PASANGAN selebriti Lesti Kejora dan Rizky Billar telah memantapkan langkah mereka ke jenjang pernikahan. Keduanya pun telah melangsungkan prosesi lamaran kemarin.
Pesona Lesti pun semakin berseri. Di Instagram, dia kerap membagikan foto OOTD dengan gaya yang semakin dewasa dan kerap mengundang pujian banyak netizen.
Nah, di artikel ini MNC Portal Indonesia coba merangkum beberapa gaya OOTD Lesti mengenakan dress harga jutaan yang bisa sekali jadi referensi Anda berbusana. Penasaran?
Simple and chic
Di sini Lesti mengenakan dress ungu muda yang sangat cantik. Konsep menyerupai peri dengan siluet dress super cantik ini memaksimalkan kelembutan karakter pedangdut tersebut.
Dress ungu ini diketahui merupakan koleksi keluaran rumah mode Sky Butik by Natha Zein yang harganya digadang-gadang Rp4,5 jutaan. Lesti padukan dress cantik itu dengan hijab abu-abu. Manis banget kan?
Inspiration for Halo Sky Boutique came from above
Melinda Courtright opened the store in honor of her late husband Dane
COSHOCTON - Melinda Courtright seeks to honor her late husband, Dane, with opening of a new store that was once his dream.
Halo Sky Boutique recently opened at 22591 Ohio 83 North near Lake Park. The building has housed many different businesses over the years, including a hair salon, ice cream parlor and food cooperative Local Bounty.
The store sells a variety of clothes for men and women of all ages and many other items such as key chains, wall hangings, purses and jewelry. Courtright said merchandise will rotate often, offering something new with each visit. Holidays like Father’s Day and the Fourth of July will be targeted and Courtright said she’s contemplating a Christmas in July event.