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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Martha MacCallum 20170103

together and thank everybody who filled in for us over the last week or so. i'm martha maccallum. the president elect set to receive an intelligence briefing on the hacks over the next 24 hours or so. he is back to business in new york city continuing to question what our intel agencies are saying about the russian cyberattack. mr. trump claiming he has information that no one else does. >> i know a lot about hacking. hacking is a very hard thing to prove. it could be somebody else. i also know things that other people don't know and so they cannot be sure of the situation. >> martha: peter doocy follows this all throughout the holidays and in front of trump tower today. he is receiving an intelligence briefing specific to this sometime today. what do we think he'll get out of this? >> we know what he needs to get out of it to have his mind changed on this, martha. these high ranking members of the intel community coming to brief the president-elect will have to have clear-cut proof the russians interfered with the u.s. elections process if they are going to convince mr. trump. >> he will have to see the evidence and what is in the briefing and remember, you aren't saying it now but many people on tv try to complete any russian hacking that may have occurred with the election results. people are still trying to find a reason why hillary clinton lost. you can't deny it. >> adding kind of muddying the water a little bit more i should say in an interview with sean hannity julian assange said russia aren't the ones who gave wikileaks the emails from podesta. >> martha: we'll dig into that this morning. another bit of information that's significant on twitter is that the president-elect is now going after general motors, right? >> right. he is applying pressure using a campaign promise to an american car company the same way he applied pressure using twitter to carrier and boeing and lockheed martin to get results. the tweet about gm says this. general motors is sending mexican made models to u.s. car dealers free across the border making usa or pay big border tax. another key player was added to the trump trade team. robert light highser, he will be nominated a u.s. trade representative. he was once the deputy trade rep under reagan. part of the transition team's announcement about his selection says he will try to strengthen manufacturing here and try to stop jobs from leaving. martha. >> martha: lots more to come on that and talking about that at the top of the 10. >> bill: now the exclusive interview with sean hannity conducted yesterday in london. remember now, the thousands of hacked emails were made public in daily dumps courtesy of wikileaks. as peter just reporting assange saying his source was not the government in moscow. >> we can say and have said repeatedly over the last two months that our source is not the russian government. and it is not a states party. did it change the outcome? who knows. it is impossible to tell. but if it did, if it did, the accusation is that the true statements of hillary clinton and her campaign manager, john podesta, and the dnc, and debbie wasserman schultz, their true statements is what changed the election. >> bill: there is a lot in this interview. john bolton with me. sir, good morning to you and happy new year. he just said there not the russian government, not a state party. what does that mean to you? >> kudos to sean hannity for getting the interview. i wouldn't trust assange to give a straight answer to that if his life depended on it. he didn't deny it could have come from russian capabilities. it didn't come in a package that said from russia with love. that answer doesn't exclude the possibility that it did come as a result of russian government action. he wouldn't tell you the real answer in any case. >> bill: how easy or difficult would it be to show the american public evidence on behalf of the administration? >> the intelligence community undoubtedly has evidence that they could show. the problem with showing all of it, which might be one way to get to the bottom of this, is it would blow a lot of sources and methods by which we gather other intelligence that we need to keep in place. i think the people who have looked at this and the senate have concluded that there was russian involvement. but the fact is that the waters have been so muddied in the public debate in this country, i think president-elect trump or the house and senate intelligence committees have to think carefully how much to put out to try to clear up the misconceptions. >> bill: a lot of people are looking for evidence, too. quickly on that and move to some tweets. >> i thought the possibility of a false flag was here for a long time. the notion that you have to wait for absolute proof about something before you act is a bad formula to use in international relations. you never have absolute proof. if you're waiting for more information, more intelligence you are letting events dictate your policy rather than you dictating it. >> bill: one moment here. mike pence now is outside trump tower talking about congress and some of what we're discussing too. >> over the course of the coming days the president-elect will receive more information about that and other topics on the world stage. i think the challenges that america faces on the world stage will be met with renewed american strength and renewed american leadership. rebuilding our military, engaging leaders around the world as the president-elect has done on a personal basis is all part and parcel of i think a new season. it's 2017. we're just a few weeks away from a new administration taking office and i think the world will see that with our president-elect taking office, america will be standing tall in the world again engaging the world again and standing firmly for america's interests. thank you all. >> bill: first comment. didn't expect that. mike pence outside trump tower. we heard, mr. ambassador, just yesterday, a couple of tweets that went out about china and north korea. he said china has been taking up massive amounts of money and wealth from the u.s. and one-sided trade. won't help north korea, nice. north korea in the final stages of -- it won't happen. mike pence referred to the challenges here and overseas and there are many. how do you interpret that response from the incoming administration? >> i think it is the basis for a much more realistic policy of dealing with china. if you talk to any american business that operates in china, you 're at risk of their intellectual property being stolen by chinese companies in the state, you know they don't get equal justice in chinese courts. you know they're discriminated against in lots of regulatory decisions. china is not living up to the obligations it undertook in international trade agreements. so doing something about that i think is long overdue. as far as north korea is concerned china has not been helpful on it in the bush or obama administrations said they helped the six-party talks. those talks produced nothing except buying time for north korea to continue with its nuclear and ballistic missile programs which trump referred to in the tweet. i think the north koreaian threat is grave not from their missiles but cooperation with iran and others. >> bill: thank you for your time. breaking news this morning. >> martha: we have a big show ahead for you today. sean hannity will make a rare morning appearance. he will join us live to talk about his big interview with julian assange that airs later tonight. first sean spicer on the docket at 9:15. the incoming white house press secretary will join us in a few minutes and kevin mccarthy who gets business underway in a big way today as they swear in the 115th congress in just a little while this morning. speaking of that, things kick off on capitol hill a few hours from now. law makesers will gavel in for the first time in 2017. those just elected in the sweeping results that happened in november are about to take their new positions. there will be votes for house speaker and then the work will get underway. they are planning a very aggressive first 100 days agenda on everything from trade to tax reform. we'll get some information on that from kevin mccarthy, repealing obamacare is on the docket. some democrats have plans of their own and roadblocks they want to show in the way and slow down confirmations of several of donald trump's cabinet positions. we'll get much more as we speak to the majority leading coming up in a little while at the bottom of the hour. >> bill: no shortage of topics. wow, 10 minutes past. top democrats and hillary clinton promising a smooth transition of power, remember this? >> we must except this result and then look to the future. donald trump is going to be our president. we owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. >> bill: but the transition is proving to be anything but smooth sailing so far in many ways it is obama versus trump. we'll analyze that and the political waters may get rougher going forward. >> martha: a fox news alert. new details about the suspect in the istanbul terror attack. he took on a popular tourist destination and caught filming himself just prior. we'll have more breaking news when we come back. ♪ everything your family touches sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. because no one kills germs better than clorox. >> bill: democratic senators could make confirmation hearings tougher. a number of trump's cabinet picks hoping to stretch votes into the month of march. incoming democratic senate minority leader saying if republicans think they can jam through a slate of nominees without a fair hearing process they're sorely mistaken. sean spicer is with me now. good day to you. a brand-new year, happy new year to you. do you expect democrats to slow roll this thing? >> i think they'll try to do what they can. i would like to introduce the 2017 democrats to the 2008 democrats when barack obama was elected president, the republican senate at the time confirmed seven of his cabinet picks on day one and five additionally in the week following that. they were very clear at the time how important it was that we allow these people to be confirmed to get to work immediately. so i would ask them to abide by the same advice they gave us in 2008 when barack obama was elected and allow these highly qualified people to take office so we can start bringing change to this country. >> schumer says if he gets more financial data or nothing will happen until he gets more financial data from several of these nominees. will he get it, sean? >> well, again, i would refer senator schumer to senator schumer of 2008. we are abiding by the same standard that senator schumer had for the obama nominees including senator clinton and others. he seems to want to change the rules because his party didn't win. i think we will continue to abide by the rules that senator schumer and reid had no problem with in 2008 when then barack obama was elected. >> bill: julian assange an interview with sean hannity. i'll move to that now. he is suggesting in a lot of ways, sean, that well, i'll let you listen to him and i'll ask you specifically about what he said on the election. >> such a dramatic response? the reason is obvious. they're trying to delegitimize the trump administration as it goes into the white house. they are trying to say that president-elect trump is not a legitimate president. >> bill: sean hannity joins us next hour. for this hour mr. trump said over the weekend he has his own sources on this intel. will we see what he is suggesting, that could prove evidence yes or no on this, sean? >> the president-elect gets briefed by the members of the intelligence agency to make sure he is up to speed. he can't reveal everything he is privy to because it's classified. he is given access to that information and what's happening. >> bill: it could settle his argument to go public, sean. >> you can't reveal classified information. he can come to a conclusion based on the evidence and the facts and the data and intelligence that is shared with him. the report, keep in mind, isn't even final yet. he will be briefed later this week by senior members of the intelligence community once the report is final. the bigger question i have and i've stated this before is when you look at the magnitude of the response and the sanctions we instituted as a government, the question has to be asked are those sanctions in proportion to the acts that have been committed? these are the greatest amount of sanctions that have been instituted in modern history. we've never kicked 35 people out and closed two sites of a country in peacetime. are they political or diplomatic? they never responded to china when millions of people had their sensitive information hacked. and if you also go back and talk about the fact that in september the president said he told putin to knock it off. if they knew the actions were occurring then why didn't they wait? because hillary clinton didn't win the election? i don't know the answer. there seems to be additional questions whether the response is political or diplomatic. this administration -- >> bill: can you say how your information is different from the intelligence community, yes or no? >> it's not a question of different. what the intelligence community does is provide principles with the raw data to make conclusions and draw inferences what they believe. their job is not to come in and give you the conclusions. it's to give you the data. that's what president-elect trump will be given later this week and come to the conclusions based on the intelligence presented to him of the circumstances that have occurred. the fact is this administration tried to have a reset with russia at the beginning and it failed. i understand it didn't work out too well. this administration understands the importance of russia and putting america's interests first in the geopolitical climate we live in. we'll do that. this president understands it's in america's interest to have a very fruitful relationship. >> bill: two more quick things. supreme court nominee. when will we get a name? >> when the president-elect is ready to give one. see focused on his cabinet now. talking to folks about this. after the cabinet is installed you'll see further action on the supreme court. >> bill: when is the first press conference going to be? >> i would expect in the next 10 to 15 days. >> bill: before the inauguration? >> absolutely. >> bill: sean spicer, thank you for your time. many more questions to come. thanks for your time today. >> martha: the deadly storm sweeping through the south. five people lost their lives and a lot of destruction has been left behind. a live report on the ground and a desperate search in colorado for a 6-year-old boy who has been missing out and alone since new year's eve. police say they do not think he was abducted. why they still say this is a race against time. >> bring my baby home. please help me find him. at red lobster's big festival of shrimp, get your perfect pair for just $15.99. choose 2 of 6 new and classic shrimp creations, like bold new firecracker red shrimp. exploding with flavor? 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>> we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it away from the fog of the controversy. >> martha: away from the fog everybody found out what was in it and some people aren't happy with it. that was nancy pelosi saying we needed to find out what was in the bill. a lot of them didn't read the bill before it was passed. now she is singing a different tune amid a scramble to repeal and replace. house majority leader kevin mccarthy standing by with more on that right after this. >> we will repeal the disaster known as obamacare and create new healthcare, all sorts of reforms that work for you and your family. when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums involve two parties discussing something? why not give you some say? or let your driving do the talking. liberty mutual righttrack® finally puts you in control. with savings of up to 30%, with an initial discount just for signing up. take control of your rates. visit a local office or call liberty mutual today at liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. liberty stands with you™. i just want to find a used car start at the new show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. [laughs] ah... ahem... show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new >> bill: we have reaction from gm general motors responding to president-elect trump's tweet earlier today. he threatened a border tax on the company making its chevy cruze in mexican. gm put on a statement moments ago saying all of its chevy cruze sedans sold in the united states are built near warren, ohio. melissa francis is trying to get to the bottom of all of this and talk to her in a couple of minutes to bring you up to date what's happening on that. >> martha: in the meantime congress getting back to work today. they have a full plate from obamacare to tax reform and the confirmation hearings which could get a little sticky. new members will be sworn in today. you remember the results of the november election. it will look like this. 52 republicans in the senate. we'll take a look at the house as well. they get to work as they get sworn in today. a look at the house. 241 republicans. 218 in the majority. president-elect donald trump ready to tackle the agenda he laid out. he said obamacare doesn't work and not affordable. 116% increases in arizona. bill clinton called it crazy. says the president-elect. joined by house majority leader kevin mccarthy. happy new year to you and glad to have you with us today. we all remember nancy pelosi saying you had to find out what was in the bill. once you did you were going to love it. now she is concerned that you guys are going to mess it up as you try to repeal it. here is what she said. >> it's the old thing of going into a china shop. you break it, you own it. and they're dealing with something that is very -- when i say complex, it is sophisticated in terms you have to pay meticulous attention to the details of the provision so they have the impact they have. they have shown nothing on their ranting and raving that shows any level of knowledge where they would go or where they would take this. >> martha: she says it's complicated and you guys might not understand it. what do you say? >> this is what i understand. the president said if you liked your healthcare you could keep it, you can't. premature-ups are up on average over 4300. of the 23 company ops created 18 have failed. insurance has pulled out of the marketplace. more than 1,000 counties that have one choice. no competition and no option in those 1,000 counties across america. so if we do nothing, obamacare collapses on its own. we'll repeal obamacare and we've already reached out on both sides of the aisle across the country to create a healthcare system that is much different. one thing i did last year, even. i sent a letter to every governor and every insurance commissioner. give us your ideas of the best way to move forward and we'll take a plan that actually works. today we all know this plan is failing america. >> martha: if you look back through the history of one party majorities on capitol hill they tend to be fairly short lived. there is a lot of pressure on you as leader to get things done and to do it effectively. you've got 19 million people who now have healthcare insurance who didn't have it before. it is easy to envision a 2018 election where people say you guys took their healthcare away. how will you prevent that? >> you won't see people getting their healthcare taken away. when repeal obamacare we're now being sworn in today. we'll get together. the new administration will be sworn in january 20th. you'll see us start moving a budget bill. that will allow us in reconciliation to be able to rebuild -- repeal obamacare, have a transition period where people can work together, put a new healthcare system in that lowers the cost and gives people greater choices so the 1022 count -- counties will have more than one option. >> martha: how long do you envision the transition period for people to get to the way you want this healthcare bill to be? >> as we work through the process we'll be able to roll it out. again, we're now being sworn in today. working with the senate and we'll work with the new administration that isn't sworn in yet and it will be very quick to make that process be as smooth as possible. actually have a healthcare system that works. >> martha: more to come on that as you say as everybody gets put in place. it will be fascinating to watch how you try to make that transition and leave people in a position where they have healthcare. we'll be watching that. i want to ask you about the house ethics committee. there is a lot of attention being given to that. you did not want them to dissolve this independent entity that would help to oversee ethics in the house. how did that go through? >> there is a lot of misinformation about this. i didn't want to do it in the manner in which it was going. remember, there are two ethics committees. one inside congress and one that was designed for the public to register any complaint on the outside regarding a member of congress. then that committee would actually look at it and they had two options. they would send it to the ethics committee to withdraw the complaint, or they would send it for further investigation. all those things stay in place. really what's happening is these are just reforms to this ethics committee and a lot of these reforms were brought forward on a bipartisan basis when democrats on the other side of the aisle. >> martha: sounds like you are changing your tune. are you in favor of the dissolving the independent entity? >> it won't be dissolved. i wasn't in favor of moving forward because i thought we should take it by itself in a bipartisan manner. people on both sides support the reform. >> martha: it will be inside the congress rather than outside? >> no, it won't be on the inside of congress. still on the outside of congress. every entity across america has somebody to oversee it from an accountability process. we made that the ethics committee. the ethics committee is the only committee in congress that is evenly divided with republicans and democrats regardless who is in the majority. that's to us the fairest place for it to be to have the authority. it is on its own entity on the outside. the public can still register a complaint and they'll still investigate. it sets a time frame for how long the investigations can go on. >> martha: it started a conversation that may be distracting to your agenda and a problem you have. before i let you go quickly tell me the first regulation you'll try to repeal. >> we'll start reforming the v.a. committee. when you look at the v.a. process. our troops and our veterans have not been treated correctly. this is a place that we are serious about looking at. a place where we worked with the trump administration and it will be our first action today. >> martha: we look forward to hearing more about it. thank you very much. see you next time. >> thank you. >> bill: it has been a record year in the city of chicago and for all the wrong reasons. the murder rate has never been higher. president-elect donald trump taking to twitter to comment on chicago's rising number of homicides. mr. trump mentioning the chicago mayor rahm emanuel. chicago murder rate is record setting. 4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. if mayor can't do it, he must ask for federal help. matt finn live in chicago. good morning there. >> good morning. donald trump launching another direct attack on twitter against chicago mayor. interesting to see the president-elect addressing chicago's violent crime. it is president obama's hometown and the city's crime rate is something the president often did not talk about. taking a look at these staggering numbers, 762 people murdered in the city of chicago in 2016. that's more than l.a. and new york combined. an average of two people killed in the city per day. you could see that number has skyrocketed from 468 murders last year. the number of people shot in chicago 4,331 people shot in the city last year in 2016. a major increase from 2,400 people shot in 2014. since the start of 2017 two days ago four people have been shot and killed in the city. the chicago mayor's spokesperson released a statement in response to that donald trump tweet saying, quote, as the president-elect knows from his conversation with the mayor, we agree the federal government has a strong role to play in public safety and heartened he is taking the issue seriously and look forward to working with the new administration on these important efforts. on the other side there have been numerous incidents of alleged chicago police brutality caught on tape and one charged with murder last year. it is under investigation by the department of justice and could wrap up this month and determine if there are racism or brutality in the department similar to ferguson. >> bill: a year to forget for chicago. thank you, matt. martha. >> martha: president obama promised a smooth transition between his administration and the incoming trump administration. but president-elect trump says the road has been anything but smooth. whose fault is it? we'll talk about that. >> bill: also a big-time jewel heist pulled off blocks from the biggest party in the world. how did they do this one? tomorrow's the day we'll play something besides video games. every day is a gift. especially for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto... a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. tomorrow, i'm gonna step out with my favorite girl. ask your doctor about entresto. and help make the gift of tomorrow possible. >> bill: so much then for the smooth transition of power. president obama and president-elect trump clashing over russia and a controversial u.n. resolution over israel. the "wall street journal" sums it up this way writing president barack obama and successor donald trump are moves that trend on each other's turf and comply cat the other's agenda creating one of the messiest white house transitions in recent years. host of the filter on sirius xm and a fox news contributor. happy new year to both of you. it is trump versus obama or obama versus trump, however you want to characterize it. we have 17 more days of this. >> 17 more days of tweets until someone takes the phone away from donald trump. listen, there is always going to be a sticky transition when you have a republican president or democratic president transitioning to the other party. that's normal. the difference here is you have a republican who is very far to the right and is doing things in a very unconventional way. he is creating this fight by pitting his positions against president obama's positions and president obama is trying to preserve his legacy. >> okay. a couple of things. one, i think at a technical and staff level things are fine. you have a president who realizes his legacy is going to start washing away in a matter of weeks and is trying to do everything he can on the way out the door to lock some things down including on foreign policy and fraught issues including israel. so you just have this sort of clash and it is not donald trump's role to sit down and take it and say everything is fine. he opposes a lot of this. >> bill: it's fascinating. all of this. the moves and counter moves. i think you're both right. i think obama is trying to knock down his legacy and trump making sure he doesn't get boxed in. november 28th the president said this from the white house. >> i have instructed my team to follow the example that president bush's team set eight years ago and work as hard as we can to make sure that this is a successful transition for the president-elect. >> bill: i remember 2000 when they were taking the w s off the typewriters. trump tweeted this. doing my best to disregard the presidential roadblocks. thought it would be smooth transition. not. >> this coming from a guy attacking the sitting president left and right on twitter, in speeches. criticizing obamacare, sat down with the sitting president and said he would work with him but he himself has not done so whatsoever. the reality here is that it is a smooth transition. president obama is preserving his policies whether or not donald trump likes the policies is a different situation. he is not setting up booby-traps in the white house as far as we know. >> probably would like to but probably not. >> as far as we note. the ds on the computers are probably still in place. >> the ds, js, ts. >> obama thought he was the next ronald reagan. a successor of the same party to cement his legacy. he was as shocked as anything and it will all wash away. a lot of it. his signature initiative obamacare will be partially repealed within weeks and it's hard to take. >> i think that's a risk for republicans, don't you? >> bill: it's part of the reason why the president is making the moves that he is making. he is going to go to capitol hill tomorrow for the first time since march of last year, wow, make a major speech, a farewell speech in chicago. a city we reported on racked by homicides, a record number last year, wow. sean spicer told us 30 minutes ago president-elect trump will hold his first press conference in the next 10 to 15 days. my point is these men will go at it for the next 17 days and beyond. >> right. 17 days and president obama is gone and he is like all the rest of us, he is a commentator and president trump will have the ball and he will unspool a lot of this regulation. partially repeal obamacare and it will go on from there and that's again really hard for president obama to take. this is not the way he expected it to be. >> bill: he is staying in washington to influence and will be the leader of the democratic party. >> he is trying to save obamacare. it's late. >> i think that's the big point here. democrats have not held such a weak majority nationwide since 1929. if you look at the 20s, that's when the republicans were passing the most legislation. this is a tough spot for democrats right now when you look at senator schumer who says he will block everything he can. block repealing of obamacare. and we don't have a party to support that infrastructure from the state level all the way to the national level and that's what president obama who has many years in his life will be able to do. >> bill: fascinating. you get better, will you? a month ago we were talking about you under the weather. work on it. leave the ws on the typewriter, too, okay? none of that. thank you. martha, what's next? >> martha: long lines and delays for some on the busiest travel days of the year. computer outages. what officials are saying about that glitch with the old u.s. customs computers. >> very long wait. longer than our actual flight. over two hours in line once we got here. is. so we asked my doctor. he told us about pseudobulbar affect, or pba. it's frequent, uncontrollable crying or laughing that doesn't match how you feel. it can happen with certain neurologic conditions like stroke, dementia, or ms. he prescribed nuedexta, the only fda-approved treatment for pba. tell your doctor about medicines you take. some can't be taken with nuedexta. nuedexta is not for people with certain heart conditions. serious side effects may occur. life-threatening allergic reactions to quinidine can happen. tell your doctor right away if you have bleeding or bruising. stop nuedexta if muscle twitching, confusion, fever, or shivering occurs with antidepressants. side effects may include diarrhea, dizziness, cough, vomiting, weakness, or ankle swelling. nuedexta made a difference by reducing my pba episodes. ask about nuedexta and go to >> bill: new york city police looking for three suspects after a $6 million jewelry heist. they were caught on surveillance video at a jewelry store in mid town manhattan. they used a crowbar and hammer to get in and took jewelry from two safes. it happened at 10:00 saturday night as many were celebrating new year's eve only blocks away. wow. anyone with information asked to contact the nypd asap. a good time to steal $6 million? >> martha: the focus was on time square. too bad that guy looked directly into the camera. that's a clear shot of whoever he is. all right. long lines and some major delays across the country at one of the busiest travel days of the year. look at this nightmare. computer outages being blamed and lots of issues came up because the u.s. customs procedures and all of their difficulties last night. at the same time a lot of people were coming back from holiday vacations and they were none too happy. >> we found long, long lines. very long lines. and they weren't letting the kids -- families with kids go through, none of that. very, very long. >> martha: very long in fact. laura engel is live with more. what do we know about what happened here? >> right now it's simply being called a computer glitch. it felt a lot worse than that for thousands of travelers who not only had to endure those really long lines you saw, but they were experiencing heat. not exactly a window you can crack open in customs. some reports of people passing out. vomiting and needing medical assistance. we want to show you more of this video. just take a look at these lines travelers had to endure. scenes like this played out at jfk, newark, atlanta, boston, dc, la. people on their feet for hours at a time packed in and in some cases after long international flights. one of the chief complaints from travelers is no one knew what was going on. there was not a lot of information being shared and there seemed to be a lack of organization. the u.s. customs and border protections processing system went down for four hours between 5:00 and 9:00 eastern last night. there is no indication of malice. they are looking now at a cause. they had to resort to processing people manually which means by hand, paperwork. john phillips, we spoke to him today sending us these pictures from miami international as he was stuck in line with his wife. he witnessed passengers hyper ventilating, others needing medical assistance. things are back to normal and a lot of people are happy about that. >> martha: we've heard that we have third world airports in some of these areas in our own country and it looks like it yesterday. laura, thank you very much. >> bill: donald trump has taken on carrier and boeing. now add general motors to the list. what's going on there? it's happening moments ago. what should the u.s. do about russia? are they a newly aggressive enemy or potential partner in taming a chaotic and dangerous world? all that coming up at the top of the hour. that's next after this. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number #1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. want more proof? ask your rheumatologist about humira. humira. what's your body of proof? >> martha: president-elect donald trump turning his attention this morning in a sort of whole group of tweets that came out over the past few days. it accuses general motors of making cars in mexico and selling them over the border in the united states. gm is firing back saying it's not true. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm martha maccallum. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. happy new year. the cruz is made at two plants. one in ohio, one in mexico. trump taking exception to mexican made models. general motors is saying mexican-made model of chevy cruz to u.s. car dealers tax free across border. made in usa or pay big border tax. end quote. >> martha: what is going on here? melissa joins us now. good to have you here. he is at it again sending a big message. >> let's deal with the facts of the situation. gm says it's not through. they say they build the chevy cruz hatchback in mexico with a small number sold in the u.s. we looked into a lot of other sources. certain versions including the hatchback are imported to the u.s. from mexico. the hatchback is made in mexico and sold in the u.s. it may be a small number which is what gm is trying to say. it's only a few, not that many. that's like when my son says to me i only hit him a little bit. i'm like no, it doesn't change the fact. he is pointing out cars are made and sold back and he doesn't like it and sending a message. >> martha: when he goes after a huge company like gm he is sending a message to every other company who doesn't want a tweet with their company name in it coming from donald trump because they don't want the attention drawn to them. i think it impacts decision making with other companies, right? >> it does. he says here is what i care about. ceos take note. this is what matters to me. i'll follow these companies that are selling back into the u.s. i don't like this. that starts the negotiation. now reporters i think will get lost down the rabbit hole of exactly how many cars is it. is it 10, 100, 1,000? that's not the point, i think. he was correct. gm will say it's a teeny number. you at home can decide if it matters. it's tone from the top saying this is the tone, this is what i care about. look at it. >> martha: what about the reaction from american corporations who say look, our responsibility is to our shareholders and we're doing a good job. we have manufacturing that's happening in the united states and done some in mexico because it helps our bottom line. >> absolutely. that's what they say to him. if you think about it logically a car is a heavy object. you want to manufacture it right next to where you sell it. the fact they're shipping into . i would guess to southern parts of the country. the fact they're shipping it back in says the cost of production is that much lower. you say you're a businessman, make it worth my while to have it here and by the way companies would rather manufacture in the u.s. and sell here. it is closer and cheaper. quality of production is better. >> martha: trump has had stuff manufactured in china for this very reason. that will be pointed back at him and members of his family as well. >> they'll say look we made it elsewhere because economically it made sense. make it make sense for us to manufacture it here. make the tax law good. regulatory environment better. everyone wants to do that. it's not like they're putting him over a barrel saying you must lower the tax rate. this is all good for business all together. he is getting their attention and saying look, you know, we're starting over on day one. >> martha: sounds like he is offering them a package that will be appealing to them all the reasons they've left the country, regulations and high taxes. he is trying to reverse. so it works for both sides. >> it is good for jobs, economy and consumers. if it works it's good for everybody but he has to follow through. >> martha: what the cruz hatchback coming back to this side of the border. >> bill: from the hill now. a brand-new congress going to work later today. republicans pushing an aggressive agenda. democrats vowing to put up a flight with plans to slam the brakes on at least eight of the incoming thus far. sean spicer would like democrats to play by the same rules now as they did eight years ago. >> i would refer senator schumer to senator schumer of 2008. we are abiding by the same standard that senator schumer had for the obama nominees including senator clinton and others. he seems to want to change the rules because his party didn't win but i think we'll continue to abide by the rules that senator schumer and reid had no problem with in 2008. >> bill: mike emanuel will have a busy couple of weeks. >> he is threatening to slow up the trump cabinet confirmation process. fox news confirmed these are the eight people that senator chuck schumer has told mitch mcconnell that democrats plan to target. his picks for state, justice, department of education, and the office of management and budget. democrats plan to closely scrutinize mr. trump's choices for health and human services, labor, treasury and the epa. republicans are noting the swift confirmation president obama's cabinet nominees and those with cabinet-level rank when he first took office eight years ago allowing him the opportunity to assembly his team quickly. seven of mr. obama's nominees were confirmed on january 20th, 2009. the day he was sworn into office. five more were confirmed by the end of his first week. republicans are noting the comments made by people like senator tim cain of virginia back in february 2013 when mr. obama's second term was beginning saying, quote, i think we owe deference to a president for choices to executive positions. i think that is a very important thing to grapple with. the american public chooses someone to be president. they're giving that individual a mandate to govern and that mandate includes the assembly of the team the president feels is the appropriate team. we have republicans here in the senate essentially saying to the democrat colleagues, let's show the same courtesy and seriousness with which the senate considered mr. obama's inner circle. >> bill: for more on all this now fox news digital policy editor chris. chuck schumer said if republicans think they can jam through a slate of nominees without a fair hearing process they're sorely mistaken. what is this? is this going to be a battle or is this just bluster? >> a little of both. democrats will pick their battles and choose the times they want to really dig their heels in and try to thwart one of these nominees. and those will be situational to a certain degree. somebody like jeff sessions let's take for example, yes, they'll make noise, yes, there will be an effort to try to hurt him. certainly to try to do a dry run for the expected supreme court nomination that will be coming soon. but sessions gets through, we assume. then we have somebody like rex tillerson. if the situation with russia and russia hack -- allegedly hacking the emails of democratic campaign operatives, if that's not resolved, if trump's relationship with russia is still a live round in the chamber and he is fighting with the intelligence community, could rex tillerson's nomination process bog down? you bet. the democrats will wait for the places that they can to try to turn public opinion in their favor and slow these guys down. >> bill: president obama goes to the hill tomorrow. the last time was march of last year. he will try to get a defense together for obamacare, right? that's part of it. the assange stuff that's out there today with sean hannity coming up in 20 minutes on that. does the administration then show its hand on the evidence with russia and hacking or not? >> you will see more. i think as we get closer you will see more. the ball is in trump's court right now. he says he knows things that he -- that other people do not. he is privy to special information he said he would make available today or tomorrow. trump is going to get a briefing. there is a report that is coming out i suspect when we see the report, people who are -- we will finally have some clarity on this so we can satisfy reasonable people as to what really happened here. >> bill: i think one of the more intriguing stories out there is trump versus obama or obama versus trump. just a moment ago, the president-elect was tweeting again about this investigation about whether or not republicans have dysed the ethics committee. trump is saying do they have to make the weakening of the ethics independent watchdog. maybe focus on tax reform, healthcare and some other things of greater importance. what is the effect, chris, 30,000 feet here, of these two men publicly going at it to try -- with president obama trying to sent his legacy at a time when the incoming president is trying to perhaps get himself out of maybe a lot of jams based on policy backed into the corner. how is that now developing in washington, d.c.? >> the regret among democrats for having enabled and empowered broad expansions of executive authority, things that they would have never countenanceed with george w. bush is palpable. pen and a phone. this is a guy who the current president is a guy who democrats defended keeping a kill list of people he wanted assassinated by drone that included and american. they fought for the right for killing of americans suspected of terrorism. other broad expansions of presidential power they've used on immigration and other things. they're turning the keys over to somebody they would have never imagined, could have never imagined would be president of the united states and have to deal with the consequences. the whole country will have to deal with it. they have to live in the reality that what happens in an empowered executive trump administration is in large part or substantial part their doing. >> bill: more to come. >> yeah. >> bill: wait an hour. happy new year. >> martha: wikileaks founder julian assange telling sean hannity, russia, the government at least, was not the source for information that was stolen in hacked democratic emails. a claim that directly contradicts u.s. intel. we'll have more on that from sean hannity's exclusive when we talk to sean coming up moments away. >> bill: some republicans split over how to handle russia. a hearing later this week could get heated. ron johnson is live on that in a moment. >> martha: an unruly passenger goes off on a flight attendants. have you seen this video? 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>> i categorize our relationship with other nations in four categories. allies, friendly rivals, unfriendly adversaries and enemies. i think russia is an unfriendly adversary. it would be nice if there were a friendly rival. good for world peace and stability. you have to approach these situations from the standpoint of reality. what are the facts. recognizing russia is probably about 1/10 the size of our economy and their influence is increasing in the world because of our weak foreign policy. we need to strengthen our economy. achieve peace through strength. it's a messy world. i'm not in any way, shape or form denying what putin represents. 30 political assassinations, invaded crimea, eastern ukraine, georgia. we need to be incredibly wary of him but his influence is rising. look at what happened in syria. the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of syrians is pretty much with russian's aid. we need to understand who he is as an unfriendly add versary. we need to work with him from a position of strength. >> martha: this is a tweet from donald trump on december 30th saying great move on the delay by vladimir putin, see talking about the dust up with the diplomats sent home. i always knew he was very smart and then we go on to lieutenant general michael flinn, the head of the national security council. we have to begin to understand, he says, this is not an east/west world, folks. this is actually more of a north/south world. he is arguing it's europe, the united states and russia against islamic radicalism essentially. do you agree with that? >> there is an element of truth to that. there are more than 15,000 nuclear warheads in the world. russia 7,000. they're modernizing their arsenal. we have less than 7,000. we aren't modernizing ours. that's a basic reality. their influence is growing even though they're a t*engt the size of our economy. he is utilizing adventureism to solidify himself in his own nation. you have to deal with the realities as such. >> martha: will rex tillerson be approved for secretary of state by the senate? >> i hope so. i met with him two weeks ago. very intelligent person. great background. wonderful experience. a global player. he understands the economies and how important energy resources are. he knows vladimir putin as well as a number of other world leaders. he has the experience and background that will be excellent as secretary of state. >> martha: it sounds like you've been persuaded to open up to this line of thinking we might be better off with a more open relationship or some kind of detant with russia? >> it's the way i always felt. i don't want them to be an enemy or unfriendly adversary. the only way to accomplish that is through economic and military strength. we should have provided ukraine lethal defensive weapons. we authorized $300 million. the administration said no. >> martha: always go g to have you here. >> bill: a deadly year for the city of chicago. homicide number that's staggering. the mayor there is under fire. what mr. trump thinks rahm emanuel should do to get crime under control. >> martha: did you see this? it's so frightening. a toddler trapped underneath a heavy dresser that fell on top of him. wait until you see how this young boy was set free. just got. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to ge growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck. on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. and if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you 24/7. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. >> martha: a dresser fell over on a toddler but in this story the twin brother came to the rescue and security camera footage captured the whole thing. this is awful. kids climb over everything, right? oh my god, i can't watch that. they were climbing and it wasn't secured to the wall. it wasn't that high and it fell over sideways so it trapped one of them underneath and he was worried about his twin brother so this little guy lifted it. adrenaline works wonders, does it not? he pushed the dresser. here he goes. let's watch him roll out. we'll watch the good part. ready? thank goodness. so the parents probably heard about this from the kids and they went back and looked at the security video and realized that the little boy was telling the truth. he lifted that thing off his brothers. they're okay. >> bill: good for his brother. >> martha: good ending. >> bill: 25 minutes past the hour. a fox news alert. dylann roof will serve as his own attorney. a judge ruling him competent to do that. he was convicted a month ago of killing nine people in south carolina. sentencing begins tomorrow. jonathan is outside the courthouse. what defense does dylann roof plan to present there? >> he is really acting against the advice of the judge and his now sideline defense team. his decision to act as his own attorney. he indicated he does plan to offer his own opening statement. that he will make a closing argument. but he says during this hearing he plans to call no witnesses and to present no mitigating evidence. prosecutors on the other hand plan to call as many as 38 peincluding relatives of the nine parishioners who died after the white supremeist opened fired at the church back in june of 2015. >> bill: what does roof and his decision dismiss his attorneys and defense team and gone back and forth on this as you know throughout the course of the trial. what does it say about him? >> you know, it really depends on who you speak with. just before the long holiday weekend, his defense team entered a motion asking for a delay in his competency hearing. they were arguing that quote, this defendant's announcement that he will not defend himself against the death penalty raises an especially stark fashion the question of whether the defendant is actually unable to defend himself. at a minimum it suggests that he may lack the mental capacity to assume the role of his own lawyer, unquote. atlanta-based criminal defense attorney holloway says for somebody like dylann roof who has little if anything to argue in his favor acting as his own attorney and directly addressing the jurors may represent a strategy. take a listen. >> about the only thing he can do. a hail mary, is to stand in front of the jury himself and make his opening statement and make the closing argument. because they get to hear from him personally. if he has any hope of swaying the jurors, it is doing it that way without being subject to cross examination. >> when he is making his opening and closing statements the judge imposed strict guidelines. he can't be allowed to approach the jurors or witnesses. >> bill: thank you for that. watching that trial in charleston, south carolina. >> martha: wikileaks founder julian assange saying it was not the state of russia to sean hannity. >> we have said repeatedly over the last two months our source is not the russian government and it is not state party. >> martha: state party or an act of the russian government directly. assange saying president obama is blaming the kremlin to delegitimize the trump administration. sean hannity will join us. >> bill: how american cities are getting ready for a self-driving country. can they make highways smarter? 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(team sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. >> bill: now this exclusive interview with sean hannity and wikileaks founder julian assange. the interview yesterday in london for a period of 90 minutes. among the many things they talked about assange said the russian government was not the source for emails published by wikileaks. >> can you say to the american people unequivocally you did not get this information about the dnc, john podesta's emails. can you tell the american people 1,000 percent you didn't get it from russia or anybody associated with russia? >> we have said repeatedly over the last two months that our source is not the russian government and it is not state party. >> bill: that is one of the many headlines coming from this. sean is with me. a lot of travel. appreciate you doing this here and see you later tonight at 10:00 eastern time. what do you think your interview added to the story? what do you think you cleared up or clarified? >> this interview went pretty much straight through, bill, for 90 minutes and we covered so much different ground. there are so many unbelievable questions. number one, about the state of journalism. what wasn't covered in the united states. what these emails revealed. his life. it's a nice picture in the background there but i can tell you the he equador embassy is small. he is doing it on principle. we covered all the ground as it relates to wikileaks and he is extraordinarily adamant that no state party, no government, matter of fact i asked did you ever talk to vladimir putin? no. you ever talk to any of his surrogates? no. donald trump, any of his surrogates? no. would you have revealed this information if it was about donald trump? yes. so there are so many different things here that he is revealing and not the least of which is that this entire narrative we have heard post election he is telling us is absolutely positively false. i use words like manipulation and propaganda. he was a little more generous in his description of it. at one point when he is using the words about barack obama was acting lawyerly, i think it was a polite way of him saying he is lying and manipulating the story and talked at length how he believes it was an attempt to delegitimize trump's victory. >> bill: a couple of specific questions here. you have spent time with him now in person. a few weeks ago you had him on radio for an interview. you have gotten to know him much better than any of us. john boulton last hour says he doesn't believe a word he says. do you? >> i believe every word he says to be perfectly honest. i have great respect for john bolton and the -- here is the bottom line. what did he reveal here? two things that i think come out of this that if we looked at it from the proper perspective and there were things -- i was a very early critic of him. he is well aware that i thought he was waging war on the united states. my opinion on it has evolved in large part because what i've seen he has done in 10 years. nothing he has published has ever been proven false. nobody has even questioned the truthfulness of what he is doing. he gets information just like "the new york times" got information about donald trump's taxes illegally. they still ran with the story. they still published the story. i'm convinced that any media outlet that was colluding with the clinton campaign would have run with the story. what we ought to take away from wikileaks, as a country we don't have cybersecurity and if we don't fix it, we'll never have it. the second thing is i think he exposed at a level i never expected -- i'm 30 years in radio, my 21st year on the fox news channel. i have been a staunch critic of government and government corruption all of those years, and what we learned in this election is how deeply corrupt, more corrupt than i think any of us would have imagined, the level of our politics is and collusion with media outlets and campaigns. there is not objective journalism in america. and of course the media doesn't want to cover that story because it exposes them. when you see that -- when you see cnn is feeding questions to hillary clinton before a debate or they're asking the dnc for questions for donald trump, well, that's the level of corruption. that's trying to influence an election. one other point. if we're worried about influencing elections, why did barack obama take 350,000 dollars from the state department, fund a group in israel, send his political operatives to israel to try to defeat prime minister netanyahu. there is a big double standard here. >> bill: this headline about him saying it was not a state government or russian government, could it have been an arm that was working on behalf of moscow? did you ask him that specific question? >> every which way i could ask that question including a report that came out in the daily mail about a friend of his that went on the record and said that the actual information was handed personally over in a wooded area near american university, and to me it was a moment that he felt some frustration about but he wouldn't confirm or deny it. and this was a source within the democratic party that was disillusioned because what wikileaks revealed about how they totally colluded and betrayed bernie sanders in the nomination process. and also what he felt was dishonest and corruption as it relates to the clinton foundation. so that's the story that i think had been underreported as well. >> bill: i mentioned you spent 90 minutes with him. in the moment we have left here this is one of your last questions to him about whether or not the president of the united states was telling the truth or how he was parsing his language, etc. this is how it went. watch here. >> he is acting like a lawyer. if you look at most of his statements, he doesn't say that. he doesn't say wikileaks obtained this information from russia, worked with russia. >> he is saying russia is trying to influence u.s. elections. >> you also note he doesn't say -- from statements that i've read, he doesn't say that russia was trying to influence the election for donald trump. >> bill: there in a nutshell. why is that significant? >> i asked him to speak directly. what would you say to hillary clinton and barack obama. what would you say to the incoming president donald trump? he has a -- his knowledge of american politics is at a level that most constitutional scholars would admire. he knows our constitution fully and completely. he has read the federalist papers and understands american journalism. i thought it was a gracious way of saying that the president is purposely lying and manipulating for political gain which went back to an answer earlier was they were trying to delegitimize donald trump. but what i took out of it is he really sees that government is corrupt fund mentally and his theory, which i happen to agree with, more transparency leads to more competency and more competency leads to more faith in government and his message to all three of them is open up the government to the extent that you can. he understands the need for covert operations and plausible denyability but open it up more and you'll see more competency in government which goes to the heart of what we experienced eight years. more secrecy than any other president in history. >> bill: see you later tonight. sean, thanks for doing this. hannity, part one of his exclusive in-person interview with the founder of wikileaks at 10:00 eastern team your way later tonight. and more segments on wednesday and thursday later in the week. fascinating stuff. we'll see where it goes. >> martha: we'll listen to that tonight. good to have sean with us this morning. president-elect donald trump taking aim at the mayor of the most deadly city in america suggesting rahm emanuel needs help protecting his own city. we'll debate mr. trump's solution to that. >> bill: were you traveling over the holiday? this flight had to make an emergency landing by an outburst by one of the passengers. what he said and what was said in return, next. >> martha: donald trump going off on the mayor of chicago with a spike in gang violence suggesting that rahm emanuel isn't up to the challenge of -- it's record setting 431 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. that's an increase of 57% for the year. if the mayor can't do it, he goes on to say, he must ask for federal help. guy benson joins us now. a fox news contributor. julie is a democratic strategist. welcome to both of you. great to see you this morning. this is a very serious issue that plagues the city of chicago. we've heard so much over the past couple of years about black lives matter and police violence and relatively little about this huge issue. why do you think that is? >> i don't know why that is. for the people of chicago who suffered and lost loved ones it's an issue that affects them every day and should be talked about more. there is no excuse and should not be part of an issue what is going on in chicago. the federal government has a role to play as the president-elect pointed out. i know that mayor emmanuel met with him with president-elect trump and asked him for help as well a while back. that's good. you know, any and all hands on deck. this is an epidemic. there is no reason as to why the city of new york and the city of l.a. both of which have seen not just not a resurgence of gun violence but have seen record lows in terms of gun deaths have the statistics they do and chicago has the statistics it does. chicago needs to take a look at best practices and get all hands on deck in this issue. >> martha: i think to the democratic convention guy and the mothers for the movement who have children who were injured or killed by police officers. and you know you wonder where the rest of the moms are whose children have been slaughtered in the streets of chicago. it would be good to give them equal time in terms of the issue that is going on in the inner city there and elsewhere. >> chicago is particularly bad as julie said. if you look at the numbers, chicago's murder rate, the number of murders in that city is higher than new york and l.a. combined last year. new york and l.a. are bigger cities than chicago population-wise. and so when you look at this problem and there have been a lot of reports on it, the chicago police feel like they are on their heels. they feel like they're ham strung and feel like they're burdened with huge amounts of paperwork and political pressure. i've never been one to say you should never criticize the police. they ought to be criticized when they do something wrong. every case should be taken based on the facts of the case on its own. in the culture we're seeing in places like chicago where the cops feel like they are getting it from all angles, they are taking a step back and being more tentative in their job of law enforcement. as a result and you're seeing communities suffer the tragic lethal consequences. >> martha: it has been documented by heather mcdonald in her book and the former police chief there on 60 minutes last night. >> it doesn't seem that filling out a two-page report is that on orous. >> it is. it could take you up to 45 minutes. we've tried to knock back the time officers spend doing paperwork and get them out doing more proactive things to prevent crime. >> martha: president obama is going to address the city of chicago in one of his final speeches. what do you think his legacy will be on improving our inner cities? >> in certain inner cities certainly if you look at places like new york for example where i live, his legacy is quite good. it is really not a federal issue. the federal government has a role to play. it did in the 90s under bill clinton in reducing violence. this is a city by city issue. why is it that the city of new york and the city of los angeles, also governed by democratic mayors under a democratic president why have they seen the statistics they have and why chicago has seen the statistics it has? it is not a federal issue although the federal government does have a sig -- significant role to play. i strongly urge president-elect trump to sit down in the mayor of chicago. this isn't the time to sit there and play partisan blame games but try to figure out what is going on and solve it. mothers are losing their children on a daily basis and it is inexcusable. >> martha: i think everybody agrees on that. the work is cut out for them in the city of chicago and the rate has gone up in other cities across the country whether it's improved in the two big cities you mentioned. it is a nation-wide issue. julie and guy, thank you. >> bill: jenna lee is coming up next. preview of "happening now." >> new congress is sworn in today. the gop takes control the senate, and white house. you've seen insane lines. new questions about screening at the nation's airports. international security. we'll tackle that at the top of the hour. >> bill: happy new year. you know about smart cars, right? they're on their way. what about the smart highway? what some states are trying to build today to make your life safer. just because someone grows older does that mean they have to grow apart from their friends, or from the things they love to do? with right at home, it doesn't. right at home's professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to help with personal care, housekeeping, meals - and most of all, staying engaged - in life. oh, thank you, thank you. you're welcome, are you ready to go? oh, i sure am. we can provide the right care, right at home. >> bill: as our automobiles get smarter some states are now building highways of the future to carry them. wiring roads with fiber-optics and cameras and signal devices all intended to make things safer. brett larson here, technology contributor and anchor with headlines 24/7. how are you doing, brett? thank you, sir. we have two examples. one in ohio and one in virginia. what are they doing specifically on the road to try to test this? >> it's interesting, in virginia they're putting sensors in the road and then there is signage that kind of pairs with those sensors to let drivers know hey, there will be a lot of rain on the roadway ahead of you, start slowing down now so you don't get into the bottleneck situation that we often find ourselves in when we're behind the wheel where someone is being pulled over. everybody wants to slow down and take a look at it. ohio they are getting ready to spend $15 million to start wiring highways there so they'll be savvy enough to talk to the driverless cars. right now all the driverless car and autonomous automobile technology that we're seeing doesn't really rely so much on what the roadway is telling them. it is more of what they know about the roadway. it is the gps maps that they have. sensors that they have on the cars to make sure there is no one standing in front of them. in some instances it's the ability for a camera on the car to be able to see the white lines that tell you whether or not you are in the lane or need to stay in the lane or if it's a yellow line with oncoming traffic. >> bill: the way i understood it best there is a rainstorm coming into the washington, d.c. area. the signs on the highway would reduce the speed 10 miles an hour after each occurring sign. >> right. >> which prevented any traffic gumming up the works when the storm rolled through. the thinking is you could take that simple technology and communicate it to a smart car at some point to control the pace of traffic in a storm that i just mentioned there. >> exactly. what you are basically doing. the best way to look at these driverless cars and smart roads is you are turning a car into a data point. it becomes a 1 or 0, on a map and your wifi network at home can pick the best path to get to your tablet if you are sitting on your couch so the speed stays up. in this instance you have the smart roads, the driverless cars all communicating with one another so the car knows where you are going so it can tell the cars around it hey, i'm actually going to be on the freeway for 3 1/2 miles before i get off. i'll get out of your way to exit at the nearest exit. >> bill: this is all possible, huh? >> it's all coming in the next few years and hopefully we'll see with infrastructure spending we'll see more research and more investment into this type of technology. >> bill: all right. thanks, brett. from 24/7 brett larson. enjoy vegas. consumer electronics show coming your way. >> martha: back to the chilling story now as turkey releases some new images of the suspected gunman. the new year's eve terror attack inside a istanbul nightclub. hashtag "no sleep." i got it. hashtag "mouthbreather." yep. we've got a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip and ... pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe ... and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right. >> 2016 is in the bag. and 2017 lies ahead of us, so we want to thank you, our viewers, it was a huge year in news, a big year for us, "america's newsroom" seventh overall and cable, really great. better than all of our primetime competitors, so way to go, bill hemmer. have a great day, everybody. ♪ >> jenna: congratulations to bill and martha, great numbers, in the meantime we will go to the top story today, new follow from a total meltdown at across the country on one of the busiest travel days across the year. timing is everything, that is what they say. hello everybody, i'm jenna lee. >> and i'm in for jon scott this morning. it was a travel nightmare, and it unfolded when a processing system went down for about four hours last night, untold travelers were trying to get home to try to get ready for the beginning of t


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