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Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20141130

four years after he was found behind a wall in his father's house. and the acquittal of hosni mubarak. many are calling for an uprising and return to dictatorship good morning, i'm erica pitzi in for morgan radford. ferguson police officer darren wilson resigned. he said in his resignation letter that he hoped his resignation would help the community to heal. on the streets of ferguson, it was clear that is a long way off. jonathan martin is on the streets. how are residents reacting to this resignation? >> good morning to you. the resignation was expected by many, coming as no surprise. it was a matter of when. local leaders have spoken out saying they wish this had happened sooner, it would have had a greater impact and maybe eased tension in the community. this ring saying of darren wilson is effective immediately and during an interview with the state dispatch, he said that resigning is the hardest thing he had to do. >> reporter: in his resignation letter officer darren wilson wrote: in ferguson, there was mixed rehabilitatio rehabilitation. -- reaction. >> i believe he should resign and should have been found guilty. >> it was unfortunate that he had to resign, but it would have been difficult for him to perform as an officer. >> reporter: darren wilson hopes his resignation will allow the community to heal. [ chanting ] >> reporter: saturday the anger was evident. dozens of protesters marched to the ferguson police department last night, were met by the police in riot gear, and national guard men. a protesters kneeled with his hands down, as the police warned the crowd to move back. >> get back. >> reporter: two people were arrested. [ chanting ] >> reporter: earlier on saturday demonstrators began a 7-day, 120 mile march to the governor's mansion in jefferson city. they want police reform in ferguson, and behind. >> this is a nonviolent march, a peaceful march. we are looking to engage people of goodwill across missouri, and across the country. >> there are signs of healing as ferguson businesses reopen. >> i'm excited about observing up. this is where we want to be. we want to be in the community. volunteers turned tout paint christmas scenes, hoping to attract shoppers to businesses that have been opened. >> we do what we can to help each other out. >> regarding the resignation, we are yet to hear the yaection from michael brown's -- reaction from michael brown's family. it could come today. we expect him to attend a church service and we believe reverend al sharpton will deliver the sermon. >> what other details have you learnt about darren wilson's resignation. >> according to the message from his attorneys, he will not be refusing a sev rens package. he had netted it for weeks. -- negotiated for weeks. he said he hoped to return to police work, but did not specify what is next for him. >> deja vu on the streets of egypt. thousands in tahrir square protesting the former president hosni mubarak. gerald tan reports - there are fears of unrest. >> reporter: cairo's tahrir square, the genesis of a revolution that brought down hosni mubarak. >> on saturday, a site of confrontation again. protesters chanted slogans, calling for a new revolution. security forces fired tear gas and water canon to disperse them. self arrested. >> the demonstrations are a wip lash to what is called -- are a whiplash to what is called the trial of the century. one with a controversial verdict. three years after being forced from office, and a retrial later, the murder case against hosni mubarak has been thrown out. the long-time leader had been charged with conspireing to kill protesters back in january 2011. more than 800 people were killed. outside the court the verdict drew a divided response from the victim's families and hosni mubarak's supporters. >> the verdict is wrong. we don't deserve this from the egyptian judiciary. >> thank god. hosni mubarak got his rights back. >> he is under house arrest. serving time for embezzlement, a separate convictions. >> translation: i did nothing wrong. i was waiting to find out what they would come up with this time. it was innocent. i did nothing wrong at all. we cannot change destiny, when i heard the previous rule, this time i was waiting. i felt indifferent. it is in the hands of god. >> challenging the independence of the judiciary say the trial was weak to begin with. >> the general was appointed by hosni mubarak himself. they were refrained from providing the body of evidence to prove such crimes. it was obvious, it was an obvious case of trying to evade a real conviction. since the former military general abdul fatah al-sisi won the presidency in june, many presidency feared that hosni mubarak and his many members would walk free. those fears are a step closer to reality. the question is what will egyptians do about it now? the egyptian court cleared hosni mubarak, his two sons and close aides of corruption charges. it's been almost a year since three of our colleagues were imprisoned in egypt. peter greste, mohamed fadel fahmy and baher mohamed were found guilty of aiding the outlawed muslim brotherhood. al jazeera represents all charges and continues to demand their immediate release. an american couple facing a possible death sentence in qatar are free to go home. matt and grace swan were arrested after their 8-year-old adopted daughter died. they were accused of starving her to death. the couple maintained she died of an eating disorder. a qatar court overturned the ruling, basing the decision on witness accounts that gloria was not neglected by her personalities to the fight against i.s.i.l. - turkey denies reports that islamic state fighters launched an attack from its soil. kurdish officials say turkey used kobane in the battle. it would be the first time i.s.i.l. carried out strikes from turkey, calling for ankara to launch an investigation. pope francis is wrapping up his 3-day visit to turkey. the pontiff met with the leader of orthodox christians. they signed a declaration calling for an end to violence against christians and iraq. the pope held a private mass and met with turkey's chief rabbi. the ebola outbreak is the worst on record. according to the world health organisation, the death hole has nearly hit 7,000, a big spike from this week. officials attribute the increase for better accounting. most of the people are in guinea, sierra leone, and liberia. >> france's former president has taken a step towards a political come back. nicolas sarkozy has been elected president of the enp party. it boosts his hopes of getting his old job back. >> reporter: as he arrived to cast his ballot, nicolas sarkozy played down the importance, describing the party vote as an internal election among family. the result was crucial to fulfilling his burning ambition to lead france again, and the outcome was less conveniencing than sarcozy would have hoped -- convincing than sarcozy would have wanted. analysts predicted he needed a majority of 70% to assert authority on the party. in the end he got over 64%. >> it's exactly 10 years ago, almost to the day, that saabing owesy first -- sarkozy first won the leadership of france's center right unp party, which catapulted him to the french presidency within the space of three years. what is striking about this run, and the commentators are saying it, is how little the man changed in the intervening years. commentators highlight his impulsiveness, agitated mannerisms and skirting with far-right campaign ideas. many say sarkozy's biggest problem is himself. >> it's difficult for him to change his own parliamentary. he'll have to do it, show the french public that he is, indeed, different. not in communication terms, but it's difficult for him to do because he has not changed. he doesn't seem to have reflected on his frooefious mistakes. >> opinion poles show the french electorate is disillusions with the presidency of francis hollande. are they ready for a dose of sarcozy. most we spoke to said not. >> translation: i think the french understand the atmosphere in the unp party is not a good enough platform for nicolas sarkozy to return. >> as far as i'm concerned no, i followed him since he was a mayor, i don't want him back. >> reporter: instead of sor cosy, a former french prime minister would be the preferred choice as the center right presidential candidate. mr sarcozy is by no means guaranteed his own party's nomination in the role. it will not stop him fighting on the the man they call super sarko is back mr sarcozy posted a message to supporters after his win saying: beijing is urging taipei to keep diplomatics ties close after election results in taiwan on saturday. the pro-china party lost in local poll, prompting the prime minister to step down. the winning candidate said the vote is a warning to nationalists that taiwan is an independent country. they have been ruled separately since the civil war in the 1940s. beijing sees taiwan as a renegade province that should be reunited. >> we have a dangerous cold snap. time for a check on the forecast. with meteorologist kevin corriveau. >> this is a dangerous storm causing a lot of problems. i'll start where it began up here towards the north-west. all the snow coming across the area. take a look at snow coming across the area. we had one to four inches of snow in the area, a lot of trauma problems as well, as well as power outages. they cleared up. good news for them. they are trying to dig out snow that they had. you can see the how the front is making its way to the east. behind the front, look at the morning temperatures. minus 1. you are at 1 degree. fargo at three. there's wind behind this. when you factor in the wind, it feels more like this. across the northern plains - minus 27. windchill for rapid city. that is dangerous if you go out with exposed skin. it could freeze within less than a minute. you need to be careful. this is the cold front here, moving through. we'll see temperatures drop across the region. we have wind chills for many people across the area. these will be the highs. for bismark you have the high. we'll see the temperatures dropping across the region, going all the way down for a high of 44. later on in indiana. you'll go down as well. 62 right now. we'll go down to the 30s. >> thank you so much interactions increase between police and the mentally ill. calls for training. simple steps officers are taught that could be the difference between life and death a tearful emotional reunion for a mother and her teenage son she has not seen since he went missing four years ago. the pilot of this plane walked away from a cash landing on a connecticut roadway saturday. officials say the plane lost power as it was flying to hardfield. the pilot tried to stay calm. the plane was damaged. the f.a.a. is investigating the incident an emotional reunion between a mother and her teenage son, missing for four years. tears of joy flowed down the 13-year-old's face when me was reunited with his mum. police discovered the boy hidden behind a fake wall in a home near atlanta. he went missing after visiting his dad in florida. officials say the teen contacted his sister and mum, and helped police track down where he was held. >> after several minutes of denying the child was here, the existence of him was here or there was an assault or anything like that. we were able to find him in the linen cupboard. >> he couldn't thank us nu. saying thank you, over joyed we had found him. >> five people, including the boy's father and stepmother have been arrested - charged with child cruelty to chicago - a woman shot by her boyfriend in a department store passed away. she worked in nordstrum when her boyfriend shot her and turned the gun on himself. he died on the scene. the store is closed the number of run-ins wean police and the mentally ill is on the rise. last year half of all shot by police had mental health problems. one family's tragedy may change how officers had changed in the future. >> reporter: on august 7th, 2008, for people dealing with mental illness. the resident shall social worker she canned in. teresa had skitso disorder and been off her medication. she had not been bathe or eating, ordering the social worker out of the room, saying he had a knife. he called a nonemergency police ov officer for transporting a patient. two police officers arrived. entered the room and found teresa in her room. she threatened them, they say. they retreated to the wall and she closed the door. they forced their way back in, shooting teresa five times. >> the last one was pretty. much - i'm trying to think of the word - execution style to the temple. the doctor's insertion says it was a miracle she survived each, let alone all. >> reporter: after being shot her family filed suit against san francisco. and the question is whether police violated the civil rights of the mentally ill, by going after them in an aggressive way when they know they are in psychiatric distress. the family won in the u.s. 9th circuit court of appeals and the supreme court decided to take up the case. depending on what they decide, it could set a precedent forcing a radically different set of cells on the police officers. a new tactic is crisis intervention teams. now, just over 3,000 of 25,000 american police departments have cits, san francisco has a team. it's not clear why the officers in teresa's case didn't assuman it. pioneered in memphis, they pioneered an approach. no threats, no arguing, just calm discussion. >> there are examples where officers put the training into effect with wonderful results. that has happened. and wonderful. you know, that's how it should happen. why is that not the standard. >> if you saw your sister, this is your mother or daughter, would you feel that action is warranted. is this really reasonable to someone who has no bearings of where they are at the time mentally. it needs to change. >> until it does, francis says she learnt from other families that in a crisis the last thing to do is call 911 in san diego, calls between people with mental illness and the sheriff's department nearly downed from 2009 to -- doubled from 2009 to 2011 singapore trying to become a player on the world art stage as the city boosts its international profile. some say it's leaving local artists behind. at 8:00 - replacing defense secretary chuck hagel. was he pushed or did he leave on his own. it's a topic of our weekend politics segment at 8:30. a live look at hong kong where pro-democracy protesters gathered. the crowd was organised by students and leaders calling for protests. it's been three months sense the umbrella revolution began, calling for elections free of china's involvement welcome back to al jazeera america, i'm erica pitzi. today is the busiest travel day of the year. let's look at the forecast with kevin corriveau. is it looking better today? >> much better than last wednesday. 2.2 million are in the air. they are up there. on you can see the planes, 1700, are in the air from the east coast basically to the central, to the west. we are still waking up. that will get active as we go to the next couple of hours. let's look at the radar - our forecast for today - where we expect a problem is towards the west. san francisco, san jose we expect delays. everyone else is not looking too bad. really, 10% of the people are taking to the air. 90% are taking to the road. if you remember, the big concern is towards the northern planes. that's where the cold air is in place. if you are driving, you want to be prepared on the road. if you break down, we are talking about temperatures into the single digits. >> it's looking better on this coach. >> ticket holders for an upcoming performance of bill cosby are eligible for a refund. he's offering refund to fans that do not want to go. in recent weeks several of his shows have been cancelled amid sexual assault allegations. some 20 women came forward claiming he abused them. his show is slated for new york city president obama did holiday shopping, stopping at at book store in washington. he was taking part in the small business saturday movement. it is meant to bring saturdays into mum and pop shops across the country and a white house republican staffer is pulling back on harsh comments made online about the president's daughters during the turkey pardon. it was suggested that the two teens should: she apologised for the remarks singapore set its sights on becoming an art mecca. it launched the inaugural singapore art fair. rob mcbride takes us inside the fair the opening of a fair in a city that wants its name written large on the international ard scene. the event brings together artists and their works from north africa, the middle east and asia, celebrating common bonds. for this woman from lebanon, working alongside contemporaries in asia, it's a chance to collaborate and challenge. >> i use this as my main element. it's easy to see how it's interacted. gp the east meets west, they are able to claim title. claiming to be a cultural crossroad, a far bigger stretch. this state has set out to do just that. from new art colleges, the government is investing heavily in infrastructure to support the arts. >> to create infinite room for artists and their practices and their audiences. that is what we try to do. >> there are art spaces and art spaces. smaller independent galleries have to struggle in a city of rising rents. >> it's not growing as much. i think the challenge is when you do a space for artists, it can be lonely. >> reporter: there is funding for small projects, but it is small compared to the big events. >> money doesn't come to the artists, it's just peanuts. >> reporter: performance artist li wen won an award for his work. public acceptance is harder to come by. they don't understand support for artists, it's a waste of money for them. >> reporter: as the city hosts artistic travellers. it seems its own artistic journey of appreciation continues. well, a poignant moment captured amid the protest over the grand jury ferguson decision. sergeant brett boland oversaw a rally, and saw a 12-year-old crying saying "free hugs", he approached the boy. when asked about the photo the sergeant said he wants people to know officers are doing good work. >> there has been a lot of tars shed on my part and others. it's the humanity in us. we are trying to be good humans. >> the image has gone viral. a moment of compassion shared thousands of times. coming up in the next hour, in our weekend conversation, the texas board of education approves textbooks including religious references. this could ripple from class to class across the coast. keep it here, i'm back in one minute. stay with us. >> this trial was a sham... >> they are truth seekers... >> all they really wanna do is find out what's happening, so they can tell people... >> governments around the world all united to condemn this... >> as you can see, it's still a very much volatile situation... >> the government is prepared to carry out mass array... >> if you want free press in the new democracy, let the journalists live. >> back up. get back a face-off in ferguson overnight as protesters clash with police and the national guard. we are live on the ground after the resignation of officer darren wilson demanding democracy, violent clashes in hong kong. the brawl between demonstrators and riot police. and the political battle on the streets of haiti as thousands take to the streets, calling for the resignation of the president. >> i just finished doing 18 years in prison and got released. i have no place to go homelessness reaching levels not seen since the great depression. the solution in america's biggest city may be sweeping the problem under the rug. [ chanting ] a standoff overnight in ferguson. protesters and police in riot gear, face to face o the day officer darren wilson resigned from the force. we are getting emotional reactions to the news that the officer resigned. the officer who shot and killed michael brown stepping down immediately after a decision not to indict him. the news of darren wilson's resignation did not disbell hanger been ties bell anger. jonathan martin is live in ferguson. good morning to you. what do you see and hear from people in response to the resignation? >> well, good morning to you. most people here in the community expected this would come. it's a matter of when the resignation would come. some local leaders spoke out saying they wish the resignation had come sooner, saying they wished it had a greater impact, easing the tension in the community as you mentioned. last night, yes, there were protesters. 100 were here in front of the police department and fire department. going back and forth with police. at the end of the night two people were arrested, and this was after the announcement was made. despite there not being a surprise, there seemed to be mixed rehabilitation in the community. >> at this point everyone will be upset. everyone will feel the way they people. i'm upset. i have a 16-year-old son, it could have been him. i feel that he was in the wrong. >> there's a large great grudge against him, unfortunately. people can't come to grips with the fact of evidence of the case. >> we have yet to here reaction from michael brown's family. it could come later this morning. they are expected to attend church services in the st louis area, the same church where their son was funeralized. the message to be delivered by reverend al sharpton. >> what more was said in darren wilson's resignation letter? >> he reiterated that he resigned because he wanted the community to heal, and he is not receiving a sev rans package. what he said in an interview with the "post" dispatch, and revealed in an interview that this is the hardest thing he had to do. he knew the police department had been receiving threats, and felt this was the best thing for the community to heal, and wants to return to police work, not specifying where that could be do you think that this resignation will bring more people out to protest, or will it be slowing down? >> well, it's not clear. for the last couple of nights we have seen 100 protesters. many expected this to happen. we have seen businesses get back to normal, the a.c.c. pt is out in a journey for justice march. fewer people have been out the last few nights, but it's unpredictable. it depends, and police are on standby. we see the missouri highway patrol out, waiting to see what happens. no one nose from night to night. >> jonathan martin live in ferguson. >> let's bring in ariel brown, joining us from her phone in wichita. she has been driving six hours back and forth to ferguson, to take part in the protest. let's get your rehabilitation to darren wilson's resignation. is this good enough? >> not even close. we did expect this. honestly, he didn't have another choice. if this man returned to the police force, it would be extremely hard for citizens to take him seriously, and there could be more violence, outside those that support him. i, myself, could not imagine being pulled over in a routine traffic stop by darren wilson. the fact we know he's been taken care of financially. there has been thousands raised for this man, interviews he's done - essentially he's become a millionaire after murdering an unarmed teen. hearing his name makes our blood boil. his resignation, it is what it is, but it's not making anyone jump for joy, that was ganna happen. >> should the resignations stop with ferguson, or should the police chief need to step down. >> he needs to step down. he's been a part of the process. they need a do-over. clean slate. start with now officials and heel - it will take a long time for that to happen. they need that from the authorities. they need to start from scratch. >> we know you are in kansas. do you plan on joining the n.a.a.c.p.'s journey for justice during their walk to ferguson city. >> i think it's beautiful. i don't think i'll walk, but i support them on this. it's great. they are going to make a huge statement. hopefully america is watching. by that action also, knowing that this fight is not slowing down and is not losing steam. >> thank you so much for joining us this sunday morning this morning leaders of the catholic church are calling for an end to violence. pope francis and bartholomew signed. he met with a rabbi earlier this week and visited a mosque. he wraps up his trip today. they are disputing claims about tricks in kobane, the syrian town on the front lines in the fight against i.s.i.l. kurdish officials say strikes were launched from turkey. they are denying the reports. if confirmed, this is the first time turkey is carrying out strikes. the kurds are calling for an investigation. >> coming up in 30 minutes, an al jazeera exclusive. a one on one with a french fighter in syria, considered to be a leading recruiter for i.s.i.l. thousands taking to the streets in egypt after a court dismissed murder and corruption charges against a former president on saturday. this was the scene overnight in the capital cairo. authorities fired tear gas as clashes erupted. hosni mubarak had been on trial for killing protesters. he's serving a 3-year sentence for embezzlement in a violent turn of events during protests in hong kong, police grabbed pro-democracy demonstrators, trying to block them from the streets. dozens were arrested overnight. you are looking live in hong kong. the city has been gripped by protesters, demonstrators demanding greater autonomy for elections nearly 7,000 people died from ebola, according to the latest numbers from the world health organisation. it is the worst on record. most of the people infected are in guinea, sierra leone and liberia. one of the biggest problems is simply the lack of awareness. kim vinnell introduces us to the people who go door to door to find anyone infected. >> reporter: when on patrol, he gets to the point. >> do you have any sickness in your house. >> reporter: he asks whether anyone died here recently. >> no way. >> never. >> or whether anyone is sick. it's a routine he'll repeat every day until this entire country in liberia's north-west is declared ebola free. >> translation: in my county i'm assigned to 40 households in block c. there's two of us. for me, i have 20 houses i visit daily. among the 20 houses i have come across three people who were sick. >> reporter: he is a case finder. one of 1,000 locals recruited to find those that may have ebola, and to teach people about the disease. >> we'll be back every time. we don't want you to leave. >> reporter: liberian officials believe communities have the ability to lower rate of infctions. >> translation: since starting the awareness, it is encouraging. people are going by what we tell them. some forgot about using buckets, and by going around talking to them, they started to use buckets. >> reporter: the ebola is a step ahead of efforts to contain it. it's thought 23% of the people who have ebola are being isolated and burial teams are still in short supply. >> no secret. we have a tradition. there are bodies, they play with the violence. >> the u.n. has put 250,000 towards training the ebola detectives. on the front line it means it is rampant across wav cape. -- west africa. >> it's hoped they'll prove an effective weapon meanwhile, scientists are preparing for a larger study of a promising vaccine and hope to test it in west africa within the next few month. a health concern for the national football league. the new york rangers the latest to lose a player with mumps. there has been cases with the anaheim ducks, minnesota wild and blues. it is contagious. they are digging out from a snow storm in we were new york, and it could impact travellers returning from thanksgiving tripsment meteorologist kevin corriveau is here to explain. >> good morning to you. even though the temperatures have warmed up. we did have 7 feet of snow. this is what we are looking at now. we have a wave pushing through new york. this is what it looks like in bingham to new york, out of binging hap. watch the akumlation of the snow. it was mass accumulations. you can see powerlines were out across the region. power lines were back. he had a major problem from the last storm. this morning, we have about 1700 people without power, hopefully by the end of the day. counter temperatures look like this. they are about 48. most places are above freezing. we expect that to be the friend. no big problem in terms of more precipitati precipitation. a little rain in northern pennsylvania, for the rest of the area, no new precip to call, another storm coming in monday. we'll talk about that, and we'll see rain coming into play as we go through the beginning of the week. >> no new snow. >> no new snow. >> i like that. thank you. with below freezing terms chilling the country, the rush is on to keep people living on the streets warm. kristen saloomey takes a look at how new york city is handling the issue. >> reporter: tom kin square pork on the manhattan lower side is where the homeless can come for a meal and come and share stories. >> i just got released from 18 years in prison and i have no place to go. >> reporter: where did you sleep last night? >> on the streets. it's like wanting to go back. so i'm trying. >> reporter: after a few weeks on the street david is beginning to think prison was not so bad. homelessness hit record highs in new york. the city promises a shelter bed to anyone that needs it, it's estimated that 3300 people live on the streets. >> reporter: for every person sleeping on the streets, another 17 spent the night in a city shelter. largely invisible to society. as the number of homeless increase, they become more visible in public places like this. >> all of a sudden you are walking home and see nine bodies in sleeping bags huddled together. >> reporter: susan lived and worked in the neighbourhood for more than 40 years and saw the cost of housing go up. >> there has been homeless in this neighbourhood for some time. how are things changing? >> you are correct, there has been homeless here. there's many shelters that people are not aware of. now you see more homeless on the street. dramatic increase of people on the street. >> with the shelter system growing and the amount of people in the shelter, during the day they don't have a lot of places to go. there's a lot of individuals in the shelter, hanging out in the park during the day, on the street corner, panhandling. >> i need somewhere to stay and medicine. outreach workers come, making sure people know there are warm beds available. >> have you tried the shelters. >> that's worse. >> many here say what the homeless need is more affordable housing. kristen saloomey. according to the department of urban development, 610,000 americans are homeless on any gin night while walking more than 100 miles in the name of michael brown, al jazeera joins a week-long march from ferguson to the state capital as protesters demand change we talk to a blogger about the conversation of race and how it's playing out on social media. it's coming up after the break ohio state faces off against their arch-rival without a popular player. a push to bring home a missing team-mate she has 2.5 million dues on youtube. -- views on youtube, how this pup ended up there and a push to save a species. stay with us. [ chanting ] hundreds of people march in the washington d.c. area to protest the event in ferguson, missouri. demonstrators chanted "out of the shops and into the streets", distracting shopping and demanding attention. demonstrators are on a 7-day, 120 mile protest march in missouri, beginning in ferguson, sending at the governor's -- ending at the governor's mansion. >> reporter: a blessing before a march to demand change. in 1965 martin luther king led a march. in 2014 civil rights act visits hope their 193km, 7-day march from the site of the police killing of unarmed teenager michael brown to the governor's mansion will lead to a change in the law. >> looking for end the racial profiling act - there's a bill we are look toing pass. -- looking to pass. putting body cameras on police officers. >> the majority of white people in the u.s. don't know what the fuss is about. do you get the sense that white affluent material - this is what they want, keeping black communities restricted. >> here is a question i would pose. how good has this michael brown tragedy been for business in the st louis area. it cannot be reasonably argued that children losing their lives as a consequence of the most underwhelmingly minor of offenses is good for anybody. >> later in the afternoon, a meeting has been convened, bringing together numerous activist groups that came together since michael brown's death. the question tabled - where do we go next. >> we need to keep the motivation. >> reporter: someone well placed to nut out a strategy is reverend dr william barber, mobilizing a movement in north carolina, in its 75th week of protest. >> i met a young lady in the hotel who is with greenpeace and was glad that environmentalists could hook up with civil rights and under the intersection of our issues. those denying health care, those attacking minimum wages, those attacking women's rights and l.g.b.t. rights and immigrants rights. what you hear in america with the different movement is prophetic mourning. >> it's the universitiality of the struggle that will make the difference. the. >> on a plane yesterday a lady said "we are landing in st louis, i wonder if we have to go through ferguson", with fear. i said yes, ferguson is not in missouri. every city you go through has an element of ferguson jonathan clark is a o blogger in st louis, and an analyst. he joins us from skype. following the announcement that officer darren wilson would not be indicted. social media lit up with real-time reaction. twitter listed this map, with 23 million tweets mentioning the grand jury announcementment why were people quick to speak out on social media? >> any time anything of significance occurs, whether it's cultural, politics, we see social media light up. it doesn't surprise me something of this significance, to see social media come to life. what is compel something that so many of the people who you see communicating in social media, and so many of the people protesting and having this conversation wanted to see a jury trial. they wanted to see this come to court. in the absence of that, there's a conversation that - where this is playing out where the court of public opinion is in session. that is playing out in social media. the case is being tried, but not in a courthouse, in a cyber courthouse instead. >> this is, you know, intensely emotional for so many people. the website reported that around the time of the grand jury announcement, the use of the end word on twitter spiked by 300% over the average youth and 46% were accompanied by the hashtag ferguson. we don't know the content of each tweet. how do you think race is driving the conversation on social media? >> race has been a part of the conversation from the beginning. i think what is a lot more compelling, a lot more compelling pond of this is how race drove this conversation prior to the michael brown incident. the beginning - at the beginning of all of this. you have to understand that the racial climate and social media was such that we already were having the conversation about tony martin, the conversation about eric garner, people had begun to have the conversation about the shooting in toledo, in the wal-mart. people have been talking about other shootings. there were a spate of videos surfacing online in social media, showing police involved in a variety of excessive force and brutality. that was the powder keg set to erupt. it was waiting on social media, and the young people who you saw on the streets after that, they obviously have been tuned into that. so when the michael brown incident happened in august, i think all this was ready to go. it's the racial climate that existed. prior to what we have seen lately, that we should pay as much attention in this discussion. >> focussing on social media, you'll see from the provocative article, people coming out 300% use of, you know, increased use of the n word. that is an incredible statistic. do you think people are saying what they can because they are anonymous on social media, or may feel that way. it's not a face to face conversation. it's playing out more intensely on social media. >> it goes without saying. the anonymity that the internet affords us allows us to say certain things that they wouldn't say to people if we were standing next to them. that goes without saying. many of the things that people are expressing, many. things that people are expressing on social media - facebook, twitter, other outlet's - expresses their view. we say in a way where we have space and distance. if you think about the diswiss, where you interact with social media, whether it's the smartphone or tablet. literally in your face, it's in front of you, you are having an intense in your face conversation with someone who might be, you know, thousands of miles away from you, and they are engaging with you in a way that is uncomfortable. people are comfortable doing that, because they never have to see you in person. if we had this conversation in person, in a room together. that it would - we'd explore it differently than we do in social media. it's not always productive, but the other side is at least we are having the conversation and getting something out of it. >> i wonder if social media is making it worse. we will see. thank you so much. jonathan clark, thank you for joining us. police are looking for leads in the case of a missing ohio state university football player. >> friends, family, members of the university and colombus police are part of a search. >> costa was last seen leaving his apartment early wednesday morning. moments before he texted his mother saying he was sorry for being an embarrassment. he failed to show up for practice and for the rest of the week, his family says he has a history of sports-related concession. >> he never missed a practice or anything. he's in contact with his friends, family. >> prayers and thoughts are for him and his family, having him return home safe. >> several former ohio players are offering a reword for anyone that cannes hep find him -- cannes hep find him the secretary of defense forced to resign. what led the president to can the man in charge of strategy in iraq, syria and afghanistan week in politics is next and a one on one with a man accused of recruiting foreign fighters for i.s.i.l. >> chuck, i want to thank you on a personal level. we come from different parties. in accepting this position, you send a powerful message, especially to folks in this city. when it comes to national security and caring for troops and family, we are americans first. >> president obama praising defense secretary chuck hagel, last week, after forcing him to resign. that's first up in the weekend politics segment. joining me now, political journalist john carter and republican strategist. good morning to you both. president obama unimpressed by chuck hagel's job that he was doing. clearly forced out here. >> look, the president's approach to foreign policy has been an unmitigated disaster. this resignation is not going to fix the problems unless there's a change in strategy. they shared an isolationist view, cutting the size of the military, shrinking defense dollars and pulling out of iraq. what the president needs is a different approach. with the rise of i.s.i.s., russia's aggression, there's a lot of changes. he needs to bring in someone that is an expert and may not agree with his approach all the time, but that will give him the right answers. >> i'm looking at this, that we may not know the official reason of why he stepped down, or why the white house pushed him out. i have been more impressed - impressed is not the right word. i'm looking at the fact of how short a story this was, dominating head lines. this comes back to immigration, for me. the president has gone ahead with immigration. now you have to get a defense secretary past the senate. you have to get an attorney-general past the senate. >> maybe this will get back into the news cycle if chuck hagel follows the footsteps of previous secretaries who left and slammed the administration. do you think it will happen? . possible speculation, i don't know. i am sure he'll get his side of the story out there. it's interesting that possible successo, the story is thanks, but no thanks, we are not interested in the job. that's because of the threat of i.s.i.l. >> there was four names leaked as participation, you know, successors, and three of them - you say, "no, we are not doing that." it's a lame duck presidency, there's huge changes, and the thing with chuck hagel, he's was a republican coming into a developmenting administration. there was a lot of chatter after he resigned about the fact that he was not able to break into obama's inner circle, and the president relies on vis from his aids rather than cabinet members. if you are a military expert, distinguished and to come in you need the autonomy and the president's ear. if people fear they will not have that. there's no reason for them to take the job. >> bringing me to this quote, from the new york times editorial saying: >> guilty, accurate. that's the point that jessica made initially. >> that is something that probably needs to happen. is this the next defense secretary, does he need to bring that person they said his sort of tight-knit group. >> absolutely, and again, it may not necessarily be someone that agrees with him all the time. he does not need a yes man, he needs someone to present a strategy of how we are going to deal with the problems. he has got two years left. everything that happens will be viewed through the 2016 presidential prism. so, you know, he has - doesn't have control of congress. there's a challenge here for him politically to even do well in the next two years. >> do you think - talking about the inner circle, do you think the president is getting bad advice and should the shake up extend between chuck hagel to susan rice. >> absolutely, susan rice going to benghazi is a problem. >> it's not going to happen. >> it's not going to happen. he showed a reluctance to get rid of aids he was close with. some were surprised about him getting rid of chuck hagel, because they had a friendship, personal relationship. i don't think you will see a lot of shake-up. you'll see people leaving that have been frustrated. always towards a lame duck presidency you'll have departures. >> the president needs someone to tell him the full story, the full truth. if there's one thing that one of a number of things lacking with the presidency, that is it. among the inner circle, which is small, no one will say, mr president, and lay it out there. let's switch gears. and a bigger voice in the democrat party. talking about senator chuck schumer, kind of going after the white house. >> after patsing the stimulus, democrats should have continued to pose middle class programs and built on the partial success of the stimulus. unfortunately democrats blue the opportunity the american people gave them. we took their pan date and put all our focus -- mandate and put all the focus on the wrong problem - health care reform. >> dominik, you cover shooum abbing. >> for a long -- shum abbing. >> for a long time. >> is he right. >> some say the senator is making a valid pin. if you look at it from the winning is everything, it 10 years down the road when we look back at this, will the democrats look at this as end fighting or a success of the health care reform. i imagine health care reform, most americans continue down the road. no one can disagree that the roll out was a complete disaster, and that is what played a large really in hurting the democrats with this election cycle. >> what do you think about schumer? >> i think he's right. it's not just that he's right about the politics. the problem is that - the policy as well. certainly the timing played a role in elections. obama lied and said you can keep your doctor. that was not true. >> the website has been a disaster. there has been huge blunders and embarrassment for the administration and democratic party. of course there'll be electoral fall out. starting with the stimulus package, you can go back to that. monday morning you can quarterback about it. he's trying to protect the candidates that lost the election. he has no longer the chair of the democratic committee, but views himself as an outspoken vice. voice. >> deep in mind the president's party does not do well in midterms. not just this president. >> schumer said that the democrat party put the focus on the wrong problem. what right problem has the republican party put its focus on. >> it's a great question. >> it is, and from day one the democrats have been talking about small business and crowing the economy. you have a chief leader saying businesses do not create job. this is the mentality. party. they light forward many proposals. that have been validated. schumer - you cannot talk about boyer obama care and leave out the economy. it has a negative effect, and the american people see that. >> here is where just ka and i disagree. the republican party, with the midterm election, what they did, you have to give them credit, they were disciplined. they did not have loony tune candidates talking about issues out there on the fringe, offending women, offending americans. they were disciplined. i'll give them that much. everything was obama's fault. and it worked. it's naturally going to be president obama said himself, these are my policies on the ballot this year. of course it will be a referendum on the current people in power. any election is that. you know that. >> the president said it himself. >> with obama care, billions signed up. there are millions of american hoping to get help when it comes to that. >> going back to the policy itself, if they had created a better system, they didn't attack malpractice, many things. for them to - there were so many problems rolling out, you can't say it was bad timing. so we shouldn't have done it at this time because of the political consequences. >> the republicans have the senate and have the house. >> we'll see what they do now. >> let's leave it there. we have political journalist john carter and jessica proud. thank you both. elections in moldova attracting international attention. the small country sandwiched between the e.u. and the ukraine and is in the shadow of the crisis. the voters are deciding whether to relocate or choosing parties with closer economic ties to russia. we report on the pressures facing the former soviet republic. >> reporter: mohl dovans must make a choice, socialists saying now it the time to sit with the kremlin. the governing coalition believes moldovan belongs in the family of europe. this week the campaign took a dramatic turn. the authorities carried out a raid. they banned a party on 10% from competing. accused of taking foreign funding its leader fled to moscow. it's a government plot to discredit competition. >> they show that this party is a majority, changing the political direction from europe to russian's customs unit. >> moldova has a reputation for being one of the poorest countries. voters - the economy comes first. this year they signed an agreement with brussels, aimed at boosting trade and cooperation. moldovan society is provide the. polls show that many see the benefits, and they fear losing the ties and trades that they have with russia. more than half a million mohl dovans are working with the russian federation. russia buys millions of dollars. moscow has shown it can hurt the moldovan economy. banning exports, restricting labour migration. that's why europe is the only way. >> what we have to do to go forward, and to become part of this european union. it is our aim. and i can say that it is our vital aim. we have no alternative. >> reporter: idea logically and culturally mohl dovans are split. there's a reason differences are not inflamed. russia placed an embargo on moldovan fruit. you are looking at ain't government demonstrators clashing with police on the streets of haiti. calling for the president to step down, and fair elections in the country. marr tellie was supposed to set a vote in 2011. the move is being blocked by the haitian senate, say the government i.s.i.l. - the c.i.a. estimates there could be 30,000 i.s.i.l. fighters. half are foreigners. al jazeera talks to the number one recruiter of french fighters. zeina khodr has more. >> reporter: it was in early 2012 when foreigners started to join the fight against the syrian government. some mobilized by the surgery of syrians. for some it was a religious duty. >> reporter: this man, according to french government authority, is the number one recruiter of french fighters. this senegalese french national has given interviews before. this is the first time he revealed his face. al jazeera obtained a tape in which he explains that travelling to syria is migrating to the land of islam. >>: >> reporter: he used the internet to reach out to recruits. it's not clear how a han who is not a cleric and spent time in gaol on criminal charges came to this point. he's based in the syrian-controlled countiside. some believe he has little influence online and on the ground. >> translation: his videos are basic with old archives with films from france calling for jihad abroad. they've had a big impact in france. that's given omar his legitimacy. >> the group attacks fewer militants, less presence online. they are isolated with young followers. they fight very little. today most of the recruiting is down by i.s.i.l., and french nationals appeared in the foreign videos. france is the biggest single european supplier of fighters. authorities say more than 1,000 citizens left or plan to leave to join i.s.i.l. on the surface, the message in the videos may not be different from what can be used to recruit. he didn't recruit fighters to join a group, rather a cause. >>: >> reporter: getting rid of the bashar al-assad government is not the only goal there's no going back for those that have chosen this task. it's a message that is well understood and conveyed by i.s.i.l., a message that those that joined the fight seem to clearly understand. omar is one of 400 filingers in the region from -- fighters in the region from france. rewriting english, a decision to change the curriculum in texas, that could impact from coast to coast. we talk to a teacher. an adorable baby sea otter becoming a celebrity on youtube. how she ended up in the windy city and the story of her captivity. >> texas has given the go ahead for dozens of history and social studies textbooks. critics say they have a heavy religious bent and are factually incorrect. there's 5 million students in texas. the move could have a big impact on the national textbook market. joining us for a weekend conversation on this topic is nicholas, an education advocate and history teacher from union high school in union new jersey. thank you for joining us. this happened in texas. you teach in new jersey, but you say this could affect you. >> what a lot of people don't realise is there are three states that tend to define what goes in most textbooks. it's the business. it caters for the specific states. they are personalized. but for the most part. what texas and florida decide on tends to be the foundation in most textbooks. the other states are forced to adopt the books. >> this textbook, the one national textbook - it lists moses as one of the four thinkers who influenced the founding fathers. what do you think about moses referenced in a textbook? >> there's truth and there's fact. you can - can you make an argument that religious principles didn't leave to the constitution or have a basis on founding principals. you can't be selective in what you choose. one of the topics was the issue of separation and state. history, it's impossible to talk about religion. >> it's like talking maths about numbers. there's a premise on what we teach or what we eliminate to be taught. there's two ways. there's two ways to control people. we prohibit the situation. or you control what people are thought. they are fear to dictate the thought process. >> you said that textbooks treat racism, sexism. how come? >> it's not intentional, it's indirect. i joke that teachers teach at an urban school. i teach about white male history, and teach it to my urban students, people male and minority students. textbooks cater for states like texas. we give kids the indirect impression that hike christian males, women, african-americans have done nothing. it indirectly teaches a white supremist mentality, which is not the truth. >> you bring up a good point. how mandatory is it to teach from the approved text books. >> i can say, and a lot of my colleagues use them. because we have to take certain testing. i implement different history. l.g.b.t., more african american figures and minority groups, for the fact that it gives a lopsided view of history and american history in germ. >> is the onus on the teaching. is it on you to make sure those minorities stories and figures get into their education? >> it shouldn't be, but it turns out that way. there'll never be a national textbook that everyone agrees on. we can't agree on what to call a sub sandwich - it varies from state to state. we know, did it's not a big fact, that racism, prejudice and sexism are taught. so this is on a larger scale. this is a state telling kids to think this way. i do have a personal issue. now i think about the minority, the l.g.b.t. and the girls. they are being forced to betaught this, and people around are forced to think a certain which. >> interesting. nicholas, history teacher at union high school in new jersey. thank you for joining us. let's get a look at rain that may fall across the country. this is a busy travel day of the years, and weather could be a factor for people returning from thanksgiving. kevin corriveau is here. >> we are looking at better conditions than our last week, on wednesday. take a look at the aerial of what we are seeing in the skies now. you can see over 2,000 flights are in the air now. this is going to be a busy travel day of the year, if not the busiest. this is 10% of all the people taking to the skies, or on the grounds. we can see that we are encroaching towards the west. we'll see a lot more problems than here towards the west. looking at the radar - let me take you to the radar. we are looking at rain charts. i think it will be the spot across the country where we see the biggest problems. san francisco, san jose, in terms of rain delays there. up to the north-east it's not looking too bad. on the ground, if you travel on the highways. it is going to be across the north. we are looking at takens look at the north-east. much better. >> the sea otter pup at chicago has become an internet sensation as diane eastabrook reports. the aquarium hopes he can shine a light on the plight of other sea otters. >> reporter: at 7 weeks old see otter pup is learning to dive and groom herself. these are big steps for a baby otter, orphaned at a week old, learning basic life skills from trainers. >> like an infant, they need to be fed, groomed. that's what a mother sea otter would do. we are playing the roll. >> the pup got her name because she's the 681st southern sea otter rescued off the coast in the past 30 years. the wildlife service considers them a threatened species. marine biologists say sea otters and others are killing thousands, leaving young pups to fend for themselves. there were for sea otters, and they were eeg are for another. the vice president of external affairs says some orphaned sea otters have a difficult time finding homes. >> we do a survey. they are looking for space, what are their plans in five years, how many otters you can take away. many facilities had to say sorry, no room at the in. >> the shed has the otters in 1989 after the oil spill. in the 25 years since then. it's rehabilitate, taking the otter pup to adulthood. >> caring is expense if. trainers prepare a smoothy and bottle feeder six times a day, and gets small pieces of fish. the aquarium estimates that it will spend $30,000 on the pup. before she's an adult. it may be worth the expense. 681 is a darling on youtube, logging more than 3 million hits. if she is that popular on video. she may be more popular once she begins swimming before the public, and the other sea otters could that sea otter be cuter. that will do it for us in new york. i'm erica pitzi. we'll leave you with a live look at hong kong, where pro-democracy protests are under way. the latest from doha in 2 minutes. have a great day. sa mongolian empire. relive this epic odyssey. people encountered. discoveries made. and now, questions answered. al jazeera america presents "marco polo: a very modern journey". the series continues. tonight. 9:00 eastern. there's more to finical news than the ups and downs of the dow. for instance, could striking workers in greece delay your retirement? i'm here to make the connections to your money real. >> i'm joie chen, i'm the host of america tonight, we're revolutionary because we're going back to doing best of storytelling. we have an ouportunity to really reach out and really talk to voices that we haven't heard before... i think al jazeera america is a watershed moment for american journalism >> we made border security a top priority. >> it's not really immigration. it's an invasion. >> they're a constructive part of our society. >> here, t


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 430AM 20150414

charges of driving to san francisco to buy heroin with his two-year-old daughter in the car. the officer white was arrested last wednesday after being bust by underscore officers who staked owe corner of 7th and hour in san francisco. they say white pull up in the ford mustang and bought the drugs from a 57-year-old tim french. white also had a loaded gun in the car along with his daughter in the back seat. the police say the 32-year-old officer was already on paid leave for an an an issue. >> and today could be a same four water situation, which would be highest rates for everyone. storage is 53 percent capacity for the expire district. this is a look at the lake that is 27 percent. here is what it means people would only use 98 gallon are on less a day would see 17 percent increase in the bill. average customers using 246 gallons will pay extra 24 percent and the biggest water wasters using 1500 gallons a day pay 45 percent more. >> i am not opposed that perhaps the people should be penalized so i don't is to take a two second shower each morning. >> east bay mud will contact nose who routinely everuse the water. >> in san jose, at least three property owners have mysterious water leaks. water is seeping from the ground. a homeowner is pumping 2,000 gallons of water on to the street every day to keep it from entering her home. homeowners have called the water district, had the pipes inspected and given a clean bill of help. >> there will be a pilot program to being quip police officers with body cameras and hopes to test them in the fall. the police chief said the department is working with the union to draft a poll addressing officers' rights and privacy issues. the police department testify body cameras in 2009 and 2012 to improve accountability and protect officers from frivolous come lips. -- frivolous compliments. >> an end to a suicide family that snarled traffic on a major freeway interchange in san jose. police used a bomb squad robot to deliver a pizza to a man threatening to jump from the interchange of 680 and 280 and highway 101. negotiators were caused in to talk to the armed suspect. he surrendered after eating the pizza. this stand off created a traffic mess for more than six hours. >> a uc berkeley student faces charges of using a cell phone to record a female student in a dormitory bathroom extending the phone under the stall. victim live stall and waited for the suspect to lebanon. when he did she recognized him and alerted police. police confiscate his phone, laptop cds and dvds and found additional victims. >> inspectors of north bay are on alert ready to do battle with the sharpshooter insect threatening the wipe industry -- wine industry. we have details. >> they use a bait to attract the bugs. >> it may not be the centerpiece of the vineyard but this bug trap is doing serious work save, his livelihood from ruin. >> in a year or two years, you will have a dead vine. >> the sharpshooter is small .5", but can kill plants ask signs by spreading a disease which cuts off the water splay. >> thing of it as mosquitoes or malaria, the same. >> we have $huff million $600 million wine industry to protect. warm weather and early spring increased the threat. these traps are a common sight and all shipments arriving from the southland is inexpected. eggs from a sharpshooter were found on a cargo shipment. >> we were able to find it and ship the plants back to southern california so we do not have a risk here. >> you look under the looks and see if they find eggs. >> the nursery said inspections of new plants happen each week. it could sound extensive but consider this: a sharpshooter decimated thousands of vineyards in 1999 and no one wants history repeating it sex here. in a few hours, advocates and mission city district will board buses to sacramento on hearing on legislation to modify the eviction procedure in san francisco. the bill would prohibit an owner from over victimming ten amendments until owner hemmed title for five years. the act is intended to help owners who want do get out of the rent am business. it is used by investors would flip properties for-profit. san francisco mayor lee will be at the senate committee hearing. >> now a look at the weather forecast mike breezy and cool. what month is this? >> exactly. the month of transition. spring. the southern sea saw. spring sea saw is what we are dealing with the temperatures around san francisco, sunny side 48, glen park is 49, west portal 46 everyone else is around 50 to 52 with 52 along the golden gate bridge and crissy field and in the bayview and the financial district. we have upper 40s in san leandro and palo alto and santa clara and pittsburg and fairly and mid-to-upper 40s american canyon and pacifica at 46 and 50 in saratoga and june in union city. from the east bay hills what we are seeing is a camera bouncing as we still gust to around 20 to 25 miles per hour at higher elevation. in the afternoon, we have broken the broken down the microclimates. coast and san francisco are coolest, below average at 62 the away the bay up to 69 with breezes all day. san jose is in the 70s and 80s on thursday and friday and the weekend forecast is ahead. >> you can take bart with 23 bart trains on time. the richmond-san rafael toll plaza is empty with no reports of a high wind advisory which youd by which but we do for the bay bridge if you are traveling along the span between the east bay and san francisco make sure you keep both hands on the wheel. it is quit gusty. if you are headed along the eastbound direction between treasure island and the metering lights we have construction lasting until 6:00. we do have several lanes taken away. to the south, that is a look at the san mateo bridge and the dumbarton bridges respectively and both are running at top speed and no crashes to get us beginning, just windy. >> the giants celebrate the 2014 world series championship some fans may be paying more for parking. >> the home opener some garages near the ballpark were charging $730 and then $80 before raising prices to $100 before game time. garages on towns and treats champion $18 a day but they raise prices on game day because of nearness to the ballpark. they are not managed by the san francisco metropolitan transportation agency and they can charge what they like. >> supply and demand. >> if you forked owe the money, the 20 foreign world series championship celebration was held with the giants three world series trophies carried from the past five seasons including bumgarner riding a police hearse to -- horse delivering a flag to the teammates the flag was then hoisted to complete the ceremony. >> i will never get a chance to do that again. i don't know if anyone has done that before or not but it was interesting and it was fund in front of the fans at hope. we had a good time. >> usually the contract prohibits them from doing anything remotely dangerous. >> that right. there it is unfortunately the pre-game festivities were the only highlights because the rockies shut out the giants 2-0. they will meet again tonight at at&t park and first pitch is at 7:15. >> ever want to see how you celebrate the giants and as by sharing your photos with us with han where you live. >> students are preparing for a trip with amazing creativity making a dream come true and a flight seattle to los angeles towns around minutes after take off with an emergency landing. >> the bay bridge toll plaza shows cash paying lanes have a few car >> covering santa rosa berkeley, san jose and all the bay area, this is abc7 news. a seattle baggage hand dealer is fine after a crazy ordeal on alaska airlines flight. >> can you hear that? that was knocking. a passenger posted this video on his facebook page. passengers could hear someone pounding and screaming inside the plane after the agent woke up in the cargo hold as the plane took off. the pilot heard the banging and turned the flight an empty passengers say it lasted more than 15 members and they did not know we what was going on. >> we her screaming from the cargo and one on the flight...the pilot said he could not give us any information and we had to land. >> the cargo hold is pressurized and temperature controlled so the worker was not injured but he was taken to the hospital and released overnight and three said he was about ten hours into his shift. >> a san francisco supervisor plans to ask the city attorney to draft legislation requiring all city vehicles to be equipped with g.p.s. devices. supervisor wants the city to monitor employee differenting habits to make the streets safer and achieve that by getting all city workers to drive the speed him. it is part of the "vision zero plan," to have no pedestrian deaths by 2024. the board will vote on june on the legislation. >> students from san jose's andrew hill high school will go on a trip of a lifetime, earning a spot at the first robotic world chapship in st. louis later this month. here is that reporter, the rookie team beat the odds to compete among the best. >> 89 pounds. >> members of the robotic team are deciding what to pack. we can take this out. >> the trip is all about wires and gadgets, stuff the teens have long had a passion for. >> i like building stuff and i liked to build when i was a kid. >> they earned a spot at the robotics world championship is remarkable considering the program began last year with no money or mentors but a senior was determined to get the program started and applied for grants and people to help. >> it was great idea to show the students that even though opportunities are not this you can start the opportunity. >> this is the robot they are taking to the world championship s in st. louis. >> my students only thing of being a police officer or teacher and now they are seeing other options for them. thinking about college. that is what the program ons. audit team is getting a lot of support and hundreds have donated to the go fund me page, to pay for the trip that they could not afford otherwise. >> they are not sure how they will do. >> we are not the best in mechanic but we have team spirit. >> they will give it can. >> we have information to help at abc7 news come. team spirit is half the bill. >> way to go andrew hill. wish they couldable robot with a sensor to tell when the rain is coming and hold up the umbrella. >> saw that on the. >> go, remote. >> now, the big story look at those winds, blowing on emeryville at 20 to 25 miles per hour from north to south. every bridge is affected but for maybe the golden or those that run north and south not so affected as richmond-san rafael bay bridge dumbarton and san mateo. what happened yesterday, the winds were dramatic cooling mechanism, anywhere from 13 to 16 degrees cooler and more than even i thought. i thought we would be ten degrees cooler and we exceeded that. here is a look at the visibility, they brought in dry air, and no threat of fog this morning. check out our peninsula camera looking at sfo no clouds and no delays. what i do expect: more sunshine. faster presses today. faster breeze. clear. calmer tonight. with the dry of the air, clear conditions and no winds to keep the atmosphere overturned and tomorrow morning could be cooler hand this morning and we will rebound on thursday and friday the warmest highs could be near records. we will be two or three degrees of record high temperatures. today, money 60 throughout the south bay with 66 in milpitas and 67 in santa clara and santa cruz and gilroy could get to 71 degrees. on the peninsula from 64 in millbrae to los altos at 68 and upper 50s to low 60s loan the coast into downtown san francisco. sausalito up to santa rosa and toward calistoga and napa mid-60s to nearly 70 and that is calistoga. mid-to-upper 60s loan the east bay shore with oakland at 65 and hardly any 70s inland east bay all the way to antioch and brentwood at 70 and 71 degrees. tonight, low 40s in the deepest valleys of the north bay and the rest of us in the mid-to-upper 40s. the wind switches tomorrow, four to ten degree warmer and we jump six degrees on thursday a couple more on friday as we top out nearly 70 at the coast and low 80s at the bay and upper 80s inland and slightly cooler but still, warm all the way through the weekend. >> at look at walnut creek and the drive there is quiet. it is quick moving as you make the drive from pleasanton hill to highway 24. as we stay in the east bay we have construction. it is a project that will shut down northbound and southbound 880 starting at 9:00 at night, right to about 6:00 in the morning between 29th avenue and 23rd avenue. there will be detours in place as we slide across the bay if san francisco, this is causing a little bit of a hiccup in some commutes, northbound 280 between 101 and industrial street we have lanes shut down and detours are in place lasting only until 5:00 but, southbound traffic until 6:00 between southbound 280 to southbound 101 it will be closed for work and there will be detours. so far though the drive is light. coming up, famous feline the big cat causing an uproar in southern california and now it is going viral on social media. >> is dining out bat for your health? the new study that could have you eating at home more often. >> as we head to break you are looking at live both and traffic throughout the break. stay tuned. >> 84 cents on the particular is how much working women earn compared to their male counterparts amounts to a gap each year of $8,000. >> the national partnership for women and families analyze the census bureau's data to find out 1.7 million households are headed by women. so that means the gender wage gap create as loss of $38 billion each year that could help strengthen the state's economy. >> that is 16 cents and we will call it even. >> 16 cents right here. >> a if you report is revealing the most overused buzzwords in silicon valley. >> "forbes" magazine compiled the lit of expressions used by start-up founders, developers and marketers and venture capitalists, the worst start-up words. it includes sunsetting growth hacking thought leader, rockstar magazine is asking readers to weigh in and voting on the most useless >> the sun will set at at&t park today at 7:44 and when it does hopefully we can get get a win at the game. >> 57 degrees dropping down to 54 with the breezes and it is going to be cool. now, red flag morning through the sierra from south lake tahoe down to mammoth and maybe further south than that, and small craft advisories along our coastline because of the strong winds, again today 93 today in palm springs and upper 60 and low 70s in san diego and los angeles and same through the central valley and only to 47, in lake tahoe. safe travels. >> and just so you know. great emeryville camera to the eastern span of the bay bridge, bouncing because we have high winds in the area and a high wind advisory issued by the c.h.p. for this particular span and, also, for the golden gate bridge, be careful with the gusty conditions taking you over to highway 17, because of the highway wins, we did have a lot of debris on the roads and that could be the case along highway 17, someone was drive along, there was a log in the road and that could be treacherous. be careful if you are traveling between los gatos and san jose. it is 4:55. type out could cause your blood pressure to spite and not juice bought of the bill. eating out and having high look pressure were connected. men were more than five times more likely than women to be at risk. the most shocking statistics of the study eating one center meal out each week could make you 6 percent more likely to suffer from high blood pressure. researchers say when you eat out you calm considerably more calories, fat and salt than when you eat at home. >> not sure if i should mention this but we will, we have sweet news for ice cream free school scoop at ben & jerries with the free concern today to thank the just informs for spreading peace love and ice scream. stores in the bay area serve a flow scoop from 12:00 to 8:00 people is they estimate they will give out a million free scoops across the nation. >> guess the top three flavors? >> cherry garcia. >> number two. >> chunky monkey is number eight. >> number one is half baked half fudge brownie and half chocolate chick cookie dough. >> you can have my half. >> a mountain lion is hiding out in a crawl space despite efforts to get it to leave. >> filibuster fish tried an air gun and poked it with a pole yesterday but the big cat said, no i were a not leaving. after an sure they decided to let it leave on its own. it is tagged and will be tracked. the mountain lion is the first ever to cross the 405 freeway it is believed, and has been spotted by the famous hollywood sign. >> it has its own twitter account, look at this, unlike the reporters i call it a night give me a shut out. i will be back tomorrow with more wisdom. our affiliate our sister case saying mountain lion? i thought you were nocturnal. >> as the warriors prepare if the playoffs they have an eye on the future with a vision for the new arena in san francisco. >> a bay area police officer now on the other side the law and how it could is placed a young child in danger. stay tuned. ♪i am beautiful in every single way♪ ♪words, can't bring me down♪ live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> 5:00 a.m. on tuesday morning the band is back together. the old time rock-n-roll. >> i am eric thomas. >> that soothes your soul? yes. >> i am kristen sze. nice to be back. leyla gulen is here with the remark and meteorologist mike nicco has the weather. >> the winds are blustery. if you are traveling around, i will let leyla tell you about that. we have a sprinkle possible overnight but it has run away with the cold


Transcripts For KCSM Newsline 20140407

weeks. the country. top japanese and australian leaders have announced that they have reached a broad agreement on a free trade deal the two countries have been negotiating since two thousand and seven to hammer out an accord. prime minister shinzo ahmed and his australian counterpart tony abbott met in tokyo in a joint news conference on this deal is crucial and strengthening bilateral ties and promoting trade and investment between the two nations or could it be when you're out. the agreement represents an historically significant events in strengthening our bilateral relationship. on that portsmouth a minute of it. i will work to sign the deal as soon as possible. japanese government officials agreed to lower tariffs on australian beef from the current thirty eight and a half percent. they will lower tariffs on frozen beef to nineteen and a half percent and eighteen years and was called chilled beef to twenty three and a half percent in fifteen years australian leaders in return agreed to abolish its current five percent levy on japanese cars within three years at the most the country also plans to lift tariffs on our parts by two thousand and nineteen. trade between japan and australia top fifty seven billion dollars in two thousand and twelve. that makes australia japan's fifth largest trade partner. japan buys most of its beef imports from australia. the beefy and seven hamburgers and other dishes and chain restaurants a tariff cuts will likely lower prices for japanese consumers bought domestic beef producers fear tougher competition. japan's major exports to australia our cars auto parts and industrial machinery. australia is the world's second biggest importer of japanese vehicles after the us australia has already removed errands for me was how to's and has agreed to do the same for south korea possibly next year. japan has been demanding and australia cut tariffs on its cars to ensure a high level playing field it did seventy years for the two countries to reach this agreement and the world to complete that tells us more about twelve finally went right this time. most leaders who fear the deal a major victory. we look to clinch it by promising to lower tariffs on beef but not eliminate them. for the current australian producers league deal would give anything and japan where they compete at the screen with american team. even some tears still in place australians think they can grab a bigger market share there is also called it remains will be a bargaining chip and a chance to pick partnership contract talks the thing that they can persuade the us counterparts to water down their demands now that the australians have accepted a minor deal than americans. and economic revitalization minister of kerala money is due to meet us trade representative michael owen and in tokyo on wednesday coleman is still demanding more concessions from the japanese site. obama will visit secular later this month. negotiators are desperately hoping for a break to find them an insecure world here are the latest market research. i had the eye. it is. a motorist in india have begun casting ballots the country's one point two million people have been seeing steady economic growth in recent years they will now have five weeks to choose a new leader the nation as more than eight hundred million eligible voters making it the world's biggest general election. voting is taking place in nine stages through meat while the ruling congress party chose from gandhi was seen as an heir to the country's nehru gandhi political dynasty as its election campaign leader the largest opposition about it the janata party in vietnam. the danger of modi as its candidate for prime minister modi is a self made politician going to do for a family of it even. analysts suggest he holds a strong lead early in the canteen. it is carol's i receive daily reports from the brood are awesome. woe to me this election has just begun. it's really early in the morning and in front of the board has shown you can order an easy dessert don't you. the main campaign issues include fixing that and he's built a gap and ending on the concoction we want those outdoors in the last two elections has been expected to result in loss of power pixie i want a core action in korea and its duration current prices increasing the joker wants and needs to get into all the fuss. he didn't. what it takes getting used to the cd. he meets the hiatus for a ticket for the student in his weakened state budget. he's a human being. she has destroyed this country is spreading corruption i could tell plenty of india's defence the two. due to his achievements that is looking for the investment is spearheading the political integration. cruelty but he did what he was tempted to work those across india. it was intended. it is expedient for morgan is tied to the saloon and eight the station. it was hard to improve the status of women how can we make. after winning two. it is definitely a solution to this problem you need a strong will need it. results for these need and that it was so low in india's economy. young people lined up in front of the fact he's looking for. rising prices have led to a shop don't own consumption. gdp growth has told the full posts into one. getting busy we need a change of power politicians like mr moti to the internet thereby further develop. buying. this auntie who was vice president of the blog on the inked and stamped it on to play with just one thing i know that he would not turn on the photo this prestigious family dynasty. it's produced by the distance between two countries plus the law teaching in the form that he's going to try to show his open personality. but the white team to coach and onto the stage. the main we've been working hard for people will guarantee a reason it comes to the middle class level. and will provide education to all children and i returned to the next president. the new student at the next week. simply put dishes in principle in the us political dynasty. the road is waiting to see what it ended when the award is decided. a basic duty of which you would do us all south korean christian pop today has told military leaders to bolster your defences after drones were found in the country. defense officials believe they probably came from north korea the president is concerned that went undetected. come see. our miracle eight courses he would completely unaware of the presence of the drums the drums. we are there differences. ordered security to be increased around important facilities the defence ministry held a meeting with top military officials they grieve the drums pro is a new security threat that calls for special counter ventures over the past week residency in different parts of south korea found a total of three unmanned aircraft that had apparently crashed. you're equipped with cameras that contain photos including the presidential palace in central seoul. tuesday will mark a month since the malaysian airlines flight and the tree seventy dropped off civilian radar. officials at the joint agency ordination center in australia say they may have picked up a crucial kids on the whereabouts of the missing plane. an epa rules will come up to has the details. routine with the team for the missing flight on hiring downcast are carried out under eighteen team. the length of thread attorney is to seek ordination can tell he still said on monday. australian neighbor. that's what they're going out. we can. and part of uncertainty and was appalled to read. clearly this is the most promising only. and probably in the senate side are. it's the it's probably the best information that we unpacked the agency has. or a toothache know some of the black box in my life the first time. basket for two hours and twenty minutes again the first thirty minutes. official added that they don't need to control all based upon the information. search your heart is focused on finding a mate three seventy nine and was three quarters done together after class. its recovery is likely the best chance of bringing out what went wrong on board the plane the record as us makers that sixteen that needs to be leading to a km to pick up signals from the glove box they also say it's not patient enough to around thirty days. aviation experts say it coming. the difficulty of the ocean and the current sink area is over four point five km deep. in twenty eleven the french government told that the black box from an air france jet two years frequent than in the atlantic in court on the castleford. recovery crews used to come festivals and other deep sea to five days to pick up the box however the voice recorder can hold only two hours of picture conversation. it may not reveal what happened on mh three seventeen. racing government officials say that death may have been hijacked or destroyed in the sunny side up. there are also investigating an agreement on printers. the key to our range of scenarios including mental issues on the flight and possible insurance claim there are also looking out the possibility of an accident. if i hear are a typical day here city officials say any of them acting out is now much smaller than before. they say they need to carefully and that they can continue to search for a rare case. mocha come on top. carol the leader of a japanese opposition party says he'll resign as the hand over a loan scandal. your party's you she knew what the nub that made the comment after revealing that he took loans totalling around eight million dollars from the chairman of a cosmetics company. the transaction took place before upper and lower house elections in two thousand and ten and two thousand while. the members of the loans for personal he said he plans to add a half million dollars of the money to his party to cover election and policymaking expenses as well as activities to expand the party. he did not register the rest of the loans in a compulsory report on donations for political activities watanabe had not been seen in for ten days month held a press conference on monday for the gate about the whole day and i tore it in the form in order to violate the law constant lot of trouble to many people. it was that i have three forty three on that as party leader. i alone am responsible. chad. nigel gault so cool just right the cosmetics company chairman says the money was used to cover election campaign expenses. he says that before two thousand and twelve pole he got an e mail from up above the sink. he paid a deposit for the election and was thankful for the loan was another form of the party after leaving the liberal democrats in two thousand and nine to fight political iraq to seek the group has been reading diet seats in recent elections but the novice as he returned the money he borrowed and has no intention of leaving the party for resigning from parliament other lawmakers are calling on him to clarify the matter before a diet political ethics committee. the eldest son of late chinese leader who yelled bond is in japan to the political figures the visit is raising hopes that he can help improve strained ties. diplomatic sources say food and pete arrived on sunday he met former prime minister yasuo fukuda sources say who will talk with people close to the government during his weeklong stay is also expected to meet another former prime minister yukio hatoyama whose father were to deepen bilateral ties as common as party chief in the nineteen eighties the sun was an executive with the country's top political advisory body to retrain retains influence in the party as one of the so called friends swings where children of senior party officials. he reports directly to present she's in pain. sources say he is a political and the way who's been involved in japan china relations for many years they say that it's meaningful but he and japanese political figures are exchanging opinions former un high commissioner for refugees some cold cuts as mankind must learn from the genocide in rwanda twenty years ago when i was speaking in tokyo in a memorial service for the victims. additional minute. most repeated continuously impressed by the people themselves the motion to extend helpful hands during that twenty years in denver is conducted by people of iraq the assassination of rwanda's president in april nineteen ninety four triggered an ethnic conflict over the next three months about eight hundred thousand tutsis and moderate hutus were slaughtered. when done the gym on a justin was eight years old at the time he fled across the border after his parents were killed. he says he was able to survive with the support of many people the body. he will do my best to become a role model for other survivors. he also would like to thank all the people who have helped and support is my country. we must. justin says he feels it's his personal mission to succeed in life on behalf of all those who died in the gentle side. my eye people across israel will mark a somber occasions later this month would cost to remembrance day. many will hold and private ceremonies to pay their respects to the victims. one man in the tanya has put a powerful symbol of that dark period in history on display to keep the memory alive for future generations. nhk rolls guy random reports the good news today. with regard to who we really liked the truth and weaknesses of the week i got back to the survivors of the pond. to pass on the stories to make sure their experiences on. the new people each to the holocaust but also others who don't care so much. it cares about our memories preserved. true to the camps. he's pretending and tradition but that is right. it's all great harm this blog is not used to transport . cause last year didn't the lord. as recently as twenty years ago. two criteria can choose to camp he was an inch or more than thirty concentration camps many jewels were executed soon after their arrival. i mean years ago when he was researching his father's life his great aunts who has become. a house call police on the twenty six oh four film in nineteen forty two was one of them is that this is terrible for my grandmother. do we mean to be the new regime. the judge continued the race car and transported him to reagan for they were cute. i wanted to go and tragic history because he found a striking way to smoking be banned the market. was he who sees witnesses. and whoa. interest rate cuts. the move. this kid a boy. we beat you release yourself. i'm on duty. they knew was that the human eye we traveled to houston. no one. we chose one person from each color. you can show them get used to instill fear into it the latest local club. his execution was. the truth the streak of three. we decided to contribute. he showed that just won't start the group and they do younger generations. so before he went through. they mainly about it. even so and you don't want to hear anymore about this with say i want people to see our youth and understand how things were bad idea. they are. the end he wants to. i did exist this is a kind of greenish he's the go. we are working through it. just a few treats or two. she woke up to there's flooding in the solomon islands our meteorologist roberts data is here with more on that robert yes we are continuing a once a severe weather out here this now cycling need to pull that off with the west before the storm system was in full bloom cycle with a developing low pressure area was leaning back here towards the east over the solomons and was happy it says is bringing this persistent heavy rainfall the course of the past week. see here based on satellite imagery how much rainfall keenly up them up by the seven hundred millimeters in summary the areas in the images on the ground or what actually staggering total roll desired video coming out of the solomon islands here we are we happy to see that happen we all had to stop someone's home holding down the river. well at least fifteen people have killed tens of thousands of police. see they're struggling through this now the coming days. conditions will be improving on your backs that good is bad news is we take a look the forecast track the storm system is gonna be moving on towards the west eventually over there towards the northern portions of queensland ring now. gorgeous like online by gus him to buy up to thirty km from whence it still is bringing rain showers despite it being blasted the solomons you have seen the new house in green bay and wrapping around and push read all sorts of war but if we take a peek inhalation this is the heavy stuff and eventually moved up here north of cans and offering to see that these priests nation in the risk of flooding by the latter half this weeks is when we keep them on and also watching tropical storm people of the storm system the southern parts of the philippines to look at some rainfall also thought southern china some subtly more easter welcome here on a high pressure brother up with these. that screen well. it's not all that heavy but persist in rainfall out here across much of the southern sea boards in the that it's just been lingering and that brings the risk of playing just over the course of several be seen in the last several weeks. it is the no showers take place in alaska to continue to linger here are the tories nor will i pressure is dominating in the spring and some beer temperatures are here whether former temperatures that is a cross crease in japan so by the team took to the point when actually covert wars beijing twenty seven for comment tuesday. and by way of thinking of what went on to high twenties around twenty nine degrees it for her height so will be a warming trend severe thunderstorms about the across the southeastern u s provided sold one report of a tornado in mississippi a call from the image on your super and destroyed a few injuries have also been reported to do this low pressure area that's continue to move on toward the northeast. echo from attached to its low level jet very warm air coming in ahead of the cool air behind it only along the front and that's what we have the battles of the calling of the machine when i see straight line winds still asleep when eels are ready for tornado watches are still at large field in the course flashlight some areas you've seen over two hundred millimeters of rainfall of us are here on your sunday field reports monday. also some snow fall over towards the back. the hearings do well. the lead parts and april are still seeing some of that off their torso with these along with this heavy rain behind it back towards the west who want to talk about the southwest section above the average of ten degrees above average falls angels will buy thirty phoenix. everyone there for you you want onto non western europe. now where some of the severe weather in north america it's not just you. if you are the low countries france court orders germany on top of the threats of severe thunderstorms some damaging winds and even potentially tornadoes out ahead of it. doctors will be warming up its forecast. i am noon. the house. it is. this is line for this the engine and honey until dough ball this year and in each case thanks joe. the rules. chile danny mcleish. everyone ttp be sure to be in jeopardy nineteen tradition. d menu is forthcoming. i think religion. great eater. want to learn is that you need to keep the ideas and technology reached here is issued to go where no this time we pick up large energy weeks two thousand and twenty. guilt that she expressed to get the latest trends in japan fashion capital. this time unto you that snakes around the trilogy with adult i can return it to tunnel into something. i did. it is the pool. in the mountains and fields means that the japanese dining the tempura style really it's nice. vegetables like these make great for achievement can wreak


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