if you played cricket americans, you would immediatel y. i used to be a pitcher. well, you would declare the ball right at your heased td and would go right in the strike zone. on a good day on a bench, you ve got over the backstop. an i actually hit kill me this morning on fox and friends. i the kid in to kill. he deserved it. don t worry about it. that s fin ie. all right, piers, great job. thank you, sir, and welcomey to hannity. hope we had a great fourt with you and your family. and tonight, shockinshockingg nt developments in the highly unusual federal problye into hunter biden that did more tore protect the biden family thanhan actually investigate any potential real crimes. and sh also tonight, sara carter. she will join us with more onfri today s san francisco s reparations panel,sc where one member accused straight white men of being serial killers. also, more racist attacks from the left against justice clarencel thomas. now, cassie dos santos, its. seems li
david jolly. well, i called her. i called her thi is. e. you know, serena waterford wannabe needs to cut it out. there s all kinds of names for her. she needs to stop trying to measure the great drapes in the whits to smeasuring the hous she s some kind of jackie o reincarnate. i mean, casey desantis. keep an eye on her, though. she s a wily figure. and the attacks on supreme court justice clarence thomas, they are ramping up. the court released a number of conservative opinions. now, these vil we attacks beg the question why and this me too era we live in. are african-american s the wives of conservative politicians in thi case casey desantis or forca years melania trump?year why are they fair game? well, all democrats they re off limits out because charlie arnold is with us an d, project 21 chairman horace cooper. kat s get your reaction to the karen comment. and my understanding in terms un the of the term. i understand where it came