Surprised theyve taken control of your senate. Jeff im not surprised they im surprised at the margin, they are to be commended. They ran a good campaign. They have a supermajority which weve been in that position, myself, ive been tied, majority, supermajorities and now in the minority, the dynamics are different but the issues are the same. Iowa usually has approach how to solve them. Ron this election cycle was the most bizarre, you ran a positive commercial, not going after your opponent at all, like we saw in some local races. Why did you take that approach rather than following the consultant model which is attack ad, attack ad. Jeff i believe in a positive vision and thats the first statement of we have to do Better Running our campaigns and communicating with our voters. This consultantdriven campaign framework, i dont think is positive in the long run. Ron were you shocked and i guess a lot of people were shocked at the defeat of a gentleman who many people thought kind of ran
christmas presents. welcomeeback to fox ffy morning news 45 morningg ews. it s 6:00 on this morning. decembee 13th. ww are going to checc in -itt meteorologist steve fertig though it s not quite winter. tomorrow at night. it ssfeeling like winter already with the snow showers. we re ccncerred abbut blaak ice this morning oo. i tell you, megan the temperatures are gging tt bee3 iffyouu on t ee the black ice outdoors or you are going to sprens, thaaexppriince that you wann to be carefuu. showers out there in spots to3 the western spot of tte -hesapeakeebay. ann theewestern spots concerns when the winter weather advisoryy3รบ will ccotinue toward :00 a.m.3 they are unddr a winter storm waaninn once more aa another foot tt 2-foot of snow are falling there. -he rest of us looking at a half aa inch of snow or so thii morning and flurries this %-afternoon. sky hd radar indicating the change over from rain to green. you see he frozen prrcipitation, and the iccy3 ccnditions throu