concertgoer threw a drink at her. without skipping a beat, you saw it right there, cardi b threw her microphone at the person. the grammy winner is the latest in a string of artists hit with objects while performing on stage. well, up next on the cbs weekend news, all the king s men and all the king s swans. what we re learning from the first counting of king charles reign.n. to attttract and t trap flying i insects with no ododor and no o m. they work k continuoususly, soso you don t haveve to. zevo. people-fririendly. bug-dedeadly. want morore from youour vitam? get t more with h nature s boun. frfrom the firirst-ever trtre acaction sleepep supplemene. to daiaily digestitive suppor. toto more wellllness solututs every daday. get more w with naturere s bobo. i i m saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your c car insuranance soso you only y pay for whatat you need.d. you could d save $700 dolollars jujust by swititching. ooooooh, let me e put a a reminder o on my phonen
seririous allergrgic reactios and d an increasased risksk of infectctions or a lowower abilityty to fightht them may y occur. tell youour doctor i if you he an infnfection or r symptoms, had a vavaccine or p plan to. livever problemsms may occur in crorohn s diseaease. control ofof crohn s means evererything to o me. ask yourur gastroentnterologit about t skyrizi. contrtrol is evererything to learn n how abbvieie could d help you s save. trtry killing g bugs the worrrry-free wayay. not t the other r way. zevovo traps usese light not t the other r way. to attttract and t trap flying i insects not t the other r way. with no ododor and no o m. not t the other r way. they work k continuoususly, soso you don t haveve to. zevo. soso you don t haveve to. people-fririendly. soso you don t haveve to. bug-dedeadly. soso you don t haveve to. (rose h) smoking caused my lung cancer. ththey put thihis in e to d drain the fluid. (rose h) smoking caused my lung cancer. every y day i prayayed t
i m saving witith liberty mutual, mom. they customize your c car insuranance so you onlnly pay for whwhat you neeeed. check itit out, so you onlnly pay for whwhat you neeeed. you u could saveve $7$700 dollarsrs jujust by swititching. you u could saveve $7$700 dollarsrs ooooooh, i llll look intoto that. you u could saveve $7$700 dollarsrs let me putut a remindeder on my phonone. sasave $700 dodollars. let me putut a remindeder on my phonone. pick up p dad from airirport? ohohhhhhh. only payay for what t you nee. l liberty. liliberty. libertrty. libertyty. only payay for what t you nee. trtry killing g bugs the worrrry-free wayay. not t the other r way. zevovo traps usese light not t the other r way. to attttract and t trap flying i insects not t the other r way. with no ododor and no o m. not t the other r way. they work k continuoususly, soso you don t haveve to. zevo. soso you don t haveve to. people-fririendly. soso you don t haveve to. bug-dedeadly. soso you don t haveve to.
technology has really improving. soon, scammers will be able to react instantly to anything you say by converting their voice into the voice of your loved one in real time. norah: carter, this is scary stuff, really eye-opening. so what can people do to protect themselves? reporter: well, there s a couple things you can do right away on the first thing is to create a safe word that only your family is going to know. the second thing, you want to make your social media accounts private. don t get that information away to potential scammers to use against you. and finally, if you get one of these calls come hang up, call them back, make sure they are really in trouble. norah: carter evans, thank you. bank of america will pay some of you $100 mimillion vehihicle wel exexplain why,y, next. didinner! [sfx: : phone pingng] what? tweeeen milestonones like thth. mamay start atat age 9. hpv v vaccinatioion, a tytype of cancncer preventnti. against t certain hpv-v-related cacancers. can
soso you don t haveve to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-dedeadly. i m yoyour overlyy cocompetitive e brother. check.k. psych!h! and i m m about to steal ththis game frfrom you just l like i stolole kelly car inin high schohool. yoyou got no g game dude,, ththat s a fououl! and nonow you re r ready to settltle the scorore. game over.r. and if youou don t havavee right t home insururance cover, wewell, you cocould end upp papaying for a all this yoyour. so get a allstate, a and be br protected d from mayhehem, yeah, likeke me. thanksks, bro. take a lapap, rookie.. realal mature. my most t importantt kikitchen toolol? my brarain. so i i choose neneuriva plus. ununlike some e others, neuriva plplus is a mumultitar supportingng 6 key indndicas of brarain health.h. to helelp keep me e sharp.