Resolution 23-24-17 calls for an investigation into the university’s response to the Kirkland sit-in, and Resolution 23-24-18 demands a reduction in punishment for all protesters involved.
VSG presidential and vice presidential candidates Hananeel Morinville and Ellie Kearns, both juniors, released a statement regarding a March 20 petition made by former VSG Vice President Ari Sasson, a senior, to disqualify them from the election. Kearns and Morinville published their statement on Instagram on March 25, one day after the VSG Judicial Court.
After announcing 14 vacancies in a 38-person Senate and postponing select elections, VSG filled every Senate seat for the 2023-24 academic year. The results for the postponed Hank House and MLC elections were released in an email sent to students on Oct. 9, while others are yet to be announced. For the 2021-22 and 2022-23.