For the past three years, the Six Town Regionalization Planning Board (STRPB) has been investigating the possible effects of combining the Gill-Montague Regional School District (GMRSD) and the Pioneer Valley Regional School District (PVRSD) into one.
The Six-Town Regionalization Planning Board (STRPB) was formed by, and serves, the six towns of Bernardston, Gill, Leyden, Montague, Northfield, Warwick, (and Erving a non-voting representative). The six towns are concerned about the educational and.
The Six Town Regionalization Planning Board is looking to field additional public opinion after receiving unsubstantial feedback from the community regarding the prospect of combining the Gill-Montague and Pioneer Valley regional school districts.The.
TURNERS FALLS Turners Falls High School will be holding its inaugural “Extravaganza” on March 2, showcasing and celebrating the school’s various strengths.Turners Falls High School Extravaganza, which will run from 5 to 6:30 p.m. and be open to the.
Schools across the region are experiencing staffing shortages with more severity than in past years, creating an additional layer of stress as staff and administrators try fill the gaps.The situation is dire in some cases, said Pioneer Valley Regional.