everybody knows sally jefferson had slaves, they all did, madison, all had slaves up to the civil war, why did she say the founding fathers were opposed to slavery and fought to get rid of it unless she s involved with some weird fundamentalism that believes the founding fathers were part of the old testament? apparently, one of the things she was reading said the founding fathers didn t really free the slaves because they knew it would be difficult for them. they were trading in slaves. back to you, alex, you had a strong feeling on this, i know. this slaving thing is essential to our understanding of who we are as a country. it s our original sin, we re still trying to get past. not part of the dna of america, and somebody who has studied under folks who said africa was the land of pagans
sleeve the waivers. this is gone with the wind. what is going on here? you wanted to see the slave quarters. back and white. everyone knows thomas jefferson knew he had a relationship with sally and had kids. madison, all had slaves. right up until the civil war except for the northerners. why did they say they fought tirelessly to get rid of it. unless she is involved with weird fundlism, that founding fathers were some old testament. some weird religious belief in the found sners. apparently, one of the things she was reading said that the founding fathers didn t really free the slaves because they knew it would be difficult for them. they were trading slaves. back to you, baurz you have a strong feeling on this, i know. this slaving thing is essential to our understanding of who we are as a country. our original sin, of how to get past and we are still trying to get past. it is the dna of america.
everybody s imbued with that history. everybody knows sally jefferson had slaves, they all did, madison, all had slaves up to the civil war, why did she say the founding fathers were opposed to slavery and fought to get rid of it unless she s involved with some weird fundamentalism that believes the founding fathers were part of the old testament? apparently, one of the things she was reading said the founding fathers didn t really free the slaves because they knew it would be difficult for them. they were trading in slaves. back to you, alex, you had a strong feeling on this, i know. this slaving thing is essential to our understanding of who we are as a country. it s our original sin, we re still trying to get past. not part of the dna of america, and somebody who has studied under folks who said africa was the land of pagans