Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah’s statement came in the context of the recent controversy in the state’s Mandya region over the lowering of the saffron flag and the hoisting of the tricolour.
Chitradurga (K'taka), Jan 28 (PTI) Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Sunday said the Congress expects to win between 15 and 20 seats in the state, in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls.
As the model code of conduct for elections will be in place in March, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah will present the state budget in the first week of F
CM Siddaramaiah said that the Congress government has only been contemplating lifting the Hijab ban in educational institutions in the state. Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah informed that a decision on the same would be taken after discussions in the government level.
The Karnataka CM is keen on releasing the report ahead of the Lok Sabha polls and leaving his mark as a leader of the backward classes. But he faces opposition from within his party, including from his old rival and Deputy CM D K Shivakumar.