we ve gone from a band of mercenaries to work s greatest military power, we re an economic super power, a source of light and liberty the rest of the world looks to. whatever celebrations take place this week, will be muted. and take place against the backdrop of disillusion and divide, overwhelming number of our fellow citizens, perhaps us included, believe that country is headed in the wrong direction, there is economic pain and uncertainty, there are allegations of insurrection and and stolen elections, how did we get here? you don t have to travel far to know how lucky we are to live in this country, yet to hear some of our politicians talk we re oppressive, cruel and unfair. if you think there is a better place to live, then by all means go. i have traveled to many countries in my life, full of history, and natural beauty and religious significance, and kind people and the common dedominate or denominate or at end of each trip was my desire to come back home, back to t
rights among theses tells me there are more, it is up to us to discover what the other rights are through the democratic process, we do not celebrate the supreme court on july 4 or the due process clause or the legal doctrine of starry decisives, we celebrate democracy, and freedom to chart our own course. in past couple years yee have watched as the country wanted and expected the supreme court to overturn or decide a presidential election. while the other half of the country waited on the supreme court to tell us the full extent of your rights, as if we re not capable of i doing that ourselves, democracy is hard, this is messy, it requires debate and argument and persuasion and compromise.
supporting that decision, people don t like the creative, inven active legal reasoning that gave rise to that decision which is why people say you judges should interpret the law and not make the law. that translates into judicial activism. in senator durbin s questioning you saw that when conservative you re resists overturn previous decisions made by liberal courts they refer to that as judicial activism because you set aside starry decisives and go a new direction. they say that s the meaning of judicial activism. you have another thread, which is the commerce clause which is important in terms of what congress can and cannot legislate, like with the healthcare law. they can regulate interstate