KARACHI: Gold prices in the local market dropped by Rs1,200 per tola on Friday. According to All Sindh Saraf Jewellers Association data, gold rates in the local market decreased to Rs217,000 per.
KARACHI: Gold prices in the local market dropped by Rs1,800 per tola on Thursday. According to All Sindh Saraf Jewellers Association data, gold rates in the local market decreased to Rs218,200 per.
KARACHI: Gold prices in the local market dropped by Rs1,300 per tola on Wednesday.According to All Sindh Saraf Jewellers Association data, gold rates in the local market decreased to Rs220,000 per.
KARACHI: Gold prices in the local market dropped by Rs1,900 per tola on Monday following a decline in the international market.According to All Sindh Saraf Jewellers Association data, gold rates in.
KARACHI: Gold prices fell sharply on Thursday, as the market switched to a new pricing formula based on interbank trading, aiming to align with international standards and curb speculative.