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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180802 00:30:00

was shot and killed while riding his bike. he once treated former president george h.w. bush. this evening, what authorities now revealed about the alleged motive. the concern at this hour in the east. flash flooding already tonight. the new wave of blinding rains from florida all the way up to the northeast. the family of a grandfather and decorated army veteran calling police for help about an armed intruder. the grandfather killing him. but when police arrive, they accidentally kill the grandfather. and the consumer warning tonight about certain salads and wraps and a possible parasite. good evening. and it's great to have you with us here on a very busy wednesday night. and we begin with the stunning new video from inside that passenger plane that crashed during takeoff. at least 65 americans onboard. a passenger recording as the plane gathers speed down the runway, taking off from durango for mexico city. you can see right there the the scene, racing the injured to local hospitals. yet somehow, all 99 passengers and four crew members onboard that durango to mexico city flight tuesday escaping with their lives, and tonight are speaking out. >> the plane starts climbing up. it was almost whiteout conditions. and -- >> reporter: what could you see out of the window? >> nothing. >> reporter: father esequiel sanchez of chicago, one of at least 65 americans onboard, recovering from a broken arm, says he thought the plane never should have taken off. >> it was a strong, heavy bump. we could -- i could actually feel the landing gear buckle. >> reporter: dorelia rivera did everything she could to protect her daughter. >> i looked back and all i saw was smoke and flames. >> reporter: passengers crediting the actions of flight crew with helping get people onboard to safety and away from the burning plane. but tonight, questions about why it took off. in this time lapse video, you can see the fast-moving storm coming in around the same time A roundup of the day's events. voter i.d. you know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card. you need i.d. >> reporter: when was the last time the president went to a grocery store? >> i'm not sure. i'm not sure why that matters, either. >> reporter: because of what he said last night. i've never had to show an i.d. when i go to buy groceries. most people don't. >> certainly, if you go to a grocery store and you buy beer and wine you're certainly going to show your i.d. >> reporter: is that what the president, who doesn't drink, meant? >> he's not saying every time he went in. he said, when you go to the grocery store. >> reporter: it stems from a conspiracy theory the president has long peddled, that millions of people vote illegally in american elections. it's just not true. so, today, we asked -- does the president still believe that millions of people are voting illegally in this country? is that the basis for this push for requiring voter i.d.s? >> even if there are ten people that are voting illegally, it shouldn't happen. >> so, let's get to cecilia vega at the white house tonight. and cecilia, i want to go back to the headline you reported there at the top, abc news first reporting it late today that special counsel robert mueller has informed the trump legal team that he wants to ask the president about obstruction of justice. and you're learning that mueller has also agreed to limit the scope of the interview? >> reporter: yeah, david, we've been talking about these negotiations, they have gone on for months. mueller's team wanted a wide-ranging interview, everything from obstruction and collusion to questions about the firing of james comey. but sources are now telling us that mueller has agreed to cut out some topics. we don't know exactly which ones. the president's team, on the other hand, wanted to cut out obstruction, clearly, they were not successful at that. >> cecilia vega at the white house tonight. thank you, cecilia. and president trump's morning tweet storm also included an angry tweet about another target of the special counsel, his former campaign chairman, paul manafort, who is now on trial. the president asking in his tweet, who was treated worse, mob boss al capone or paul manafort? but the president also saying that manafort had little to do with his campaign. and mueller's team appearing confident they have enough evidence against manafort, today saying they might not even call manafort's business partner, rick gates. abc's kyra phillips at the courthouse in alexandria, virginia, tonight. >> reporter: president trump today, wading into the trial of his former campaign chairman, tweeting -- "who was treated worse, alphonse capone, legendary mob boss, killer and public enemy number one, or paul manafort, political operative and reagan/dole darling, now serving solitary confinement, although convicted of nothing?" this, though the president has distanced himself from manafort for months. >> manafort has nothing to do with our campaign. >> reporter: fact is, manafort ran the trump campaign during a crucial period. he's now accused of lying to the irs and hiding tens of millions of dollars in offshore bank accounts. money he made working for a ukrainian political party with deep ties to the kremlin. he has pleaded not guilty. today, prosecutors stunning the courtroom by declaring they may not call the man billed as their star witness, manafort's former business partner rick gates, who accepted a plea bargain from special counsel robert mueller. manafort's attorney argues gates is "willing to say anything to save himself." and today, prosecutors said, "he may testify, he may not." they focused their efforts on portraying manafort as a man who spent lavishly while cheating on his taxes. even calling the manager of a men's clothing store who testified that in just five years, manafort spent $929,000 on suits. it all seemed to annoy judge t.s. ellis, who remarked, "the government doesn't prosecute someone because they wear nice clothes, do they?" and kyra phillips back with us tonight outside the courtroom there in alexandria. and kyra, we saw that tweet from the president, asking who was treated worse, paul manafort or prime suspect in the murder of dr. mark hausknecht, who once treated former president george h.w. bush. the doctor was shot july 20th, as he rode his bike to work down a busy street. the suspect also on a bike, and police say rode past the doctor and opened fire. the case baffling investigators, who for nearly two weeks have been desperately pleading with the public for tips. >> one of the tips included the fact that the suspect's mother was a patient of the doctor and died during surgery over 20 years ago. >> reporter: today, police raiding a home linked to pappas, but finding no sign of the man who they say has been missing for about two days and is now considered armed, dangerous and possibly suicidal. investigators saying it's possible that he once worked in law enforcement, helping, they say, to explain the suspect's alleged precision in the brazen murder in broad daylight. >> there was a lot of planning that went into this. there was a lot of planning and, sadly, some skill. >> and marcus moore joining us live tonight outside the houston home that police raided earlier, and police believe the suspect may actually be getting around by bicycle, marcus? >> reporter: david, investigators believe he could be on the same ten-speed bicycle they say was used during the murder. and tonight, they have renewed their call for the public's help, urging anyone who sees pappas not to approach him, but instead to call police. david? >> marcus, thank you. a stunning public apology today from the catholic bishop in harrisburg, pennsylvania. bishop ronald gainer called a news conference to release the names of 71 clergy and seminarians accused of child sexual abuse, going back to the 1940s, calling them, quote, very sad moments in diocese history. the announcement comes as the state prepares to release a grand jury report on clergy abuse across the state of pennsylvania. fl itcn the east at this hour. 24 million americans from florida all the way up to pennsylvania after a july that already set rain records. heavy rain already flooding roads in vienna, virginia, in this system, and triggering water rescues in fairfax county, virginia. those calls for help started before dawn this morning. the steady rain in the forecast through friday, just look at the map, it stretches all the way up the coast. there is concern tonight, so, let's get right to meteorologist rob marciano with us live tracking it all. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, david. you know, where it's not raining, it's really humid, and that's feeding some of the severe thunderstorms and heavy rainmakers, like you mentioned. look at the flash flood watches from florida all the way to pennsylvania. we've had warnings tonight in mobile, it's been raining heavily in atlanta and the setup is the same. high pressure pinning that flow against that front that's not moving. the next couple of days, more rounds of rain coming over super saturated flow. and this setup really doesn't move to the east until well into the weekend. could seal four -- see four, five, maybe six more inches of rain across an area that doesn't need it. david? >> rob marciano with us again tonight. thank you, rob. and meantime, the battle against wildfires is still ranging in the west at the this hour. newly released video tonight of a family racing to escape the towering fire tornado of the deadly carr fire. more than 1,400 homes and structures now destroyed in that fire alone. vice president mike pence is in hawaii tonight, welcoming home the possible remains of american service members who fought in the korean war. north korea handed over 55 boxes, but just one dog tag i.d. u.s. officials tonight say a preliminary review has confirmed the boxes do contain human remains, likely americans, they say. forensic teams at joint base pearl harbor-hickam will work to identify them. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this wednesday. the consumer alert about certain salads and wraps and a possible parasite. also, the family of a grandfather who called for police help after an armed intruder, that grandfather killing the intruder, and when police arrived, they accidentally kill the grandfather. what we're learning tonight. there's also news tonight about that hostage and the hostage-taker killed by police. what we've now learned about the case. and you'll want to stay tuned tonight. america strong tonight. and michael phelps will want to stay tuned for this too, because tonight right here, the 10-year-old swimmer they call superman. what he just accomplished in the pool, and you're not going to believe his name, either. stay tuned. stay tuned. ... had a ball being a dad... ...and built a career in construction. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and i love building memories that can't be washed away. ask your doctor about lyrica. give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. i'll take that. 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>> that was one of my dreams, to beat michael phelps' record since i was 7. >> reporter: one dream realized. but it wasn't his only gold medal. >> i won seven gold medals. and that gave me the high point award. >> reporter: this little clark kent started swimming at 3. leaping from buildings? at this rate, one day soon. >> hi, david. i'm clark kent apuada, also known as superman in the pool. >> reporter: this little superhero had some very human advice for the rest of us. >> always have fun and never give up on your dreams, no matter what anybody says. >> go, go! >> way to go, clark. and michael phelps cheering you on, too, tonight. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow. good night. this is the after version. what did it look like before? tonight see the heartbreaking side by side comparisons of a neighborhood that didn't survive the wildfire near redding. and fire prevention is not just about trimming trees or making defensible space. tonight practical changes we all can make to reduce the risk of wildfires. i'm spencer christian. we'll have a close-up look at current weather conditions near the fires and declining air quality. >> live where you live, this is abc 7 news. >> we were told to leave, yes. and that's just -- we worked our butts off for everything we have, and we just don't want to lose it. >> that woman speaks to something we can all understand, and that is sheer fear, a feeling faced by many wildfire evacuees. good evening. thanks for joining us. i'm larry beil in for dan ashley. >> and i'm ama daetz. today governor brown said we are in charted territory, facing multiple wildfires that don't wait for the typical fall season to spark. >> more than a dozen wildfires burning currently. we're focused on a few that are the biggest, the most


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after another. it was for miles. we saw a combination of people, i ended up getting out of the car to talk to them. people coming from niagara falls, and take a listen to this guy who lives just outside of buffalo who said he was on his way somewhere, he ended up getting stranded, woke up the next morning getting carried to a warming shelter by firefighters. >> they didn't even know us. strangers walking through with gas cans, trying to get gas to our cars to stay warm, and i'm soaking wet. by the time i got here, we ran out of gas, i was slivering, frostbite in my fingers, and i'm a veteran in this, this is hoodie weather for us, and they're saying it's too cold for hoodies. >> reporter: one big concern here is just how dense the snow is, the weight, the pressure it


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