The university of san diego and accomplish for this individual andis this book is comprehensive idea and its overarching and no matter how many libertarians you love or hate or have arminged with, libertarianism is much, much more diverse than you probably think. We try to show that diversity through the whole history both to shed light on current state of Libertarian Movement and future possibilities for libertarianisms its an issue that areto throughout the United States struggling with a great deal to write the book and much harder term to pin down than one might expect and getting into the book, whos your coaurothoraand it was john. We talk about importance of individual dignity and freedom and talked about the ideas of free markets and limited government but what you saw in the 19th century was a kind of radicalization of those libertarianisms and markets were sack rosinate and experience and government power with a slippery slope which if left unchecked would meet us inevitably d