significant? it wouldn t have been, had we not known about it. now it s in the public sphere. the team surrounding kushner, i m guessing, will be very sensitive to that, as should mr. kushner. mexicans know that we know this piece of intelligence. it s unlikely they ll try to pull a fast one on him while he s there. he is landing on a country team down there under ambassador jacobson who is terrific and fantastic. nobody knows the region or mexico better. he will be insulated enough. this is one of the reasons why, quite frankly, we re not supposed to talk about security clearances in a public realm. in this case, it could insulate him. admiral kirby, elise labott, thank you. grand jury now indicted the parkland school shooter. we have details about what he has been doing behind bars as he has been sitting in jail. also, starting revelation from police in england, confirming that a former russian spy and his daughter were likely
martha: one of the biggest names in horse racing says it won t poll for the primaries. they seriously missed barack obama s lead going into the election against mitt romney. they won t say if they will poll for the main event last year. the pollster earned its reputation by predicting the landslide forward franklin roosevelt in 1936. we ll see where this goes. bill: a starting revelation showing russia s influence in syria. this general lobbied for snos could you to intervene in syria. according to iraqi officials he made the request with putin