The Polynesian Voyaging Society crew aboard the wind-powered, traditional voyaging canoe Hōkūle a is set to arrive in Ketchikan on Saturday, one day later than the crew had planned, and will
The wind-powered traditional Polynesian voyaging canoe Hōkūle‘a and a crew of navigators will launch a 43,000-nautical mile Pacific voyage from Auke Bay near Juneau on Thursday. Polynesian Voyaging Society voyagers
Point Higgins Elementary School second graders visited the Southeast Alaska Discovery Center on Monday morning to deliver the tiny coho salmon fry they d hatched and raised in their classrooms.
Schoenbar Middle School social studies teacher Chad Frey has been working with students in his documentary films class on creating a film titled “We Didn’t Talk About It,” focusing on
KETCHIKAN (KDN) — Winners of the Hummingbird Festival juried art show, hosted by the U.S. Forest Service at the Southeast Alaska Discovery Center, have been announced.