Baltimore’s Board of Ethics has clarified the voting rules for the city spending panel, finding a member may in fact vote on matters pertaining to units of city government under his or her control.
bodd./ was./ 33 dumped her innthe water (cryin) (crying) 3 p3 i have to o all can do to put the pieces together as a &pman and as a father as aalove one. i had to come out hhre. earlyy n - /// áááoliceáá.// did. suspect./// aanes.// 3phylicia s father was among thooeewho gathered tonight t apartmmntss whhre barnes disappeared exactlyy our months agg ttday.janiceepark were once again aammeting plaae.this timm for a pandlelight vigil. vigil.. it began with a few people tying balloons. balloons.but quickly ttrned into dozens filling the sidewalks.all ggthering under the spring blloms for phylicia barnes: barnes: i cannnt start the heaaing process until we find out what happpned to phylicia phe igil was held by barnes father, sister, grandmothhr tonight were strangers. sttangers. i just been &prayi all mooeddby barnes disappearance.then equaaly devastated by the discovery of week: i challenge everybody as you remember go with joy joyeven yoong children atte