Thorsten Cmiel whets the appetite for the 2022 Chess Olympiad, which starts on Friday in Chennai. As a talent scout, he introduces Team India B Nihal, Gukesh, Pragg, Adhiban and Raunak which is sure to have a say in the fight for the medals. | Photo: Lennart Ootes / FIDE
The second leg of the MPL Indian Chess Tour, sponsored by the Play Magnus Group, took place on June 2-6 as a 16-player single round-robin. Aravindh Chithambaram and Nihal Sarin finished in shared first place on 32/45 points the football scoring system was in place but Aravindh scored a higher number of wins, which granted him tournament victory. This win earned Aravindh a spot in the next event of the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour.
The All India Chess Federation has announced the biggest squad of Indian teams for the upcoming FIDE Olympiad. Vishy Anand has been named as the mentor for all four Indian teams, while the country’s third GM in history, Pravin Thipsay, will be the Head of the Delegation. | Photo: AICF
Five-time World Champion Viswanathan Anand and Israeli chess great Boris Gelfand will work in tandem to guide the Indian players ahead of the 44th Chess Olympiad as the All India Chess Federation (AICF) has brought the two legends together for .