Sio Gene Therapies Inc. (NASDAQ:SIOX – Get Rating) was the target of a significant increase in short interest during the month of February. As of February 28th, there was short interest totalling 703,600 shares, an increase of 26.6% from the February 13th total of 555,800 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 582,300 shares, […]
Company prioritizing industry-leading clinical-stage programs, AXO-AAV-GM1 and AXO-AAV-GM2, the first potential disease-modifying therapies for GM1 gangliosidosis and Tay-Sachs/Sandhoff disease$81.9. | February 11, 2022
The Translational Institute for Molecular Therapeutics leverages UMass Chan Medical School’s extensive experience in researching and developing gene therapies for early-stage clinical trials. Miguel Sena-Esteves, PhD, is director of the new institute.
LONDON (dpa-AFX) - British gene and cell therapy company Oxford Biomedica Plc (OXB), said that Sio Gene Therapies has informed that it intends to return the global rights for AXO-Lenti-PD, a gene