Pursuant to House Resolution 607 and rule 18, the chair declares the house in the committee of the whole house on the state of the union for further consideration of h. R. 3043. Will the gentleman from illinois, mr. Davis, kindly ake the chair. The chair the house is in the committee of the whole house on the state of the union for further consideration of h. R. 3043 which the clerk will report by title. The clerk a bill to modernize hydropower policy and for other purposes. The chair when the committee of the whole rose earlier today, a request for recorded vote on amendment number 4 printed in house report 115391 offered by the gentleman from illinois, mr. Rush, had been postponed. The Unfinished Business is the request for a recorded vote on amendment number 4 by the gentleman from illinois, mr. Rush. On which further proceedings were postponed and on which the noes prevailed by voice vote. The clerk will redesignate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 4 printed in house repor
Endless gratitude. Call theed the call to serve as well as the may return home. We must fulfill our promises to our veterans and deliver on those. We need to make sure we end veterans homelessness. In short time, whether it be care, to Quality Health enabling educational opportunities, or the tools to start your in business, our veterans will have the support and services they need following their service. To all their veterans, thank you for your service. May god bless you and may god continue to bless the United States of america. I yelled back. The gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Recognize they to founders of the Southern Tier veteran support group. Army, a veteran of the holding leaders said leadership positions. Al is a veteran of the navy and a graduate of the u. S. Naval academy, having served as a naval officer performing Antisubmarine Warfare and surface surveillance missions. After their military service, they saw a great need to provide help to other veterans where