With the media revolution that accompanied the technical boom that the world witnesses, the varying degree of influence remained associated with many factors, including capabilities and methods of work, and the most important measure remains the extent of credibility enjoyed by the media in the eyes of the public and the extent to which it actually expresses the aspirations
With the media revolution that accompanied the technical boom that the world witnesses, the varying degree of influence remained associated with many factors, including capabilities and methods of work, and the most important measure remains the extent of credibility enjoyed by the media in the eyes of the public and the extent to which it actually expresses the aspirations
At the end of 1989, the end and death of the Cold War was officially announced. It had begun after World War II and the formation of the two camps, the eastern camp led by the Soviet Union and the wes.
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СМИ сетевое издание «Городской информационный канал m24.ru» зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых к