interesting is what we just learned that the american federation of teachersfe announced they re spending millions of dollars in an effort to stampsef out you got . misinformation. ic the teachers aree investing in a service called news guard and afc president randi weingarten proclaimed it will provide a valuable lesson in media literacy and a discussion point for teachers in class on what can and can tin be trusted. butt this is ironic on two fronts, right? first, becausenic, weingartenhe and her cronies, all they do is spread fears, fear and lies to keep schools closed, make everyone paranoid about covid even little kids that misinformation randy. and secondly, the founder of news guard once called the new york post hunter biden laptopor story quote a hoax likely perpetrated by the russians. and it s not justro the classrooms that are being targeted by these self-appointed misinformation czars mis, even the covid overls