It is white marble. Every place you go in, it is white marble. As a clerk, you get to go to the gate. Golden i always felt the honor of going to the place where the public cannot go, where the business of the court really happens. I never lost that throughout the fullyear. It was a really meaningful and beautiful experience. Also, very hard. Brian what was your year . From what date to what date . Tiffany july 11, 2016, and ended on july 7, 2017. Brian who did you work for . Tiffany justice sotomayor. Brian has there been anybody like you who ever served as a clerk, our audience will see why i am asking this. Tiffany i dont know. I know the reporter tried to figure out if there had been anyone specifically from the particular socioeconomic background that i had, and because of the courts extreme rules about confidentiality and the sometimes unwillingness on the part of former clerks to talk about themselves and the experience, it is really hard to say things like no one has ever, so we
Wilmer hale senior associate Tiffany Wright talks about the challenges she overcame to become a lawyer and Supreme Court clerk. Brian Tiffany Wright, what was it like being a clerk to a justice of the Supreme Court . Tiffany it was incredible. Sometimes, very overwhelming. The court is i describe it as a magical place. It is white marble. When you go in, everywhere is white marble. And as a clerk, you get to go to the inside golden gate. That is when i always felt the awe and the honor of going to the place where the public cannot go, where the business of the court really happens. I never lost that throughout the fullyear. It was a really meaningful and beautiful experience. Also, very hard. Brian what was your year . From what date to what date . Tiffany july 11, 2016, and ended on july 7, 2017. Brian who did you work for . Tiffany Justice Sotomayor. Brian has there been anybody like you who ever served as a clerk, our audience will see why i am asking this. Tiffany i dont know. I kn