The Rancho Santa Fe Rotary Club is partnering with the Rotary Club of Poland to provide humanitarian assistance to the increasing refugee crisis developing inside these countries.
Foster teens are remembered by many during the holidays
Friends of San Pasqual Academy board members display some of the wonderful items that were purchased or donated by many caring individuals and organizations to the foster students of San Pasqual Academy. The holiday event was hosted by Friends of San Pasqual Academy. Pictured left to right is Kathy Lathrum, volunteer Nina Conforti, Joan Scott, Director of San Pasqual Academy Tia Moore, Dagmar Helgager and Andrea Reynolds. Not pictured are Teri Summerhays, Lois Jones, Karen Ventura, Debby Syverson and Bob Syverson.
When we think of holidays, we think of our families and loved ones and being able to spend precious time with them during this meaningful season. Holidays are particularly stressful for foster kids, who are constantly reminded of not being able to be in a traditional setting with family members. They have been placed under protective custody by the court for various reasons. Abuse, neglect