A new wine shop is getting ready to be uncorked in Clarendon this fall. The aptly named "Clarendon Wine Club" is moving into 1114 N. Irving Street just off the
Yes, we’ve all noticed. There’s a disturbance in The Force. Some call it “The Great Resignation,” but it’s much more complicated than that. The output of our economy is down and yet unemployment is less than 4% which is effectively “full employment” given that there are always people out of work for benign reasons.
When the new Ballston Silver Diner opens, the Clarendon location will close. Silver Diner is now planning to start serving at 750 N. Glebe Road in October 2022, a company spokesperson tells ARLnow. This is bit of push from its initial "summer 2022" debut that's still being advertised on its storefront throughout construction. When it