e, and what they transcribe next is almost enough to makeyou you cynical tuout the role of the press in a free society. rnt it turns out, and we lea this from unnamed officials on background, thath allowint ar chinese military aircraft to surveil your country, including your missile silos,g is not the big deal . routine the rest of us thought it was, e in fact, it s routine. it happens all the time. it, trump did it to quite a bit of it, actually . at least three chinese spy balloold trump balloons fle was w over this country while donald trump was-chi president . and despite the anti china na rc, he jurhetoric, just let . you didn t know that.is is norml now you do. so settle down., ev this is normal. in other words, everythingerdond donald trump did while president is bad, except this sr letting chinese spy balloonsy na fly over the country. that s very good. hiand we re taking a lesson from him. so virtually everorganizatiyg organization in this country repeated that claim, inclu
0 you want your attention. he makes it clear when he wants to be left alone. inhe makes it obvious.coo but if your cat has a pain,es i but if your cat has a pain,es i also knownt pa as osteoarthritis pain, he may be saying how in different ways it s a long lasting condition that makes itt painful for your cat to move like they once did. o like when walking or climbing. red flags are everywhere, butrno cats are realluty good at hiding their pain. so you just need to know what to look for. visit cat red flags. com to learn about the signs of in and how your vet can help . gooker: good evening and wele to tucker carlson tonight. on saturday, the twenty first of january , american intel services watched maybe slack jawed as a white heliuming balloon with an enormous payload swinging bt beneath itet lifted off from central china and began to float east overwita the north pacific on the way here to the united states within a week. ir spa itce arrived on january alas twenty eight . the b