -- a subject of the investigation in all likelihood the opportunity to give you information, to explain conduct, to fill in some gaps and so part of it is the opportunity for them to explain to the prosecutor why there is nothing to see here and to be on your merry way. so part of it is that. on the other hand, you don't want to limit -- and at the same time provide courtesy. that is not an abnormal thing o to -- to do in terms of time and scope whether it is a governor or mayor or the president of the united states, you allow courtesy with respect to what the limitations might be on the interview but there is a point where it is silly and absurd i think particularly when there continues to be the back and forth by the president's lawye , bellitherently and in the evening on programs like yours and others. so i think that bob mueller would prefer to have the opportunity to interview the president. i don't know that they'll get there through this negotiating process and then bob mueller has to decide whether or not his folks will serve a subpoena. and when people ask the question, why not just serve the subpoena already. that will end up getting mired in litigation for a long period of time and the last time there was a subpoena issued to a president the subpoena was withdrawn and there were limitations put into place with respect the testimony the prosecutor could get at bill clinton at that time and we're heading in that direction and i wouldn't be shocked to see that here as well. >> giuliani said he wanted to avoid a perjury trap. what do you make of that? >> it is a sitting president of the united states. if he tells the truth, there is no perjury. if he tells the truth, there is no trap. so for a person who thinks that he has the ability to convince people to his point of view and a person who continues to say that he did nothing wrong, he should just talk and talk to the special counsel and not worry about these legalisms that rudy guiliani may or may not understand well. >> do you think, preet, that robert mueller really even needs the president's testimony to conclude his investigation? >> yeah, as i said, i think he would prefer it and you always want at the end of the day to have the opportunity to hear directly from -- as the phrase goes -- the horse's mouth. why did you engage in this conduct and make this decision and who did you consult? what was in your mind when you thought about these things and what did you mean when you told lester holt this and that to see what they say. and to make sure you're investigation is complete. at the end of the big investigations conducted overtly and some are conduct the in secret, you want to avoid the other side the -- afford the other side the opportunity to explain and to see if you could build your case. so i don't know if bob mueller needs it. i think he would prefer it. and if he does need it, he'll issue a subpoena. >> stand by, we're waiting to hear from congressman chris collin collinsss making a statement and he was aresident today and i want to get your thoughts afterwards. we'll take a quick break and we'll be right back. sfx: 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>> well, i do wonder, since rudy guiliani said a couple of months ago, he thought he saw it as a 50/50 chance that mueller would actually subpoena the president. and that to me is where this battle could be headed. if they couldn't come to a conclusion, i do wonder and david rightly notes the polls, if it comes to a subpoena where the president is being asked to testify under oath and he rejects that, the american people will not be on his side on that. no matter how much ize able to get his base riled up on that, overall the majority of americans have clearly said that he should do so. and i think if rudy puts the stats at 50/50, that is where this is headed. we may see a spectacular battle reach the supreme court. >> on the subpoena. and there is suggestion that mueller doesn't want to see that kind of fight going to the supreme court on a subpoena that could take a long time. >> there is reporting that he brought it up to president trump's team and they balked at it and rudy guiliani said they would take it to court and would likely go to the supreme court and even though we have had presidents who faced subpoenas before, clinton faced a subpoena and then testified willing will. but sort of the mess of it and the constitutional crisis, this idea that maybe mueller wouldn't want to face that and if finally the courts ruled that he had to in fact testify and he still refused, what is the recourse at that point? is it sort of a contempt of court? they're not going to jail the sitting president. maybe there is a fine or something. preet could speak to that better. but in the end, maybe he just doesn't testify. >> and the thing to remember -- >> wolf, you know what -- >> one at a time. dana first. >> just that robert mueller holds the cards here. and the president's legal team fully cop seeds that fully -- concedes that is the case. he holds the k5rds. they could put up as many offers and counter offers as they want but they understand they're limitations and they also understand that robert mueller has a lot fewer limitations as we've been discussing. he can do a whole bunch of things. and they are really largely in the dark about how far he's willing to go. they're banking on the fact that he wouldn't want to have this lengthy court battle over a subpoena. they don't know that. >> go ahead, david. >> well one thing i was going to say is an interesting side line to this, is this is an issue hanging over the senate confirmation of judge kavanaugh to the supreme court because he's made clear he doesn't think a president should be exposed to subpoena and potential legal jeopardy while in office. and this is a -- a really, really combustible point on which he's going to be questioned very, very closely. so the issue of what will happen if there is a subpoena is going to be in the air in washington in the coming months. >> certainly is. everybody standing by. we're awaiting the start of this statement that republican congressman chris collins of new york is about to make about his future and what his steps are going to be. he was arrested today by federal prosecutors in new york city charged with lying to the fbi and engaging in insider trading. we'll be right back. so what do you guys want? 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my understanding in talking to sources is that it is giving them even more of a feeling of wind at their back. that is something that is invaluable when you are looking at the kind of race, the kind of election that we are going to see in november. it is kind of what the notion of waves are built on. it's maybe inevitable. i'm not saying that that is going to happen. that is certainly the feeling that democrats have looking at this district that was not even remotely in play for almost 40 years for democrats and they have come within 1,000 votes at this point, maybe fewer or more at the end of the counting. there is a lot to be said for that. republicans are feeling their -- they are kind of licking their wounds. even though they may keep this in the column for now they understand that they need to wake up and they are not sure how that is going to go. >> we just got updated numbers on the ohio 12th congressional district. the republican candidate balderson is ahead by 1,564 votes. there are still 8,000 provisional ballots. >> you know the democrat danny o'connor has not conceded the race, waiting for the votes to be counted. it's a lead that balderson has. even if balderson does emerge victorious i think the most republicans can do is sort of wipe their brow that at least they kept the democrats at the magic number of 23 that they need 23 net gain seats in november. every republican i spoke to echoed what dana was saying which is that this is real concern. there are according to political reports 68 seats held by republicans that are less republican than this one, that are more favorable towards the democrats than this one. each shows you just how big the battlefield is this year. and that is not a good sign when you are the party in power in that first mid term year. >> let's not forget they have to do a do over in november in this congressional district. they will have the full election in november. both of these candidates will run again. >> it won't be this emphasis on this race because there will be so many other races all across the country so it is difficult to scale that kind of tension and funding that the republican party announced like $6 million to save the seat. everybody poured in there, donald trump, pence, everybody trying to save the seat. i think all the trend lines point to democrats having quite an edge ongoing into november. it's democrats and democrats can sometimes snatch victory from the jaws. we'll see how that happens. all the trend lines when you look at suburban women, if you look at suburban white women and these white voters in this district that typically voted for republicans now giving democrats a real look. >> how do you see all this in. >> well, i agree with that. this district has a higher number than the average of college educated voters. the suburban turf did not go as well for balderson as it has in the past for republican candidates. he under performed donald trump in those areas. that is going to be a major battle ground as you look at the races around the country, these suburban areas where college educated voters and particularly women are going to play a big outsized role in these mid terms. you know, i think it is going to be a battle. democrats can sometimes fumble the ball away. >> not you. >> not me, no. but that's especially now that i'm retired from campaigns. i do think that republicans are very nervous today and have a reason to be. >> chris collins won by 30 points last and wasn't considered a contest. all of a sudden now it could be a contest if he decides to stay in the race. we don't know what he is about to announce. he just tweeted he will seek reelection. >> he will seek reelection. it is impossible nearly to get somebody off the ballot in new york at this point unless they resign or die. so the fact that he is sticking to it clearly a credential of having this lawsuit against him and this not guilty plea that he is doing to battle this out in the courts during this campaign is not an easy way to run for reelection. you are right to note these districts if you are a republican congressman in a district that you think is so heavily republican and you never faced stiff competition, those rules are off. even republicans have said that. there are some 55 democratic challengers that outraced republican incumbents and the republicans said you need to start raising money and fortifying yourself. this is a potential wave coming. >> let me read the tweet. this is representative chris collins of new york. he posted this. i am proud to report the people of new york 27. the charges being brought against me are meritless. i will continue to work hard for the people of new york 27 and earn your vote this november. that statement presumably we will hear when he makes a statement. very quickly, david. >> i would say if i were looking at this case and i were collins i would say don't resign now because you may want to resign some kind of deal down the line. >> everybody, thank you very, very much. that was an excellent conversation. finally it was on this date back in 2005 that i first said this -- >> i'm wolf blitzer and you are in the situation room where news and information from around the world arrive at one place. >> that was 13 years ago. i'm still saying it and we are still going strong. i want to thank my current and former sit room team and viewers


Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night in America With Trey Gowdy 20240610

land. what has he done to deserve to be president? is he inspiring, does he give great statesmanlike speeches, is he securing our country from enemies without and within. izzy building up her institutions, is he encouraging young people to embrace our country and learn our history and our principles? is he bringing peace and prosperity to the country? is he doing things about crime in the inner city that are effective, what the hell has this guy done throughout 50 years that has been positive for this country, nothing. nothing. i will see you next time on "life liberty and levin". ♪. trey: good evening and thank you for joining us i am trey gowdy. it is "sunday night in america". revenge is the best served cold but should always be on the menu? >> we can have the stuff go one. when biden goes out, everyone says bye-bye and then he gets indicted two days later and they go after him, the country does not want that. they didn't want it with hilary clinton either. i want to bring the country together. trey: some republicans and right-wing commentators are openly calling for retribution. for what alvin bragg and fani willis and other prosecutors have done, some are encouraging republican prosecutors, present and future to target democrats with an eye for night. to be sure one spiritual leader noted an eye for night leaves the whole world blind but it also ruined your justice system which ruined your country, simply turning the other cheek the high road does not serve as a deterrent, what is the right response when you been wrong the left and the media would understand the origins of the anger. it's very hard to become president, less than 50 people have ever done it in to have a cloud placed over your presidency because law enforcement and intelligence officials did not like you and manufactured a russian influence fantasy by the dnc that is anger and retribution provoking, then trump was impeached twice which leads some to want impeachment for the current president in retaliation and trump was indicted before the grand jury including the case in new york that never would've been brought against anyone else the media could have a law find effective what company. instead it exacerbates the problem rather than shun the likes of peter strzok or indy mccabe, john brennan, andrew wiseman and jim comey, the media hires them and gives them a platform in a paycheck for their bias and laughs at their double standard. >> if you look at the white house now it's hard to imagine two fbi agents, how did that happen. >> i sent them all. >> something i probably wouldn't have done or gotten away with in a more organized investigation more organized administration, the fbi wanted to send agents into the white house itself to interview the senior official and you would work through the white house counsel and discussions and approvals and who would be there and i thought it's early enough let's send a couple of guys over. trey: laughter at disparate treatment and treating republicans differently from democrats. laughter at unfairness. and you wonder why the victimize no longer value fairness as a virtue. here we are tempted to treat others as they have treated us rather than as we should've been treated in the first instance. and yet we know fairness is an everlasting virtue, we know it stood the test of time in the cornerstone of any justice system worth having, what is the answer do we fight fire with fire or do we fight fire with water? righteous water, virtuous water as the prophet said letting justice roll down like water and righteousness like an ever flowing stream. so is it and i for nye or turn the other cheek or something in between? joining us guy benson fox news contributor host of the guy benson show and democrat strategist kevin walling. how should one fight real or perceived injustice by engaging in the same behavior and i for an eye or the prophet who wanted justice and righteousness to be an ever flowing stream what do you think retribution or righteousness. >> i would like to see the flames of unfairness extinguished with water i struggle to envision what that looks like under the scenario because time and time again donald trump we mentioned the russian collusion helps in 2016 and 2017 a cloud over his whole presidency they thought they had a beat that time, by 2020 they manufacturing the russian disinformation about hunter biden's laptop as you accurately described in new york for a lot of trump supporters that feels like one, 23 strikes in diffuse able to win the next election in spite of all of that i think there will be a concern on the left that there might be vengeance and a lot of people in the right saying the vengeance is earned for necessary. trey: kevin, the reason i like having you on i think you're a fair person even on issues upon which we disagree. i'm not asking you if you agree with the anger i am asking if you understand it. i try to understand why the other side is angry even if i do not. i don't want to live in a country where this group is targeting back a real based on their political ideology, how do we get out of a real or perceived i for nye situation which we may be headed towards. >> i really appreciate what you just said. i fully understand the anger in the frustration. i don't think democrats in 2016 understood the anger and frustration not necessarily about donald trump of the grievances but about their stay in life, wages were up they were stuck in the same jobs for four years, the populist rage is donald trump selection in 2016. i double back to what you said an offset that there were four different grand jury's that have indicted t the president among these charges, we have got to somehow restore hope and faith in the judicial system of this country it was a injury of donald trump's appears that indicted him in each of in new york a jury of donald trump many of them have trump social and follow the president and support the president who ultimately decided against former president trump. i think what you seen from president biden with his son on trial this past week at least in his remarks from normandy with david mir when he sat down with him that he will abide with his ruling even if the jury votes to convict his own son and sentence his own son. and that he won't pardon his own son if it comes to that. i think that hopefully is the direction we can all agree on and work together to restore hope in the judicial system. trey: i actually don't think of the hunter biden case, i was a gun prosecutor, i would put him in drug court to be candid with everyone that puts me in the minority but i would put him in drug court, is hilary clinton that i think back on, kevin is correct the grand jury has indicted her but it's tough to get an indictment when you don't seek one. the way she was investigated is different from the way that donald trump or other republicans. i've never heard of having witnesses sit in while you were interviewing, jim comey drafted his memo exonerating her months before he even talked to her. i worry about our justice sy system. guy, let me ask you a political question. i don't forget to solve the justice questions. we have three events the sentencing of donald trump, the debates coming up and his selection as a vice presidential running mate, which of the three do you think has the best chance of moving the needle polit politically. >> i'm going to say the debates and i'm not even sure about that, the obvious answer one would think under normal times or circumstances would be the felony convictions of one of the two candidates running for president that would be the bombshell that could change this race but i know it's early and i want to see the polling averages two or three weeks from now but the early indications including high profile high quality pulling suggest that that really hasn't moved the needle in terms of public opinion against donald trump. i'm getting go with the debates but we will see this feels locked in stone to some extent in a house for months. trey: kevin, i owe you a question i'll pay you back some point in the future but i got way to caught up in the prophet amos, i apologize for that. you are taking us to church. my mom will be happy that i know the names of video the prophets. thank you both for joining us on a sunday nights. we will see you next time. both sides think the academy is a winning issue for them but they both cannot be right can they? kevin o'leary is us thse ae anss next on "sunday night in america". because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall 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i kids can afford. trey: the question is why, is it a lack of inventory or has inflation hit the housing market, more dramatically than other sectors. by the way how can both sides run on the academy this nov november. republican side inflation, democrats say the stock market hit record highs, who is right at trump tax cut are set to expire, the marginal wage of 37%, that does not include state, local or sales taxes. god asked for tempers and how much is enough or government. here to make sense fame to investor in o'leary ventures chairman mr. kevin o'leary, thank you for joining us, let's start with housing, what do you think is driving up the cost of buying a home. if you can scrape together the money or get a loan is real estate in your judgment a good investment? >> real estate has always been a good investment for 200 years and it's proven up over history. in the rapid increase in of the interest rates in the anticipation was has not come down only 12 months ago you are thinking seven great cuts in which not have appeared because inflation remains rampant and north of 3% housing is adjusted on simple equations to interest rates. and they are higher than they were in the market so seven, eight, 9% depending on your economic status and that's a lot more than 3.5% four years ago. that is why housing cost have been up 30 or 40%, it's really hard to see the change, i'm not sure that's going to change at all then we had the weird outcome of the pandemic where people moved away from metropolitan areas into areas where they wanted to live in better schools and everything else in it went way through the roof. it's a new america i digitized american housing is more expensive. trey: speaking of america we have an election coming up, early voting starts pretty soon, it's rare to see both parties running on the same issue but democrats site jobs numbers in the market hitting 40000 and republican side inflation in the general sense that all is not well in the market may be on a sugar high, which side has the more compelling argument when it comes to the economy. >> it doesn't matter who you are or what party you're associated with when you're the in cabinet in dealing with inflation. inflation is a simple equation, there are three aspects that really hurt you at the voting poll in its energy on transportation, that is oil and gas, is housing that we just talked about, then it is food in minutes chicken, fish, steak does have not gone down in value since the pandemic, there up 38% and your cna change the lives of fast food restaurants and everything else in those three actions are not good for the incumbent. inflation is never good. it having been repaired over the next four and half months i don't think so. we have inflation that is north of 30% when it has to be to, that is their mandate, it's really sticky in food prices that's where people go to the grocery store every two days and say this piece of chicken is worth 40% more than it was 36 months ago not hurts of the p poll. trey: for future president were to call you and say we can never tax our way out of this deficit there has to be a reduction in spending but neither side wants to talk about that. what is the right kind of mix of more revenue versus spending cuts or should we abandon the notion of a balanced budget, it's a fools goal to have that we can have a balanced budget in mind in your lifetime. >> that's a great question, here's the answer, 1974 in 1975 were getting given example to countries that solve this problem, canada was one in norway was the other, they did a different path, that massive energy reserves in there is a reserve in america with and warmer one of the largest oils on earth untapped, unused. what the canadians did they put a royalty on it same time as norwegians but those norwegians put into the law the all the royalties they charge the lawyer hundred royalty per barrel, every dollar of that had to be spent reducing deficit the canadians did not do that they let the government spend any way that they wanted to and governments waste money and they sponsor their wealth. if you look today kid of the verses norway it's one of the highest in-depth per capita nations on earth, norway are winners, and war is what's going to solve this problem. trey: mr. kevin o'leary taken a ce conch class i wish i would've had you on college i would had a better portfolio than what i have right now, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. up next another high-profile criminal trial, guns, drugs, girlfriends and hunter biden. all that next on "sunday night in america". for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. a test or approve a medication. we didn't have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations. and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives. we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every 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right party in france, germany austria and belgium making big gains in the parliamentary election that projected wrench president and manual macron to dissolve his country's parliament and call for snap elections. and belgium's prime minister resigned after his party suffered defeat, millions of europeans have been casting ballots this week and what of the world's biggest democratics elections, the flow comes at a pivotal moment that you which is grappling with a range of issues from wars in ukraine and gaza and immigration and climate change. closing arguments expected, hunter biden federal gun trial defense is trying to decide if they will call the president son to testify when the trial resumes tomorrow, prosecutors rested their case friday but it could call a rebuttal witness if hunter takes the stand. i'm ashley strohmier, back to you in "sunday night in america" ♪. trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america". hunter biden is on trial for two things, lying on an application to buy a gun and possessing the gun while being an addict or unlawful user of the controlled substance. lying and buying cases are common, so to our cases against convicted felons. how many people have been prosecuted under this unlawful user or addict section of the gun law. for that matter how many people are being prosecuted for being mentally ill and possessing a gun or being illegally possessing account, i'm all for enforcing the law, i prosecuted federal gun cases for six years. but i'm also for fairness, donald trump was prosecuted on a manufactured felony because he was donald trump. the evidence is overwhelming that hunter biden was an addict and a user of cocaine base when he applied to purchase the gun, it's not a hard case for prosecutors to win. would drug court be a better outcome than prison, joining us two of my favorite legal minds constitutional lawyer mark smith and former u.s. attorney brett tolman. this case has me thinking if hunter biden had gone to a friend were neighbor to buy a gun there would be no federal form to fill out because private sales don't require sfl forms or background checks. two of the charges went to a licensed dealer and not a private person but the possession count would hold regardless because addicts can't possess firearms, is that right? >> you are right and this is a case, i'm not sure in a vacuum that this case gets brought, you have the justice department being shamed into a case of the swirling obligations of what was discovered on the laptop. in the lesser of the evils that it can bring. i think they are refusing to open a legitimate investigation into what the irs whistleblowers are revealing, the hunter biden corruption that included his family and most likely his father all of that was thrown other the rug because they can go forward with this case and they could do exactly what many are saying they are fair and impartial justice system in the lesser of evils to avoid the real work that should've been done in this case. trey: i'm not a second amended absolutist, some of the gop are including candidates that ran for the nomination. i don't think convicted murderers should take fully automatic machine guns and kindergarten classes for some of my former colleagues believe there should be no restrictions on the second amendment, are there constitutional issues with parts of her federal firearms laws including this one being used in the biden case. >> absolutely considerable constitutional question with a large cloth of the federal gun control laws in the hunter biden case, the question is to what degree do individuals that use illegal drugs allowed to possess firearms, the supreme court is working their way through the case law as you know and right now we case before it that's going to speak to this issue. i think at the end of the day where the supreme court will wind up as to who can be disarmed. if you are established to be a violent threat of physically violent threat to herself or to others you can be disarmed, the question in the hunter biden constitutionally if you are a user of drugs but you do have any indication of physical violence, where on the spectrum does not fall are you a nonviolent felony that won't be disarmed i think ultimately or to a drug trafficker or a violent person who can be disarmed, i think the supreme court will need to figure out users of illegal substances fall on the spectrum we won't know that for a few years, this is a developing case law the supreme court has a lot to do in the good to be doing it for the next several years i guess. trey: i know brett knows this because he prosecuted them cocaine base, per se illegal. but value is also a controlled substance, so is lortab. , what kind of a defense to uc, i sat here and look at the case, no question he is a user no lawful user of cocaine base what is the defense other than jury nullification. >> this is an important point, in reality it's as close to a strict liability crime as you can get, it's not a difficult case why are they taking it to trial, they feel they can notify the jury, the arguments are going to be to get one or two jurors to appeal to their bias if they have some or their political interest, that is why you see joe biden flying back and going to the courtroom as soon as she can. i think the hope that the counting on somewhat in the jury that will be willing to convict hunter. trey: i want to play a little bit of a sound from the president and get you to react to the other side. >> as we sit here in normandy, your son hunter is on trial and i know you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution, let me ask you will you accept the jury's outcome, the verdict no matter what it is. >> you. >> have you ruled out a pardon for your son. >> yes. >> most of us would serve prison sentence for our children, he said he would not pardon his son and i'm thinking there is controversial pardons since the beginning of time, why not pardon both of your son and donald trump, make everybody happy or unhappy, he was pretty quick on the no. my wife would want me to hesitate a little bit on that question if it was one of my kids. >> i think joe biden is going to pardon his son hunter biden but i think there is other reasons why you may want to do that if you joe biden not just the fact that he's your son but if you think about it there has been questioned about joe biden's behavior in the past and some of the alleged business dealings and the like and one can see a scenario where joe biden pardons hunter biden and associates associated with hunter biden in various ways so they don't turn state evidence against joe bi biden, one never knows how to any legal investigation goes but i think joe biden has a reason to pardon hunter biden hunter biden's associates not because of the family relationship other self-interested reasons. trey: who would've ever guessed when we were sitting in law school that we will be discussing the intersection of law and presidential politics. i'm glad you guys paid attention but i did not, i wish i could go back to that class in law school, thank you for joining us on a sunday night to the both of you. coming up, benjamin netanyahu will appear before a joint session of congress and already some democrats are plotting their protest while his cease-fire remains on the table on the g7 summit, benjamin netanyahu spokesperson and senator joni ernst on what's next for israel and the middlevs east and the united states, heaf on "sunday night in america" i'g and starving myself just didn't work. what appealed to me about golo was that it focused on losing fat weight and maintaining my muscle. the golo plan and release has given me back my metabolism. golo has shown me how to lose the weight and keep it off. i will never gain the weight back again thanks to golo. switch to shopify and sell smarter at every stage of your business. take full control of your brand with your own custom store. scale faster with 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both parties but there are democrats who will appear openly hostile towards the jewish state, some calling for regime change in israel which is rich since they haven't called for russia, iran or north korea to replace their leaders. , what will benjamin netanyahu say, what should he say, will he do a better job of really undergoing american politics and some democrats have done in ignoring israeli politics. are we closer to his cease-fire? is biden still pressuring israel to withdraw as histology and hostages remain kidnapped, tal heinrich is the spokesperson for the israeli prime minister and she joins us now. welcome, hamas to the south, has bullet to the south and american politicians calling for regime change, challenging times for the nation of israel. these are challenging times, thank you for having me on a matching list, and over a hundred overlooked aspect people tend to forget that this is not just a war between us and hamas iranian proxy in gaza we also have palestinian islamic jihad in gaza and we had constant terror attacks from emerging from the west bank from samaria just a few days ago we had missiles from the red sea targeting her territory with the houthis and other iranian proxy and thank you for mentioning hezbollah. notice this number since the beginning of the war on october 7, we have had more than 17000, 500 missiles combined targeting our territory from both north and south, hezbollah and hamas. we had 61000 residents to the north who are unable to the state for more than eight months to return to their home because of hezbollah over the past week we had to fight fires in the north and for more nine hours explosive drones targeting our communities and injuries and damage and whatnot. the prime minister took a tour of the north with the idea and there was a security assessment a few days ago and he said very clearly, one way or another we will restore security in the north, it is up to hezbollah to decide if it's going to be a diplomatic way or the military way. trey: congress has changed a lot in the time since i've been there. i don't think prime minister benjamin netanyahu has forgiven he's going to avoid american politics and focus on what he focused on last time, israel is unique only democracy in sc of theocracies and nondemocratic governments. that is my prediction, he will resist the temptation to insert himself into our politics even though democrats do not resist the temptation to insert themselves into israeli politics. >> i think you're right will find out when the prime minister gets here in late july and he will speak to the american people and the american congress for the overwhelming support that we have been receiving and this is not what you see on tv and what's been highlighted by the media and we get the american people stand by us and you guys hate terrorists and we hate terrorist and were fighting against. evil as president biden called hamas early on when he came to israel to stand by us in the country. the prime minister will speak the truth about this in a very, very war objectives as we defined them on day one of the war to bring all of our stolen people the hostages back home in the hamas terrorist regime as a governing body in the military wing and gaza to make sure the territory i should call it a territory will never pose a threat to us and never ever again, this is not changed since day one of the war, this is time for moral clarity in the prime minister will think the american people and remind everyone that we need america by our side in the moral global leadership. >> mentioned evil and hamas, there is a cease-fire and a moss is not going to accept israel and accept the jewish state in the region. to me as cease-fire gives them time to regroup and rearm. i will give you the last word on whether or not it is worth pursuing. >> i think there's something i need to highlight there is a difference between a temporary humanitarian pause in the fight for the release of hostages, something we facilitated back in november and agreed to do again and the notion of a permanent cease-fire that would leave hamas in power, that's not going to happen. trey: thank you tal heinrich, we will see in late july exactly what prime minister benjamin netanyahu says as he addresses a joint session of congress, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. trey: president biden heads to italy for the g7 summit where a full agenda awaits. his cease-fire in the middle east will be discussed even as hamas holds israeli hostages. ukraine defies odd but needs more and better weapons, iran has a new leader in north korea is acting like a petulant child once again. joy did as iowa senator joni ernst who served our country in uniform and now serves on the senate armed services committee, welcome senator it's wonderful to see you again i guess we will start with israel stunning number of american politicians who called for regime change in newsreel even in the midst of war with hamas, what do you make a president biden's handling of this war and the impact of domestic politics on his decision-making. >> thank you, remember when october 7 happen shortly after that president biden said we had an ironclad commitment to israel, that is faltering over the months and it's very unfortunate to see not only as president joe biden waffling in attempting to tell israel how they should or shouldn't run their war but now we see a number of the other democrats serving in the halls of congress and following the lead by waffling and some of them outright pushing against israel and protesting supporting the palestinians and hamas. it's a really unfortunate situation to be in and israel is her closest friend in ally in the middle east. trey: a gop member of the house, just one but a gop member question if they should remain part of nato which is especially curious thing to say as we celebrate the day when the forces of good join hands to defeat the axis of evil, in your judgment what is the status of nato and with russia's continuing war against ukraine. >> you know me and most folks know where i stand on this issue i think nato has a role in the world but what we can do as america and as a world leader is encourager nato partners to do much more, they need to make their two requirement of spending on defense were their own countries of their own gdp. we need to push on them to do much more, this is something that president trump had engaged in when he was in the white house and was very successful at that getting our nato allies and friends to stand up and do more, joe biden has left a number of them wondering where is american leadership, this is why we need a change in the white house. nato does have a role to play especially as we see were continuing in europe, we cannot allow it to pervasively push all the crossed europe and threaten our national security in the united states of america. again i think nato is still valid under very relevant and very important to us today. trey: before i let you go, i have to get you to respond iran is going to have a new president he was killed in a helicopter crash, do you expect any change at all in the way that iran interfaces with the rest of the world. >> not such of a loss for any of us. i'm not really mourning the loss of the leader in iran but i don't see any changes coming anytime soon. i think those in control and especially with the supreme leader in iran, he is going to pick and choose who he wants to follow racing, is not going to be good, i think we will continue to see iran in their nefarious actions all across the middle east and especially as they continue to chant death to america. this does not bode well for israel and certainly does not bode well for the united states, nor any of our partners. trey: i am afraid senator you are correct, thank you for your service to our country in uniform and your continuing service in the u.s. senate in joining us on a sunday night. >> great to be with you. trey: yes, ma'am, you two. he's in the running to be donald trump's vice president. but after being diagnosed another problem of his remedy might surprise you next on "sunday night in america". ♪ sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. ♪ ♪ listen. what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. 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a fighting chance in 2020, which begs the question, why is she in this? do you get the sense that the haley campaign thought they were gonna go up against trump? >> i'm not sure. i think now that she is actually positioned, i think of the one non trump person is in the race, she has more of a shot than desantis. she could do well. she'd be much better in new hampshire and south carolina. does she want this or not? that is the question. i think you dried stink shun. there is no distinction between whether she crosses trump or whether she has done so already in our people would dismiss nikki haley in trump world and trump voter world is someone that hasn't already jumped off the reservation to run against him. it's not a very subtle group. it's not a subtle way of thinking about another person and an opponent. >> what's your impression of her as a candidate? you point out some of her mueller prop isms and strange


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