neil: this is a fox news alert. congressional phone lines are still jammed up. man, oh, man, hearing the ringing in hi head all night. the next guest is following every detail. house senior producer chad bergman joining me by phone. the phone still ringing off the hook? it s ironic we re on the phone but i don t have internal capital phone line, though i m calling from inside the capital. this is a major bill. anytime you get a major piece of legislation, coming down to the snubbing post. the phone lines get jammed. that s a given. people at the front of office take call after call after call. people yell at them and say unfortunate things sometimes. this is really the most extraordinary i ve seen. i stopped in to a couple of offices yesterday. some of the offices had three and four people picking up the phone. it was an assembly line, over and over and over again, talking to people and saying well, no, the congressman hasn t made up his position yet or yes, he thinks he is going t