romney aides take cover. what does your gut tell you about this one? was clint eastwood improv speech funny or offensive? go to to cast that vote. that does it for this edition of news nation on friday. thank you for joining us. starting monday, msnbc will have all-day coverage of the dnc. join our twitter conversation, #msnbc2012. we ll be here on monday. the cycle is up next. we a? ng d [ male announcer ] introducing new dentyne split to fit pack. it splits in to two smaller, sleeker packs
we all should be afraid. what did you think of the chair tactics? we want to know. head over to facebook and search politicsnation and like us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends. [ male announcer ] introducing new dentyne split to fit pack. it splits in to two smaller, sleeker packs that fit almost anywhere so you can take them everywhere. dentyne split to fit. practice safe breath.
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