test that it s very very important to say. yeah well it s it has been shown that sports and physical exercise is beneficial in i.b.s. patients. especially patients are both predominant with i.b.s. and preventing cancer patients and also other behavior effect can be helpful as you said that if you want to diagnose i.b.s. you have to rule out other diseases of the colon like chronic inflammatory disease like crohn s disease which is a disease where intestinal tissue can be destroyed. stephanie has suffered from chronic disease her entire life. and that means she has to watch what she eats very carefully. any good will to act out that if i m having a good day i ll have. a nice meal and have all the things that i shouldn t really eat when i m having a bad day i m out of luck during a serious flare up i often can t eat at all that can last for
dendritic cells are located in the intestine. this is melissa this is the result of the historical analysis you can see the dendritic cells which appear red in this healthy section there near the intestinal lumens and near the contents of the gut in contrast here we have a section of diseased gut which also has undergone histological analysis you can see how the structure has been damaged there s also a massive infiltration of inflammatory cells which appear here in orange you can t see any more dendritic cells they re gone this into. the diseased got no longer has the cells that suppress the immune response so that leads to inflammation brocker is investigating several different hypotheses as to why the dendritic cells might be vanishing but many of. open questions remain. stephanie gun takes medication that suppresses the other wanted immune response they have side effects they can