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Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20130215

for valentine's day? >> reporter: on "cbs this morning." warren buffett just got into the kevin young business. berkshire hathaway is buying the heinz ketchup company for $23 billion. >> plan is to turn the company upside down and then just wait. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." charlie rose is on assignment, so james brown is with us. and this is a look at the carnival cruiseship "triumph" finally docked in alabama this morning. we'll share the incredible stories and video from passengers and outrage at carnival executives in just a moment. first astonishment in russia this morning. >> that it is norah, a ten-ton meteor blasted across the sky faster than the speed of sound. chunks of meteor crashed to earth, causing panic and injuring more than 500 people. >> meteorites landed near a mountain range near a famous soviet nuclear weapons site. mark phillips is in london good morning. >> good morning, norah, j.b. they got an eye opener of their own in the euro mountains, 900 miles east of moscow this morning. it was a sunrise of biblical proportions, a sky full of fire and brim stonestone. you have to see it and hear it to appreciate it. cold, dawn sky and then this. some of the noise came from sonic booms caused by meteor fragments traveling faster than the speed of sound but other explosions seem to have come from impact. or you're driving to work and you see this. or you're teaching in your classroom, and -- or hearing the commotion, you look out of your apartment window and then -- the onslaught caused widespread damage to buildings and to people. several hundred were hurt many due to flying glass and debris. there are several theories as to what happened. russian emergency ministry spokesperson said there had been a meteor shower. others said this was all the result of one big meteor. one witness was a canadian hockey player now living in russia, who said he never saw anything like this on the rink. >> i was terrified. i had just hit the snooze bar on my iphone for another nine minutes of sleep, and all of a sudden you know i fell back asleep and i hear this loud bang! i live in a 24-story building on the 23rd floor and i look up and the lights are shaking, and i hear car alarms going off, and it was just incredible. >> chelubinske is a place where weird stuff happens. it was a major nuclear weapons manufacturing center in the old days with the history of contamination and evacuations. few meteorites weren't going to faze them. it was the size of a large bus traveling at an estimated speed of 33,000 miles an hour so in chelubinske, henny penny was right, the sky was falling. >> unbelievable. talk about an anchor he's pretty cool. >> mark phillips absolutely. i want to learn more about chelubinske, they're used to weird stuff happening, 33,000 miles an hour. >> i'm wondering how the fragments got through that frictional heating, unbelievable. physics profession sore and news consultant michio kaku will join us to talk about the incredible scenes from russia and the dangers still being faced ahead on "cbs this morning." now to the cruise that was anything but triumphant. the 4,200 people aboard the carnival "triumph" are finally on dry land this morning, after a five-day ordeal at sea. >> many of the passengers didn't leave the ship until after midnight. and then had to spend hours more traveling by bus. even then there was more trouble. anna werner is at the cruise ship terminal in mobile alabama. good morning anna. >> reporter: good morning, j.b. and norah. the ship arrived just after 9:15 last night and many of the passengers who were finally able to leave that ship described a nightmarish voyage it's one they say they don't want to ever repeat. thousands of passengers erupted into cheers thursday night as the crippled "triumph" finally pulled up to the dock. as they stepped on to dry land and into the arms of their loved ones, some couldn't contain their excitement. >> i'm just thankful and feel blessed to be back. >> reporter: kendall jenkins won the trip in a contest but said it was more like cruising on a floating port-o-potty. >> it was sewage water everywhere, mix that with rotten food smells and welcome to carnival "triumph." >> reporter: the nightmare started sunday when an engine fire knocked out power. >> no ships were coming no boats were coming. we saw no helicopters. it scared us because we thought the ship isn't notifying or getting anyone to come out and help us. >> reporter: it took more than a day before the first tugboat arrived as passengers got cell reception they shared photos revealing squalid conditions sewage seeping through the floors, plastic bags used for restrooms, tent camps above deck and mattresses sprawled out below. for some the hardest part was losing contact with their family. >> it was about three or four days we couldn't call anyone and they couldn't call us. >> reporter: many passengers hailed the on board crew as the real heroes. >> they did unthinkable things that most employees would not do. they just, with a smile on their face. you know they were unbelievable. >> reporter: it took several gruelling hours to drag the massive ship through a narrow channel thursday. at the terminal carnival ceo gerry cahill adressed reporters. >> we pride ourselves in providing our guests with a great vacation experience and clearly we failed in this particular case. >> reporter: he then boarded the ship and spoke to passengers over the intercom. >> i know how difficult this week has been and i can tell you i'm extremely sorry for all the discomfort and frustration you've had to endure. >> reporter: but some still want answers. >> why did it take us this long to get home? you know, that to me is ridiculous. >> reporter: carnival chartered a caravan of buses to transport people out of mobile. to add insult to injury at least one of those buses became stranded on the way to new orleans. passenger jacob coombs called "cbs this morning" en route to say his bus was sitting on the side of the road as he waited for yet one more rescue. we're told his bus and others did make it to new orleans, but many of the buses didn't make it there until 2:00 in the morning, and for those passengers, their journey isn't over. they have to get on charter flights this morning to go to houston and then finally onward toward home. some of them have to pick up cars at the port of galveston. so for many of these people the trip was not finally over but at least now they can look forward to getting back to home. back to you. >> anna werner, thanks. the nightmare is over for passengers but might just be starting for carnival. cbs news travel editor peter greenberg is with us from abu dhabi. let me ask you about the ceo of carnival, some critics say he's not done enough. will he take some blame for this? >> he probably will. he's maintained a low profile, always maintained a low profile. he went to a basketball game two nights ago. he's also the ceo who kept a low profile after the "costa concordia" incident more than a year ago. it remains to be seen how much heat he takes from this. >> do you think carnival handled this well? >> it's a story they can't get ahead of. keep in mind over 3,000 passengers on a ship many cell phones, citizen journalists. they'll start to share the photos worldwide now. >> peter, talk about what the passenger rights are in this situation. >> well, remember when this ship came into port it was not only met by the u.s. public health service, the coast guard, their own officials, there may have been a few lawyers on the dock. there may be claims made for emotional distress from physical damage but the real challenge for the passengers in this case is to prove those damages. obviously their trip was interrupted, canceled. they didn't get what they wanted. carnival attempted to get ahead of this giving them basically a full refund of everything they did in terms of buying the cruise, full refund of everything they bought on the ship except for the gift shop and casino and just yesterday threw in an additional $500 and a free cruise going ahead. they're trying to do what they can but remember the sheer logistics of getting the ship back to the harbor and getting passengers home resulted in the shipping line chartering 50 or 60 buses, one of which broke down on the way to new orleans, so it was not a pleasant trip even after they got ashore. >> certainly adding insult to injury for a lot of passengers with the bus breaking down. do you think this affects the larger cruise industry? >> "costa concordia" when that happened the cruise liners took a hit. over 75 ships with carnival, many different brands. you'll see serious discounts being offered in the next two to three months but the next two to three months only discounts up to 250 total for a six-day cruise on some of the ships because they have to fill the cabins. the cruise industry is inherently safe, nobody died on this trip and if you see a discount like that you might want to take it. >> reporter: peter greenberg thank you. >> discounts notwithstanding i can't imagine anybody taking advantage of that. >> people will be scared especially elderly people worried about this. >> i'm encouraged to hear the crew was doing everything it could to make the situation, five numbing days at sea more bearable. >> i'm sure they had a tough time taking care of the passengers. we are two weeks away from the threat of massive government spending cuts and congress guess what? they're taking next week off. they're also leaving the fate of defense nominee chuck hagel hanging in the balance. nancy cordes is on capitol hill not taking a vacation. nancy good morning. >> reporter: good morning. ironically the next defense secretary will have to deal with the steep cuts. the senate left last night, the house departs at 9:00 a.m. pacific without making any bipartisan effort to prevent them. the hallways of congress cleared out quickly last night. members in a rush to get home even as the sequester deadline approaches. >> how can we leave for recess when we're so close to a sequester and we're so close to what could possibly be a shut down of government. >> reporter: the sequester is a set of $1.2 trillion in spending cuts, spread out over ten years that will start to kick in march 1st. both sides say the cuts are arbitrary, damaging and bound to kill jobs. but instead of negotiating to replace the cuts they are blaming each other for the impasse impasse. >> it's time for the senate to do their work. we can, if they're willing to pass a bill we'll find some way to work with them to address this problem. >> reporter: the sequester will hit the military hardest. $46 billion in cuts this year alone, around 8% of the pentagon's budget but the senate headed home without resolving a dispute over the president's pick to lead the military former republican senator chuck hagel. >> we need a secretary of defense on the job. no one, no one knows, especially in the united states senate what foreign challenge will face this country perhaps within the next ten days. >> reporter: republicans say they still have questions about hagel's foreign policy speeches his income and his qualifications for the job. so in a rare move they filibustered his nomination. >> he is the wrong person at the worst time for the job, this day we can and must do better. >> reporter: republicans say they probably will allow hagel to get confirmed when they come back from recess. democrats say if that's the case, why not just confirm him now? this was supposed to be secretary panetta's last week on the job but j.b. and norah, he says he'll stick around until a new defense secretary is named. >> nancy cordes, thank you so much. double amputee olympian oscar pistorius is denying in "the strongest terms" that he murdered his girlfriend. he was formally charged today in south africa. prosecutors say he planned the shooting. bail hearing has been put off until next week. the track star known as the blade runner openly cried in court. emma hurd from sky news our partner, was at the courthouse. >> reporter: oscar pistorius broke down in tears as the charge of murder was laid against him, his father trying to comfort him, members of his family sobbing in the public gallery. south africa has drafted in its top prosecutors to pursue this case pistorius, his own high-profile legal team setting the stage for a real courtroom drama here. it was a return to the global stage for all the wrong reasons. the world famous athlete before a south african court charged with murdering his supermodel girlfriend. reeva steenkamp was shot in the early hours thursday morning allegedly by oscar pistorius at his south african home. it looked like a valentine's day surprise gone wrong but looks like something more sinister. the world at first shocked is now obsessed with the dark side of south africa's golden boy. the secure gated compound in pretoria where pistorius lives is one of the ways wealthy south africans protect themselves against the country's extreme crime rate. the other is guns. michael sokolove a writer for "the new york times" magazine received a surprising invite during his time with pistorius researching a story in 2012. >> said hey do you want to go to the firing range and shoot guns. i'm no writer following him i said sure we'll go. we went to the firing range and shot his .9 millimeter semiautomatic pistol. >> reporter: for oscar pistorius as with so many others before him, guns may have proved to be a deadly hobby. emma hurd sky news for "cbs this morning," pretoria south africa. time to show you some of this morning's headlines, "usa today" says the u.s. will not provide combat support to the fight against muslim militants in mali. obama administration officials say france will lead the fight in mali. right now u.s. provides intelligence, transportation and diplomatic support. >> "the washington times" says the u.s. is looking for six places to test drone aircraft that could eventually be used in this country. 30 states say they are interested. the unmanned sky planes are expected to enter u.s. air space on a large scale by 2015. >> the "wall street journal" looks at the racial gap when it comes to sentencing african-american men to prison. the u.s. sentencing commission found sentences for black men were nearly 20% longer than those for white men convicted ovicted of similar crimes. >> "the new york times" says berkshire hathaway and 3g take over heinz, the maker of heinz ketchup. >> and "the washington post" looks at how fish behave on medication. new study finds perch that were exposed to anxiety drugs displayed anti-social behavior. researchers want to understand the environmental impact of all right. we have some gorgeous weather around the bay area coming our way lots of sunshine, the temperatures going to be heating up nicely. some numbers well into the 50s toward the coastline, a little breezy, still cold in some of the valleys though. 34 with some fog into santa rosa. by the afternoon, everybody is looking at sunshine, temperatures well above the average in the 60s and the 70s. the weekend looks good, too. we'll start to cool down a little bit on sunday with a few more clouds. a chance of rain returns on tuesday. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by big lots. if you want big savings, then you want big lots!. federal regulators promise a crackdown on tour bus safety saying too many operators are a potential danger. >> they do have records, but yet they aren't addressed until after that fatal accident. we see that time and time again. >> we'll investigate an industry that's had five serious accidents since christmas. and who gets the million-dollar reward for finding christopher dorner? the answer could be no one. we'll show you why. plus a new eye implant could allow tens of thousands of people to see again. could this be a game-changer for millions down the road ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by cadbury. no bunny knows easter better than cadbury. dbury crème eggs, while others may keep trying. nobunny knows easter better than cadbury! ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at i've discovered gold. 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[ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the allergy muddlers. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air®. [ ariel ] my mother was never into our coffee at all. she would only get a splash of coffee in her cup and then fill the rest up with cream and it -- mommy, what's going on? what are you doing? so when we did the blonde roast she finally went from a splash of coffee to only a splash of cream. and i thought that was so cool, i said "well she's enjoying this." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ cnn has been on the case for some reason giving this boat crisis [ bleep ] wall-to-wall coverage treating the cruise ship like it's the shackleton expedition. >> we can at least visually connect you to the daughter you have not seen in seven days. >> yeah. you're not heroes guys. it's not a hostage situation or a baby in a well. you've reconnected them? they weren't >> >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning everyone. 7:26. i'm frank mallicoat, get you caught up with some bay area headlines now. five people are in the hospital after a stolen car crashed into four other cars in san francisco last night. police were trying to stop the car when that happened. a car will man is due -- a santa clara man is due in court accused of making threats against senator leland yee. bomb experts are still working at the man's home where they found more explosive devices. and expect delays using sfo over the weekend. one of the runways will be closed tonight through monday morning for a construction project. so take note there. we have traffic and weather coming up right after the break. good morning. it is "friday light" all across the bay area. we were watching an earlier accident. they had closed the off-ramp northbound 101 at trimble. the off-ramp just reopened. it's sluggish in the main lines of the freeway. elsewhere, here's a live look at some of our sensors out towards the altamont pass and the dublin interchange. all green. drivethe bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights are on. barely a backup at all but for this long holiday weekend. with more on your weekend forecast, here's lawrence. >> and it should be a gorgeous weekend outside. today what a nice start to the day. mostly sunny skies, although we have a couple of patches of fog showing up in the north bay. temperatures kind of all over the map. 30s inland, but check that out, we have 50s into san francisco and out into pacific right now that's because that offshore breeze is blowing and by the afternoon, that wind brings the temperatures to the 60s and 70s. cooling off over the weekend. major changes and a little rain toward tuesday. i think i see my apartment there. >> good eye. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." federal regulators announced a crackdown on dangerous buses yesterday, after the latest hearings of deadly crashes. >> sharyl attkisson has been investigating the accident at washington's union station. >> reporter: most of the bus rides to and from union station this holiday weekend will be safe and uneventful. after the recent california bus crash we discovered major flaws in the system that can allow unsafe companies to stay in business. just before the bus crashed last week east of los angeles, the driver reportedly yelled out to passengers that the brakes were failing. the bus hit a car, slipped and slammed into a pickup. >> three people confirmed dead multiple multiple injuries. >> reporter: 8 of 38 people aboard were killed. federal investigation showed a history of brake problems with the small tour bus company scapadas mahicas and ordered its remaining two buses off the road. yet the company which has not been available for comment had a satisfactory rating from the government just before the accident. deborah hersman says it's the tragic result of a broken system. she has dubbed the national transportation safety board, an advisory group that pushed hundreds of safety recommendations, with mixed results. >> we see companies that are not put out of service until after they have a fatal accident and so they are inspected. they do have records, but yet they aren't addressed until after that fatal accident. we see that time and time again. >> reporter: yen chi li says it's the same painful story told with different faces. she lost her mother in a bus crash that killed 17 people in 2008. that company also had multiple violations on record and lacked basic safeguards. >> i started to look into it and then i realized that everything that we take for granted in cars and planes is not how it is on buses. >> reporter: a month after her mom's death, yen-chi began lobbies for new bus safety rules. many were passed into law just last summer. the new law calls for safety fitness ratings, mandates seatbelts on new buses and requires safety standards be developed for roof strength anti-ejection and rollover protection. but 130 recommendations were left out, including ways to make it easier to take repeat offenders off the road which helps explain how there have still been five serious bus accidents in the last month and a half injuring or killing scores. bus industry spokesman peter pantuso. what is your defense of the case that happened out in california last week? >> there is no defense for a company like that to be out there. that company never should have been on the road they should have been shut down a long time ago in our opinion. >> reporter: the department of transportation regulates buses. they told us violations by the california company a repeat offender were not considered egregious enough to trigger an unsatisfactory rating. >> it's disheartening and really hard to see other families going through what i've been through. >> reporter: after the recent birth of her first child, yen-chi is more impatient than ever to see changes she pushed actually enacted on the road. the department of transportation told us it's made aggressive efforts to strengthen bus safety and tripled the number of inspections over seven years. >> sharyl, thank you. dental records now confirm christopher dorner is the one who died in a mountain cabin after a fire and shoot-out with police tuesday. the ex-officer was wanted for killings. john blackstone shows us why money is an issue. >> reporter: with the police on high alert for a cop killer and a whole region nervously wondering where the next shooting might be l.a.'s chief of police announced help finding christopher dorner would be richly rewarded. >> $1 million, this is the largest local reward ever offered to our knowledge. >> reporter: two days later, dorner was cornered in a fiery gun battle that came just after two separate sightings reported to police. karen reynolds with her husband, jim, called 911 to report dorner had tied them up and stolen their car, potentially making them good candidates for the money. >> we didn't even think about any of that until sitting around the sheriff's station, we just started joking about it. >> reporter: another possible candidate, rick heltergram. he was carjacked by dorner and said he reported that immediately to the local sheriff's deputy. >> i called him, he said what you got rick? i said paul he just took my truck. >> reporter: it may not who gets the reward but whether anyone does. it may have been offered with a catch. >> the reward is for the capture and conviction. >> reporter: does dorner's death let the city off the hook? usc law professor dan simon thinks not. >> bitter public relations for the city to give away this money? >> i think so. i don't think that the city should hide behind legalistic terminology. >> reporter: l.a.'s mayor and police chiefs say the decision on the money rests with 20 different groups that agreed to contribute to the million-dollar reward. for "cbs this morning," john blackstone, los angeles. >> and cbs news legal analyst jack ford is with us. first question do they really not have to pay that reward money especially to the hostages? >> you know, the question here is, is this an enforceable contract. going back to first year of law school and people look and say well, if you don't have a document that is signed by both sides it can't be a contract. the answer is no you can have a contract, an oral type of contract as long as both sides offer an acceptance, somebody acted as a consequence of that. starting off yeah there can be an enforceable contract here. the big contract is what's the wording and what did the people on the other side do and does what they did fit within the confines of the wording. >> i think the everyday reaction is people are going to be like this is kind of lame going into the legalese. the people called them in shouldn't they get the $1 million. j.b. and i were saying will there be public pressure involved? >> i think you're going to see that. the question is we're seeing a little reluctance or suggestion of reluctance. we saw just one of the officials a few moments ago say here's the deal, for the apprehension capture and conviction of this guy. now if that's what the offer says, and if you don't want to pay it the people looking at the money, maybe their job is you don't pay out unless you have to the argument is well we didn't get a capture and conviction here. we have tragically from this whole story a dead body inside of a building. the flipside is people here will walk in and say it's the spirit of this. we got out there, we did, we were helpful, we were good citizens, we were doing what we wanted to do and i think as a consequence you'll get people on both sides especially the people in the public eye saying let's kind of work something out here because we want citizens to participate to help out. >> spirit of the law, absolutely. >> jack ford thank you. next a ray of hope for the blind, we'll show you why some people could regain the gift of sight. incredible science ahead on "cbs this morning." hey! hey honey! hey alan. uh, hey.... i'm bob, we talked at the tax store. i did your taxes. i thout you were a tax expert? today, i'm a master plumber. major tax stores advertise for preparers 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[ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the allergy muddlers. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air®. chili's lunch break combos start at just 6 bucks. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks at chili's. it is a milestone for the blind. the fda has create add new device that could help people regain their sight. how big a break is this for the artificial retina. >> it's huge. its like night and day. they'll be able to see, like somebody put the lights on in a room. >> how does it work. >> basically people wear glasses that has a video camera attached to it. the camera picks up the signal sends the message through the eye. it's connected directly into their brain. >> what will people see? how clear is the vision? >> the vision is not crystal clear. they're not be able to read fine print but they'll be able to walk down the street without bumping into lamp posts and car possibly across the street and go shopping. >> who would be a candidate for this kind of person? >> currently it's for people diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa but clearly there are thousands who could benefit. >> i have a friend who developed blindness as a result of diabetes. could he get it down the road? >> down the rote it might be good for any condition. diabetes and macular degeneration are excellent examples where the retina doesn't work and this device would be helpful. >> you mentioned pigmentosa. is that something genetic that happens to people? >> yes unfortunately. hundreds of thousands in the usa have it and there's no other treatment for it. so this is a huge milestone. >> i think people would ask how expensive is it? >> right now it's very expensive, like $150,000. like all technology, the cost decreases. i think it will be very affordable within the next few years. >> and hopefully ins memories of president kennedy go up for auction this weekend and we'll show you the collection of his personal aide. it covers everything from birthday parties to the assassination. that's next on "cbs this morning." 360 dusters extender, and you'll dump your old duster. but don't worry he'll find someone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ ♪ who's that lady? ♪ ♪ sexy lady, who's that lady? ♪ [ female announcer ] swiffer 360 dusters extender cleans high and low with thick all around fibers that attract and lock up to two times more dust than a feather duster. swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. and now swiffer dusters refills are available with the fresh scent of gain. this day calls you. to fight chronic osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. ooooo [ female announcer ] born from the sweet monk fruit, something this delicious could only come from nature. new nectresse. the 100% natural no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. one, two... 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[ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. today tastes so good. from john f. kennedy's campaign to his as say nation his friend dave porous was by his side. he died in 1988 but now his remarkable collection of mementos goes up for auction. anthony mason has the story. good morning, anthony. >> good morning, j.b. last year when his children were prepared to sell the family home, they discovered he quietly kept a treasure trove of presidential memorabilia. >> this one the pen that was used to sign the cuban missile crisis, the interdiction. as a close friend and confidante to john f. kennedy, he kept items from his career. up for sale on sunday at john mcinnis auctioneers in amesbury massachusetts, are banners flown on unofficial motorcades and air force one bomber jacket. >> we put down $20,000 to $40,000 as a conservative estimate on the bomber jacket. >> appraiser dan meader. >> it brings them up quite to another level. >> also for sale powers' copy of the official schedule of the president's trip to dallas. november 22 pd 1963. powers was riding in the secret service car behind the president that day taking pictures behalf his film ran out. >> this was taken at 12:17. this was the last photograph that dave took. >> reporter: 13 minutes later powers' schedule notes "jfk shot." minute by minute he would detail the entire day. >> 12:52. parkland hospital. 1:00, my president is dead. 2:00 left hospital with beloved jackie. carried casket aboard the air force one. >> for meader who looked through the document -- >> to see that and hold it it was really extraordinary. >> less than two weeks after the assassination -- >> this is an incredible series of photo graphs. >> -- powers helped throw a third birthday party for john the president's house, in the white house. that december mrs. kennedy sent powers this gift a leather-bound book of inaugural speeches. mrs. kennedy wrote, "for dave powers. the president was going to give you this for christmas. please accept it now from me. you and i will miss him most." powers whennet on to run the kennedy library, never stopped serving the man he called "my precedent." >> there are some 60 letters. i understand you saw something you recognized. >> i had this incredible experience. say something across the room that looked incredibly familiar. i walked up to it. it's a pangt of jack and jackie in a sailboat on a yellow background. i heard about this painting my entire life because my stepfather painted it. i had never seen it. he painted it 50 years sneeg that sends chills. >> yeah, he had been telling me about it. falling meteors cause damage and widespread damage in russia overnight. it was captured on video from many angles. do we need to keep our eyes on the skies? we'll talk with our profess or michio kaku on "cbs this morning." and free delivery. this is eye opening. this is sears. i've discovered gold. [ female announcer ] the gold standard in anti-aging. roc® retinol. found in roc® retinol correxion® deep wrinkle night cream. it's clinically proven to give 10 years back to the look of skin. now for maximum results, the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum to create retinol correxion® max. it's proven to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. roc® retinol correxion® max. nothing's better than gold. ♪ [ acoustic guitar: upbeat ] [ dog ] we found it together. on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. hey, it's sara. i'm going pro. i've been using crest pro-health for a week. my dentist said it was gonna help transform my mouth. [ male announcer ] go pro. for a clean that's up to four times better try these crest pro-health products together. [ sara ] i've been using crest pro-health. so feels different. [ male announcer ] crest pro-health protects not just some but all these areas dentists check most. my mouth feels healthier. it feels cleaner. i think my dentist is gonna see the difference. [ male announcer ] go pro with crest pro-health. i don't think i'll ever go back to another product. see. ♪ you signed up weeks ago ♪ ♪ sunlight says get up and go ♪ ♪ mountain-grown aroma coming through ♪ ♪ a new challenge waits for you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ jumpin' into something new ♪ ♪ you really see all you can do ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ ♪ is folgers in your cup ♪ >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everyone. it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. a santa clara man is due in court today accused of making threats against state senator leland yee. meanwhile, bomb experts are still working at everett basham's home on humboldt avenue where they continue to find more explosive devices. delays are expected to be longer than usual this weekend at the san francisco airport. it's because of an ongoing construction project to bring the runways up to federal standards. one runway will be closed from 10 p.m. tonight until 8 a.m. monday. and it will mainly affect arriving flights from cities within a two-hour radius. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. good morning. we were watching a possible accident northbound 880 approaching oak street. if it was there at all it looks like it's already cleared but it looks like traffic is stacked up any way. this usually is right around the time we start to see slowing from the oakland coliseum towards the downtown oakland exits. southbound is moving fine. san mateo bridge traffic moving at the limit both directions out over the high-rise. and a quick check of our maps, southbound 101 approaching madera boulevard. we have an accident there blocking one lane. slow going right now heading out of san rafael. that's traffic. for your weekend forecast, here's lawrence. >> yeah. looking good this weekend. we are going to see a lot of sunshine outside the bay area. offshore winds outside. clear at the coast. we have had a couple of patches of fog in the valleys and chilly there, toos into the 30s. but you already see those 50s towards san francisco and pacifica. give you an idea that that atmosphere just above the surface is warm. by the afternoon 60s and 70s expected. well above the average. going to be another nice day tomorrow. then cooling off sunday a chance of rain next week. that's loaded with spicy jalapenos, onion rings and gooey, pepper jack cheese. ♪ ♪ good morning everyone. it is 8:00 a.m. welcome back to "cbs this morning." a ten-ton meteor splashes over central russia injuring hundred dretds of people. what's goings-on? we'll ask professor michio kaku. experts say reverse mortgages are not for everyone. first, here is a look at today's "eye opener at 8." >> a sunrise of biblical proportion, a sky full of fire and brimstone. you've got to see it and hear it to appreciate it. >> astonishment in russia this morning. >> a ten-ton meteor blasted across the sky faster than the speed of sound. chunks of the meteor injured more than 500 people. many of the passengers who were finally able to leave that ship described a nightmarish voyage. >> the 4200 people aboard the carnival triumph are finally on dry land after a five-day ordeal at sea. >> why did it take us this long to get home? >> you've got over 3,000 passengers on a ship many of whom have cell phones. they'll be sharing the photos worldwide. the charge of murder was laid against him and he broke down in tears. >> republicans say they probably will allow hagel to get confirmed when they come back from recess. experts say if that's the case why not confirm him now? >> the fda has approved a device that could help some regain part of their sight. if the cruise industry is inherently safe. no one died on this trip if you see a discount like that you might want to take it. >> discount notwithstanding, i can't imagine anyone is going to take advantage of that. day five of the carnival cruise ship. oh my god, these poor bastards. honestly. >> today's "eye opener at 8":00 is presented by allergen. i'm norah o'donnell with gayle king and james brown. char ri rose is on assignment. a giant meteor plunged to earth in russia. it broke apart streaking across the sky about 950 miles east of moscow. russian scientists say the space rock weighed about ten tons. >> explosions damaged buildings and shattered williams. cbs contributor michio kaku is with the city university of new york and joins us. good to see you again, professor. it looked and seemed terrifying to the people there. >> mother nature has shown hollywood who's boss. we're talking about an object about the size of this studio plowing into russia at 33,000 miles per hour exploding 20 miles above ground. you can't ask for better than this. it doesn't get better. the meteorite you see at night, several every hour. shooting stars are about the size of a golf ball about the size of a baseball. this was huge about the size of a house. >> professor, you know you were just here the other day talking about this 150-mile astroid. you told us not to worry, everything is going to be fine. even the president was briefed on this astroid, that it wouldn't be a problem. do these meteors have anything to do with that astroid? >> the european space agency had run the videotape backwards tracing the trajectory of this object. it does not seem to have a direct relationship between da-14 which is going to by the way, slide by in several more hours at about 2:30 in the afternoon eastern time. >> how do you explain this meteor then? >> however, asteroids occur in swarms. it's very possible there's a swarm of asteroids around the a-14. remember the earth is moving in a cosmic shooting gallery. the moon is pox-marked because there are a million objects about that size in the orbit of the planet earth. we're trying our best not to be pox marked. what else could be coming through as well? >> you have to recognize it was building of hot gases inside and exploded just like what happened in siberia in 1908. that was the size of an apartment building. remember, by the way, the dinosaurs were also wiped out in a similar way. they didn't have a space program. the dinosaurs didn't have rockets. >> they have a few questions for you, by the way. but go ahead. >> are there reports of conspiracy theories? are you hearing that already? >> we're hearing them already. the nuke your weapons site of the old soviet unions, some russians are saying maybe it's a nuclear weapon. the internet is buzzing with the news. this is sensational in russia. >> today we don't have to worry, when we walk out, do we haven't to look at the sky? it's okay. >> i think it's good to look up. we've spent all of our time with our heads down. it's good to look up. these things happen once every two decades to centuries. >> we have no laser beams to destroy that along the way. dr. kaku thank you so much. it didn't break apart. by the carnival cruise ship triumph finally limped to shore. it was towed into port allowing thousands of passengers to escape days of horrific conditions. >> they first boarded in galveston, texas for a four-day cruise. it took five days to tow the ship to mobile alabama after an engine fire knocked out power. anna westerner talked to some of the exhausted passengers. >> good morning, norah, j.b. and gayle. when you talk to the passengers you get a sense, look at their photos and videos of what it was really like to be on the ship whether it was the mattresses piled in the hallways for people to sleep on the sewage staining the carpet wet all over the place, flowing, plastic bags used z as toilets. some of the passengers we spoke to said the first night after the engine fire knocked out power to the ship was frightening. >> we're so glad to be on the land, yes. it was quite an experience. the team made an incredible situation out of a bad situation. >> everybody treated us very well, but we were really scared the first night. i didn't feel safe when the fire was going on. >> yeah, the first little bit. >> and after they said the fire was out, i felt fairly safe. the boat did list a lot. >> because of the wind. >> which was very unsettling. >> had to sleep with a bathrobe beside me so i didn't roll out of bed. >> reporter: when the ship finally came in passengers most of them were loaded on to coach buses and went to new orleans. they didn't get there until 2:00 a.m. they're still not home today. many of them are taking charter flights to houston and going onward to home from there. it's just about over for these people. norah, gayle j.b. back to you. >> that is good news. i have to say i love how everybody is crediting the crew. as bad as the conditions were for the passengers, the crew conditions are far worse, if you've ever seen those crew cabins. i love everybody is saying they really rallied to everybody. >> i mentioned to norah in the first hour thank god for them. >> everybody is okay. europe's airbus says it's decided not to use lithium ion batteries in the new jets. it made the announcement after the same batteries overheated on 787 dreamliners last month. the airbus a-350 was built to compete with the 787 and should make its maiden flight this year. this morning double amputee olympian oscar pistorius is deny denying charges he killed his girlfriend. he made his court appearance weeping while being charged with one count of murder. police say his girlfriend was shot four times in his home early thursday. prosecutors think the killing was premeditated. the former mayor of san diego admits she stole over $2 million from her late husband's charitable foundation so she could gamble. maureen o'connor was mayor from 1996 to 1992 she won and lost over a billion mostly on video poker. her law says she has for years, but decided to blaze her own trail in life. left the band......started a family and is now motivational hall of fame speaker inspiring others to live the life they want too. her new book is titled, the song in you....finding your voice, redefining your life. pleased to welcome ladonna gatlin. to get your copy of the song in you log onto ladonna-gatlin- s fie sally field had to prove stephen spielberg wrong to win the part of mary todd lincoln. she'll tell us how she changed his mind ahead on "cbs this morning." soul sister i don't want to miss a single thing you do ♪ this morning's "eye opener" is sponsored by allergan. talk to your doctor today about chronic migraines. by allergan. talk to your doctor. maybe you'll have a migraine. if you have migraines with 15 or more headache days a month, you're living a maybe life. and you may have chronic migraine. but knowing this thing you're going through has a name means knowing you can find treatments that are right for you. go to to find a headache specialist. and don't live a maybe life. ooooo ♪ the rush is on! great deals are going on now at the petsmart dollar days sale. find hundreds of items under $10. and select tropical fish are just $1 each friday through monday only, at 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(mom) i raised my son to be careful... hi, sweetie. hi, mom. (mom) but just to be safe... i got a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. ♪ it was a teenage ♪ ♪ you're looking at st. louis missouri celebrating its 249th birthday today. it's called the gateway to the west because it drew pioneers heading to california's gold rush. anheuser-bush has been there since 1852, and the famous arch is the largest man made monument in our country. >> something to see in person. beautiful structure. happy birthday is right. we have important information this morning for anybody considering a reverse mortgage. now, the government calls it safe. so why are they making changes to the program? rebecca jarvis will show us. plus "48 hours" gets extraordinary access to the court-martial of a decorated army sergeant. the crime? double murder. they ahead on "cbs this morning." is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto-insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. 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[ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't. whatever it takes, get to sears presidents day sale mattress close out. get 24 month special financing. and save up to 60%, plus get an extra 10% off. and free delivery. this is eye opening. this is sears. did you have any idea it was going to be so successful? >> i haven't actually seen it so i don't sit down and watch it. >> never? >> no i haven't watched it. >> you must be the only person in england who's not watching. >> well, it's a record then isn't it? >> love her. >> i know. the dowerugh countess we can always count on her to tell the truth. in that interview, maggie smith admits she doesn't even watch " the show because she'd criticize her own acting. >> i wondered why she paused. i was glad she explained it. i was thinking you don't like the show? now we know. she should check it out. it begain with a chilling 911 call. a 9-year-old boy reports a double suicide homicide in his home. that sparked a case that includes four civil trials and military court-martial. "48 hours" correspondent richard schlesinger takes us on a rare look inside the military judicial system. a military judicial system. >> 911. >> somebody broke into our house last night. i don't know who it was, but they killed everybody here except for my sister my brother, and me. >> were you there last night? >> yes. i was just afraid to call. >> and who was shot last night? >> my mom and my grandma. the only people here are me, my sister, and my brother. >> how old are you? >> 9. >> and you've been there all night by yourself? >> yes, with my brother and sister. >> okay honey. >> reporter: matthew pete had witnessed a horror no child should ever have to see. his mother tracy burke and his grandmother karen komer were shout dead in 2007 in kentucky. >> i hear a kubel gunshots going through and some glass breaking and my grandma was screaming that she's dying. >> reporter: math dwloou you told the police the gunman was wearing a camouflage jacket similar to one owned by his stepfather tracy's husband, sergeant brent burke, a military policeman stationed at ft. campbell. sergeant burke and tracy were going through a divorce. tracy's father wilbur. >> it got really nasty between the two of them and i have to support my daughter. >> reporter: police never found a murder weapon but they believe they had more than enough circumstantial evidence so one month after the crime, sergeant burke was arrested and charged with two counts of murder. >> i'm a father and i'm a soldier, and i need to go home to my family. >> reporter: sergeant burke was tried not once not twice, but four times in civilian court for the murders, and each time a judge declared a mistrial. and then the u.s. army stepped in. major sandra smith. >> we looked into the charges and it was at that point that we determine thad there were adequate charges to move forward with action under the uniform code of military justice. >> reporter: defense attorney nathan brown. >> there's nothing that definitively links sergeant burke to the crime scene. >> is there any physical evidence? >> from our perspective, no. >> no weapon? >> no. >> no blood? >> no. >> nothing. >> no. >> there would be a court marshal and this time there would be a verdict because in a military trial there is no such thing as a hung jury. >> i'm still stuck -- richard schlesinger joins us at the table -- on the little boy matthew. >> we interviewed him. he's 14 now. looked like the boy next door freckle-faced. he's as eloquent together as any kid you ever met. >> what are the differences, quickly, between the military justice and civilian? >> it's amazing. this homicide case was over in eight days. efficient. >> saturday night. you can see richard's entire report "honor and dishonor" right here on cbs. and from through presidents' day, get 36 months interest-free financing and save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. keep more presidents in your wallet. this special financing offer ends presidents' day at sleep train. superior service best selection lowest price guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, it's 8:25. time for some news headlines of a pursuit of a stolen car in san francisco's tenderloin leads to a multicar crash. officers laid down spike strips on eddy street and the driver veered o asidewalk. a cop shot at the car twice. it hit four cars. five people hurt none seriously. a santa clara man accused of threatening the life of senator leland yee is in custody. the chp says it previously found guns and explosive materials inside the man's home. yesterday, officers found some completed explosive devices. the mother of an 18-year- old shot to death at an east bay school is making a plea for the gunman to turn himself in. police say trevion foster was playing dice at hillside elementary school in san leandro wednesday night when shots rang out. the school was closed yesterday as investigators scoured the area for clues. >> stay with us, traffic and weather coming right up. ú#çñçñ [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to keep from driving all over for the best deals. you don't need to run around. safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. right now, tide is $5.49 for 50 ounces. that's under 20 cents a load! skip the warehouse. charmin is $8.99 for 16 double rolls. and chobani greek yogurt is just a buck. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. good morning. we're watching a couple of accidents including one traffic alert. first up to alamo southbound 680 approaching stone valley road. one lane is blocked. and we're seeing heavier traffic right now coming out of walnut creek. this is our traffic alert just issued southbound 880 approaching mission boulevard. a couple of lanes are blocked. we are hearing this is injury accident. so it's very heavy now coming from highway 84 and it sounds like lanes will be blocked for a while. bay bridge, nice and light here. metering lights remain on but it's only backed up to the middle of the parking lot. that's traffic. for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> the weather looking good. going to see a lot of sunshine to the coastline. these temperatures well above the average looking back towards san francisco right now. clear skies, temperatures fairly mild toward the coastline right now. we have that offshore breeze blowing. some 50s there chilly temperatures inland into the 30s. but by the afternoon, sunshine for everybody, temperatures well above the average in the 60s even some 70s. about 73 in san jose. 71 in oakland and 70 in santa rosa. a little cooler on saturday. rain possible on tuesday. hot mess burger that's loaded with spicy jalapenos, onion rings and gooey, pepper jack cheese. ♪ ♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour reverse mortgages might seem like a solution to your money needs, but they're also called risky. we'll show you why changes are coming. plus we'll talk with sally field about her battle to win the role that could bring her a third academy award. we'll talk about the last time she won when fields gave one of the most memorable speeches in oscar history. >> i remember that. right now it's time to show you this morning's headlines. "the washington post" looks at the threat to the federal budget from climate change, growing natural disasters can devastate crops and bridges. the government accountability office says that could lead to heavy losses waste and fraud. the "san francisco chronicle" says even moderate alcohol use can substantially increase the risk of cancer. the national cancer institute blames booze for about 3.5% of all cancer deaths in this country each year. a third of the deaths come from people who have an average of 1 1/2 drinks per day. tiffany and company is suing cosco, claiming it's sold knock-offs of the engagement rings for years. tiffany is demanding $2 million for the inning fringement plus triple the amount of cosco's profit from selling the rings. clearwater beach, florida, has won the online reader survey choosing florida's best beach town. it's all based on location location location. it's five minutes from downtown half hour from the airport and an hour and a half from orlando. reverse mortgages are a way for older people to borrow money, but they're also complicated and not right for everyone. now the government is announcing changes. rebecca jarvis is here with us. she just conducted a class 101 for me. >> that's what the green room is all about. >> absolutely. what are reverse mortgages in simple terms? >> these are mortgages that pay the homeowner. in traditional mortgages, you pay for it. in this mortgage it pays you and becomes due with interest when you move out or pass away. they're only eligible for people 62 years and older. what everyone needs to keep in mind, you still have to pay insurance and you still have to pay taxes on your house when you're living on it and you a reverse mortgage. >> why would this be a good idea? >> some people see it as a good idea because it's an opportunity to take money out if you're, for example, in retirement and need extra money to pay medical bills, people see it as an option. it doesn't necessarily apply for everyone and it can be very costly. the fees are one of the biggest issues with these mortgages because they're very high. you could pay as much as $12,000 in fees on a $300,000 mortgage. when all is said and done that's a lot of money. you have to balance the amount of money you're paying for it with the amount of money you're getting from it. >> i hear the government has new rules. there's always rules with the government. what are they and will they protect? >> the new rules are part of the solution. but the customer at the end of the day, just like with anything, has to protect themselves. these rules are because the government backs up the mortgages. $2.8 billion were lost on these mortgages last year. that's a huge amount of money. one in ten of them were in default last year. borrowers put their nest egg at risk. you have to keep this in mind. often for most people the nest egg is the home. the home goes back to the bank or it gets sold when you pass away or move out. sometimes widows face eviction because sometimes they're talked into not putting their name on the reverse mortgage. if you're entering into a reverse mortgage with your partner, husband or wife both names should be on the mortgage. >> you see henry winkler, very famous people endorsing these. my blank impression is sometimes seniors get taken advantage of. >> that's tun fortunate things. when you're dealing with a lend der, keep in mind their objective is to make money. keep that in mind. you also have to make sure you're staying in your home for three years plus in order to make it count for you. choose the lender wisely. >> rebecca jarvis thank you. sally field landed her first movie role more than half a century ago. now she's up for her third oscar in "lincoln." >> do you hope you win the cos scar? >> i don't care. >> really? >> no no. i would be a liar if i said it wouldn't be thrilling. >> thrilling because it's been 28 years since sally field took home an oscar her portrayal of mary todd lincoln proves at age 66 she's still at the top of her game. >> when have i ever been so easily bamboozled. i believe you when you said amending the constitution and abolishing slavery will end this war. >> fields is ten years older than daniel day lewis and mary was ten years younger than lynn kol. >> stephen spielberg called you and told you it might not be the right fit. >> yes. >> what was your reaction? >> i said then test me. and stephen called me and said it just isn't going to work. he put it together with recent footage of daniel and it just isn't going to work. >> despite that spielberg sent the footage today lewis who asked to meet with field. >> stephen called and said do we want the same hair and makeup people. >> hair and makeup people, for a drin snk they said no daniel is coming in and we're going to test. >> you hadn't the courage to help me. >> she spassed the test and the two became president and first lady. >> what is it about mary that made you want to fight for this role so hard? >> it's rare. it's really rare that a woman in her 60s other any woman, any actor, gets to play such a complicated role. >> should have slapped you in the mad house. >> then do it! do it! don't you threaten me. you do it this time. lock me away. you'll have to i swear! if robert is killed -- >> did you discover anything about yourself in mary todd lincoln? >> the actor brings the character towards them and they move towards the character. somewhere you hope to merge and you don't know who is who anymore and what part is me and what part is her, and she has changed me. i'm not really sure how. i'm in some ways sort of afraid to find out. >> the most visible change was a physical one. she gained 25 pounds for the role. >> they couldn't just make the costume a little bigger? >> no, because it really showed in my face. you just can't fake that. you can't fake -- the whole point of acting and getting -- being as much this person as you can be is to not fake anything. >> she sees been perfecting that approach as an actor throughout her career. it began at age 17 with her starring role as tv's gidget. her career soared with "the flying nun," then took a serious turn in the '70s with her oscar-winning performance in "norma rae." anne hathaway paid tribute in this year's awards. >> she called you a vanguard against type casting. what did you think when you heard her say that? >> i thought that was very nice of her was extremely nice. part of me thought, oh yeah right. it's been so hard. i think it's easier for her. i think it will be easier for her. >> why was it harder for you? >> i think it was a different era. i came from situation comedy television, and in those days you didn't get out of it. if you look back at that 17-year-old girl wish you could have told her something? do you have any regrets? >> i have regrets. everybody has regrets. they're more around my parenting skills where i have regrets. oh, gee, couldn't i just go back and have a few more weeks with peter like when he was 8, a few more months with eli when he was 5. >> three boys from two separate marriages that both ended in divorce. >> you try so hard as a parent but you realize as you keep going and developing and turning over the earth and you look back and go oh gosh, i wish i hadn't done that. >> for all her fame there is that particularly memorable moment, her acceptance speech at the 1984 academy awards. >> you like me! right me you like me! >> when she won her second oscar for her role in "places in the heart." >> last time i won an oscar, i was unable to feel i had even won it because it was so awesome and shocking. i told myself if i ever was up here again, i would feel it and realize that no matter what i say to myself tomorrow or the next day, right now you like me. it means my work. for this second in time maybe not tomorrow and maybe not ever again. but i own this second. >> nice. field is two for two on oscar night winning best actress both times she was nominated. this year she's up for best supporting actress up against four much younger women. >> range substance and intellect is what i took away from her. how does she impress you? >> she's 66 so she's been acting for nearly 50 years. she's incredibly down to earth and an incredible actress. >> she seems to me norah, in such a good place. of course she wants to win. if she doesn't, she'll be all right. if she doesn't she'll enjoy the moment. >> her portrayal of mary todd lincoln will focus people on the history of mary todd lincoln. a lot of people say there wouldn't have been an abraham lincoln without mary todd lincoln because she really encouraged him in politics. >> isn't that a lesson that if you see something that you're right for, you have to fight for it. a new orleans high school short on graduates and trapped kin students at a new orleans high school are surrounded by violence, drugs, teen pregnancy and homelessness. it has certainly taken a toll. now the school is being run by a charter. a new series on own called "blackboard wars" takes us inside the fight to save the kids. >> john mcdonough hides one of the worst schools in america. more than half of the children fail to graduate. controversial education reformer steve barr and his team have been charged with transforming the school's record. >> i get five years to turn the school around or they fire me. >> reporter: dr. marvin thompson s&p the new principal leading this change. >> you have new teachers. you have new rules. all of this is in place to help you be successful. >> reporter: with a new staff of teachers and counselors. >> this is my first year teaching. >> don't [ bleep ] talk to me. i'm going to get my brother to come [ bleep ] you up. >> reporter: students in desperate need of leadership. >> don't give anybody a reason! >> reporter: the future of john mcdonough is in danger. >> our kids come from a chaotic state. at some point they stop popping over ten cents' worth of candy. >> don't you ever disrespect me in my house again. >> reporter: principal marvin thompson joins us at the table this morning. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> you have a better chance of being murdered at your high school than being shot in afghanistan. you wanted to take this job why? because these kids are hard core. >> children are children. and i don't care where you are. they're kids. i think we as parents, educators, community members, we've got a responsibility to set the stage for them. so whatever environment they're in, we've got to take some accountability for their world. so being in this particular role and this particular place to me that's purposeful. but the surprise is that these young people are just like every other young person everywhere else. >> you say like every other young person. are they seeking guidance as well? the perception is that's not the case. >> it is a per seps. a lot of what's shaping the young people in john mcdonough's lives are perceptions. i find these young people to be extremely engaging, extremely inquisitive inquisitive. they have the staem hopes and aspirations as everyone else. they don't have the same beginnings, the same opportunities. there are a lot of obstacles that none of us have ever had to face. >> i've always believed if kids don't think you care they don't care what you think. you've had four principals in the last six years. are you staying? >> i'm staying. listen some of these kids the lives of these young people will be with me for the rest of my life. they have impacted me in ways that i never expected. i think if you talk to any of my teachers, they'd say the same. what i know they need is stability. they need continuity. right now we're seeing positive changes just from what my staff has led in terms of consistency. >> in talking to a lot of educators who worked in new orleans, they say it's the birthplace of education reform. in part because the unions and their power and influence has been reduced. how are you changing things? how do you transform a school? it's such a tough job. >> it is off the job. i don't think there's a one-dimensional way to do this. something gayle said earlier, we start out by letting these people know we care about them. there are issues we're aware of but they also have to overcome them. there's a fine balance between learning and this is the priority of learning. i need you to know that we care for you, first of all, defining what the care looks like. as i said to my staff, we need to love them but we don't need to love them to failure. >> i wish we had more time. i would like to underscore the importance of having a black male role model in the position. >> the name is "blackboard wars," premiering tomorrow night on own. we'll look back at this week coming up on "cbs this morning." coming up next on "cbs this morning." you score little victories every day. now you can do it with dinner. introducing land o'lakes® sauté express®. the all-in-one sauté starter with butter, olive oil, herbs and spices... so dinner really sizzles. it's one step, no prep. and so good, they'll ask for more. and that little victory is a pretty big deal. land o'lakes® sauté express®. find it in the dairy aisle. 3q lysol believes no toilet is complete, until it's completely clean. lysol toilet bowl cleaner gives you maximum coverage from the rim down to the water line to kill 99.9% of germs. and removes stains better than clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach. so if you want to do the whole job, lysol's got you covered. lysol. mission for health. and for an incredibly clean and fresh bowl with every flush, try the no mess automatic toilet bowl cleaner. we'll take a look back at the we'll take a look back at the tomorrow on "cbs this ing saturday," a blower tells cbs news he warned phis bosses about battery problems on 787 dreamliners morning." >> that does it for us. charlie be . . >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everyone the it's 8:55. i'm michelle griego with your kpix 5 headlines. there's a search in san leandro for a man who police say assaulted an officer and escaped. the suspect is identified as solomon espinoza of union city. police tried to make a routine traffic stop last night. a struggle ensued and espinoza allegedly tried to grab an officer's gun before running away. police chased the lincoln town car last night through the tenderloin and laid down spike strips. the carved on a sidewalk and an officer standing on the sidewalk fired two shots. the driver kept going before crashing into three cars at fifth and mission. marin county gun buy-back vouchers can be exchanged for cash today. the county ran out of money in just 90 minutes during last month's buy back. the county has now raised $70,000 to finish the payouts. the vouchers can be redeemed today at the showcase theater at marin county civic center. and now here's lawrence with the forecast. all right. a lot of sunshine coming our way today looking good so far. a little chilly in the north bay valleys now. sunshine in towards san jose, but into the afternoon, yeah, it's going to be one of those good days outside. a lot of sunshine and temperatures warming up nicely in the 60s and also the 70s. over the weekend, staying nice, too. maybe some showers though developing with more clouds and cooler weather on president's day, a chance of rain by tuesday. more unsettled weather wednesday and thursday. your "timesaver traffic" is coming up next. good morning. you want to stay off the nimitz freeway for a while. we are following two separate traffic alerts right now. first in oakland, northbound 880 approach oak street so coming into downtown oakland super backed up from san leandro. a couple of lanes blocked. and then farther south, southbound 880 approaching mission boulevard in fremont where lanes are blocked and really heavy through highway 84. bay bridge looks quiet. get 36 months interest-free financing and save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. but only through presidents' day at sleep train. >> rachael: today... >> bobby. >> good boy. >> rachael: our show is going to the dogs. how to adopt a pet. >> i left a lipstick mark on his head, that comes with him. >> rachael: then -- >> frozen asparagus spears the fda allows on 10% of them up to six beatle eggs. >> rachael: what could be in the food you are eating today? dr. travis stork has answers. what? no! [cheers and applause] >> rachael: welcome, everybody, welcome. thank you very much. our first guest today i'm such a big fan of hers just as a human being and actress. she's not only won an emmy award but golden globe nominated. you know her for roles like "ugly truth," "27 dresses," "knocked up," and dr. issy stevens on "grey's anatomy." she also happens to be an advocate for dogs and cats worldwide. if you have watched our show you have probably seen her chatting about that before. please welcome back to our show


Transcripts For WJZ CBS This Morning 20130215

with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> the shocker from out of space. >> hundreds hurt after a meteor rains down on russia. >> leaving several buildings shaken and damaged. >> almost 1,000 miles east of moscow. >> up to 400 people may have been injured. >> hours before a 150-foot-wide asteroid is supposed to pass by. >> hug your loved ones have them close and listen to some arrow smiktd. >> i'm glad to be out of here. >> the pleasure cruise that went very bad is finally over. >> first of all, sorry, carnival, for taking your bath robe. i figure they owed me. >> he murdered his girlfriend. >> there are reports she was shot through the bathroom door. >> a rare filibuster. >> i hope one democrat will look at chuck hagel's record and reconsider reconsider. >> just when you thought things couldn't get worse, it's worse. >> christopher dorner is dead. using his dental records, they were able to identify dorner's body. >> a former mayor gambles away from 2000 through 2009 playing video poker. >> all that you go through the preparatory -- >> so you prepare for the sunday shows. >> yes. >> and all that matters. >> that plan -- every once in a while, have some quiet time. time-outs. >> what did you get mrs. boehner for valentine's day? >> on "cbs this morning." berkshire hathaway is buying the heinz ketchup company for $23 million. >> his plan is to turn the company upside down and then just wait. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." charlie rose is on assignment so james brown is with us. this is a live look at the carnival cruise ship "triumph" finally docked in alabama. we'll show you the video and outrage and comments from executives in just a moment. first, astonishment from russia this morning. >> a ten-ton meteor crashed across the sky. it crashed and injured thousands of people. >> it landed in a mountain range near a famous soviet nuclear weapons site. mark phillips is in london this morning. >> good morning. they got an eye opener about 900 miles east of moscow this morning. it was a skyful of biblical proportions, a sky full of fire and brimstone. you've got to see it to appreciate it. this is morning. a cold dawn sky and then this. some of the noise came from sonic booms caused by meteor fragments traveling faster than the speed of sound. but other explosions seem to have come from impact. or you're drivinging to work and you see this. or you're teaching in your classroom and -- or hearing the commotion, you look out your apartment window and then -- the onslaught caused damage to widespread buildings and some people. several hundred were hurt many due to flying glass and debris. there are several theories as to what happened. a russian emergency ministry spokesperson said there had been a meteor shower. others said this was all the result of one big meteor. one witness was a canadian hockey player now living in russia and he said he never saw anything like this on the rink. >> i was terrified. i had just hit the snooze bar on my iphone for another nine minutes of sleep and all of a sudden, you know i fell back asleep and i hear this loud bang. i live in a 24-story building on the 23rd floor, and all of a sudden i look up and the lights are shaking and i hear car alarms going off. it was just incredible. >> it's one of those places where weird stuff happens. it was a major weapons manufacturing center in the old soviet union days with a history of contamination. meteor sites weren't going to affect them. it was as large as a bus traveling at an estimated 33,000 miles an hour. so this morning henny penny was right, the sky was falling. >> he's really cool. >> i know. he says they're used to weird stuff happening, but 33,000 miles an hour. >> unbelievable. i wonder how the fragrantments got through the frictional heating. unbelievable. >> unbelievable. >> dr. michio kaku will talk with us later and we'll talk about being safe ahead on "cbs this morning." and now that cruise that was anything but triumphant. the 4,200 people are finally on dry land after a five-day ordeal at sea. >> many of the passengers drnlt leave the ship until after midnight and then had to spend hours more by bus, and even then there was more trouble. anna werner is at the cruise ship in mobile alabama. good morning, anna. >> reporter: good morning, j.b. and norah. that right. the ship came in around 9:15 last night, but for many of the passengers who were finally able to leave that ship they describe a nightmarish voyage one that none of them wants to ever repeat. thousands of passengers erupted into cheers thursday night as the crippled "triumph" finally pulled up to dock. as they stepped onto dry land and into the armed of loves ones, some couldn't contain their excitement. >> i'm really thankful to be back. >> reporter: kendell jenkins said she won the trip in a contest but said it was light more like a floating port port-a-potty port-a-potty. >> no ships were coming. no boats were coming. we saw no helicopters. it scared us because we thought the ship isn't notifying or getting known come out and help us. >> reporter: it took more than a day before the first tugboat arrived. as passengers got cell reception, they sent photos revealed squalid conditions sewage seeping through the floors plastic bags used for rest rooms, camp tents on deck and sprawled out down below. some lost contact with their family. >> there was about three or four days we couldn't call anyone and they couldn't call us. >> reporter: many passengers hailed the on board crew as the real heroes. >> they did unthinkable things that employees would not do with a smile on their face. they were unbelievable. >> reporter: it took 7 million hours to drag a massive ship on thursday. on thursday the ceo jeremy cahill addressed reporters. >> we pride ourselves in providing guests with a great vacation experience and clearly we failed in this particular ship. >> reporter: he then boarded the ship and spoke to passengers over the intercom. >> i know how difficult this week has been and i can tell you i'm extremely sorry for all the frustration and discomfort you had to feel. >> reporter: some demanded answers. >> why did it take so long for us to get home. that is difficult. >> reporter: carnival chartered busses to take people home. at least one of those buses became stranded on the way to new orleans. passenger jacob combs called cbs this morning to say his bus was sitting by the side of the road as he waited for yet one more rescue. well he and other passengers finally made it to new orleans but many of those buses didn't arrive until 2:00 in the morning and their journey is not over. they still have to take charter flights to houston today. other people -- a few had their relatives pick them up in mow bee, and some of them went to hotels and checked in just to get some rest. they'll probably figure out where they'll go and how they're going to do it today. back to you. >> anna werner thanks. the nightmare is orever for the passengers but might just be starting for carnival. peter greenberg is with us this morning. first let me ask you about this ceo of carnival. some critics say he's not done enough. will he take some blame for the this? >> he probably will. mickey arison he went to a basketball game the other night. the ceo kept a low profile after the "costa concordia" more than a year ago. it will be interesting to see how much he'll take from this. >> keep in mind you've got over 3,000 passengers on a ship. many have cell phones. they're citizen journalists. they're going to begin to share those photos worldwide. >> tell us what the passengers' rights are in this situation. >> remember, when it came into port, it was not only meant by the u.s. public health service, coast guard, a few ohfficialofficials, there may be lawyers on board. they have to prove those damages. obviously their trip was interrupted, canceled. they didn't get what they wanted. carnival attempted to give them a full refund of everything they did and what they bought except for the gift shop and the casino and just yesterday they threw in an additional $500 and free cruise ship going ahead. they're trying to do what they can. remember that doing all that actually resulted in chartering 50, 60 buses, one of which broke down in new orleans. it was not a pleasant trip certainly even when they got to shore. >> it certainly added insult to injury with the bus breaking down peter. do you think this affected the cruise industry? >> carnival took a hit last year with the "costa concordia." carnival is the largest cruise line in the world, 75 ship many different brands. what you're going to see are serious discounts in the next two to three months. you know what? the cruise ship industry is in harnltly safe. nobody's died on the ship. if you see a big discount like that, you might want to take it. >> discounts notwithstanding, i can't imagine anybody taking advantage of that. >> i know. people are scared elderly people especially. >> and it's encouraging that the crew did everything they tried to do to make the five numbing days at sea more barable. >> i'm sure they had a tough time taking care of all the passengers. to another potential catastrophe, we're two weeks away from massive spending cuts. and congress guess what? they're taking next week off. they're leaving the fate of chuck hagel hanging in the balance. nancy cordes is on capitol hill. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you, norah. they're going to have to deal with those cuts right away. they're very steep. almost no one around here likes them, they were never supposed to happen, and yet they're leaving town. >> the halls of congress cleared out quickly last night. >> how can we leave for recess when we're so close to a sequester? so close to what could possibly have shut down the government. >> it's spread out over 10 years that will start to kick in march 1st. both sides say the cuts are arbitrary, damaging and bound to kill jobs but instead of negotiating to replace cuts, that ire impacting them. >> we can -- if they're willing to pass a bill we'll find some way to work with them to address this problem. >> the sequester will hit the military hardest. $46 billion alone. about 8% of the budget. but they headed home without dispute. former republican senator chuck haig >> we need a secretaryf defense on the job. no one, no one knows, especially any united states senator, what foreign challenge will face this country perhaps in the next ten day days. >> reporter: republicans say they still have questions about his policies income and qualifications for the job so in a rare move they filibustered him for the job. >> this time we can and must do better. >> reporter: republicans say they probably will allow haig toll get confirmed when they come back from recess. democrats say if that's the case whierks not just confirm him now? this was supposed to be panetta's last day on the job but he said he'll stick around until a new secretary jenof defense is picked. prosecutors in south africa say it was premeditated and more serious charges are coming. the track star known as the blade runner openly cried in court this morning and emma hurd was in court. >> reporter: oscar pistorius broke down in tears, his father trying to comfort him. they've brought in their top prosecutors to handle this case. it's setting the stage for real courtroom drama here. it was a return to the global stage for all the wrong reasons. the world famous athlete before a south african court charged with murdering his supermodel girlfriend. reeva steenkamp was shot allegedly by oscar pistorius. it looked like a valentine's day gone wrong but something more sinister. they're now obsessed with the south africa golden boy. the secure gated compound in pretoria where pistorius lives is protected. michael sokolove a writer for "the new york times" received a surprising invite during his time,er er. ing a story in 2012. >> he said hey do, you want go to the firing rank and shoot guns. i'm a writer i followed him and we went to the firing range and we shot his 9 millimeter semiautomatic pistol. >> reporter: with oscar pistorius as with so many others before him, guns may have proved to be a deadly hobby. emma hurd, cbs news south africa. in u.s. today they will not send military support. france will lead the fight in mali. right now they provide transportation and diplomatic report. "the washington times" says the u.s. is looking for places to test drone aircraft that could eventually be used in this country. 30 states say they're interested. they the wall street jrnl looks at the racial gap in men's sentencing. the sentence for black men were 20% longer than for white men committing similar crimes. it's the latest in a string of blockbuster mergers in corporate america. and "the washington post" looks at how fish behave on medication. a new study finds perch that were exposed to anxiety drugs displayed anti-social behavior. researchers want to understand the pharmaceuticals that end up >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by big lots. if you want big savings, then you want big lots!. federal regulators promise a crackdown on tour bus safety saying too many operators are a potential danger. >> they do have records, but yet they aren't addressed until after that fatal accident. we see that time and time again. >> we'll investigate an industry that's had five serious accidents since christmas. and who gets the million-dollar reward for finding christopher dorner? the answer could be no one. we'll show you why. plus a new eye implant could allow tens of thousands of people to see again. could this be a game-changer for millions down the road ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by cadbury. no bunny knows easter better than cadbury. dbury crème eggs, while others may keep trying. nobunny knows easter better than cadbury! ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at i've discovered gold. 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[ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the allergy muddlers. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air®. [ ariel ] my mother was never into our coffee at all. she would only get a splash of coffee in her cup and then fill the rest up with cream and it -- mommy, what's going on? what are you doing? so when we did the blonde roast she finally went from a splash of coffee to only a splash of cream. and i thought that was so cool, i said "well she's enjoying this." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ cnn has been on the case for some reason giving this boat crisis [ bleep ] wall-to-wall coverage treating the cruise ship like it's the shackleton expedition. >> we can at least visually connect you to the daughter you have not seen in seven days. >> yeah. you're not heroes guys. it's not a hostage situation or a baby in a well. you've reconnected them? they weren't supposed to see at 26 minutes past 7:00, lots of season -- sunshine. >> t a bufl start -- it's a beautiful start to the day. it's going to end gray with showers. 53 the high. the low to mid 30s now. here is sharon gibala at wjz traffic control. >> good morning. the as great -- it's a great morning on the roads. one accident on russell street at haynes street. a disabled vehicle on 83 north northbound. on the beltway speeds better than normal, 50 on the topside, 40 on the west side. there's a look at 83 at exit 18. a little sun gary -- sun gary could be a factor. there are new revelations about a police training accident this week. more repurr cushions as well. mike schuh is live with the latest. >> reporter: good morning. city police say that the academy officer who shot a trainee officer from the university of maryland police is an 18-year veteran. william scott kern has been suspended along with five others. the case is being investigated like why kern continued without the other training officer present. all training has been suspended. i'm mike schuh reporting live. >> thank you . this morning the teen fatally stabbed following the ravens victory celebration last week will be laid to rest. 15-year-old deonte smith was stabbed to death during a large fight with a group of teens. two other teens were injured that day. smith's funeral will be today. police are still searching for the teen who killed him. a message from ray rice this morning after an impersonator sets up a fake facebook profile page trying to attract women and girls. they were sending private messages with inappropriate content and asking for face to face meetings with the women. rice says he opens it will presuede parents to talk to their kids about online safety. the hollywood a -- casino plans to open table games in the spring. stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. up next, who gets the reward money after the death of ex-lapd officer christopher dorner. . i think i see my apartment there. >> good eye. they crack down on buses after the latest in deadly crashes. sharyl attkisson has been investigating the risk. she's at washington's union station. >> reporter: thousands of passengers will be taking buses to and from union station this holiday weekend and most of these trips will be safe and uneventful, but we discovered major flaws in a system that can allow unsafe companies to stay in business. just before the bus crashed last week east of los angeles the driver reportedly yelled out to passengers that the brakes were failing. the bus hit a car, flipped, and slammed into a pickup. >> reporter: three people confirmed dead. multiple, multiple injuries. >> reporter: eight people aboard were killed. they found a brake problem. the company had a satisfactory rating from the government just before the accident. deborah hersman says it's the tragic result of a broken system. she heads up the national transportation safety board, an advisory group that's pushed hundreds of bus safety reservations over the years. >> we've seen companies that are not put out of service until after they have a fatal accident. and so they are inspected. they do have records. but yet they aren't addressed until after that fatal accident. we see that time and time again. >> reporter: yen chi le says it's the same story told with different faces. she lost her mother in a bus crash that killed 17 people in 2008 2008. that bus also had multiple violations on record and lacked basic safeguards. >> i started to look into it and i realized that everything we take for granted in cars and planes is not how it is on buses. >> reporter: a month after her mom's death, yen chi began lobbying for new bus safety rules. many were passed. the new law calls for safety fitness ratings, seat belts on new buses and standards for roof strength anti-ejection, and rollover protection. but 130 recommendations were left out including ways to tag repeat offenders off the road which helps is explain why there's been five serious bus accidents in the last month and a half injured or killing scores. tour bus spokesman peter. >> they should have never been allowed to be on the road. they should have been shut down a long long time ago, in our opinion. >> the department of transportation regulate buses. they told us violations by a repeat offender were not considered egregious enough to trigger an unsatisfactory rating. >> it's disheartened and really hard to see other families going through what i've been through. >> after the recent birth of her first child, yen chi is more impatient than ever to see changes she pushed actually enacted on the road. the department of transportation told us it's made aggressive efforts to increase bus safety and tripled its inspections over the last several years. christopher dorner is the one who died in a mountain cabin after a fire and shoot-out with police last tuesday. john blackstone shows us why money is now an issue. >> reporter: with the police on high alert for a cop killer and a whole region nervously wondering where the next shooting might be l.a. chief police chief says the person who helped finding dorner would be awarded a million dollar. >> a million dollars. >> reporter: two days later dorner was cornered in a fiery gun battle that came after two separate sightings reported to police. karen reynolds with her husband jim called 911 to report donorer had tied them up and stolen their car, potentially making them good candidates for the money. >> we didn't think about that until sitting around the sheriff's station, we joked about it. >> reporter: another possible candidate rick who was carjacked by dorner and says he reported it immediately to the local sheriff's deputy. >> i called them directly. he said what have you got. i said paul he just took my truck. >> reporter: it may not be who gets the reward if anyone does. it may have been offered with a catch. >> the reward is for a capture and conviction. does dorner's death let the city off the hook? they think not. better for them to give away this money? >> i sthoink. >> reporter: l.a.'s mayor and decision on the money rests with 20 different groups that agreed to contribute to the million-dollar reward. for "cbs this morning," john blackstone los angeles. >> and cbs news legal analyst jack ford. really, do they not have to pay that reward money, especially to the hostages? >> the question here is this an enforceable contract. we're going back to the first year of law school. well, if you don't have a document that's signed by both sides, it can't be a contract right? the answer is no. you can have a contract an oral side of contract. both sides, there's an offer. starting off, yeah there can be an enforcen't contract, here but the big question is what's the wording and what do the people on the other side do and does what they did fit within the confines of the wording here? >> you know i think the every day reaction is this is kind of lame. the people called them in. shouldn't they get the million dollars. j.b. and i are saying should there be public -- >> the question is we're seeing a little bit of reluctance. we saw one of the officials a few moments ago say here's what the deal is. for the apprehension capture, and conviction of this guy. now, if that's what the offer says and if you don't want to pay it people are looking at the money and maybe they're thinking you don't have to pay out if you don't have the. the argument is we didn't get a capture and conviction here. we have tragically from this whole story, there's a dead body inside of a building. the flip side is people are going to walk in and say, you know what? it's the spirit of this. we got out there, we were helpful, doing what we wantnd to do. i think as a consequence, you're going to get people on both sides saying let's try to work something out. we want citizens to be able to help out. >> jack ford thank you. and next a ray of hope for the blind. we'll show you why some people could regain the gift of sight. incredible science ahead on "cbs this morning." hey! hey honey! hey alan. uh, hey.... i'm bob, we talked at the tax store. i did your taxes. i thout you were a tax expert? today, i'm a master plumber. major tax stores advertise for preparers with "no tax experience necessary." at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts. ...than h&r block stores and all other major tax stores combined. whatever it takes, get to sears presidents day sale mattress close out. get 24 month special financing. and save up to 60%, plus get an extra 10% off. and free delivery. this is eye opening. this is sears. my mom doesn't drink starbucks coffee because she thinks it's too dark, and so i brought her some blonde roast. she loves it now. 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[ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the allergy muddlers. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air®. chili's lunch break combos start at just 6 bucks. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks at chili's. it is a milestone for the blind. the fda has create add new device that could help people regain their sight. how big a break is this for the artificial retina. >> it's huge. its like night and day. they'll be able to see, like somebody put the lights on in a room. >> how does it work. >> basically people wear glasses that has a video camera attached to it. the camera picks up the signal sends the message through the eye. it's connected directly into their brain. >> what will people see? how clear is the vision? >> the vision is not crystal clear. they're not be able to read fine print but they'll be able to walk down the street without bumping into lamp posts and car possibly across the street and go shopping. >> who would be a candidate for this kind of person? >> currently it's for people diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa but clearly there are thousands who could benefit. >> i have a friend who developed blindness as a result of diabetes. could he get it down the road? >> down the rote it might be good for any condition. diabetes and macular degeneration are excellent examples where the retina doesn't work and this device would be helpful. >> you mentioned pigmentosa. is that something genetic that happens to people? >> yes unfortunately. hundreds of thousands in the usa have it and there's no other treatment for it. so this is a huge milestone. >> i think people would ask how expensive is it? >> right now it's very expensive, like $150,000. like all technology, the cost decreases. i think it will be very affordable within the next few years. >> and hopefully insurance will cover that. >> exac memories of president kennedy go up for auction this weekend and we'll show you the collection of his personal aide. it covers everything from birthday parties to the assassination. that's next on "cbs this morning." 360 dusters extender, and you'll dump your old duster. but don't worry he'll find someone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ ♪ who's that lady? ♪ ♪ sexy lady, who's that lady? ♪ [ female announcer ] swiffer 360 dusters extender cleans high and low with thick all around fibers that attract and lock up to two times more dust than a feather duster. swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. and now swiffer dusters refills are available with the fresh scent of gain. this day calls you. to fight chronic osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. ooooo [ female announcer ] born from the sweet monk fruit, something this delicious could only come from nature. new nectresse. the 100% natural no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. one, two... 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[ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. today tastes so good. from john f. kennedy's campaign to his as say nation his friend dave porous was by his side. he died in 1988 but now his remarkable collection of mementos goes up for auction. anthony mason has the story. good morning, anthony. >> good morning, j.b. last year when his children were prepared to sell the family home, they discovered he quietly kept a treasure trove of presidential memorabilia. >> this one the pen that was used to sign the cuban missile crisis, the interdiction. as a close friend and confidante to john f. kennedy, he kept items from his career. up for sale on sunday at john mcinnis auctioneers in amesbury massachusetts, are banners flown on unofficial motorcades and air force one bomber jacket. >> we put down $20,000 to $40,000 as a conservative estimate on the bomber jacket. >> appraiser dan meader. >> it brings them up quite to another level. >> also for sale powers' copy of the official schedule of the president's trip to dallas. november 22 pd 1963. powers was riding in the secret service car behind the president that day taking pictures behalf his film ran out. >> this was taken at 12:17. this was the last photograph that dave took. >> reporter: 13 minutes later powers' schedule notes "jfk shot." minute by minute he would detail the entire day. >> 12:52. parkland hospital. 1:00, my president is dead. 2:00 left hospital with beloved jackie. carried casket aboard the air force one. >> for meader who looked through the document -- >> to see that and hold it it was really extraordinary. >> less than two weeks after the assassination -- >> this is an incredible series of photo graphs. >> -- powers helped throw a third birthday party for john the president's house, in the white house. that december mrs. kennedy sent powers this gift a leather-bound book of inaugural speeches. mrs. kennedy wrote, "for dave powers. the president was going to give you this for christmas. please accept it now from me. you and i will miss him most." powers whennet on to run the kennedy library, never stopped serving the man he called "my precedent." >> there are some 60 letters. i understand you saw something you recognized. >> i had this incredible experience. say something across the room that looked incredibly familiar. i walked up to it. it's a pangt of jack and jackie in a sailboat on a yellow background. i heard about this painting my entire life because my stepfather painted it. i had never seen it. he painted it 50 years sneeg that sends chills. >> yeah, he had been telling me about it. falling meteors cause damage and widespread damage in russia overnight. it was captured on video from many angles. do we need to keep our eyes on the skies? we'll talk with our profess or michio kaku on "cbs this morning." and free delivery. this is eye opening. this is sears. i've discovered gold. 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[ male announcer ] go pro. for a clean that's up to four times better try these crest pro-health products together. [ sara ] i've been using crest pro-health. so feels different. [ male announcer ] crest pro-health protects not just some but all these areas dentists check most. my mouth feels healthier. it feels cleaner. i think my dentist is gonna see the difference. [ male announcer ] go pro with crest pro-health. i don't think i'll ever go back to another product. see. ♪ you signed up weeks ago ♪ ♪ sunlight says get up and go ♪ ♪ mountain-grown aroma coming through ♪ ♪ a new challenge waits for you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ jumpin' into something new ♪ ♪ you really see all you can do ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ ♪ is folgers in your cup ♪ now 4 minutes before 8:00. it remains a nice start to the week's end and weekend. sharon is watching the way to work and marty is over at first warning weather. >> let's take a look at the forecast for the day. it's going to be calm but getting gray. 53 is the high. we will watch for afternoon showers more on the way home from work than school. here is sharon gibala at wjz traffic control. >> we have a few accidents now the tell you about. one of them on 100 westbound at oak wood. bel air road at 695. putty hill avenue at oakly. one more on eastern avenue at cane street. on the beltway speeds slow on the top and west side, in the 30s and 20s. speeds slow between white marsh and the tunnel. there's a live look at the delay at the topside at harford road. this traffic report is brought to you by baltimore hyundai dealers. we're learning more this morning about the police training accident this week. the trainee still in bad shape at the hospital. the investigation is far from over. mike schuh has the story. >> good morning. city police say that the officer who shot a trainee from the university of maryland police department is an 18-year veteran. william scoot kern has been suspended along with five others, including the head of the academy. it's been investigated why there were no other officers present. all training has been suspended. the injured officer is at shock trauma with a single bullet wound to his head. i'm mike schuh reporting from city police head quarters. don, back to you. >> thank you. stay with wblgz wjz 13 -- stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. coming upper more amazing video as a meteor crashes down. more video o ♪ ♪ ♪ oh-oh-oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ sometimes ♪ ♪ i get a good feeling ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ get a feeling that i never never, never, never had before ♪ ♪ no, no, i get a good feeling ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] all this... only on royal caribbean. ♪ ♪ book by february 15th and get up to $400 to spend onboard. call 1-800-royal-caribbean today. good morning, everyone. it is 8:00 a.m. welcome back to "cbs this morning." a ten-ton meteor flashes over central russia injuring hundreds of people. what's going on? we'll ask professor michio kaku. >> and experts say reverse mortgages are not for everyone. we'll show you who can benefit the most. but first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> sun rise of bub lick cal proportion proportions, a sky full of fire and brimstone. you've got to see it and hear it to toappreciate it. >> it crashed to the ground. causing panic and injuring more than 500 people. >> reporter: for many of the passengers who, able to leave the ship they described a nightmarish occurrence. >> why did it take us this long to get home? >> you've got over 3,000 passengers on a ship many of whom who have cell phones. they're going to begin starting to share those photos worldwide now. >> republicans say they probably will allow hagel to get confirmed when they come back from recess. democrats say if that's the case why not install him now. >> oscar pistorius broke down in tears. the fda has a new tool to help regain sight. >> nobody died on this trip. when you see a discount like that, you might want to take it. >> discounts notwithstanding, i can't imagine anybody's going to take advantage of it. >> oh, my gosh these poor bastards honestly. >> announcer: "eye opener" at 8:00 is presented by allergen. >> i'm norah o'donnell with gayle king and james brown. charlie rose is on assignment. fragrantments of a giant meteor plunged to earth in russia this morning injured more than 500 people. the meteor broke apart streaking across the sky about 900 miles east of moscow. scientists say the space rock weighed about 10 tons sniet damaged buildings and destroyed windows. professor michio kaku joins us once again at the table. hello once again, professor. >> hello. >> it looks terrible. how was it? >> mother nature has shown hollywood who's boss. >> yet again. >> a meteor about the size of this studio plowing into russia at about 33,000 miles an hour exploding 20 miles above ground. you can't ask for better than this, okay? it doesn't get better. the meteors at night, you see them several an hour they're the size of a baseball. this one was the size of a house. >> professor, you were here the other day talking about this 150- 150-ton asteroid. you said don't worry. everything will be fine. even the president. does this have dmoeg with it? >> they've run the video backward tracing where it came from. it does not seem to very any direct relationship to da-14 which is by the way going to fly by about in 24 hours eastern time. asteroids occur in swarms so it's very possible there's a swarm of asteroids around the da-14. look at the moon. it's pot marced with a million marks. >> we're trying not to be potmarked. if heat did not dissipate this what else came through? >> the object came in blew up 20 miles above ground. i was filled with hot gases and exploded like it did in siberia back in 1908. even a bigger one. that was the size of an apartment building. remember the dinosaurs were wiped out in a similar way and we didn't have the space program. >> they have a few questions for you, by the way, but go ahead. >> are there reports of conspiracy theories? >> oh yeah. they're all over the internet. that's the nuclear weapons site of the old soviet union. they've had a number of contaminations there. some are saying maybe it's the americans testing over our nuclear site. it's busting with the news. this is sensational in russia. >> today we should not have to worry. when we walk out, should we look at the sky? >> i think everyone should look up. we spend all our time look down. it's good to look up. >> that's true. >> these things happen every few decades or -- >> we have no laser beams to destroy that. all right. ing that you very much. it didn't break apart but the cruise ship "triumph" finally limped to shore. >> they first boarded in galveston, texas, last thursday for a four-day cruise and it took five days to get it towed to alabama. anna werner talked to some of the exhausted passengers. anna, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, gayle, norah, and j.b. you get a sense of what it was like to be on this ship whether it was the bra tresses piled in the hallways for people to sleep on the stewage staining the carpet, wet all even the place, overflowing, passenger bags used as toilets and some say after the first night the engine fire knocked out power to the ship was frightening. >> we're glad to be on land. >> it was a -- >> it was quite an experience. the team made an incredible situation out of bad situation. >> we were treated very well. i was squared the first night. i was scared when the fire was going on and after they said the fire was out, i felt fairly safe. the boat did lift a lot because of the wind, which was very unsettling. >> you had to sleep with a bath robe beside me so i didn't roll out of bed. >> when the ship finally came in passengers most of them were loaded on to coach buses. they didn't get there until 2:00 a.m. they're still not home today. many of them are taking charter flights to houston and then going onward to home from there. so it's just about over for these people. norah, gail j.b. back to you. >> that is good news. i love to see how everybody is crediting the crew because as bad as conditions were for the passengers the crew conditions are far worse if you ever see the crew cabins. i love that they really rallied for everybody. >> i mentioned the first hour thank god for them. >> and everybody's okay. everybody's okay. europe's airbus has said it's decided not to use lithion ion batteryies in its new jets. the airbus a-350 was build to compete with the 787 and should be flying this year. he made his first court appearance today in south africa. pistorius broke down weeping while being charged with one count of murder. police say his girlfriend was shot four times in his home early thursday. prosecutors think the killing was pre medicated. the former mayor of san diego admits she stole over $2 million from her husband's charitable foundation so she could gamble. she lost more than a billion dollars in more than ten years most over video poker. lawyers said she has an addiction. yesterday they came one a deal that will but off prosecution for two years. >> i did borrow the money from my husband's foundation. i always intended to pay it back and i still intend to pay it back and think most of you that know me here would know that i never meant to hurt anyone. >> and losing that much on video poker. at least if you're at a table, you can see you're being encouraged by people. that's a lot of good morning. the sun is out, temperatures starting to climb. we're going to be right now in the mid 30s some folks mid upper 30s. 53 degrees going to be the high this day. we are going to cloud up and there's going to be rain later on, which will do some mixing with wet snow during the over night. we may have slick conditions over morning. same scenario as two days ago. maybe some slick spots. sally field had to prove steven spielberg wrong to win the part of mary brooklyn kohn. she changed his mind. ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is sponsored by allergan. talk to your doctor. maybe you'll have a migraine. if you have migraines with 15 or more headache days a month, you're living a maybe life. and you may have chronic migraine. but knowing this thing you're going through has a name means knowing you can find treatments that are right for 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heading to california's gold rush. anheuser-busch has been there since 1852 and the golden arch is the largest manmade object. >> it's something beautiful to see in person. beautiful structure. >> happy birthday. >> happy birthday is right. we have new information for anyone considering a reverse mortgage. the government is calling it safe so why are they making changes to the program? rebecca jarvis shows juice the court martial of a decorated army sergeant. the crime, double murder. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by usaa representing military members and their families. eorgia, in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto-insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. [ nyquil bottle ] you know i relieve coughs sneezing, fevers... [ tylenol bottle ] me too! and nasal congestion. [ tissue box ] he said nasal congestion. yeah...i heard him. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't. whatever it takes, get to sears presidents day sale mattress close out. get 24 month special financing. and save up to 60%, plus get an extra 10% off. and free delivery. this is eye opening. this is sears. did you have any idea that downton abbey was going to be this successful? >> no, i didn't. it's a very strong group of people. i'm very pleased, very amazed. >> you're proud of it. >> yes. yes, of course i am. i was just thinking -- pausing because i haven't actually seen it, so i don't -- i don't sit down and watch it. >> never? >> no, i haven't watched it. >> you must be the only person in england who's not watching it. >> well, that's a record then isn't it? >> i love it. the dowager countess always tells the truth. as we learn in that interview maggie smith tells steven she doesn't watch it because she'd only criticize her own acting. you can see that here this sunday on "60 minutes." >> i wondered why she paused. i thought, you don't like the show? it begins with a 911 call. a boy called in a double homicide. that sparked a trial. we're taken inside for a rare look inside a military judicial system. >> 911. >> somebody broke into our house last night. i don't know who it was, but they killed everybody here except for my sister my brother, and me. >> were you there last night? >> yes. i was just afraid to call. >> and who was shot last night? >> my mom and my grandma. the only people here are me, my sister, and my brother. >> how old are you? >> 9. >> and you've been there all night by yourself? >> yes, with my brother and sister. >> okay honey. >> reporter: matthew pete had witnessed a horror no child should ever have to see. his mother tracy burke and his grandmother karen komer were shout dead in 2007 in kentucky. >> i hear a kubel gunshots going through and some glass breaking and my grandma was screaming that she's dying. >> reporter: math dwloou you told the police the gunman was wearing a camouflage jacket similar to one owned by his stepfather tracy's husband, sergeant brent burke, a military policeman stationed at ft. campbell. sergeant burke and tracy were going through a divorce. tracy's father wilbur. >> it got really nasty between the two of them and i have to support my daughter. >> reporter: police never found a murder weapon but they believe they had more than enough circumstantial evidence so one month after the crime, sergeant burke was arrested and charged with two counts of murder. >> i'm a father and i'm a soldier, and i need to go home to my family. >> reporter: sergeant burke was tried not once not twice, but four times in civilian court for the murders, and each time a judge declared a mistrial. and then the u.s. army stepped in. major sandra smith. >> we looked into the charges and it was at that point that we determine thad there were adequate charges to move forward with action under the uniform code of military justice. >> reporter: defense attorney nathan brown. >> there's nothing that definitively links sergeant burke to the crime scene. >> is there any physical evidence? >> from our perspective, no. >> no weapon? >> no. >> no blood? >> no. >> nothing. >> no. >> there would be a court marshal and this time there would be a verdict because in a military trial there is no such thing as a hung jury. >> i'm still stuck -- richard schlesinger joins us at the table -- on the little boy matthew. >> we interviewed him. he's 14 now. looked like the boy next door freckle-faced. he's as eloquent together as any kid you ever met. >> what are the differences, quickly, between the military justice and civilian? >> it's amazing. this homicide case was over in eight days. efficient. >> saturday night. you can see richard's entire report "honor and dishonor" right here on cbs. and from 25 minutes past 8:00. it continues to be a gorgeous get up and go and entrance into the weekend. sharon is watching the roads, marty is over at first warning weather. >> take a look at forecast. 53 the high, over cast mid afternoon an on. here is sharon gibala at wjz traffic control. >> still looking at some problems on the road but nothing compared to yesterday. we have an accident right now on 95 northbound at the toll plaza. also an accident 100 westbound at oak wood road. an accident on seven courts -- 95 back almost up to full speed. there's a look at the west side. this traffic report is brought to you by bill's carpet. call 877-75-bills. new revelations about a police training accident this week. mike schuh is here with the latest. >> good morning. city police say the officer who shot a trainee from the university of maryland police department is an 18 year veteran. william scott kern has been suspended along with five others. multiple violations are being vie -- are being -- are are being investigated. all training has been suspended. the injured officer is at shock trauma with a single bullet wound to his head. i'm mike schuh reporting from city police head quarters. >> thank you. allow us to take you back to yesterday morning's rush hour when icy road conditions led to dozens of accidents and at least one death. 60 crashes five dozen were reported in around county between 6:00 and 8:00 a.m. a woman was killed in one of them when her suv slammed into a cement truck. in baltimore county, four people are recovering after a police chase ended in front of a local college. the driver failed to stop for a trooper near one of the entrances to the college. the driver wept through a red light hit a car trying to turn and then hit a second vehicle. four people suffered minor injuries. charges are pending. if you are single and living here you're apparently in the right place. baltimore is rated as the second best city for singles in this country. the reasons why there's lots to do here plus lots of places to eat and a great date can be had for less than $40. curious which city was number one bloomington, illinois. this is so sick! i can't believe your mom let you take her car out. this is awesome! whoooo! you're crazy. go faster! go faster! go faster! go faster! no! stop...stop... (mom) i raised my son to be careful... hi, sweetie. hi, mom. (mom) but just to be safe... i got a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. ♪ ♪ ♪ oh-oh-oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ sometimes ♪ ♪ i get a good feeling ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ get a feeling that i never never, never, never had before ♪ ♪ no, no, i get a good feeling ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] all this... only on royal caribbean. ♪ ♪ book by february 15th and get up to $400 to spend onboard. call 1-800-royal-caribbean today. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour reverse mortgage might sound like a solution to your money needs but they're also called risky. we'll show you why changes are coming. we'll talk with sally field and how she could win an academy award and we'll talk about the time she gave one of the most memorable speeches in oscar history. >> i remember that. right now we show you this morning's headlines. "the washington post" talks about growing disasters can devastate crops and bridges. they say that could lead to heavy losses waste, and flood. "the san francisco chronicle" says even moderate alcohol use can substantially increase the risk of cancer. blame booze for about 3% of cancer deaths in this country each year. a third of those deaths come from people who have an average of 1 1/2 drinks day. and the "new york post" says tiffany & co. is suing costco. tiffany is complaining costco has sold knock-offs of its rings for years. it's demanding $2,000 for each infringement plus triple the profits for selling the rings. and "usa today" says florida has won the online beach survey chosen as the best beach town. it's all based on location, location location. clearwater is close to downtown the airport and an hour and a half from orlando. reverse mortgages are not right for everyone and the government is announcing changes. rebecca jarvis is here. she just conducted a class 101 for me. >> that's what the green room is all about, j. bchlt. >> exactly. what are reverse mortgages in simple temps. >> in this mortgage it pays you and it becomes due with interest when you move out or pass away. they're only eligible for people 62 or older. what everyone has to keep in mind, you still have to pay insurance and taxes on your house when you're living in it and you have a reverse mortgage. >> why would this be a good idea? >> some people see it as a good idea because it's an opportunity to take money out. if you're in retirement and you need extra money to pay the medical bills, people see it as an option but it doesn't necessarily apply for everyone and it can be very costly. the fees are one of the biggest issues with these mortgages because they're very high. you could pay as much as $12,000 in fees on a 300,000 dlrt mortgage and when all is said and done that's a lot of money. so you have to balance the amount of money you're paying for it with the amount you're getting for it. >> i hear the government has new rules. there's always rules with the government. what are they and will they protect? >> the new rules are part of the solution, but the customer at the end of the day, just like with anything, has to protect themselves. these rules are ball the government backs up the mortgages. $2.8 billion were lost on these mortgages last year. that's a huge amount of money. one in ten of them were in default last year. boroughs put their nest egg at risk. you have to keep that in mind. ultimately the nest egg is their home. it goes back to the bank or is sold when you pass away or move out. sometimes they're evicted because they don't put their name on it. if you enter into a risk loan both should be on it. >> you see various people endorsing these. what i've heard is sometimes seniors get taken advantage of in these situations. >> that's the unfortunate thing. in all situations where you're dealing with a lender, keep in mind their objective is to make money, so you have to keep that in mind. you also have to make sure you're staying in your home for three years plus to make it really counseled for you and choose that lender wise i. >> lerebecca jarvis thank you. and sally field landed her first movie more than half a century ago. we talk about her role as first lady to the nation's 16th president. >> do you hope you win the oscar? >> i don't care. >> really? >> no, no no. i'd be a lie yar if i said it wouldn't be thrilling. >> reporter: thrilling because it's been 28 years since sally field took home an oscar but her portrayal as mary todd lincoln at 66 shows she's still at the top of her game. >> i believe you when you say amending this will end -- >> she's ten years older than daniel day louis and mairry was ten years younger than lincoln. steven spielberg thought that was a problem. >> steven called you and said it might not be right. >> yeah. >> what did you do? >> i said call me. he call and said it just isn't going to work. >> despite that spielburg sent the footage to daniel day-lewis. >> he said do, you want the same hair and makeup people? i said hair and makeup people? finch a drink for a drink? >> he said, oh no. daniel day-lewis is going to come in. >> she passed the test and she became first lady. >> what is it about mary that made you fight so hard? >> it is rare, really rare that a woman in her 60s or any woman, any actor, gets to play such a complicated royal. >> i'm going to send you to the madhouse. >> you do it. don't you threaten me. do it this time. lock me away. you'll have to i swear, if robert is killed. >> did you discover anything about yourself in mary todd lincoln? >> the actor brings the character toward them and they move toward the character, and somewhere you hope to merge and you don't know who's who anymore and what part is me and what part is her and she has changed me and i'm not really sure how. i'm in some ways sort of afraid to find out. >> reporter: the most visible challenge was a physical one shelf gained 25 pounds for the role. >> they couldn't make the costume more bigger? >> no. it really showed in my face. you can't fake that. the whole point of acting and getting -- being as much this person as you can be is to not fake anything. >> she's been perfecting that approach as an actor throughout her career. she began at age 17 with her starg role as the tv's "gidget." her career soared with "the flying none" and took a serious turn in the '70s with her oscar-winning performance asnorma ray. anne hathaway paid tribute. >> i can't tell you how encouraging it was that the "the flying none" grew up to be norma ray. >> she called you a vanguard typecasting. what did you think of that? >> i thought it was very nice of her. extremely nice. i thought, oh, yeah, right. it's been so hard. it will be easier for her. i think it will be easier for her. >> why do you think it's harder for you? >> it was a different era. i came from situation comedy television, and in those days you didn't get out of it. >> do you look back at that 17-year-old girl and wish you could have told her something? do you have any regrets? >> i have regrets. everybody has regrets. they're more around my parenting skills i have regrets. oh, gee, couldn't i just go back and have a few more weeks with peter when he was like 8 and a few more months with eli when he was 5? >> she has three boys from two separate marriages that both ended in divorce. >> you try so hard as a parent but you realize as you keep going and developing and turning over the earth and you look back and go oh gosh, i wish i had. done that. >> through all her fame there was that particularly mem or only moment her speech at the academy award. >> you like me. right now you like me. >> when she won her second oscar for her second role for "places in the heart." >> last time i won an oscar, i was unable to feel i had even won it because it was so awesome, shocking. and i told myself if i ever was up here again, i would feel it and lielz that no matter what i say to myself tomorrow and the next day, right now you like me. it means my work for this second in time maybe not tomorrow and maybe not ever again, but i own this second. >> nice. >> field is two for two on oscar night winning both times. this year her role is up for best supporting actress and is facing off against four much younger women. >> range, substance, and intellect is what i took away from her. how does she impress you. >> oh, yeah. she's 66 so she's been alkting for nearly 50 years. she's down to earth and an incredible actress. >> she seems to me to be in a good place. if she doesn't, she'll be lrpt and if she does she'll enjoy the moment. >> it will focus the attention on mary todd lincoln and a lot of people say there would not be an abraham lincoln without a mary todd lincoln because she encouraged him in politics. >> and if you know you're right for it you've got to fight for it. they get an good morning. the sun is out. it's not going to be with us through the bulk of the day. let's keep looking at had a shot for just -- well, take a look at forecast for the day. a high of 53 degrees. let me give you the progression today. it's going to be get cloudy, we're going to have rain come in during the afternoon. to be quite honest about it, that's going to mix with some snow. tomorrow morning may be a little bit students at a new orleans high school are surrounded by drugs, violence, teen pregnancy, and homelessness. it has certainly taken its worst. now it's become a charter and they're taking on a fight to save the kids. >> reporter: more than half its students fail to graduate. >> there was people just killing. >> reporter: controversial education former steve barr and his team have been charged with transforming the school's troubled platform. >> i've got five years to turn this school around or they fire me. >> reporter: dr.he's the new principalpris principal principal. with a new staff of teachers and counselors -- >> this is my first year teaching. >> reporter: and volatile students in desperate need of leadership. >> don't give anybody a reason. >> reporter: the future of john mcdonagh is in danger. >> he's come from a chaotic state and all of a sudden they start popping 10 cents worth of candy. >> don't you ever disrespect me in my house again. >> principal marvin thompson joins us at the table again. in blackboard wars, something stood out. you stand a better chance of being murdered at your high school than being shot in afghanistan and these children are hard core. >> children are children i don't care where you are. we as parents, community educators, we've got the community to set the stage for them. whatever environment they're in we've got to take on a role. that's purposeful but the surprise is that these young people are just like every other young person everywhere else. >> you say like every other young person. are they seek guidance as well? ? >> it is the perception. sa lot a lot of what's saving them is i find them to be extremely engaging inquisitive. they have the same hopes and as pier ragss as everyone else. they don't have the same beginnings. they don't have the same opportunities. there are a lot of obstacles that many of these young people none of us have never had to face. >> i always believe if kids don't think you care they don't care what you think. and at your school it says four principals in the last six years. are you staying? >> i'm staying. listen. some of these kids the lives of these young people will be with me for the rest of my life. they have impacted me in ways i never expected. i think if you talked to my teachers they'd say the same. what i know is they need stability and continuity and right now we're seeing positive changes just from what my staff has led in terms of stability. >> they say it's because the unions and their empowered influence has been reduced. how are you changing things? how do you transform a school? it's such a tough job? >> it is a tough job. i don't think there's a one-dimensional way to do this. i think gayle said it earlier, we start out by letting them know we care about them. there are issues we're aware of but we also have to overcome them. there's a balance of learning. you have to define what it looks like. we need to love them but we don't need to love them to failure. >> i wish we had more time pbecause i'd like to underscore the importance of having a black male to influence them but continued success to you. >> thank you very much. thanks for having me. the name of the show is called "blackboard wars," it's on own. we'll take a look back at the week here. it was a busy week here. coming up next on "cbs this morning." we'll take a look back at the we'll take a look back at the tomorrow on "cbs this morning saturday," a whistle blower tells cbs news he warned phis bosses about battery problems on 787 dreamliners years before the battery fire. that's tomorrow morning on "cbs this morning." >> that does it for us. charlie be l bewill be back on monday. j.b., thank you for being with us. we had great time. let's take a look back at the week that was. >> and the grammy goes to fabled group fun. >> how do you have a good time? >> it's an english brew. >> what stood out for you? >> well, jennifer lopez, of course. >> this is for charlie rose. >> i've never heard him say i want to reduce u.s. influence in the world. >> you never heard him call himself as a liberal before the election. it looks to me the president made choices based in part on people who won't argue with it. >> some have described the state of the union address ambitious. some say part of it is already dead. >> if he really wanted to get things done and governed he would come here and work with us instead of campaigning around the country. >> so you'd like to see a proposal built on with respect to gun laws. >> i i'd leak to see one that works. >> breaking news from vatican city. pope benedict xvi says he will resign. >> while it is a bombshell as a pope hasn't resigned for about 600 years. >> but he said it's because of his work. >> when you come, two, this is what makes it great. >> you rip it up and start over. >> so what would happen if an asteroid actually hit the earth? >> well to be frank, it would really ruin your days. >> they're rising from the dead. >> at least four people called the police to think if it was true. who thought that was funny? >> the best in show winner, the afternoonfenpinscher affenpinscher. >> the affenpinscher is lively, affectings affecti affectionate and friendly. that's why i like him. >> in your next hotel, could you make sure there's another? >> thank you. and i promise not to tell anybody what i saw here this morning. >> thank you. >> what would it get to -- >> to take my clothes off again? >> we miss the mustache but you look good. >> have you taken it up this high before? >> no. >> you're the first. you're the first one. >> all right. >> kate middleton? come on? >> i know. >> the first thing we have to do is get tall. >> i have to look at your boots. >> you had a very fine looking dress on there. >> thank you, charlie. listen. she majored in journalism and said if she wasn't -- >> what would do you? >> oh, you the officer who shot a trainee from the university of maryland police department is an 18 year veteran. william scott kern has been suspended along with five others, including the head of academy. it's been investigated including why no supervisor was present and no other officer was present to make sure no loaded guns were being used. i'm mike schuh reporting . the teen stabbed to death following the ravens victory celebration will be laid to rest. 15-year-old deonte smith was stabbed during a fight involving a large group of teens. who other teens were injured that day. smith's funeral will be held today. police are still searching for the teen with the knife. a message from ray rice this morning after an impersonator sets up a fake facebook profile and page to try and attract women and girls. a publicist for the ravens running back says they were sending private messages with inappropriate content and asking for face to face meetings with the women. rice says he hopes this will persuade parents to talk to their kids about online safety. a judge denied john leopold's motion for a new trial. he denied the motion on wednesday. sweeny convicted leopold of misconduct in office last month and leopold resigned a couple days later. he's scheduled to be sentenced on march 14th. maryland is just weeks away from casino table games. hollywood live is planning on more than 120 gaming tables by later in the spring also. the move comes after voters approved gambling. if you're single and living here you're in the right place. kiplinger magazine rated baltimore


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