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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Happening Now 20120104

last summer but came in dead last in the caucuses last night among the candidates competing there. she said on this program she was going to south carolina. she had the media advisory, a couple of events wednesday and thursday but now the news this morning she is going to suspend her campaign, at least for now. jon: you see the podium waiting for the minnesota congresswoman to make this announcement. let's go to the winners in iowa first. mitt romney, rick santorum, ron paul in the top tier. the race very, very tight. just eight votes separating romney and a surging santorum. >> rick did i think a heroic job going across the entire state. devoted his energies to the state of iowa. during the same time period i've been building a national campaign team going to the a bunch of states and of course pulledding a fund-raising organization that will help me down the road and if i'm the nominee. jenna: santorum says it is game on now. romney set to pick up an endorsement today from john mccain, his challenger in 2008 and the last republican presidential nominee. today santorum weighed in on that news. >> john mccain is a great man. someone who was honor to serve with. he has served this country and sacrificed more than frankly anybody that i have had the privilege to know in any way and so i, i commend governor romney for getting his endorsement. i'm not surprised by it. john is a more moderate member of the republican team. jenna: back to iowa in a moment. we see waiting for the congresswoman. we'll go to d.c. where we find our chief washington correspondent james rosen with more on all of this hi, james. >> reporter: jenna, good morning. iowa is famous for winnowing the field of primary candidates. this year the hawkeye state is running true tomorrow to. one candidate still in the hunt is texas congressman ron paul who finished third. paul's ground game turned out 4,000 fewer votes than romney and santorum. a surprise to ed rollins who predicted paul would win. gingrich told supporters he is marching on to new hampshire and he again contrasted himself, quote, reagan conservative with mitt romney, a quote, the massachusetts moderate. in his remarks last night however rick perry suggested he may pack it in. just hours after his campaign had begun purchasing tv time in south carolina. >> with the voters decision tonight in iowa, i decided to return to texas, assess the results of tonight's caucus, determine whether there is a path forward for myself in this race. >> reporter: jon huntsman forfeited iowa although he still collected 745 votes there and placing all his chips on new hampshire, the first primary contest next tuesday. campaigning in peter borrow, the former utah governor was asked when he would say to the winner in iowa. welcome to new hampshire. nobody cares. how he would differentiate himself from governor romney. i could get elected and he hasn't been quote, on three sides of all issues. bottom line if you've grown addicted to the information overload and intramural sniping of this 2012 cycle, stay tuned, more fat feasts await. jon and jenna. jenna: no one puts quite like you, james. we're thankful. james rosen in d.c. more from james throughout the next couple months on this campaign. we're ready for it. jon: well, it is a bittersweet day for the supporters of michele bachmann. maybe more better than really any sweet at all. maybe that is just not the right term to use. we are expecting her to step up in that podium in des moines any moment now and announce she is suspending her campaign after she told us yesterday she had her tickets booked for south carolina and would continue to fight on. let's talk more about the results from the iowa caucuses. david drucker joins us. he is a staff writer for "roll call." a lot of people wonder why not soldier on if you're michele bachmann. you have a couple of debates coming up this weekend, some opportunity for free television exposure. wouldn't really cost that much to continue on in the race and maybe pick up some support. is that unrealistic, david? >> i think it was. coming out of the iowa caucuses she was supposed to have her best chance propelling herself into the race. don't forget she won the straw poll back in august. it was clear she wasn't well-received by the voters. they just weren't interested. if you want to soldier on you need money. she doesn't have any. she will have to go deep into debt. heading into new hampshire she was clearly not going to go because she wasn't going to pick up any support, going to south carolina would not do her any good because they're greatly influenced by success and performance in iowa and new hampshire. south carolinaians want to elect somebody that can actually win the general election. michele bachmann hasn't proven she can do any of that. her and her team understand the position she is in. that is why she is poised to drop out. jon: our steve brown is telling us now it is expected to be 10 minutes before she takes to the podium. she is running 15 minutes behind schedule. she was a favorite of the tea party movement, david. does this suggest that the tea party influence is on the decline? >> no. i think there were a lot of candidates in the race that were able to grab the tea party mantle. just after michele bachmann won that straw poll, governor perry got into the race. he has been a favorite of the tea party since the inception of the movement and he was able to grab that from her. basically with conservatives and tea party activists and people not interested in mitt romney have been doing going from candidate to candidate. they loved michele bachmann. they weren't sure she could be president. they had somebody in governor perry here is a guy we like and could be president. he faltered. said things that rubbed them the wrong way. they went to herman cain. he fall erred. and they have moved on to rick santorum. this is just a process. you can't lose early states and stay in simply because there are more primaries to come. you need to show support. you need to raise money. you need to show you can win. that's why these early contests are crucial. jon: talk about the winners, rick santorum among them, whether he came in eight votes behind mitt romney or not, effect tiffly tied for first place. that is the pretty stunning achievement, isn't it? >> he did a great job. nobody gave hem a chance to do anything myself included. we'll have to see rick santorum going forward can he take a punch. his surge, he should get all the credit for the hard campaign. he clearly connected with iowa voters. he was able to do so without anybody paying attention to him. without his competitors trying to tear him down. rick perry tried to do a little over the last few days of the campaign but nobody really went after him. the question, can he take a punch? a lot of the other candidates haven't been able to. will his message transfer in new hampshire and florida and son other states. it will translate into south carolina. he would have a do well next week to avoid everybody saying the iowa victory was a one-hit wonder. jon: interesting the sound, mitt romney. he congratulated. stayed positive about santorum but you said he has been working state really hard and i've been focusing building a national organization. that is kind of a backhanded compliment you might say. david drucker from "roll call." thank you. >> anytime. thank you. jenna: we'll look for more backhanded compliments. jon: there will be more down the way. jenna: we'll have a tea party panel coming up about where they see themselves in this campaign. is it newt gingrich? is that where they're going next or rick santorum? speaking of newt gingrich. he is reacting the results of iowa caucuses. praising one of his opponents but many explanationing several others. rick folbaum has more on this part of the race. >> hi, jenna. the former speaker urged all the fellow candidates to follow ronald reagan's rule not attacking a fellow republican that. was when he was leading in the polls. now he is near the bottom of the pack the gloves are off. yesterday newt gingrich calling mitt romney a liar. then last night after placing fourth in iowa he announced he would continue to slam the former massachusetts governor. he says there is one key question. >> whether this party wants a reagan conservative who helped change washington in the 1980s as ronald reagan and helped change washington in 1990s as speaker of the "house." somebody who into changing washington. whether we want a massachusetts moderate will be good ad managing the decay but given no evidence of his years at massachusetts any ability to change the culture or change the political structure or change the government. >> don't call him nasty. gingrich says he is telling the truth. >> it sound negative that is because romney's record is negative. who benefits most if gingrich goes after romney in print and television ads? rick santorum, last night's second quarter place finisher who came close to winning the thing. gingrich was glowing in talking about his rival from pennsylvania. >> rick santorum, he waged a great, positive campaign. [applause] i served with rick. we've had a great relationship over the years. and i admire the courage, the discipline, the way he focused and i also admire howe positive it was. i wish i could say that for all the candidates. >> as for ron paul, gingrich said his foreign policies ideas are dangerous for the u.s.. mitt romney, might want to brace himself as the former speaker gears up to save his campaign no matter how he has to do it. jenna. jenna: will be interesting to watch. rick, thank you very much. we're awaiting congresswoman bachmann in iowa. i saw someone step to the podium to give us the two minute warning. we give cover her at any moment. everyone tries to stretch a buck and some campaigns are doing a better job than others. we saw this in the "washington post" today. texas governor rick perry spending the most in iowa, about $4.5 million on media. divide that number, divide that by the number of votes he got and it comes to $364 each. that is the jon scott vote, right? $364. jon: i couldn't afford that. jenna: next up, mitt romney, the former governor of mass as -- massachusetts. won iowa eight votes. each vote costing him $49. rick santorum though got the best value by far. according to what we're looking at here, the former senator of pennsylvania coming in second place, spending just over $21,000 in iowa. winning over 29000 votes. that means each vote he got cost him 73 cents. jon: how many pair of shoes did he go through visiting all 9 counties in that state? jenna: sweater vests. that is his trademark. jon: he is little engine that could. he is plugging away in iowa a long time. last night it paid off for him. we're continuing to watch for michele bachmann. when she speaks we'll take you back there live to des moines. right now president obama is taking his economic message and a controversial appointment to ohio. that critical swing state is one that he won in 2008. he's expected to speak there this afternoon and he will challenge his republican rivals on the economy in this his first presidential trip of the new year. ed henry, live at the white house with more on what the president is up to today. ed? >> reporter: good to see you, jon. yes, this is the most aggressive of aspect we can't wait campaign we've seen from the president, basically using his executive authority to use a recess appointment while congress is out right now in order to get richard cordray in as a new consumer protection chief. why this is so controversial among republicans is that this is an outgrowth, this consumer protection office of the controversial dodd-frank wall street reform bill. republicans need to there needs to be more accountability to this new office before somebody is appointed and installed there. they think this office could end up issuing all kinds of regulations that will choke off businesses. the white house view is they have the authority to move forward here. republicans were blocking the president's nomination and they want to make sure consumers have new protections in place in this tough economy. all of this in the backdrop of enabling the president to portray himself, continue to do as we've seen before as a warrior for the middle class. he is doing it today in ohio, traveling aboard air force one with richard cordray. cordray is the former attorney general in ohio. last night while all you will iowa caucuses were playing out, the drama on the republican side, the president was here in washington with a live webcast with iowa democrats who were caucusing for him. his message he is not waiting around for congress. he wants more time in office to get more done. take a listen. >> the main message we're going to have in 2012, that we've done a lot but we have a lot more to do and that's why we need another four years to get it all done. >> reporter: interesting because in early 2009 you remember the president told nbc's mat lawyer if he didn't get it turned around in three years, this would in his words, a one-term proposition. he is trying to buy a second term. the eventual republican nominee likely to make the case the president had his time in office. the country not better after off after four years. they will make that case. the president pushing back saying he is put things on the right track and needs more time, jon. jon: more on the controversial cordray appointment. ed henry at the white house, thank you. >> reporter: good to see you. jenna: we're awaiting michele bachmann. fox news confirming she will suspend her campaign. that is the microphone. we're waiting for her at. again it has been about six months of, just six months ago when she announced her campaign for president. when she steps to the microphone we'll bring you back to iowa. we'll be right back with more. great guest experience. that makes my day. and during the four course feast, there's so much to choose from. [ male announcer ] the four course seafood feast is backt red lobster. still just $15. get soup, salad, unlimited cheddar bay biscuits, dessert, and your choice of 7 entrées, like new honey bbq shrimp skewers or shrimp and scaops alfredo. all four courses, just $15. [ jody ] it's really good value. all my guests love it. i'm jody gonzalez, red lobster general manager. and i sea food differently. jon: sometimes it is said that iowa is less about who wins than about who doesn't win and one of those who did not win, congresswoman michele bachmann from minnesota, she is originally from iowa. had sort of staked her campaign on a strong finish in the iowa caucuses. she did not get that strong finish and now fox news has confirmed she will suspend her campaign as soon as she steps up to the microphone there in des moines we'll bring you back there to hear her words. one of the questions going forward is, will the congresswoman endorse another competitor? we have yet to see what she has to say. we'll take you there live when she speaks. jenna: you never know what phone calls are happening now behind the scenes. meantime we have new concerns about mounting tensions in the middle east between our country and iran. reports are just in a top iranian naval commander announcing plans to expand naval war drills next year. this is after the con chrigs of the war games in the strait of hormuz the last week and a half ago. that strait is a major gateway for the major portion of the oil shipments. acceleration of the country's nuclear program in iran and this is all happening as the president signed a bill over the weekend imposing potentially crippling new sanctions on iran's central bank. where is this going? that's one of the big questions for 2012. joining us former u.n. am bass u.n., john bolton. also a fox news contributor. happy new year, ambassador. >> happen nee year to you. jenna: what do you see as far as the our relationship with iran? >> this could be a critical year. secretary panetta said last month that iran could be a year away from getting a nuclear weapon. that may be optimistic. i think that is very much on the minds of the regime in tehran. jenna: what is the tippingpoint do you think that you're looking for? >> well, i think israel has got to make a decision very, very shortly whether they're going to use military force preemptively against that nuclear weapons program because if they don't, the odds on outcome is that in a very short period of time iran will have nuclear weapons. so if you don't like the kind of threats you're hearing now, imagine how much more profoundly dangerous they could be once iran gets nuclear weapons? jenna: a scary thought. a scary thought for all of us to think about as we head into a brand new year but why israel? isn't the nuclear ambitions and nuclear projects happening in iran enough for us to get involved militarily? isn't that enough for a preemptive strike on our own behalf? >> absolutely. this is not a israel problem. this is really a global problem since iran's propensity to aid terrorism financially through weapons around the world makes it one of the most important state sponsors of terrorism but i think the odds are under president obama the chances of a u.s. military strike against iran are about as close to absolute zero as you can imagine. that's why the spotlight is on israel. the administration seems to think economic sanctions will work. they haven't worked for the last 10 years. even these new sanctions, no indication they will work either. jenna: keeping an eye on iowa we're also talking about a major international issue. we're watching for congresswoman bachmann. i know in the past whether officially or unofficially you were working with rick perry, is that right, ambassador bolton? >> i haven't endorsed anybody as a fox news contributor but i've been speaking to a lot of the candidates about foreign policy and i'm happy to do that. jenna: if you will stand by with just for a moment here as we see the congresswoman come in. we'd like to hear your thoughts who you think potentially the next republican presidential nominee has the best international policy. let's go in and take a listen here in iowa. >> michele bachmann. >> thank you, brad. thank you so much. thank you everyone for being here. i appreciate it. my name is michele bachmann. entrusted to every american is the responsibility to watch over our republic. you can look back from the time of the pilgrims, to the time of william penn. to the time of our founding fathers. all we have to do is look around because very clearly we are encompassed about with a great cloud of witnesses that bear witness to the sacrifices, that were made to establish the united states and the precious principles of freedom that make it the greatest force for good that has ever been seen on the planet. every generation has served as the next stepping stone down the path of our liberty, and every day i'm reminded of that conviction that we have to the principles of freedom and justice by a painting. it is a painting that hangs in the united states capitol. it was made by howard chandler at the signing of the constitution of the united states. it hangs in the east graham stairway of the united states capitol. every schoolchild is familiar with this painting but i've been privileged to see it on regular basis doing my duties in congress. never with the painting's poignant reminder more evident on the evening of march 21st, 2010. that was the evening that obamacare was passed and staring out from the painting are the faces of the founders and in particular the face of ben franklin, who served as a constant reminder of the fragile republic that he and the founders gave to us. that day served as the inspiration for my run for the presidency of the united states because i believed firmly that what the congress had done and what president obama had done in passing obamacare endangered the very survival of the united states of america, our republic because i knew that it was my obligation to insure that president obama's program of socialized medicine was stopped before it became fully implemented. and so my message has been for the necessity of the complete repeal of obamacare in this once in a lifetime campaign cycle for the presidency because obamacare represents the largest expansion of entitlement spending in our country's history and it is now become the playground of left-wing social engineering where the right will always lose every battle and the left already has been given the formula for passing their agenda. it must be stopped. and its repeal is more than just a cliche for me. it is essential to my core of conviction because obamacare violates our fundamental liberties as americans including for the first time in the history of our country taxpayer-funded abortion. deeply troubled by the state of our country i ran for the presidency foremost as an american citizen who believes in the foundation and the greatness of our american principles. and our principles derive their meaning from the founders beliefs which were rooted in immutable truth of the holy scripture, the bible. while a congresswoman by title, a politician i never have been nor will i ever hope to be because i am not motivated in this quest by vain glory or the promise of political power. i have served one singular purpose in washington, d.c., to lead an effort that was begun by the people of this country. i ran as the next stepping stone of passing on and protecting that torch of liberty and that duty required taking on the charge of repealing both obamacare and dodd-frank, which mandated insuring the election of 13 additional republican senators to guaranty that legislation's demise. these words are a warning. the implementation of obamacare will represent a turning point for our country and our economy and i worried what a future painting in christie's vein might depict should obamacare be ultimately placed into effect. will future generations asked of us gathered here today, what did we do, what did we give, what did we sacrifice to insure the survival of this incomparable republic? i ran because i realized 2012, is our last chance and our only chance to repeal obamacare and dodd-frank, and i knew how to get rid of both of them. and i ran not only for me but i also ran to elect 13 more republican united states senators who would help me to repeal that legislation. i ran because i believed that since day one barack obama's policies based on socialism, are destructive to the very foundation of the republic and i ran because i wanted my children and all of the children of this country to live free and have even better opportunities than our parents gave to us. and i ran to secure the promise of our children's future. so i decided to stand up, stand up and fight for our freedom and stand up for the survival of the nation and i will continue fighting to defeat the president's agenda of socialism. i will continue to fight for you, for more liberty and less government. to stop the overspending in washington. to keep our country free, safe and sovereign and to fight against crony capitalism. fight to end excessive government regulation and a tax code that is absolutely unfair and is killing american competitiveness. i will fight to legalize american energy production. i will fight for american families. i will fight to protect live from conception until natural death. to protect traditional marriage and i will fight to secure our borders and i will fight to protect religious liberty. i will fight for this country and for the american people every day in the way that god allows me to. so i came here to this wonderful state of iowa where i was born and raised and that i have come to trust and love. i had just one message to tell you, that i mean what i say and i say what i mean and i told you the truth, that our country is in very serious trouble, and that this might be the last election to turn the nation around before we go down the road to socialism, to a burden of debt too heavy for our children to bear. and i didn't tell you what the polls said that you wanted to hear. i didn't tell you what i knew to be false. i didn't try to spin you. i listened to the people of iowa and all across america and they agree that president obama and his socialist policies must be stopped. and i sought the nomination of the party of reagan, the party of lincoln, that believes in the strength and goodness of the american people and that america is an does remain the greatest force for good that the world has ever known because we don't believe that government has the answers. the people do. the government should respect the rights and opportunities of the people to whom we are accountable because we believe that government should do its job, enumerated by the constitution, not our job. it should do it without spending more than what it takes in. and so last night the people of iowa spoke with a very clear voice. and so i have decided to stand aside and i believe that if we are going to repeal obamacare, turn our country around and take back our country, we must do so united. and i believe that we must rally around the person that our country and our party and our people select to be that standard-bearer. but make no mistake, i'll continue to be a strong voice. i'll continue to stand and fight for the country and for the american people and for our freedom because mr. franklin and all the founders, all the men, all the women, who have given their last full measure of devotion and our military, our veterans, are watching us. they're expecting us to stand up and protect what they have fought to give us. and so we owe it to them and to our posterity and to the god that we serve who created us, who gave us life and our very being, to keep our republic free. and i will be forever grateful to this state and to its people for launching us on this path with our victory in the iowa straw poll. while i will not be continuing in this race for the presidency, my faith in the lord god almighty, this country, and our republic is unshakeable. and as i have traveled around this state and the country i have seen the very best in the country and our people and i will always believe in the greatness of them and in the greatness of the god that i serve. of course i'm deeply grateful to our entire campaign team here in iowa, in south carolina and everywhere. i have no regrets, none whatsoever. we never compromised our principles and we can leave this race knowing that we ran it with it most integrity. we made a very important contribution to this race. and so i sincerely thank my wonderful husband of 33 years, marcus, bachmann, my entire family, our family, lucas, harrison, caroline, sophia, my mother jean. stepfather ray. my beloved brothers here. gary, paul and scott, and my brother david and george. i'm grateful to them and our 23 foster children. they along with the lord's provision and incomparable faithfulness have been my strength throughout the campaign. i look forward to the next chapter in god's plan. he has one for each of us if we will only cooperate with him. he has always something greater around the corner, far beyond what any of us thought or imagined. i've been blessed to live a wonderful life. i'm grateful to have been a part of this presidential campaign. so i thank you, i say god bless you and god bless the united states of america. [applause] jon: well, after a little more than a year of pondering it and a little more than six months of active campaigning, and official candidacy, michele bachmann there, announcing that she is sus penning her campaign for president -- suspending. one of the darlings of the tea party movement, one of the darlings of social and fiscal conservatives but she just couldn't generate enough heat to finish really in more than last place in iowa. so with that she announces that she is ending her campaign. interestingly, jenna just pointed out, rick perry, the texas governor, who has announced well, he is going to go back to texas and sort of rethink things, sent out message via twitter short time ago, it is on to south carolina. it appears the texas governor who has quite a substantial bank account will continue to fight on and perhaps will continue to compete as this campaign season goes forward. jenna: we'll continue to watch for that. bringing you picture by the way of governor perry put out on twitter of him running saying that the next leg of the marathon is on. we'll bring that to you. we'll try to confirm it as well. you have to double source everything these days. fox news alert. we're awaiting major announcement concerning republican presidential candidate mitt romney. kicking off the final town hall in new hampshire. sources close do john mccain confirming to fox news the arizona senator will endorse romney at that event. meantime, many of the remaining candidates crisscrossing the granite state today, holding campaign events and making their cases with voters. molly line is live at the romney town hall in manchester with more on all of this. hi, molly. >> reporter: that's right, jenna, we're here at central high school. this is where mitt romney will make his first appearance after winning that big caucus in iowa. it will be a chance for him to answer voters questions in these final hours before they head to the polls. as you know voters here in new hampshire can ask pretty tough questions. you mentioned big news that came out of this town hall today which is an endorsement from senator john mccain. won here in 2008. ultimately went on to become the republican nominee that year. if he makes the announcement, rompilla any said this would be big. look what romney said on "fox and friends" this morning. >> i'm pretty pleased that looks to be the case. john mccain is beloved in many parts of the country. particularly in new hampshire. folks call him mr. new hampshire. if in fact he makes announcement today that would be big for me in a state he knows very, very well. >> reporter: we're waiting to see how that develops today. newt gingrich a little bit fiery today. he actually put out a full-page ad of the union leader, a paper of note here in new hampshire, the paper that endorsed him earlier in the campaign process calling mitt romney a massachusetts moderate. how that will play among massachusetts voters already familiar with mitt romney. he was of course the governor of the next door neighbor state of massachusetts. santorum on the ground talking to his supporters. he is coming off the big victory he had in iowa. this is a chance for conservative voters, social conservatives here in new hampshire which he has spent a lot of time courting, speaking of someone spent a lot of time doing retail politicking in this state where it really matters, santorum is one of those candidates. the all eyes will be on him. he will be the one facing some tough questions in this next week ahead before people head to the polls. as for jon huntsman. he never went to iowa. he decided to focus here in new hampshire. all his eggs one could say here in the granite state. he is hoping for his big showing. he wants the santorum moment to establish him as he moves forward in the race. this is definitely the place to be. this is where all the political eyes are pointed as we look at republican white house hopefuls. jenna. jenna: we'll watch as well. molly, thank you. jon: for more on this joining us on the phone, senior reporter for the nashua telegraph newspaper. kevin, the wide expectation that mitt romney will come in first in new hampshire. he has got the best ground game. he has got --, well he was governor of a neighboring state. he is ahead in the all the polls. what is rick san francisco's number to finish, essentially a tie, what does that do to all of mitt romney's planning? anything? >> a lot of mitt romney support is soft here. he is very popular. he spent the better part of five years like he did in iowa campaigning here. he has got the summer vacation home here. a summer remembers dent of new hampshire. and he has that certainly going for him but rick santorum gets a lot of momentum last night and gives a lot of new looks in new hampshire. he's got, he's got a ground game. it is not mitt romney's ground game but he spent the third most amount of time in new hampshire behind only john huntsman an mitt rompilla. he has a seasoned strategist running his campaign, who helped engineer pat buchanan's shocking win in new hampshire over bob dole in '96 after bob dole won iowa with only 26% of the vote. can santorum duplicate that in six days? i don't believe so. but he can establish himself as the alternative here i think he is getting a lot of help from newt gingrich. jon: new hampshire voters often like to sort of turn their backs on whatever iowa decides. so if iowa has just decided that mitt romney is number one, albeit by a hair's breath, new hampshire voters may want to take a look whoever came in second or maybe third place. >> yeah, i think they do and they have a history of doing that certainly they did that in 2008 when john mccain finished fourth there. and they picked him and in 2000, john mccain finished sixth in iowa and then, won new hampshire three weeks later. so we have a long history of being skeptical, not cynical, about iowa's choices. and understanding that as mitt romney's chairman on the ground in new hampshire john sununu likes to say, iowa picks corn, new hampshire picks presidents. jon: kevin is the senior political reporter for the nashua telegraph says rick santorum has some room to grow there in the numbers in new hampshire. it will be an interesting race all the way through. thank you. jenna: iowa picks corn, new hampshire picks presidents according to those in new hampshire. meantime are they playing a key role in the 2012 election or aren't they? we're talking about the tea party. up next the event they're gathering for and what we can expect from the movement as we head closer to november? [shouting] are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. jenna: this major fox news alert just breaking this hour. we told you about it. we saw a tweet on twitter from governor rick perry. let's go ahead. we want to show it to you. came out around 11:15 or some he says after going back to texas after iowa not placing in top three he was going back to texas to think about things. we get this tweet the next leg of the marathon is the palmetto state. here we come, south carolina! he shows this photo. jon: new hampshire is not in the mix. he is talking about south carolina. jenna: bring up the photo. running, will continue the marathon. i guess he is in texas looking a little cold there. texas all suited up. many said, listen, he is going back to texas he is out of the race. if we can confirm this tweet, maybe he is still in? jon: famously on one of his jogs in texas pulled a pistol out of his pocket or holster or something and gunned down a coyote that was bothering him. so, anyway, the governor will run on, or so it would seem. some developing stories we're keeping an eye on here in the newsroom and our control room, new reports on the mental health of the man who confessed to the norway massacre over the summer. three psychologists and a psychiatrist says he is not psychotic contradicting the court appointed mental evaluation that found him legally insane. president of afghanistan welcoming a possible deal that would allow the taliban to open an office in nearby qatar. hamid karzai said it could lead to the end of the bloody conflict in his country. alec baldwin feeling effects of his tirade. the weed man food markets pulling plug on spots featuring the actor. they made the decision after customers complains about baldwin's airline antics. jenna: from that to this. the tea party dominated the midterm elections in 2010. they're playing a key role this time as well. what that role is exactly. we want to talk more about that. even though so far officially as a movement gotten behind one candidate we're learning a coalition of tea party groups will hold a tea party convention on the 15th in south carolina. obviously, a very, very important state. matt kibbee is ceo of freedomworks. david webb, host of the david webb show. both are faces of this movement that is still key. this is a movement. not an official party. the question becomes then do you see yourselves and republican candidates do you sigh yourselves there behind one or a few that you could really get behind and support? david, what do you think about that? >> well, i think the role of the tea party needs to remain what it is, that outside entity, one is a watchdog, two, focuses on the issues of limited, effective and constitutional government, and what i don't wan to do, jenna, is and would not like to see is the tea party get in the business of picking horses. we have supposed to be focused on the fiscal issues, on the constitution gnat of government, unconstitutionality of obamacare being one of the key points. to go beyond that makes us an institution that becomes the tool of a party and we never get anywhere because for decades there have been too many failures in america on both sides of the aisle. it is time that we the american people had solutions not just descriptions. jenna: matt, let's talk a little bit more about what david said, to stay anti-establishment, i'm putting words in your mouth, david, i don't mean to, talk about being anti-establishment you still want to affect the establishment in some way, matt. how do you go about staying the movement, if you agree with david, and really have a major effect in this election in november? >> it is really about a set of ideas that define the tea party. it is not a political party as david pointed out it is and was in 2010 a very important get-out-the-vote machine. if you look at results in iowa, 2/3 of caucus gors very closely identified with tea party values. all of the republican candidates to a greater other lesser extent are talking the talk. i think the results in iowa suggest that the tea party hasn't found its candidate yet. they're looking for someone ought thening it i can -- authentic on those issues and can defeat president barack obama. jenna: why do you think the tea party has not found its candidate? >> we're still in transition. we are fighting the good ol' party establishment who think it is good enough to nominate people like john mccain that is not good enough for tea partiers. this will be a very drawn out process. politics is more decentralized today. the tea party movement is the best representation of that decentralization. we'll have an impact all the way to the convention. jenna: david, do you agree the tea party hasn't found its person yet? >> i do agree. it goes back to what matt talks about with the principles, jenna. the politics needs to be at local level which is something the tea party is also focused on, the state levels and all the other entities, not justed federal level. on top of that, when it comes to the principles, it is not about the even matt or myself. the tea party is about leadership. it is about principles. it is about good american free market enterprise values that have been successful in this country. it is about stopping the growth of big government. jenna: sure but you can agree -- >> those are bigger than just the party. jenna: david, dorpt you want those principles to have results, real tangible results in government? >> well they do and what we have to do as a movement we both have to work with those in the structure and we have to work as an outside force to keep them on track. it's a two-front battle in that respect. there are many facets to this. that's why we can't be limited. education is important. activation, get-out-the-vote. but more to get the american people back on the principles that have been successful as a country. jenna: matt, quick final thought from you here. i was taking a look back at articles from last year at the same time and the obviously huge tea party movement and push in those elections in 2010 and 2011 with a huge new year for the republicans, matt. if you take a look at this year ahead and also what we've seen over the past year, what do you think is key to keeping the tea party develop rant -- relevant as we get closer to november? >> i think it is become more focused at local level. we don't do these big marches anymore. that would be a bad strategy given who we are today. it has to be at the local level. watch the senate. the tea party is playing in these senate races and they will have a huge impact there. jenna: we'll look for that. david and matt, nice to have both of you back. >> happy new year, jenna. jenna: thank you, jon? jon: david has the voice thing going on. jenna: he is radio guy. jon: megyn kelly and other people having trouble with their voices. >> they both sounded great. jon: if you're stepping outside today, dade, you will want to, i don't know cover up with a scarf or something. the east coast is in a deep freeze but we could see a dramatic change. janice dean is here with what to expect next. also kim kardashian part of a new ad campaign and she is not being paid for it. in fact she has not given her permission. this one not for perfume or makeup or designer clothes, but for taxes. ♪ . jon: this new political ad is urging the california tax collectors to come to the reality tv star's door or maybe her designer purse and wallet. that is next. ♪ . jon: oh, baby, it is cold outside. a blast of arctic air sweeps the east coast and it is reaching way down south into the sunshine state. strawberry growers are taking every precaution. temperatures in central florida dipping below freezing this morning. in arcadia, the citrus farmers are working to protect their crops from the bitter cold. their biggest weapon is actually water. they spray it on their crops allowing it to freeze that protects the fruit until the temperatures can reach up above freezing. meteorologist janice dean live in the extreme weather center but she doesn't have her boots and her gloves on. >> i did earlier this morning. it is very balmy here in the fox weather studio. the temperatures on the rebound, jon scott. it was 18 in tallahassee. temperatures across new england and the northeast certainly dealing with windchills below freezing, certainly feeling like single digits in some cases. minus 5 in caribou. 22 in minneapolis. the good news we have a rebound coming. east coast is only area dealing with below average temperatures. in the midwest and central plains, 20 degrees above average this time of the year. as we head into the weekend, jon scott, much of the country feeling warmer than average temperatures. a quick shot of cold air. all the complainers out there need to stop complaining. jon: we haven't had it so bad. >> folks in alaska are going, wimps. jon: yes, they are. janice dean, thank you. jenna: it is a tax attack on kim kardashian. she is the focus of an online ad out in california from the courage campaign targeting her and urging voters to support an initiative to raise taxes on wealthy people like her. joining us live in fox business network is adam shapiro. adam, what is going on here? >> reporter: well, kardashian has not publicly commented or supported this. the courage campaign is trying to raise taxes in california and using kim kardashian someone who is wealthy whether they have talent or not pays income tax in california and someone who is middle class. hear is the beginning of the ad, jenna. >> being on tv changed my life because -- [inaudible] ♪ . >> reporter: okay. so kim kardashian made $12 million last year. being on tv she got a lot of free stuff. you and i work on tv. let me show you free stuff we kind of get. got the free sticky pad from merk funds. jenna: we're not allowed to accept free stuff. >> she works on 18th store. she is not on tv. got smoked salmon. girl a deli chocolate, cheese. i'm saying. as far as miss kardashian, you should know rasmussen did a poll. 76 americans believe the tax she is paying, 10% state income tax is fair or high. what they would like to see taxes dropped and people like kim kardashian who make home movies, like to see them drop too. jenna. jenna: we'll see if the ad is effective. adam shapiro with fox business. adam, thank you. jon: fox news alert for you now. there has been a shooting reported in texas. rick folbaum is the at breaking news desk. we'll have more on that just ahead. this new at&t 4g lte is fast. did you hear sam... promoted to director? 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he's picked up momentum as he goes towards the other states what should we be watching for? >> reporter: he has a bit after challenge ahead of him, jenna. he has to put together a campaign. he came in here to iowa, he only spent a few thousand dollars, or tens of thousands of dollars. he was basically broke. he did it all on shoe leather but he asked to be a very, very compelling candidate. it is possible here in the hawk-eye state, it may not be so possible in a state like south carolina, and certainly florida is a huge hurdle. but he does have a compelling story, and it was so interesting last night to see him literally over the moon about the results as he gave his address to his supporters, saying that he really did this on just a commitment to meet with voters, and solid conservative values. here he is from last night. >> what wins? what wins in america are bold ideas, sharp contrasts, and a plan that includes everyone, a plan that includes people from all across the economic spectrum, a plan that says, we will work together to get america to work. [applause] >> reporter: it was a message that played very well in iowa. he's facing a lot of stiff head winds in new hampshire. two open questions how much blood will newt gingrich try to get out of mitt romney now that he has decided to take off the gloves. if rick perry does decide to hang up his campaign how many supporters will go to sapbt tore yum's side. jenna: he was tweeting earlier and it showed him running to south carolina, i guess that's where he's headed. >> reporter: there are people inside the campaign though who are saying they are not quite sure what that tweet is all about. they don't know if it's a miss fire or he actually meant to send it out. jenna: we are curious. you never know with tweurt. a lot of mistakes have been made. >> reporter: just ask anthony weiner. jenna: i try not to say it, jon, but i'm glad that you did. john roberts in iowa. we'll work to confirm the perry news, and onwards with more news on the campaign today, john, thank you and jon to you now with this fox news alert. jon: it's a long jog from texas to south carolina. fox news alert for you now, the republican presidential field just got smaller. minnesota congresswoman michelle bachmann calling it quits after a disappointing showing in last night's iowa caucuses, the state where she was born. bachmann finished in 6th place, only a few months ago she was the winner of the iowa straw poll. here is more from the congresswoman. >> last night the people of iowa spoke with a very clear voice, and so i have decided to stand aside. and i believe that if we are going to repeal obamacare, turn our country around and take become our country we must do so united. and i believe we must rally around the person that our country, and our party, and our people select to be that standard bearer. but make no mistake, i'll continue to be a strong voice. i'll continue to stand and fight for the country and for the american people, and for our freedom, because mr. franklin, and all the founders, all the men, all the women who have given their last full measure of devotion in our military, our veterans, are watching us. they are expecting us to stand up and protect what they've fought to give us. and so we owe it to them, and to our possibl posterity, and the god that we serve who created us who gave us life and our very being to keep our republic free. jon: after 205 days on the campaign trail in iowa michelle bachmann is out of the race. her departure is sure to shake things up especially among those fighting for the conservative vote. i guess the question, jenna is where do michelle bachmann supporters and she had about 5% support last night, where do the supporters go. jenna: david drucker was talking to you last hour and he says he's seen this hopscotching for lack of a better term for different candidates for the tea party. he said rick perry was the darling of the tea party at the beginning of this case. if rick perry is in or not will really be a determining factor, again, according to this conversation of where those votes will go. will they go all to rick santorum or if perry is still in will that also dyed the support. jon divide support. jon: people are going to take a look at the frontrunners. charlie hurt is a columnist for the washington times. let me ask you that question. does rick santorum automatically get the votes that the voters who had supported michelle bachmann last night? >> i think that if one thing is for certain in all this. nothing is for certain. but i do think that it is very good news for rick santorum. any one of the people that either drops out, you know, affirmatively, or basically sends a signal that their campaign is hopeless i think is very good news for rick santorum because this whole race has been sort of the mitt versus the anti-mitt. any of those people that leave from michelle bachmann, or rick perry or even newt gingrich i think they are probably far more likely to coalesce around rick santorum certainly than mitt romney. jon: you wrote an interesting column suggesting that you really can't get more anti-mitt than rick santorum. >> you really can't. rick santorum has always sort of been this kind of unusual politician. he's kind of prickly, he's not a glad-hander. the truth of the matter is he's a social and fiscal conservative who has done very well in a state, in pennsylvania, which is a state that a democrat must win in order to win the white house. rick santorum has won two state-wide elections in pennsylvania. you know, he is an unusual sort of candidate. it's sort of hard to imagine him running a national campaign and appealing to the kind of broad set of voters that he needs to, but, you know, he is the one guy who has proved that he can bring home a tough state like pennsylvania. jon: he worked hard in iowa and obviously it worked well for him. you say that for mitt romney there is sort of a good news-bad news scenario going forward. he over performed in iowa, but things could be about to get a lot rougher for him. >> yeah, he did an exceptional job of sort of lowering expectations for out here in iowa all the while sort of building a very impressive ground operation and so he wound up over performing in that respect. the problem is going into new hampshire, you know, those expectations couldn't be any higher for him, and so there is a very strong likelihood that he could under perform there which would be very bad for him going into south carolina and onto florida. the second big problem that he faces right now is that i think we saw from last night's speech, newt gingrich is an angry man, and i think he is devoted to derailing mitt romney, and i think that -- we've already seen it with that ad that was out today in new hampshire. i think we are going to see a lot of very fierce ads from newt gingrich, and probably the other candidates as well sort of ganging up on him. jon: newt has the opportunity at a couple of debates to sort of take down mitt romney a peg if that's what he chooses to do. the expectation is that's probably what he is going to do. >> yeah, absolutely jon. i think that newt is the kind of guy, he doesn't forget things, he has a good memory, and i think that, you know -- and we saw this four years ago where a lot of the candidates that were not mitt would sort of turn -- that would seem to be the one thing they all agreed on, they ended up not liking mitt romney and sort of going after him. i think that's what we'll see in the next couch days. jon: charlie hurt from the washington times. char lease, thank you. >> thank you, jon. jenna: this fox news alert, here is the headline, rick perry the governor of texas is staying in the race. that is the headline, here is the background. during the 11:00 eastern hour we saw a tweet from governor rick perry saying the marathon will continue. the next leg of the marathon is the paul met tow state, here we come, south carolina. it showed a photo of him in his running gear. we don't know where this picture was taken, jon, that's why we're wondering was this sent by accident? but now we are learning, carl cameron confirm for us that insiders with the perry campaign say apparent low he's all in, he will go to south carolina, he will go to new hampshire. john roberts from a campaign source saying he's taking a few days after, governor perry, apparent low to take a jog or two and going onto new hampshire and south carolina with a full-court press starting sunday. so if there were some doubts about him getting out it looks like we have to confirmed, jon, rick perry stays in the race. jon: interesting that the tweet that he sent out bypasses mention of new hampshire all together and talks about south carolina. jenna: it's interesting that you mention that. it's such a good point. also this came right when michelle bachmann was announcing that she was out of the race. so here we are seeing this musical chairs continue. it will be interesting to see does rick perry pick up some of the michelle bachmann supporters you never know. jon: mitt romney had been hoping that a one-two punch in iowa and new hampshire could knockout all of the competition and anoint him the winner. clearly that is not going to happen. there are a lot of people who intend to stay in this race for a good, longtime. the muslim brotherhood could lockup a majority of seats in egypt's parliament n. that group does take power there how will it impact the region, and also president obama's mideast policy? also to elections here at home rick is keeping an eye on the web wall for us. >> reporter: i have a job for everybody at the next break go to the "happening now" page at if you kroll down a little bit you'll see our poll today, how satisfied are you with last night's results? just as for many of the evening it was a three-way race between the top three, if you take a look at results so far all very close. a little too close to call at this point. but we will keep monitoring your choices, so go online and vote and we'll have more of "happening now" after a quick break. don't go away. [ male annouer ] juice drink too watery? ♪ feel the power my young friend. mmm! [ male announcer ] for unsurpassed fru and veggie nutrition... v8 v-fusion. could've had a v8. but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! jenna: from the first in the nation caucuses to the new hampshire first in the nation primary. the next big test in the republican race. rich edson is live in manchester, new hampshire with more on all of this. hi, rich. >> reporter: good morning, jenna. much much the focus on new hampshire has been on events outside of this state simply because you've heard news from rick perry's campaign a short time again, carl cameron saying apparently rick perry is all in, after his poor performance he wanted to go back and reassess his campaign. michelle bachmann is suspending her campaign. the other candidates are on their way to new hampshire or are already here. the former governor of utah jon huntsman says it is a wild open field out there and he thinks he is someone that can move into that field. as to the polls in new hampshire it's looking tough for anyone not named mitt romney. romney 43%, ron paul at 16%, newt gingrich at 9% and jon huntsman at 10%. michelle bachmann just dropped out at 2. and rick santorum eight votes away from tying mitt romney in iowa, i was going to say last night, but really this morning when it was announced. the push is on, the new hampshire primary takes place on tuesday. plenty of events between now and then. jenna: we'll look for the news between now and then. it will be a lot. rich, thank you so much. jon: the obama administration is moving to build closer ties in egypt with the muslim brotherhood. an islamist groups with ties to terrorism. our chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is live in washington with more on that, what some would see as a surprising development catherine. >> reporter: good morning. a white house spokesman had no comment on the reports that the obama administration is in fact developing a new strategy including closer ties to the muslim brotherhood and it'see morin egypt. the muslim brotherhood is poised to obtain an out right majority in egypt's new parliament. the administration has apparently engaged in recent high-level meetings with the brotherhood. any engage the by the u.s. government with the brotherhood is likely to give this organization, one that critics describe as a terrorist group more legitimacy. it may sphal the u.s.'s frustration with the government in the post hosni mubarak era. here is a spokesperson. >> i will simply say without naming names that we are concerned that some of the most stride dent statements, particularly in recent days made byee kweupgs authorities seem to be made by old hosni mubarak hold-over types who clearly are not on the new page with the egyptian people. >> reporter: the rise of the muslim brotherhood in egypt cannot be seen in isolation. this new report prepared for policy makers on capitol hill warns that extremist voices are gaining ground in neighboring libya araoug that the arab spring may become an islamist winter. >> we allowed chaos. you've seen these radical islamists the most organized, best equipped come in and fill their vacuum very rapidly. we are seeing the same thing with the muslim brotherhood in egypt route now. they were the best organized of the rebel groups. >> reporter: they argued this a closer relationship with the brotherhood simply recognizes the new political reality, jon on the ground in egypt. jon: the administration wanted hosni mubarak out and it's the case of maybe be careful what you wish for. catherine herridge thank you. jenna: police identify a body found in the woods and it's a real blow to this team, a missing woman who worked alongside them as a dispatcher. now they are saying they have evidence that she was murdered. more on that. getting a little bit back to politics mitt romney lands on top in iowa, some say his rivals held much of their fire, why they held back and why we are likely to see more attack ads against romney going forward. what makes scottrade your smartphone's most powerful trading app ? 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byron york chief political correspondent for the washington examiner is one of those taking a look at this. he is also a fox news contributor. in the title of your argument you said in gop ad war why did romney get off easy? why did you find that to be the case? >> that is the big question. a lot of the candidates were simply fighting for second-place. they were kind of fighting for the right to challenge mitt romney one-on-one later on. in his iowa campaign we learned a lot again about how effective negative ads can be. after newt gingrich rose in the polls a proromney super pack just lowered the boom on him and beat him up really bad, and a ron paul ad did the same thing. you saw newt gingrich's poll numbers just plummet. and later we found from a campaign monitoring group, we found that 45% of all ads, all the ads aired here in iowa were attacks on a single candidate, newt gingrich. just 20% of the ads mentioned mitt romney in a negative way and a lot of those criticized a lot of candidates with romney just being one of them. so you look back at it now and you think, why was romney not targeted as the kind of continual frontrunner, why was he not targeted more in the negative ads? jenna: what do you think the answer to that is, byron. governor perry's ads were focused on him and his family. ron paul was about broader ideas about the united state government. why didn't they take their resources and go straight to the top. >> perry would have been the one to do it. michelle bachmann or rick santorum didn't have the money to do it. they couldn't buy these ads. they didn't have big, rich super packs working on their behalf. rick perry had a lot of money and could have done it. when i spoke to their campaign about it, they said we are fighting for the conservative voters with michelle bachmann and rick santorum and newt gingrich and romney's supporters were more liberal. they were fighting for the right to be the so-called anti-romney who would take on romney later on. that proved to be a mistake because voters the ones who didn't like romney wanted to see candidates take it to the frontrunner. jenna: it will be interesting to see if they change their course as they move to some of these other states. do you think the lack of negative ads, the focus on romney is actually a negative for him. peggy noon and in the "wall street journal" said newt gingrich going off romney in a debate with us a great thing because it made romney look tougher and like a fighter. maybe getting some negative ads could help bolster romney past that 25% that he always seems to be getting in the polls. >> we know there is one group that is preparing a lot of anti-romney negative ads and that is the obama campaign. if romney becomes the nominee he will certainly face them. it looks like he will face them earlier than that. we've heard this morning from newt gingrich, it sounds like he's prepared to launch a full-scale attack on romney in new hampshire. that is going to include ads. i think romney who really is kind of a target-rich environment like newt gingrich was, has a lot in his past that conservatives have questions about, i think romney will face the negative ads sooner rather than later. jenna: quick thought, rick perry staying in the race, what do you think? >> i think it had a lot to do with michelle bachmann getting out of the race. if both of them had left the race that certainly would have allowed one of the more conservative candidates to consolidate his support. i think rick perry he's the opportunity in south carolina with bachmann out of race. jenna: nice talking to you. thank you. >> thank you. jon: strong reaction to the president's decision to bypass congress. president obama set to appoint a new regulatory czar without the approval of the senate. harry reid says it's a good thing, but a lot of republicans are steaming. one top republican says the american people deserve more more respect. awaiting mitt romney in new hampshire. he is poised to get a big, new endorsement. a live report on that coming up next. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle -- 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! jenna: fox news alert. this is an important one. the president is naming richard cordray as head of the consumer financial protection bureau. he is doing it by using his power to make recess appointments while congress is away. there is lot of background. we have to go over this legalese with fox senior judicial analyst, host of "freedom watch", andrew napolitano. >> jenna. jenna: he was not approved by the senate. he did not get the votes. >> the senate rejected him for a new agency in the government which will be able to regulate all consumer financial transactions, go to the dentist and have braces put on your child's teeth and want to pay $250 every six months for two or three years, in order to pay for the braces t has to be approved by this agency. can you sigh this agency to challenge their denial of your approval? no. this is the dodd-frank law that was created last term. this is the first head of that agency. jenna: that is what the republicans had a problem with. >> yes. jenna: every side said they like the guy. he is from ohio. attorney general there. they were thinking he is a good leader. but what they didn't like is how the actual bureau was set up. this is why they denied the appointment. here we are in recession session. are we in a recession? >> depends how you look at it. are full senate meeting, no? there are senators in washington. they get together on the floor of the senate for five minutes on three days which under the constitution means they are in session. when the senate is in session, even one of these proform that things, they're not conducting business, they're there they're not out of session. if they're not out of session the president lacks authority to appoint the guy. will the president appoint him? yes. will he get away with it? yes. >> how does he get away with it? >> because the congress is toothless. when ever the president takes power away from congress starting a war with libya without a declaration of war or appointing someone to regulate braces in your child's teeth without getting confirmation from the senate, he gets away with it. jenna: recess appointments are not new. >> correct. jenna: what different about it this time? what really making you think there is something here that doesn't feel right? >> three things. when this president was senator obama and president george w. bush wanted to appoint john bolton, a recess appointment, to be the united states ambassador to the u.n., which president bush did, after ambassador bolton was not approved by the senate, senator obama said, you can't do it. this is wrong. nobody will give creditability to these recess appointments of the president did it anyway. president obama looks at it differently now that is in the white house. what is greating people that the senate rejected this guy. the president is doing an end run around the senate's constitutional obligation of advice and consent. jenna: this consumer financial protection bureau is how it was set up, the intention was it would protect consumers. obviously we want the best protections. we want the best situation for just as american citizens. i just wonder if you're appointing someone that people don't want in that position how that benefits the bureau and where it all goes? >> there were a number of reasons why he was rejected by the senate. many republican senators believe the free market should protect consumers. the democrats who put through the dodd-frank bill believe bureaucrats should protect consumers, basically telling them what to do and taking their tax dollars to enforce regulations. used to be if you lost a confirmation battle you are gone. this president found a way to get you the job anyway. jenna: there is a loophole? congress could deny the salary, not the president but cordray. >> if congress had courage to defend the authority under the constitution could take funding from the consumer products organization that he is now going to head and take his salary and put a hold on them. they won't do it because they don't have the courage to defend their prerogatives under the constitution. they will let the president get away with it like all congresses let all presidents get away with taking their power. jenna: what do you think it means for our country? >> i think it is bad. it shifts power from the way the constitution divided it between the courts, congress and president and gives too much to the president. the democrats may like power he has taken from congress. they might not like it when replaced with a republican whoers accidents that power. jenna: sounds like a good topic for "freedom watch". >> it is. ron paul at the tom of the show. jenna: thank you, judge. >> you're welcome. jon: we're awaiting mitt romney in a town hall meeting in new hampshire. he is expected to pick up a huge endorsement there. chief political correspondent carl cameron live in manchester, new hampshire. >> reporter: hi, john. mitt romney is on the ground in the first city and first-in-the-nation primary state with historically narrow eight-vote win in first in the nation caucus in iowa. traditionally candidates race to new hampshire overnight. mitt romney chose to stay in iowa and do morning tv talk shows and take more leisurely arrival here in new hampshire. fairly small group. not arrival rally sort of traditional for candidate won the iowa caucuses and storming into a state where he has a 30-point lead in the latest suffolk poll out of massachusetts. it raises questions how mitt romney will focus. whether he spends a lot of time in new hampshire or whether he will be eyeing south carolina where a squeeze play begins between newt gingrich and rick santorum as they try to unite each one of themselves the conservative base against romney. it is going to be a really big battle. romney on the way here on his charter flight with the press strolled back to talk to just briefly and he discussed a little bit his conversations last night with some of his rivals as they called to share congratulations and condolences for their various performances. listen. >> we have the four boys here with us. we sat there and waiting until we got the final word. >> governor, did you talk to any of the other candidates? >> i talked to all the candidates. didn't get to speaker gingrich. some called me. i called them. we had a good chat. >> reporter: little bit hard to hear because of the plane noise. he spoke to all his rivals except newt gingrich. he expects to certainly hear a lot from him today. there is union leader full-page ad from newt gingrich attacking newt romney, juxtaposing their policy provision looks favorable for newt gingrich than obviously it does for mitt romney. romney will talk about president obama and his vision for the country, his jobs experience and rise above the fray. the fray will get heck a lot of more nasty. in iowa, because it is midwest they are cautious against throwing shash jabs, it can backfire. in new hampshire they expect it. this is not caucus. this is not internal republican primary event. this is official election run by the government. the anybody can participate. you show up with i.d. can change parties. it is open primary. more moderate voters can take part. it will help mr. many romney and ron paul who has big independent voting following. independents are known to swing the new hampshire primary. that is a big part of the calculation here. romney will focus more on president obama and his message trying to juxtapose himself in contrast to his rivals. watch for newt gingrich and santorum to be relentless. santorum is way, way back in the polls. he has county chairman in all of new hampshire counties and he does have some organization. he has a sheriff in mitt romney's vacation home but that doesn't match up what mitt romney has. he raised $20 million in last quarter of last year. he has way more money, way more ads. not a lot of inventory on the airwaves. it is conservative race who can unify whether newt gingrich behind him or rick santorum behind him. rick santorum says he will soldier on and be on the campaign trail in south carolina next week and participate in the two debates saturday and sunday all the remaining candidates will eye every single minute of this week. they will be pretty important coming as they do on the eve of the first primary votes. always far more intense than iowa caucus politics. jon. jon: as one of the reporters on the campaign plane with mitt romney did you appreciate the fact you didn't have to race to new hampshire in the middle of night? >> reporter: it is a little bit weird, jon, got to tell you. to not do all-nighter racing from iowa to new hampshire is fairly odd. traditionally democrats and republicans win the iowa caucuss. they get on a plane and want to be here for breakfast. they want to be on the west side of manchester, a very famous political watering hole. greek voters when they go to work at various different plants and mills et cetera. to not do that is different. mitt romney ran a very different campaign. he did absolutely all year the barest minimum in iowa. he said from very beginning he wouldn't be there very much. he wanted to do well in iowa. he did very little advertising compared to the time before. more than most but far less than the last time. boy, talk about barest minimum. he won by only eight votes. rick santorum has all the head liens and lots of momentum now. santorum scared hill. romney is doing it differently this time. it is much more low-key than one might have expected for someone who just won the iowa caucuses. jon: carl cameron in new hampshire for us. carl, thank you. we'll be back with more coverage straight ahead that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. plus veggie nutrition. whee wheeeeeeeeeeeee! wheeeeeeeeeeee! whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee-he-he-heeeeee! whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee! pure adrenaline. whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee! everything you love about geico, now mobile. download the new geico app today. whee wheeeeeeeeeeee-he-he-heeeeee! your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have 6 grams of sugars. with 15 grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. jenna: it is off to new hampshire. governor romney just landing moments ago in the granite state. we'll hear from him on "america live" at the top of the hour. we'll talk to jon huntsman. he plans to do a rick santorum in new hampshire but can he pull it off? we'll ask him about that. and president wasting no time getting to the battleground state of ohio. can he convince the people there things aren't so bad? we'll look at the numbers in ohio and talk about that. also a class of third-graders sings a song about being part of the 99% and they thought the whole thing up on their own. you think? we report, you decide. all that coming up. i will see you at the top of the hour on "america live". jenna: we look forward to that, martha. we have this fox news alert. we want to bring up to date what is happening around the world. we're getting word from reuters that the european union will place an embargo on iranian oil. let me put that in confession foreyou. -- context. we had earlier this week the president signing a new law concerning sanctions against iran's central bank. we understand that caused some reaction inside iran. we're watching for any embargo on oil, obviously their major export going forward. a word of warning about the sanctions, when they're announced often times, this is announced in principle by the way for the e.u. after they're announced it can take several months to implement and implementation part is where we see if they can work frankly. no reaction in the oil markets right now because of that news but we'll continue to watch it for you. jon: we are awaiting comments from mitt romney who won the iowa caucuses last night as you know. but the romney camp is also leapfrogging ahead to florida airing very expensive tv ads now there. let's, here's part the ad that is running in florida. >> i think people understand that i'm a man of steadiness and constancy. i don't think you will find somebody who has more of those be a triabuse than i do. i've been married to the same woman, 20 -- excuse me i get in trouble. for 42 years. i've been in the same church my entire life. jon: that ad called the leader helped him get the top spot in iowa. the political landscape is dramatically different in florida. we have the tallahassee bureau chief for the tampa bay times. steve, mitt romney has a lot of money to spend and he is already spending in florida. why? >> because it is such a big, state, jon, to get the message out in as you know. 13 television markets. it costs up to a million dollars a week to sat rate the state with television ads. he spent time. didn't do well in the straw poll. herman cain won the florida poll. so romney and we've seen around the country romney's support is soft. romney knows there is a void for another candidate to step into here, there could be. the problem for someone like rick santorum it costs so much money to advertise in florida it will be very difficult for anybody to catch romney at this point in this state. jon: romney did pretty well last tile around in florida, didn't he? >> he did. to refresh your viewers memories, john mccain won the florida primary in 2008 with the 30 sick% of the vote. romney hat 31%. popular governor charlie crist made a last minute endorsement of john mccain which is important. legislature moved up the primary again. we're number four on the list. you've got new hampshire followed by south carolina, followed by florida but we're by far the biggest of those early states that will have a say here in who is the republic can nominee. jon: obviously the guy everybody is talking about this morning is rick santorum, the former pennsylvania senator, who famously visited all 99 counties in iowa. spent a long time working on the ground game there. ultimately it paid off for him last night in the near-tie for first place with romney but he can't do that in florida, can he? >> no, you can't. you know, maybe that is some of the beauty of this, these early states because you have a state like florida which is a megastate. very different from iowa or new hampshire. as you know we're an a amalgamation of all 50 states. a lot of florida voters don't have very strong ties to the state. so they're influenced what they see on television going on in other states. plus the fact, i think rick santorum did 381 town hall meetings in iowa. you could do that many town hall meetings in this state and never get south of gainesville. the state is so much bigger and just takes so much more effort and money to get your arms around it. jon: what about jeb bush? still a very popular former governor there. has he indicated where his support will go? >> no, he hasn't. a number of jeb bush people, key people, are with mitt romney. both elected officials and strategists. so that is certainly helps romney. the current governor, rick scott, as recently as this morning said again he is not endorsing. rick scott, as you know, only in his second year, not popular according to many recent polls but he is not endorsing to date either in this race. jon: but the headline is mitt romney still has great organization and a lot of money to spend. that is what it is going to take in florida to buy all that television advertising in tampa and orlando and the big markets, miami and so forth? >> absolutely. every poll we see, everything we see about romney's candidacy certainly shows weak spots. there is room for a candidate to step into the void but the price tag to get there and amount of money it takes to get there appears almost insurmountable at this point. jon: steve bosque i used to work a few hundred years ago in miami television. good to see you. >> thanks, jon. jon:. jenna: new details in the investigation of a deadly new year's eve shooting rocking upscale neighborhood in california. police say two navy pilots are among the dead. what happened here? we'll tell you about the new leads ahead there he is, poised to discover plum amazins, the amazing alternative to raisins and cranberries with more fiber, less sugar, and a way better glycemic index. he's clearly enjoying one of the planet's most amazing superfruits. hey, keep it down mate, you'll wake the kids. plum amazins. new, from sunsweet. but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! jon: right now some new information on stories we're watching from our control room. a popular sheriff of an arizona border county is running for congress. paul bab bow saying it is time for a new sheriff in washington. later today he will join neil cavuto on "your world". white man's food markets pulling television ads featuring actor alec baldwin. they say customers complained about baldwin half he was kicked off a plane last month for not turning off his cell phone. a surfer survives a shark attack off cydey. he remains in good condition. what a story to tell. jenna: details in investigation of a new year's morning shooting that killed four people. california police now revealing two navy pilots are among the dead. rick, what do we know about this? >> reporter: jenna, this is a tough one, tough for the investigators and very difficult for the three families that lost loved ones. the reis family lost two, 25-year-old son david, a navy pilot and 22-year-old daughter karen with dreams of becoming a occupational therapist. the other people in the condo not identified but one we're told is navy pilot like reis who was stationed nearby at the miramar marine base. all four why found dead new year's morning. investigators have a lot of evidence to sort through. they are not declaring a murder-suicide. they're not looking for anyone else they believe may have been involved in the shootings. the reis siblings are described having been very close from a fun-loving religious family. detectives say this case is their number one priority. no comment, jenna, from any military officials. this is a base a lot of people know where navy seals are trained and no word yet on the recent deployments or possible deployments of either navy pilot. as we learn more, jenna. we'll pass it on. jenna: a sad story is the truth, rick. thank you. jon: two planes on a collision course at one of america's busiest airports. how a near-miss nearly claimed more than 500 lives last summer. and why are we just hearing about it now? ♪ ooh baby, looks like you need a little help there ♪ ♪ ooh baby, (what) can i do for you today? ♪ [ feme announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? align can help. only align has bifantis, a patented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. try align to help retain a balanced digestive syst. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. jon: just in, wegman's is


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last in the caucuses last night among the candidates competing there. she said on this program she was going to south carolina. she had the media advisory, a couple of events wednesday and thursday but now the news this morning she is going to suspend her campaign, at least for now. jon: you see the podium waiting for the minnesota congresswoman to make this announcement. let's go to the winners in iowa first. mitt romney, rick santorum, ron paul in the top tier. the race very, very tight. just eight votes separating romney and a surging santorum. >> rick did i think a heroic job going across the entire state. devoted his energies to the state of iowa. during the same time period i've been building a national campaign team going to the a bunch of states and of course pulledding a fund-raising organization that will help me down the road and if i'm the nominee. jenna: santorum says it is game on now. romney set to pick up an endorsement today from john mccain, his challenger in 2008 and the last republican presidential nominee. today santorum weighed in on that news. >> john mccain is a great man. someone who was honor to serve with. he has served this country and sacrificed more than frankly anybody that i have had the privilege to know in any way and so i, i commend governor romney for getting his endorsement. i'm not surprised by it. john is a more moderate member of the republican team. jenna: back to iowa in a moment. we see waiting for the congresswoman. we'll go to d.c. where we find our chief washington correspondent james rosen with more on all of this hi, james. >> reporter: jenna, good morning. iowa is famous for winnowing the field of primary candidates. this year the hawkeye state is running true tomorrow to. one candidate still in the hunt is texas congressman ron paul who finished third. paul's ground game turned out 4,000 fewer votes than romney and santorum. a surprise to ed rollins who predicted paul would win. gingrich told supporters he is marching on to new hampshire and he again contrasted himself, quote, reagan conservative with mitt romney, a quote, the massachusetts moderate. in his remarks last night however rick perry suggested he may pack it in. just hours after his campaign had begun purchasing tv time in south carolina. >> with the voters decision tonight in iowa, i decided to return to texas, assess the results of tonight's caucus, determine whether there is a path forward for myself in this race. >> reporter: jon huntsman forfeited iowa although he still collected 745 votes there and placing all his chips on new hampshire, the first primary contest next tuesday. campaigning in peter borrow, the former utah governor was asked when he would say to the winner in iowa. welcome to new hampshire. nobody cares. how he would differentiate himself from governor romney. i could get elected and he hasn't been quote, on three sides of all issues. bottom line if you've grown addicted to the information overload and intramural sniping of this 2012 cycle, stay tuned, more fat feasts await. jon and jenna. jenna: no one puts quite like you, james. we're thankful. james rosen in d.c. more from james throughout the next couple months on this campaign. we're ready for it. jon: well, it is a bittersweet day for the supporters of michele bachmann. maybe more better than really any sweet at all. maybe that is just not the right term to use. we are expecting her to step up in that podium in des moines any moment now and announce she is suspending her campaign after she told us yesterday she had her tickets booked for south carolina and would continue to fight on. let's talk more about the results from the iowa caucuses. david drucker joins us. he is a staff writer for "roll call." a lot of people wonder why not soldier on if you're michele bachmann. you have a couple of debates coming up this weekend, some opportunity for free television exposure. wouldn't really cost that much to continue on in the race and maybe pick up some support. is that unrealistic, david? >> i think it was. coming out of the iowa caucuses she was supposed to have her best chance propelling herself into the race. don't forget she won the straw poll back in august. it was clear she wasn't well-received by the voters. they just weren't interested. if you want to soldier on you need money. she doesn't have any. she will have to go deep into debt. heading into new hampshire she was clearly not going to go because she wasn't going to pick up any support, going to south carolina would not do her any good because they're greatly influenced by success and performance in iowa and new hampshire. south carolinaians want to elect somebody that can actually win the general election. michele bachmann hasn't proven she can do any of that. her and her team understand the position she is in. that is why she is poised to drop out. jon: our steve brown is telling us now it is expected to be 10 minutes before she takes to the podium. she is running 15 minutes behind schedule. she was a favorite of the tea party movement, david. does this suggest that the tea party influence is on the decline? >> no. i think there were a lot of candidates in the race that were able to grab the tea party mantle. just after michele bachmann won that straw poll, governor perry got into the race. he has been a favorite of the tea party since the inception of the movement and he was able to grab that from her. basically with conservatives and tea party activists and people not interested in mitt romney have been doing going from candidate to candidate. they loved michele bachmann. they weren't sure she could be president. they had somebody in governor perry here is a guy we like and could be president. he faltered. said things that rubbed them the wrong way. they went to herman cain. he fall erred. and they have moved on to rick santorum. this is just a process. you can't lose early states and stay in simply because there are more primaries to come. you need to show support. you need to raise money. you need to show you can win. that's why these early contests are crucial. jon: talk about the winners, rick santorum among them, whether he came in eight votes behind mitt romney or not, effect tiffly tied for first place. that is the pretty stunning achievement, isn't it? >> he did a great job. nobody gave hem a chance to do anything myself included. we'll have to see rick santorum going forward can he take a punch. his surge, he should get all the credit for the hard campaign. he clearly connected with iowa voters. he was able to do so without anybody paying attention to him. without his competitors trying to tear him down. rick perry tried to do a little over the last few days of the campaign but nobody really went after him. the question, can he take a punch? a lot of the other candidates haven't been able to. will his message transfer in new hampshire and florida and son other states. it will translate into south carolina. he would have a do well next week to avoid everybody saying the iowa victory was a one-hit wonder. jon: interesting the sound, mitt romney. he congratulated. stayed positive about santorum but you said he has been working state really hard and i've been focusing building a national organization. that is kind of a backhanded compliment you might say. david drucker from "roll call." thank you. >> anytime. thank you. jenna: we'll look for more backhanded compliments. jon: there will be more down the way. jenna: we'll have a tea party panel coming up about where they see themselves in this campaign. is it newt gingrich? is that where they're going next or rick santorum? speaking of newt gingrich. he is reacting the results of iowa caucuses. praising one of his opponents but many explanationing several others. rick folbaum has more on this part of the race. >> hi, jenna. the former speaker urged all the fellow candidates to follow ronald reagan's rule not attacking a fellow republican that. was when he was leading in the polls. now he is near the bottom of the pack the gloves are off. yesterday newt gingrich calling mitt romney a liar. then last night after placing fourth in iowa he announced he would continue to slam the former massachusetts governor. he says there is one key question. >> whether this party wants a reagan conservative who helped change washington in the 1980s as ronald reagan and helped change washington in 1990s as speaker of the "house." somebody who into changing washington. whether we want a massachusetts moderate will be good ad managing the decay but given no evidence of his years at massachusetts any ability to change the culture or change the political structure or change the government. >> don't call him nasty. gingrich says he is telling the truth. >> it sound negative that is because romney's record is negative. who benefits most if gingrich goes after romney in print and television ads? rick santorum, last night's second quarter place finisher who came close to winning the thing. gingrich was glowing in talking about his rival from pennsylvania. >> rick santorum, he waged a great, positive campaign. [applause] i served with rick. we've had a great relationship over the years. and i admire the courage, the discipline, the way he focused and i also admire howe positive it was. i wish i could say that for all the candidates. >> as for ron paul, gingrich said his foreign policies ideas are dangerous for the u.s.. mitt romney, might want to brace himself as the former speaker gears up to save his campaign no matter how he has to do it. jenna. jenna: will be interesting to watch. rick, thank you very much. we're awaiting congresswoman bachmann in iowa. i saw someone step to the podium to give us the two minute warning. we give cover her at any moment. everyone tries to stretch a buck and some campaigns are doing a better job than others. we saw this in the "washington post" today. texas governor rick perry spending the most in iowa, about $4.5 million on media. divide that number, divide that by the number of votes he got and it comes to $364 each. that is the jon scott vote, right? $364. jon: i couldn't afford that. jenna: next up, mitt romney, the former governor of mass as -- massachusetts. won iowa eight votes. each vote costing him $49. rick santorum though got the best value by far. according to what we're looking at here, the former senator of pennsylvania coming in second place, spending just over $21,000 in iowa. winning over 29000 votes. that means each vote he got cost him 73 cents. jon: how many pair of shoes did he go through visiting all 9 counties in that state? jenna: sweater vests. that is his trademark. jon: he is little engine that could. he is plugging away in iowa a long time. last night it paid off for him. we're continuing to watch for michele bachmann. when she speaks we'll take you back there live to des moines. right now president obama is taking his economic message and a controversial appointment to ohio. that critical swing state is one that he won in 2008. he's expected to speak there this afternoon and he will challenge his republican rivals on the economy in this his first presidential trip of the new year. ed henry, live at the white house with more on what the president is up to today. ed? >> reporter: good to see you, jon. yes, this is the most aggressive of aspect we can't wait campaign we've seen from the president, basically using his executive authority to use a recess appointment while congress is out right now in order to get richard cordray in as a new consumer protection chief. why this is so controversial among republicans is that this is an outgrowth, this consumer protection office of the controversial dodd-frank wall street reform bill. republicans need to there needs to be more accountability to this new office before somebody is appointed and installed there. they think this office could end up issuing all kinds of regulations that will choke off businesses. the white house view is they have the authority to move forward here. republicans were blocking the president's nomination and they want to make sure consumers have new protections in place in this tough economy. all of this in the backdrop of enabling the president to portray himself, continue to do as we've seen before as a warrior for the middle class. he is doing it today in ohio, traveling aboard air force one with richard cordray. cordray is the former attorney general in ohio. last night while all you will iowa caucuses were playing out, the drama on the republican side, the president was here in washington with a live webcast with iowa democrats who were caucusing for him. his message he is not waiting around for congress. he wants more time in office to get more done. take a listen. >> the main message we're going to have in 2012, that we've done a lot but we have a lot more to do and that's why we need another four years to get it all done. >> reporter: interesting because in early 2009 you remember the president told nbc's mat lawyer if he didn't get it turned around in three years, this would in his words, a one-term proposition. he is trying to buy a second term. the eventual republican nominee likely to make the case the president had his time in office. the country not better after off after four years. they will make that case. the president pushing back saying he is put things on the right track and needs more time, jon. jon: more on the controversial cordray appointment. ed henry at the white house, thank you. >> reporter: good to see you. jenna: we're awaiting michele bachmann. fox news confirming she will suspend her campaign. that is the microphone. we're waiting for her at. again it has been about six months of, just six months ago when she announced her campaign for president. when she steps to the microphone we'll bring you back to iowa. we'll be right back with more. great guest experience. that makes my day. and during the four course feast, there's so much to choose from. [ male announcer ] the four course seafood feast is backt red lobster. still just $15. get soup, salad, unlimited cheddar bay biscuits, dessert, and your choice of 7 entrées, like new honey bbq shrimp skewers or shrimp and scaops alfredo. all four courses, just $15. [ jody ] it's really good value. all my guests love it. i'm jody gonzalez, red lobster general manager. and i sea food differently. jon: sometimes it is said that iowa is less about who wins than about who doesn't win and one of those who did not win, congresswoman michele bachmann from minnesota, she is originally from iowa. had sort of staked her campaign on a strong finish in the iowa caucuses. she did not get that strong finish and now fox news has confirmed she will suspend her campaign as soon as she steps up to the microphone there in des moines we'll bring you back there to hear her words. one of the questions going forward is, will the congresswoman endorse another competitor? we have yet to see what she has to say. we'll take you there live when she speaks. jenna: you never know what phone calls are happening now behind the scenes. meantime we have new concerns about mounting tensions in the middle east between our country and iran. reports are just in a top iranian naval commander announcing plans to expand naval war drills next year. this is after the con chrigs of the war games in the strait of hormuz the last week and a half ago. that strait is a major gateway for the major portion of the oil shipments. acceleration of the country's nuclear program in iran and this is all happening as the president signed a bill over the weekend imposing potentially crippling new sanctions on iran's central bank. where is this going? that's one of the big questions for 2012. joining us former u.n. am bass u.n., john bolton. also a fox news contributor. happy new year, ambassador. >> happen nee year to you. jenna: what do you see as far as the our relationship with iran? >> this could be a critical year. secretary panetta said last month that iran could be a year away from getting a nuclear weapon. that may be optimistic. i think that is very much on the minds of the regime in tehran. jenna: what is the tippingpoint do you think that you're looking for? >> well, i think israel has got to make a decision very, very shortly whether they're going to use military force preemptively against that nuclear weapons program because if they don't, the odds on outcome is that in a very short period of time iran will have nuclear weapons. so if you don't like the kind of threats you're hearing now, imagine how much more profoundly dangerous they could be once iran gets nuclear weapons? jenna: a scary thought. a scary thought for all of us to think about as we head into a brand new year but why israel? isn't the nuclear ambitions and nuclear projects happening in iran enough for us to get involved militarily? isn't that enough for a preemptive strike on our own behalf? >> absolutely. this is not a israel problem. this is really a global problem since iran's propensity to aid terrorism financially through weapons around the world makes it one of the most important state sponsors of terrorism but i think the odds are under president obama the chances of a u.s. military strike against iran are about as close to absolute zero as you can imagine. that's why the spotlight is on israel. the administration seems to think economic sanctions will work. they haven't worked for the last 10 years. even these new sanctions, no indication they will work either. jenna: keeping an eye on iowa we're also talking about a major international issue. we're watching for congresswoman bachmann. i know in the past whether officially or unofficially you were working with rick perry, is that right, ambassador bolton? >> i haven't endorsed anybody as a fox news contributor but i've been speaking to a lot of the candidates about foreign policy and i'm happy to do that. jenna: if you will stand by with just for a moment here as we see the congresswoman come in. we'd like to hear your thoughts who you think potentially the next republican presidential nominee has the best international policy. let's go in and take a listen here in iowa. >> michele bachmann. >> thank you, brad. thank you so much. thank you everyone for being here. i appreciate it. my name is michele bachmann. entrusted to every american is the responsibility to watch over our republic. you can look back from the time of the pilgrims, to the time of william penn. to the time of our founding fathers. all we have to do is look around because very clearly we are encompassed about with a great cloud of witnesses that bear witness to the sacrifices, that were made to establish the united states and the precious principles of freedom that make it the greatest force for good that has ever been seen on the planet. every generation has served as the next stepping stone down the path of our liberty, and every day i'm reminded of that conviction that we have to the principles of freedom and justice by a painting. it is a painting that hangs in the united states capitol. it was made by howard chandler at the signing of the constitution of the united states. it hangs in the east graham stairway of the united states capitol. every schoolchild is familiar with this painting but i've been privileged to see it on regular basis doing my duties in congress. never with the painting's poignant reminder more evident on the evening of march 21st, 2010. that was the evening that obamacare was passed and staring out from the painting are the faces of the founders and in particular the face of ben franklin, who served as a constant reminder of the fragile republic that he and the founders gave to us. that day served as the inspiration for my run for the presidency of the united states because i believed firmly that what the congress had done and what president obama had done in passing obamacare endangered the very survival of the united states of america, our republic because i knew that it was my obligation to insure that president obama's program of socialized medicine was stopped before it became fully implemented. and so my message has been for the necessity of the complete repeal of obamacare in this once in a lifetime campaign cycle for the presidency because obamacare represents the largest expansion of entitlement spending in our country's history and it is now become the playground of left-wing social engineering where the right will always lose every battle and the left already has been given the formula for passing their agenda. it must be stopped. and its repeal is more than just a cliche for me. it is essential to my core of conviction because obamacare violates our fundamental liberties as americans including for the first time in the history of our country taxpayer-funded abortion. deeply troubled by the state of our country i ran for the presidency foremost as an american citizen who believes in the foundation and the greatness of our american principles. and our principles derive their meaning from the founders beliefs which were rooted in immutable truth of the holy scripture, the bible. while a congresswoman by title, a politician i never have been nor will i ever hope to be because i am not motivated in this quest by vain glory or the promise of political power. i have served one singular purpose in washington, d.c., to lead an effort that was begun by the people of this country. i ran as the next stepping stone of passing on and protecting that torch of liberty and that duty required taking on the charge of repealing both obamacare and dodd-frank, which mandated insuring the election of 13 additional republican senators to guaranty that legislation's demise. these words are a warning. the implementation of obamacare will represent a turning point for our country and our economy and i worried what a future painting in christie's vein might depict should obamacare be ultimately placed into effect. will future generations asked of us gathered here today, what did we do, what did we give, what did we sacrifice to insure the survival of this incomparable republic? i ran because i realized 2012, is our last chance and our only chance to repeal obamacare and dodd-frank, and i knew how to get rid of both of them. and i ran not only for me but i also ran to elect 13 more republican united states senators who would help me to repeal that legislation. i ran because i believed that since day one barack obama's policies based on socialism, are destructive to the very foundation of the republic and i ran because i wanted my children and all of the children of this country to live free and have even better opportunities than our parents gave to us. and i ran to secure the promise of our children's future. so i decided to stand up, stand up and fight for our freedom and stand up for the survival of the nation and i will continue fighting to defeat the president's agenda of socialism. i will continue to fight for you, for more liberty and less government. to stop the overspending in washington. to keep our country free, safe and sovereign and to fight against crony capitalism. fight to end excessive government regulation and a tax code that is absolutely unfair and is killing american competitiveness. i will fight to legalize american energy production. i will fight for american families. i will fight to protect live from conception until natural death. to protect traditional marriage and i will fight to secure our borders and i will fight to protect religious liberty. i will fight for this country and for the american people every day in the way that god allows me to. so i came here to this wonderful state of iowa where i was born and raised and that i have come to trust and love. i had just one message to tell you, that i mean what i say and i say what i mean and i told you the truth, that our country is in very serious trouble, and that this might be the last election to turn the nation around before we go down the road to socialism, to a burden of debt too heavy for our children to bear. and i didn't tell you what the polls said that you wanted to hear. i didn't tell you what i knew to be false. i didn't try to spin you. i listened to the people of iowa and all across america and they agree that president obama and his socialist policies must be stopped. and i sought the nomination of the party of reagan, the party of lincoln, that believes in the strength and goodness of the american people and that america is an does remain the greatest force for good that the world has ever known because we don't believe that government has the answers. the people do. the government should respect the rights and opportunities of the people to whom we are accountable because we believe that government should do its job, enumerated by the constitution, not our job. it should do it without spending more than what it takes in. and so last night the people of iowa spoke with a very clear voice. and so i have decided to stand aside and i believe that if we are going to repeal obamacare, turn our country around and take back our country, we must do so united. and i believe that we must rally around the person that our country and our party and our people select to be that standard-bearer. but make no mistake, i'll continue to be a strong voice. i'll continue to stand and fight for the country and for the american people and for our freedom because mr. franklin and all the founders, all the men, all the women, who have given their last full measure of devotion and our military, our veterans, are watching us. they're expecting us to stand up and protect what they have fought to give us. and so we owe it to them and to our posterity and to the god that we serve who created us, who gave us life and our very being, to keep our republic free. and i will be forever grateful to this state and to its people for launching us on this path with our victory in the iowa straw poll. while i will not be continuing in this race for the presidency, my faith in the lord god almighty, this country, and our republic is unshakeable. and as i have traveled around this state and the country i have seen the very best in the country and our people and i will always believe in the greatness of them and in the greatness of the god that i serve. of course i'm deeply grateful to our entire campaign team here in iowa, in south carolina and everywhere. i have no regrets, none whatsoever. we never compromised our principles and we can leave this race knowing that we ran it with it most integrity. we made a very important contribution to this race. and so i sincerely thank my wonderful husband of 33 years, marcus, bachmann, my entire family, our family, lucas, harrison, caroline, sophia, my mother jean. stepfather ray. my beloved brothers here. gary, paul and scott, and my brother david and george. i'm grateful to them and our 23 foster children. they along with the lord's provision and incomparable faithfulness have been my strength throughout the campaign. i look forward to the next chapter in god's plan. he has one for each of us if we will only cooperate with him. he has always something greater around the corner, far beyond what any of us thought or imagined. i've been blessed to live a wonderful life. i'm grateful to have been a part of this presidential campaign. so i thank you, i say god bless you and god bless the united states of america. [applause] jon: well, after a little more than a year of pondering it and a little more than six months of active campaigning, and official candidacy, michele bachmann there, announcing that she is sus penning her campaign for president -- suspending. one of the darlings of the tea party movement, one of the darlings of social and fiscal conservatives but she just couldn't generate enough heat to finish really in more than last place in iowa. so with that she announces that she is ending her campaign. interestingly, jenna just pointed out, rick perry, the texas governor, who has announced well, he is going to go back to texas and sort of rethink things, sent out message via twitter short time ago, it is on to south carolina. it appears the texas governor who has quite a substantial bank account will continue to fight on and perhaps will continue to compete as this campaign season goes forward. jenna: we'll continue to watch for that. bringing you picture by the way of governor perry put out on twitter of him running saying that the next leg of the marathon is on. we'll bring that to you. we'll try to confirm it as well. you have to double source everything these days. fox news alert. we're awaiting major announcement concerning republican presidential candidate mitt romney. kicking off the final town hall in new hampshire. sources close do john mccain confirming to fox news the arizona senator will endorse romney at that event. meantime, many of the remaining candidates crisscrossing the granite state today, holding campaign events and making their cases with voters. molly line is live at the romney town hall in manchester with more on all of this. hi, molly. >> reporter: that's right, jenna, we're here at central high school. this is where mitt romney will make his first appearance after winning that big caucus in iowa. it will be a chance for him to answer voters questions in these final hours before they head to the polls. as you know voters here in new hampshire can ask pretty tough questions. you mentioned big news that came out of this town hall today which is an endorsement from senator john mccain. won here in 2008. ultimately went on to become the republican nominee that year. if he makes the announcement, rompilla any said this would be big. look what romney said on "fox and friends" this morning. >> i'm pretty pleased that looks to be the case. john mccain is beloved in many parts of the country. particularly in new hampshire. folks call him mr. new hampshire. if in fact he makes announcement today that would be big for me in a state he knows very, very well. >> reporter: we're waiting to see how that develops today. newt gingrich a little bit fiery today. he actually put out a full-page ad of the union leader, a paper of note here in new hampshire, the paper that endorsed him earlier in the campaign process calling mitt romney a massachusetts moderate. how that will play among massachusetts voters already familiar with mitt romney. he was of course the governor of the next door neighbor state of massachusetts. santorum on the ground talking to his supporters. he is coming off the big victory he had in iowa. this is a chance for conservative voters, social conservatives here in new hampshire which he has spent a lot of time courting, speaking of someone spent a lot of time doing retail politicking in this state where it really matters, santorum is one of those candidates. the all eyes will be on him. he will be the one facing some tough questions in this next week ahead before people head to the polls. as for jon huntsman. he never went to iowa. he decided to focus here in new hampshire. all his eggs one could say here in the granite state. he is hoping for his big showing. he wants the santorum moment to establish him as he moves forward in the race. this is definitely the place to be. this is where all the political eyes are pointed as we look at republican white house hopefuls. jenna. jenna: we'll watch as well. molly, thank you. jon: for more on this joining us on the phone, senior reporter for the nashua telegraph newspaper. kevin, the wide expectation that mitt romney will come in first in new hampshire. he has got the best ground game. he has got --, well he was governor of a neighboring state. he is ahead in the all the polls. what is rick san francisco's number to finish, essentially a tie, what does that do to all of mitt romney's planning? anything? >> a lot of mitt romney support is soft here. he is very popular. he spent the better part of five years like he did in iowa campaigning here. he has got the summer vacation home here. a summer remembers dent of new hampshire. and he has that certainly going for him but rick santorum gets a lot of momentum last night and gives a lot of new looks in new hampshire. he's got, he's got a ground game. it is not mitt romney's ground game but he spent the third most amount of time in new hampshire behind only john huntsman an mitt rompilla. he has a seasoned strategist running his campaign, who helped engineer pat buchanan's shocking win in new hampshire over bob dole in '96 after bob dole won iowa with only 26% of the vote. can santorum duplicate that in six days? i don't believe so. but he can establish himself as the alternative here i think he is getting a lot of help from newt gingrich. jon: new hampshire voters often like to sort of turn their backs on whatever iowa decides. so if iowa has just decided that mitt romney is number one, albeit by a hair's breath, new hampshire voters may want to take a look whoever came in second or maybe third place. >> yeah, i think they do and they have a history of doing that certainly they did that in 2008 when john mccain finished fourth there. and they picked him and in 2000, john mccain finished sixth in iowa and then, won new hampshire three weeks later. so we have a long history of being skeptical, not cynical, about iowa's choices. and understanding that as mitt romney's chairman on the ground in new hampshire john sununu likes to say, iowa picks corn, new hampshire picks presidents. jon: kevin is the senior political reporter for the nashua telegraph says rick santorum has some room to grow there in the numbers in new hampshire. it will be an interesting race all the way through. thank you. jenna: iowa picks corn, new hampshire picks presidents according to those in new hampshire. meantime are they playing a key role in the 2012 election or aren't they? we're talking about the tea party. up next the event they're gathering for and what we can expect from the movement as we head closer to november? [shouting] are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. jenna: this major fox news alert just breaking this hour. we told you about it. we saw a tweet on twitter from governor rick perry. let's go ahead. we want to show it to you. came out around 11:15 or some he says after going back to texas after iowa not placing in top three he was going back to texas to think about things. we get this tweet the next leg of the marathon is the palmetto state. here we come, south carolina! he shows this photo. jon: new hampshire is not in the mix. he is talking about south carolina. jenna: bring up the photo. running, will continue the marathon. i guess he is in texas looking a little cold there. texas all suited up. many said, listen, he is going back to texas he is out of the race. if we can confirm this tweet, maybe he is still in? jon: famously on one of his jogs in texas pulled a pistol out of his pocket or holster or something and gunned down a coyote that was bothering him. so, anyway, the governor will run on, or so it would seem. some developing stories we're keeping an eye on here in the newsroom and our control room, new reports on the mental health of the man who confessed to the norway massacre over the summer. three psychologists and a psychiatrist says he is not psychotic contradicting the court appointed mental evaluation that found him legally insane. president of afghanistan welcoming a possible deal that would allow the taliban to open an office in nearby qatar. hamid karzai said it could lead to the end of the bloody conflict in his country. alec baldwin feeling effects of his tirade. the weed man food markets pulling plug on spots featuring the actor. they made the decision after customers complains about baldwin's airline antics. jenna: from that to this. the tea party dominated the midterm elections in 2010. they're playing a key role this time as well. what that role is exactly. we want to talk more about that. even though so far officially as a movement gotten behind one candidate we're learning a coalition of tea party groups will hold a tea party convention on the 15th in south carolina. obviously, a very, very important state. matt kibbee is ceo of freedomworks. david webb, host of the david webb show. both are faces of this movement that is still key. this is a movement. not an official party. the question becomes then do you see yourselves and republican candidates do you sigh yourselves there behind one or a few that you could really get behind and support? david, what do you think about that? >> well, i think the role of the tea party needs to remain what it is, that outside entity, one is a watchdog, two, focuses on the issues of limited, effective and constitutional government, and what i don't wan to do, jenna, is and would not like to see is the tea party get in the business of picking horses. we have supposed to be focused on the fiscal issues, on the constitution gnat of government, unconstitutionality of obamacare being one of the key points. to go beyond that makes us an institution that becomes the tool of a party and we never get anywhere because for decades there have been too many failures in america on both sides of the aisle. it is time that we the american people had solutions not just descriptions. jenna: matt, let's talk a little bit more about what david said, to stay anti-establishment, i'm putting words in your mouth, david, i don't mean to, talk about being anti-establishment you still want to affect the establishment in some way, matt. how do you go about staying the movement, if you agree with david, and really have a major effect in this election in november? >> it is really about a set of ideas that define the tea party. it is not a political party as david pointed out it is and was in 2010 a very important get-out-the-vote machine. if you look at results in iowa, 2/3 of caucus gors very closely identified with tea party values. all of the republican candidates to a greater other lesser extent are talking the talk. i think the results in iowa suggest that the tea party hasn't found its candidate yet. they're looking for someone ought thening it i can -- authentic on those issues and can defeat president barack obama. jenna: why do you think the tea party has not found its candidate? >> we're still in transition. we are fighting the good ol' party establishment who think it is good enough to nominate people like john mccain that is not good enough for tea partiers. this will be a very drawn out process. politics is more decentralized today. the tea party movement is the best representation of that decentralization. we'll have an impact all the way to the convention. jenna: david, do you agree the tea party hasn't found its person yet? >> i do agree. it goes back to what matt talks about with the principles, jenna. the politics needs to be at local level which is something the tea party is also focused on, the state levels and all the other entities, not justed federal level. on top of that, when it comes to the principles, it is not about the even matt or myself. the tea party is about leadership. it is about principles. it is about good american free market enterprise values that have been successful in this country. it is about stopping the growth of big government. jenna: sure but you can agree -- >> those are bigger than just the party. jenna: david, dorpt you want those principles to have results, real tangible results in government? >> well they do and what we have to do as a movement we both have to work with those in the structure and we have to work as an outside force to keep them on track. it's a two-front battle in that respect. there are many facets to this. that's why we can't be limited. education is important. activation, get-out-the-vote. but more to get the american people back on the principles that have been successful as a country. jenna: matt, quick final thought from you here. i was taking a look back at articles from last year at the same time and the obviously huge tea party movement and push in those elections in 2010 and 2011 with a huge new year for the republicans, matt. if you take a look at this year ahead and also what we've seen over the past year, what do you think is key to keeping the tea party develop rant -- relevant as we get closer to november? >> i think it is become more focused at local level. we don't do these big marches anymore. that would be a bad strategy given who we are today. it has to be at the local level. watch the senate. the tea party is playing in these senate races and they will have a huge impact there. jenna: we'll look for that. david and matt, nice to have both of you back. >> happy new year, jenna. jenna: thank you, jon? jon: david has the voice thing going on. jenna: he is radio guy. jon: megyn kelly and other people having trouble with their voices. >> they both sounded great. jon: if you're stepping outside today, dade, you will want to, i don't know cover up with a scarf or something. the east coast is in a deep freeze but we could see a dramatic change. janice dean is here with what to expect next. also kim kardashian part of a new ad campaign and she is not being paid for it. in fact she has not given her permission. this one not for perfume or makeup or designer clothes, but for taxes. ♪ . jon: this new political ad is urging the california tax collectors to come to the reality tv star's door or maybe her designer purse and wallet. that is next. ♪ . jon: oh, baby, it is cold outside. a blast of arctic air sweeps the east coast and it is reaching way down south into the sunshine state. strawberry growers are taking every precaution. temperatures in central florida dipping below freezing this morning. in arcadia, the citrus farmers are working to protect their crops from the bitter cold. their biggest weapon is actually water. they spray it on their crops allowing it to freeze that protects the fruit until the temperatures can reach up above freezing. meteorologist janice dean live in the extreme weather center but she doesn't have her boots and her gloves on. >> i did earlier this morning. it is very balmy here in the fox weather studio. the temperatures on the rebound, jon scott. it was 18 in tallahassee. temperatures across new england and the northeast certainly dealing with windchills below freezing, certainly feeling like single digits in some cases. minus 5 in caribou. 22 in minneapolis. the good news we have a rebound coming. east coast is only area dealing with below average temperatures. in the midwest and central plains, 20 degrees above average this time of the year. as we head into the weekend, jon scott, much of the country feeling warmer than average temperatures. a quick shot of cold air. all the complainers out there need to stop complaining. jon: we haven't had it so bad. >> folks in alaska are going, wimps. jon: yes, they are. janice dean, thank you. jenna: it is a tax attack on kim kardashian. she is the focus of an online ad out in california from the courage campaign targeting her and urging voters to support an initiative to raise taxes on wealthy people like her. joining us live in fox business network is adam shapiro. adam, what is going on here? >> reporter: well, kardashian has not publicly commented or supported this. the courage campaign is trying to raise taxes in california and using kim kardashian someone who is wealthy whether they have talent or not pays income tax in california and someone who is middle class. hear is the beginning of the ad, jenna. >> being on tv changed my life because -- [inaudible] ♪ . >> reporter: okay. so kim kardashian made $12 million last year. being on tv she got a lot of free stuff. you and i work on tv. let me show you free stuff we kind of get. got the free sticky pad from merk funds. jenna: we're not allowed to accept free stuff. >> she works on 18th store. she is not on tv. got smoked salmon. girl a deli chocolate, cheese. i'm saying. as far as miss kardashian, you should know rasmussen did a poll. 76 americans believe the tax she is paying, 10% state income tax is fair or high. what they would like to see taxes dropped and people like kim kardashian who make home movies, like to see them drop too. jenna. jenna: we'll see if the ad is effective. adam shapiro with fox business. adam, thank you. jon: fox news alert for you now. there has been a shooting reported in texas. rick folbaum is the at breaking news desk. we'll have more on that just ahead. this new at&t 4g lte is fast. did you hear sam... promoted to director? 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he's picked up momentum as he goes towards the other states what should we be watching for? >> reporter: he has a bit after challenge ahead of him, jenna. he has to put together a campaign. he came in here to iowa, he only spent a few thousand dollars, or tens of thousands of dollars. he was basically broke. he did it all on shoe leather but he asked to be a very, very compelling candidate. it is possible here in the hawk-eye state, it may not be so possible in a state like south carolina, and certainly florida is a huge hurdle. but he does have a compelling story, and it was so interesting last night to see him literally over the moon about the results as he gave his address to his supporters, saying that he really did this on just a commitment to meet with voters, and solid conservative values. here he is from last night. >> what wins? what wins in america are bold ideas, sharp contrasts, and a plan that includes everyone, a plan that includes people from all across the economic spectrum, a plan that says, we will work together to get america to work. [applause] >> reporter: it was a message that played very well in iowa. he's facing a lot of stiff head winds in new hampshire. two open questions how much blood will newt gingrich try to get out of mitt romney now that he has decided to take off the gloves. if rick perry does decide to hang up his campaign how many supporters will go to sapbt tore yum's side. jenna: he was tweeting earlier and it showed him running to south carolina, i guess that's where he's headed. >> reporter: there are people inside the campaign though who are saying they are not quite sure what that tweet is all about. they don't know if it's a miss fire or he actually meant to send it out. jenna: we are curious. you never know with tweurt. a lot of mistakes have been made. >> reporter: just ask anthony weiner. jenna: i try not to say it, jon, but i'm glad that you did. john roberts in iowa. we'll work to confirm the perry news, and onwards with more news on the campaign today, john, thank you and jon to you now with this fox news alert. jon: it's a long jog from texas to south carolina. fox news alert for you now, the republican presidential field just got smaller. minnesota congresswoman michelle bachmann calling it quits after a disappointing showing in last night's iowa caucuses, the state where she was born. bachmann finished in 6th place, only a few months ago she was the winner of the iowa straw poll. here is more from the congresswoman. >> last night the people of iowa spoke with a very clear voice, and so i have decided to stand aside. and i believe that if we are going to repeal obamacare, turn our country around and take become our country we must do so united. and i believe we must rally around the person that our country, and our party, and our people select to be that standard bearer. but make no mistake, i'll continue to be a strong voice. i'll continue to stand and fight for the country and for the american people, and for our freedom, because mr. franklin, and all the founders, all the men, all the women who have given their last full measure of devotion in our military, our veterans, are watching us. they are expecting us to stand up and protect what they've fought to give us. and so we owe it to them, and to our possibl posterity, and the god that we serve who created us who gave us life and our very being to keep our republic free. jon: after 205 days on the campaign trail in iowa michelle bachmann is out of the race. her departure is sure to shake things up especially among those fighting for the conservative vote. i guess the question, jenna is where do michelle bachmann supporters and she had about 5% support last night, where do the supporters go. jenna: david drucker was talking to you last hour and he says he's seen this hopscotching for lack of a better term for different candidates for the tea party. he said rick perry was the darling of the tea party at the beginning of this case. if rick perry is in or not will really be a determining factor, again, according to this conversation of where those votes will go. will they go all to rick santorum or if perry is still in will that also dyed the support. jon divide support. jon: people are going to take a look at the frontrunners. charlie hurt is a columnist for the washington times. let me ask you that question. does rick santorum automatically get the votes that the voters who had supported michelle bachmann last night? >> i think that if one thing is for certain in all this. nothing is for certain. but i do think that it is very good news for rick santorum. any one of the people that either drops out, you know, affirmatively, or basically sends a signal that their campaign is hopeless i think is very good news for rick santorum because this whole race has been sort of the mitt versus the anti-mitt. any of those people that leave from michelle bachmann, or rick perry or even newt gingrich i think they are probably far more likely to coalesce around rick santorum certainly than mitt romney. jon: you wrote an interesting column suggesting that you really can't get more anti-mitt than rick santorum. >> you really can't. rick santorum has always sort of been this kind of unusual politician. he's kind of prickly, he's not a glad-hander. the truth of the matter is he's a social and fiscal conservative who has done very well in a state, in pennsylvania, which is a state that a democrat must win in order to win the white house. rick santorum has won two state-wide elections in pennsylvania. you know, he is an unusual sort of candidate. it's sort of hard to imagine him running a national campaign and appealing to the kind of broad set of voters that he needs to, but, you know, he is the one guy who has proved that he can bring home a tough state like pennsylvania. jon: he worked hard in iowa and obviously it worked well for him. you say that for mitt romney there is sort of a good news-bad news scenario going forward. he over performed in iowa, but things could be about to get a lot rougher for him. >> yeah, he did an exceptional job of sort of lowering expectations for out here in iowa all the while sort of building a very impressive ground operation and so he wound up over performing in that respect. the problem is going into new hampshire, you know, those expectations couldn't be any higher for him, and so there is a very strong likelihood that he could under perform there which would be very bad for him going into south carolina and onto florida. the second big problem that he faces right now is that i think we saw from last night's speech, newt gingrich is an angry man, and i think he is devoted to derailing mitt romney, and i think that -- we've already seen it with that ad that was out today in new hampshire. i think we are going to see a lot of very fierce ads from newt gingrich, and probably the other candidates as well sort of ganging up on him. jon: newt has the opportunity at a couple of debates to sort of take down mitt romney a peg if that's what he chooses to do. the expectation is that's probably what he is going to do. >> yeah, absolutely jon. i think that newt is the kind of guy, he doesn't forget things, he has a good memory, and i think that, you know -- and we saw this four years ago where a lot of the candidates that were not mitt would sort of turn -- that would seem to be the one thing they all agreed on, they ended up not liking mitt romney and sort of going after him. i think that's what we'll see in the next couch days. jon: charlie hurt from the washington times. char lease, thank you. >> thank you, jon. jenna: this fox news alert, here is the headline, rick perry the governor of texas is staying in the race. that is the headline, here is the background. during the 11:00 eastern hour we saw a tweet from governor rick perry saying the marathon will continue. the next leg of the marathon is the paul met tow state, here we come, south carolina. it showed a photo of him in his running gear. we don't know where this picture was taken, jon, that's why we're wondering was this sent by accident? but now we are learning, carl cameron confirm for us that insiders with the perry campaign say apparent low he's all in, he will go to south carolina, he will go to new hampshire. john roberts from a campaign source saying he's taking a few days after, governor perry, apparent low to take a jog or two and going onto new hampshire and south carolina with a full-court press starting sunday. so if there were some doubts about him getting out it looks like we have to confirmed, jon, rick perry stays in the race. jon: interesting that the tweet that he sent out bypasses mention of new hampshire all together and talks about south carolina. jenna: it's interesting that you mention that. it's such a good point. also this came right when michelle bachmann was announcing that she was out of the race. so here we are seeing this musical chairs continue. it will be interesting to see does rick perry pick up some of the michelle bachmann supporters you never know. jon: mitt romney had been hoping that a one-two punch in iowa and new hampshire could knockout all of the competition and anoint him the winner. clearly that is not going to happen. there are a lot of people who intend to stay in this race for a good, longtime. the muslim brotherhood could lockup a majority of seats in egypt's parliament n. that group does take power there how will it impact the region, and also president obama's mideast policy? also to elections here at home rick is keeping an eye on the web wall for us. >> reporter: i have a job for everybody at the next break go to the "happening now" page at if you kroll down a little bit you'll see our poll today, how satisfied are you with last night's results? just as for many of the evening it was a three-way race between the top three, if you take a look at results so far all very close. a little too close to call at this point. but we will keep monitoring your choices, so go online and vote and we'll have more of "happening now" after a quick break. don't go away. [ male annouer ] juice drink too watery? ♪ feel the power my young friend. mmm! [ male announcer ] for unsurpassed fru and veggie nutrition... v8 v-fusion. could've had a v8. but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! jenna: from the first in the nation caucuses to the new hampshire first in the nation primary. the next big test in the republican race. rich edson is live in manchester, new hampshire with more on all of this. hi, rich. >> reporter: good morning, jenna. much much the focus on new hampshire has been on events outside of this state simply because you've heard news from rick perry's campaign a short time again, carl cameron saying apparently rick perry is all in, after his poor performance he wanted to go back and reassess his campaign. michelle bachmann is suspending her campaign. the other candidates are on their way to new hampshire or are already here. the former governor of utah jon huntsman says it is a wild open field out there and he thinks he is someone that can move into that field. as to the polls in new hampshire it's looking tough for anyone not named mitt romney. romney 43%, ron paul at 16%, newt gingrich at 9% and jon huntsman at 10%. michelle bachmann just dropped out at 2. and rick santorum eight votes away from tying mitt romney in iowa, i was going to say last night, but really this morning when it was announced. the push is on, the new hampshire primary takes place on tuesday. plenty of events between now and then. jenna: we'll look for the news between now and then. it will be a lot. rich, thank you so much. jon: the obama administration is moving to build closer ties in egypt with the muslim brotherhood. an islamist groups with ties to terrorism. our chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is live in washington with more on that, what some would see as a surprising development catherine. >> reporter: good morning. a white house spokesman had no comment on the reports that the obama administration is in fact developing a new strategy including closer ties to the muslim brotherhood and it'see morin egypt. the muslim brotherhood is poised to obtain an out right majority in egypt's new parliament. the administration has apparently engaged in recent high-level meetings with the brotherhood. any engage the by the u.s. government with the brotherhood is likely to give this organization, one that critics describe as a terrorist group more legitimacy. it may sphal the u.s.'s frustration with the government in the post hosni mubarak era. here is a spokesperson. >> i will simply say without naming names that we are concerned that some of the most stride dent statements, particularly in recent days made byee kweupgs authorities seem to be made by old hosni mubarak hold-over types who clearly are not on the new page with the egyptian people. >> reporter: the rise of the muslim brotherhood in egypt cannot be seen in isolation. this new report prepared for policy makers on capitol hill warns that extremist voices are gaining ground in neighboring libya araoug that the arab spring may become an islamist winter. >> we allowed chaos. you've seen these radical islamists the most organized, best equipped come in and fill their vacuum very rapidly. we are seeing the same thing with the muslim brotherhood in egypt route now. they were the best organized of the rebel groups. >> reporter: they argued this a closer relationship with the brotherhood simply recognizes the new political reality, jon on the ground in egypt. jon: the administration wanted hosni mubarak out and it's the case of maybe be careful what you wish for. catherine herridge thank you. jenna: police identify a body found in the woods and it's a real blow to this team, a missing woman who worked alongside them as a dispatcher. now they are saying they have evidence that she was murdered. more on that. getting a little bit back to politics mitt romney lands on top in iowa, some say his rivals held much of their fire, why they held back and why we are likely to see more attack ads against romney going forward. what makes scottrade your smartphone's most powerful trading app ? 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byron york chief political correspondent for the washington examiner is one of those taking a look at this. he is also a fox news contributor. in the title of your argument you said in gop ad war why did romney get off easy? why did you find that to be the case? >> that is the big question. a lot of the candidates were simply fighting for second-place. they were kind of fighting for the right to challenge mitt romney one-on-one later on. in his iowa campaign we learned a lot again about how effective negative ads can be. after newt gingrich rose in the polls a proromney super pack just lowered the boom on him and beat him up really bad, and a ron paul ad did the same thing. you saw newt gingrich's poll numbers just plummet. and later we found from a campaign monitoring group, we found that 45% of all ads, all the ads aired here in iowa were attacks on a single candidate, newt gingrich. just 20% of the ads mentioned mitt romney in a negative way and a lot of those criticized a lot of candidates with romney just being one of them. so you look back at it now and you think, why was romney not targeted as the kind of continual frontrunner, why was he not targeted more in the negative ads? jenna: what do you think the answer to that is, byron. governor perry's ads were focused on him and his family. ron paul was about broader ideas about the united state government. why didn't they take their resources and go straight to the top. >> perry would have been the one to do it. michelle bachmann or rick santorum didn't have the money to do it. they couldn't buy these ads. they didn't have big, rich super packs working on their behalf. rick perry had a lot of money and could have done it. when i spoke to their campaign about it, they said we are fighting for the conservative voters with michelle bachmann and rick santorum and newt gingrich and romney's supporters were more liberal. they were fighting for the right to be the so-called anti-romney who would take on romney later on. that proved to be a mistake because voters the ones who didn't like romney wanted to see candidates take it to the frontrunner. jenna: it will be interesting to see if they change their course as they move to some of these other states. do you think the lack of negative ads, the focus on romney is actually a negative for him. peggy noon and in the "wall street journal" said newt gingrich going off romney in a debate with us a great thing because it made romney look tougher and like a fighter. maybe getting some negative ads could help bolster romney past that 25% that he always seems to be getting in the polls. >> we know there is one group that is preparing a lot of anti-romney negative ads and that is the obama campaign. if romney becomes the nominee he will certainly face them. it looks like he will face them earlier than that. we've heard this morning from newt gingrich, it sounds like he's prepared to launch a full-scale attack on romney in new hampshire. that is going to include ads. i think romney who really is kind of a target-rich environment like newt gingrich was, has a lot in his past that conservatives have questions about, i think romney will face the negative ads sooner rather than later. jenna: quick thought, rick perry staying in the race, what do you think? >> i think it had a lot to do with michelle bachmann getting out of the race. if both of them had left the race that certainly would have allowed one of the more conservative candidates to consolidate his support. i think rick perry he's the opportunity in south carolina with bachmann out of race. jenna: nice talking to you. thank you. >> thank you. jon: strong reaction to the president's decision to bypass congress. president obama set to appoint a new regulatory czar without the approval of the senate. harry reid says it's a good thing, but a lot of republicans are steaming. one top republican says the american people deserve more more respect. awaiting mitt romney in new hampshire. he is poised to get a big, new endorsement. a live report on that coming up next. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle -- 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. 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[ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! jenna: fox news alert. this is an important one. the president is naming richard cordray as head of the consumer financial protection bureau. he is doing it by using his power to make recess appointments while congress is away. there is lot of background. we have to go over this legalese with fox senior judicial analyst, host of "freedom watch", andrew napolitano. >> jenna. jenna: he was not approved by the senate. he did not get the votes. >> the senate rejected him for a new agency in the government which will be able to regulate all consumer financial transactions, go to the dentist and have braces put on your child's teeth and want to pay $250 every six months for two or three years, in order to pay for the braces t has to be approved by this agency. can you sigh this agency to challenge their denial of your approval? no. this is the dodd-frank law that was created last term. this is the first head of that agency. jenna: that is what the republicans had a problem with. >> yes. jenna: every side said they like the guy. he is from ohio. attorney general there. they were thinking he is a good leader. but what they didn't like is how the actual bureau was set up. this is why they denied the appointment. here we are in recession session. are we in a recession? >> depends how you look at it. are full senate meeting, no? there are senators in washington. they get together on the floor of the senate for five minutes on three days which under the constitution means they are in session. when the senate is in session, even one of these proform that things, they're not conducting business, they're there they're not out of session. if they're not out of session the president lacks authority to appoint the guy. will the president appoint him? yes. will he get away with it? yes. >> how does he get away with it? >> because the congress is toothless. when ever the president takes power away from congress starting a war with libya without a declaration of war or appointing someone to regulate braces in your child's teeth without getting confirmation from the senate, he gets away with it. jenna: recess appointments are not new. >> correct. jenna: what different about it this time? what really making you think there is something here that doesn't feel right? >> three things. when this president was senator obama and president george w. bush wanted to appoint john bolton, a recess appointment, to be the united states ambassador to the u.n., which president bush did, after ambassador bolton was not approved by the senate, senator obama said, you can't do it. this is wrong. nobody will give creditability to these recess appointments of the president did it anyway. president obama looks at it differently now that is in the white house. what is greating people that the senate rejected this guy. the president is doing an end run around the senate's constitutional obligation of advice and consent. jenna: this consumer financial protection bureau is how it was set up, the intention was it would protect consumers. obviously we want the best protections. we want the best situation for just as american citizens. i just wonder if you're appointing someone that people don't want in that position how that benefits the bureau and where it all goes? >> there were a number of reasons why he was rejected by the senate. many republican senators believe the free market should protect consumers. the democrats who put through the dodd-frank bill believe bureaucrats should protect consumers, basically telling them what to do and taking their tax dollars to enforce regulations. used to be if you lost a confirmation battle you are gone. this president found a way to get you the job anyway. jenna: there is a loophole? congress could deny the salary, not the president but cordray. >> if congress had courage to defend the authority under the constitution could take funding from the consumer products organization that he is now going to head and take his salary and put a hold on them. they won't do it because they don't have the courage to defend their prerogatives under the constitution. they will let the president get away with it like all congresses let all presidents get away with taking their power. jenna: what do you think it means for our country? >> i think it is bad. it shifts power from the way the constitution divided it between the courts, congress and president and gives too much to the president. the democrats may like power he has taken from congress. they might not like it when replaced with a republican whoers accidents that power. jenna: sounds like a good topic for "freedom watch". >> it is. ron paul at the tom of the show. jenna: thank you, judge. >> you're welcome. jon: we're awaiting mitt romney in a town hall meeting in new hampshire. he is expected to pick up a huge endorsement there. chief political correspondent carl cameron live in manchester, new hampshire. >> reporter: hi, john. mitt romney is on the ground in the first city and first-in-the-nation primary state with historically narrow eight-vote win in first in the nation caucus in iowa. traditionally candidates race to new hampshire overnight. mitt romney chose to stay in iowa and do morning tv talk shows and take more leisurely arrival here in new hampshire. fairly small group. not arrival rally sort of traditional for candidate won the iowa caucuses and storming into a state where he has a 30-point lead in the latest suffolk poll out of massachusetts. it raises questions how mitt romney will focus. whether he spends a lot of time in new hampshire or whether he will be eyeing south carolina where a squeeze play begins between newt gingrich and rick santorum as they try to unite each one of themselves the conservative base against romney. it is going to be a really big battle. romney on the way here on his charter flight with the press strolled back to talk to just briefly and he discussed a little bit his conversations last night with some of his rivals as they called to share congratulations and condolences for their various performances. listen. >> we have the four boys here with us. we sat there and waiting until we got the final word. >> governor, did you talk to any of the other candidates? >> i talked to all the candidates. didn't get to speaker gingrich. some called me. i called them. we had a good chat. >> reporter: little bit hard to hear because of the plane noise. he spoke to all his rivals except newt gingrich. he expects to certainly hear a lot from him today. there is union leader full-page ad from newt gingrich attacking newt romney, juxtaposing their policy provision looks favorable for newt gingrich than obviously it does for mitt romney. romney will talk about president obama and his vision for the country, his jobs experience and rise above the fray. the fray will get heck a lot of more nasty. in iowa, because it is midwest they are cautious against throwing shash jabs, it can backfire. in new hampshire they expect it. this is not caucus. this is not internal republican primary event. this is official election run by the government. the anybody can participate. you show up with i.d. can change parties. it is open primary. more moderate voters can take part. it will help mr. many romney and ron paul who has big independent voting following. independents are known to swing the new hampshire primary. that is a big part of the calculation here. romney will focus more on president obama and his message trying to juxtapose himself in contrast to his rivals. watch for newt gingrich and santorum to be relentless. santorum is way, way back in the polls. he has county chairman in all of new hampshire counties and he does have some organization. he has a sheriff in mitt romney's vacation home but that doesn't match up what mitt romney has. he raised $20 million in last quarter of last year. he has way more money, way more ads. not a lot of inventory on the airwaves. it is conservative race who can unify whether newt gingrich behind him or rick santorum behind him. rick santorum says he will soldier on and be on the campaign trail in south carolina next week and participate in the two debates saturday and sunday all the remaining candidates will eye every single minute of this week. they will be pretty important coming as they do on the eve of the first primary votes. always far more intense than iowa caucus politics. jon. jon: as one of the reporters on the campaign plane with mitt romney did you appreciate the fact you didn't have to race to new hampshire in the middle of night? >> reporter: it is a little bit weird, jon, got to tell you. to not do all-nighter racing from iowa to new hampshire is fairly odd. traditionally democrats and republicans win the iowa caucuss. they get on a plane and want to be here for breakfast. they want to be on the west side of manchester, a very famous political watering hole. greek voters when they go to work at various different plants and mills et cetera. to not do that is different. mitt romney ran a very different campaign. he did absolutely all year the barest minimum in iowa. he said from very beginning he wouldn't be there very much. he wanted to do well in iowa. he did very little advertising compared to the time before. more than most but far less than the last time. boy, talk about barest minimum. he won by only eight votes. rick santorum has all the head liens and lots of momentum now. santorum scared hill. romney is doing it differently this time. it is much more low-key than one might have expected for someone who just won the iowa caucuses. jon: carl cameron in new hampshire for us. carl, thank you. we'll be back with more coverage straight ahead that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. plus veggie nutrition. whee wheeeeeeeeeeeee! wheeeeeeeeeeee! whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee-he-he-heeeeee! whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee! pure adrenaline. whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee! everything you love about geico, now mobile. download the new geico app today. whee wheeeeeeeeeeee-he-he-heeeeee! your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have 6 grams of sugars. with 15 grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. jenna: it is off to new hampshire. governor romney just landing moments ago in the granite state. we'll hear from him on "america live" at the top of the hour. we'll talk to jon huntsman. he plans to do a rick santorum in new hampshire but can he pull it off? we'll ask him about that. and president wasting no time getting to the battleground state of ohio. can he convince the people there things aren't so bad? we'll look at the numbers in ohio and talk about that. also a class of third-graders sings a song about being part of the 99% and they thought the whole thing up on their own. you think? we report, you decide. all that coming up. i will see you at the top of the hour on "america live". jenna: we look forward to that, martha. we have this fox news alert. we want to bring up to date what is happening around the world. we're getting word from reuters that the european union will place an embargo on iranian oil. let me put that in confession foreyou. -- context. we had earlier this week the president signing a new law concerning sanctions against iran's central bank. we understand that caused some reaction inside iran. we're watching for any embargo on oil, obviously their major export going forward. a word of warning about the sanctions, when they're announced often times, this is announced in principle by the way for the e.u. after they're announced it can take several months to implement and implementation part is where we see if they can work frankly. no reaction in the oil markets right now because of that news but we'll continue to watch it for you. jon: we are awaiting comments from mitt romney who won the iowa caucuses last night as you know. but the romney camp is also leapfrogging ahead to florida airing very expensive tv ads now there. let's, here's part the ad that is running in florida. >> i think people understand that i'm a man of steadiness and constancy. i don't think you will find somebody who has more of those be a triabuse than i do. i've been married to the same woman, 20 -- excuse me i get in trouble. for 42 years. i've been in the same church my entire life. jon: that ad called the leader helped him get the top spot in iowa. the political landscape is dramatically different in florida. we have the tallahassee bureau chief for the tampa bay times. steve, mitt romney has a lot of money to spend and he is already spending in florida. why? >> because it is such a big, state, jon, to get the message out in as you know. 13 television markets. it costs up to a million dollars a week to sat rate the state with television ads. he spent time. didn't do well in the straw poll. herman cain won the florida poll. so romney and we've seen around the country romney's support is soft. romney knows there is a void for another candidate to step into here, there could be. the problem for someone like rick santorum it costs so much money to advertise in florida it will be very difficult for anybody to catch romney at this point in this state. jon: romney did pretty well last tile around in florida, didn't he? >> he did. to refresh your viewers memories, john mccain won the florida primary in 2008 with the 30 sick% of the vote. romney hat 31%. popular governor charlie crist made a last minute endorsement of john mccain which is important. legislature moved up the primary again. we're number four on the list. you've got new hampshire followed by south carolina, followed by florida but we're by far the biggest of those early states that will have a say here in who is the republic can nominee. jon: obviously the guy everybody is talking about this morning is rick santorum, the former pennsylvania senator, who famously visited all 99 counties in iowa. spent a long time working on the ground game there. ultimately it paid off for him last night in the near-tie for first place with romney but he can't do that in florida, can he? >> no, you can't. you know, maybe that is some of the beauty of this, these early states because you have a state like florida which is a megastate. very different from iowa or new hampshire. as you know we're an a amalgamation of all 50 states. a lot of florida voters don't have very strong ties to the state. so they're influenced what they see on television going on in other states. plus the fact, i think rick santorum did 381 town hall meetings in iowa. you could do that many town hall meetings in this state and never get south of gainesville. the state is so much bigger and just takes so much more effort and money to get your arms around it. jon: what about jeb bush? still a very popular former governor there. has he indicated where his support will go? >> no, he hasn't. a number of jeb bush people, key people, are with mitt romney. both elected officials and strategists. so that is certainly helps romney. the current governor, rick scott, as recently as this morning said again he is not endorsing. rick scott, as you know, only in his second year, not popular according to many recent polls but he is not endorsing to date either in this race. jon: but the headline is mitt romney still has great organization and a lot of money to spend. that is what it is going to take in florida to buy all that television advertising in tampa and orlando and the big markets, miami and so forth? >> absolutely. every poll we see, everything we see about romney's candidacy certainly shows weak spots. there is room for a candidate to step into the void but the price tag to get there and amount of money it takes to get there appears almost insurmountable at this point. jon: steve bosque i used to work a few hundred years ago in miami television. good to see you. >> thanks, jon. jon:. jenna: new details in the investigation of a deadly new year's eve shooting rocking upscale neighborhood in california. police say two navy pilots are among the dead. what happened here? we'll tell you about the new leads ahead there he is, poised to discover plum amazins, the amazing alternative to raisins and cranberries with more fiber, less sugar, and a way better glycemic index. he's clearly enjoying one of the planet's most amazing superfruits. hey, keep it down mate, you'll wake the kids. plum amazins. new, from sunsweet. but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! jon: right now some new information on stories we're watching from our control room. a popular sheriff of an arizona border county is running for congress. paul bab bow saying it is time for a new sheriff in washington. later today he will join neil cavuto on "your world". white man's food markets pulling television ads featuring actor alec baldwin. they say customers complained about baldwin half he was kicked off a plane last month for not turning off his cell phone. a surfer survives a shark attack off cydey. he remains in good condition. what a story to tell. jenna: details in investigation of a new year's morning shooting that killed four people. california police now revealing two navy pilots are among the dead. rick, what do we know about this? >> reporter: jenna, this is a tough one, tough for the investigators and very difficult for the three families that lost loved ones. the reis family lost two, 25-year-old son david, a navy pilot and 22-year-old daughter karen with dreams of becoming a occupational therapist. the other people in the condo not identified but one we're told is navy pilot like reis who was stationed nearby at the miramar marine base. all four why found dead new year's morning. investigators have a lot of evidence to sort through. they are not declaring a murder-suicide. they're not looking for anyone else they believe may have been involved in the shootings. the reis siblings are described having been very close from a fun-loving religious family. detectives say this case is their number one priority. no comment, jenna, from any military officials. this is a base a lot of people know where navy seals are trained and no word yet on the recent deployments or possible deployments of either navy pilot. as we learn more, jenna. we'll pass it on. jenna: a sad story is the truth, rick. thank you. jon: two planes on a collision course at one of america's busiest airports. how a near-miss nearly claimed more than 500 lives last summer. and why are we just hearing about it now? ♪ ooh baby, looks like you need a little help there ♪ ♪ ooh baby, (what) can i do for you today? ♪ [ feme announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? align can help. only align has bifantis, a patented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. try align to help retain a balanced digestive syst. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. jon: just in, wegman's is pulling tv ads w


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20101026:15:18:00

sink. the dust upcoming near the end of a race that is too close to call. rick scott, the republican is holding a razor-thin lead at 45.4 to alex sink's 43.8, well within the margin of error. joining us now steve bosque. clearly this was a violation of the rules, right. >> absolutely. less than an hour after the debate ended alex sink fired who delivered that message. republicans pounced on this incident. jon: the message said what? >> the message was providing counseling to alex sink as to how to deal with what then attorney said in a fraud case that was investigated at a company that sink once had an association with. sink was not found to have


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20101026:15:20:00

steve, good to talk to you. jenna: an ordinary ride to school becomes a nightmare for students in los angeles. how their bus ended up on its side. students ended up in the hospital and why three other teenagers are under arrest today. also live on capitol hill where the balance of power is up for grabs, exactly seven days from now voters will decide who will control congress. which political party will it be? our experts weigh in next. my mother froze everything. i was 18 years old before i had my first fresh bun. the invention that i came up with is the hot dog ez bun steamer. steam is the key to a great hot dog. i knew it was going to be a success. the invention was so simple that i knew i needed to protect it. my name is chris schutte and i got my patent, trademark and llc on legalzoom. [ shapiro ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to legalzoom today and make your business dream a reality. at, we put the law on your side.


Transcripts For FOXNEWS Happening Now 20101026

calling this one of the strongest storms to hit the area in decade. a possible tornado touched down in morning in indianapolis. already there are damage reports there. we are also getting reports another tornado may have touched down in wisconsin. more on the developing weather story as we get it. jenna: we'll definitely keep you up to date on that. another fox news alert more than 110 people dead and that number is likely to rise after a major earthquake in indonesia. we first reported this to you yesterday as it happened. authorities there said there was really no threat from a tsunami, guess what, they were wrong, a tsunami created by that quake wiped out several villages. many are dead and many more are still miss. we are also watching a volcano in indonesia that is erupting right now. it may be one of the largest eruptions in decades. already 19,000 are evacuated, one baby reported dead and many others injured as well. all these injuries are just coming to us in the fox newsroom. as we get more developments we will bring those to you. lots of news happening around the world, we are glad you're have with us. hi, everybody i'm jenna lee. jon: hi, i'm john scott. happening now exactly one week from today voters head to the polls across the nation and the midterm election -gs are already making history as house and senate candidates shatter fundraising records. they are on track to spend a whooping $2 billion, maybe more. that's roughly $4 million for every congressional seat up for grabs each year, all trying to fire up voters and get them to the polls. jenna: the democrats face an uphill battle on the front according to the latest gol hrop gap. only 37% of democrats are fired up about the election compared to 63% of comparison. the last time the gop won control of both the house and senate the enthusiasm gap was just 9. that is roughly 15 percentage points lower than it is right now. in the house where every seat is up for grabs the gop needs to pick up 39 seats to gain control, while over in the senate republicans need to pick up ten seats to go ahead and grab the power away from the democrats. brand-new polls from battl battleground states. molly has information on that for us. the seat held by harry byrd is still in yes. >> reporter: republican john racy is up by two points, governor joe manchin has been closing the gap. he kicked up one point to 36% this week. west virginia's seem to like their governor. 69% approve of manchin's job in leading the state but they seem to be concerned about sending manchin to washington as a senator . 64% says manchin a grows with president obama too often. his environmental policies have hit the coal industry where coal is king. when asked if voters -- when asked if the president's policies have helps or hurt the state's economy 59% have said they have hurt the economy. governor manchin says he opposes cap and trade and last week says he should not have support -d the president's healthcare legislation. jenna: we are going to talk a little bit about the battleground polls in the other states. we talked so much about the races tightening. both parties have a candidate that seems to be strengthening his or her lead. can you tell us a little bit more about that. >> reporter: let's start in kentucky where the libertarian candidate rand paul has a 7 point lead over jack conway. part of what is driving them is opposition over president obama's agenda. 51% say the president's policy have hurt kentucky's economy. and plume r-r was aeu -- plume r-r. blumenthal was ahead. 58% of women are going for blumenthal likely due in part to proceed choice, like planned parent hoods but mcmoney -- mcmahon is behind. jon: bill clinton is heading to the battleground state of pennsylvania campaigning on behalf of democratic candidates. he spent part of the eastbound weekend in michigan before heading to texas yesterday. they hope clinton can rally enough voters to the polls to make a difference in their very tight races. the tension is high in kentucky's senate race, a shocking moment taking place outside the final debate between republican candidate rand paul and democrat jack conway, take a look. >> no, no, no, no, no, come on. jon: a paul supporter caught on camera spepg on a volunteer for the liberal website move exactly what happened outside the debate there, mike? >> reporter: you know, jon witnesses say that woman was rushing rand paul before the cameras caught her getting man handled to the ground by the rand paul supporters and ultimately being stomped on by one of the rand paul supporters. she was not seriously injured if injured at all in that scuffle. and it wasn't the only scuffle that pwhroebg out outside of the debate. a jack conway supporter inadvertently stepped on the wounded foot of a rand paul supporters. a scuffle broke out. no charges filed in either case. the police are still investigating. the rand paul campaign did weigh in and urge their supporters to be calm and civil to each other in the run up to the election. the jack conway campaign has yet to weigh in in the scuffle. jon: here we thought it was conway and paul that would be fighting inside the debate. did they go after each other at all. >> reporter: it got personal. rand paul did pull a punch when talking about the medicare deductible. he suggested that the deductible should be raised for -- >> i do know in kentucky. you don't attack a man's dog or horse. >> you can attack a man's actions. >> i questioned your actions not your faith. jon: and that's how it went. >> reporter: given all the bad blood that got us to this point and almost canceled this debate i think the voters who tuned in to see a slug fest were disappointed. they were civil and stuck to the issues. jon: pardon me i'm the one who stepped on you. mike tobin live in kentucky. hard to believe we are down to one week until the election. america is asking is our interacting town hall u.s. segment, runs every day through next week's midterm election. jenna: we look forward to hearing from you about politics. anything to do with poll tickets. you can log and to on the home page there and you can follow the link into america's asking to chat. jon: you can get to us by email, twitter, post on our blog at fox everybody says hi ou. jenna: it makes us feel better to know somebody is out there now. brand-new housing numbers just out this morning that show home places dropping across this nation down 2 1/0s of a percent. 15 of the 20 cities surveyed showed declinement even in areas that had shown recovery earliest this year. the biggest drop is in phoenix, prices down 1.3% month to month. detroit, chicago, washington, new york, las vegas show a little bit of hope, increases there. the expiration of the government tax credit, also job markets foreclosure concerns all those are weighing in on the prices, especially as i mentioned those foreclosures. scic sheila bear floating a new plan to tackle the foreclosure prices. she is proposing lenders give distressed borrowers a 25% monthly deduction. will it work or will it add to the problem. we have that question for peter barnes. he joins us from the fox business network. what exactly is sheila bear worried about here. >> reporter: the states attorneys general as you know are on the front line of the foreclosure paperwork scandal. now policy makers in washington like sheila bear are looking to see what the government can do to clear up the foreclosure mess including how to avoid a lot of lawsuits that could slow down foreclosure sales. >> i fear this could be very damaging to our housing markets if it ends up prolonging those foreclosures that are necessary and justified. >> reporter: as you mentioned sheila bear is a top bank regulator that is why she is commenting on this. she is offering this idea for a global settlement. the banks would get legal protection from any lawsuits in the paperwork scandal in exchange for providing struggling homeowners at least a 25% reduction on their monthly mortgage payment, jenna. jenna: some struggling owners have been struggling and making the payments when they could have walked away. that is the other side of the story. what is the general reaction to this type of idea. >> reporter: this would be a her sraoe lift, no question about it. everyone would have to sign onto the plan, the state attorneys general, the regulators, banks, mortgage investors, all of the interested parties and that would be like trying to heard cats some say. but her aids say she just wanted to throw the idea out there to get the parties talking, to get a discussion going about some way to resolve the foreclosure mess quickly. jenna: maybe more ideas, more quickly can get a solution, thank you so much. peter barnes with fox business. jon: in california police issuing an amber alert for a 13-year-old girl who vanished over the we be end. police say she might be with a convicted s-bs offender. harris faulkner has the latest on this sefrlg story ahead. plus, rules are rules especially in politics, the note-passing scandal that caused a firestorm of criticism during one florida governor's debate. that is next. this is the aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan card. wherever you go, nationwide, your coverage travels with you. and that's just one of the many reasons... you need a card like this. with all medicare supplement insurance plans, you can choose from a range of plans... and keep your relationship with your own doctor that accepts medicare. if you're turning 65 or older... or you've already enrolled in a medicare supplement plan, call now for this free guide to understanding... medicare and information kit... on aarp medicare supplement plans, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. as with all medicare supplement plans, these help cover some of your medical expenses... not paid by medicare alone. this could save you thousands of dollars. look, want to do away with almost 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alive, listen. >> you are amazing, you are everything to us. we all love you and care about you. please, just turn around and come home. my little hummingbird, please, i love you, daddy. >> reporter: all right, they are thought to be driving a 1973 chevy minivan, gray and white, license plate there on the screen. there is a tip line in all of this too it's for the san bernardino county sheriff's department (866)346-7632 the suspect according to police reached her over the internet. she left willingly, right away. it wasn't an amber alert but when they did their homework on this guy the sheriff's department telling me they immediately called this an amber alert. she's been going since saturday night. you heard her dad hoping for her safe report. now back to jon and jenna. jon: things got pretty fiery last night at a nationally televised florida gubinatorial debate and there was an apparent breach of the rules. take a look what happened at a commercial break. on the left you can see a make up artist who is also delivering a message via cell phone to alex sink. the dust upcoming near the end of a race that is too close to call. rick scott, the republican is holding a razor-thin lead at 45.4 to alex sink's 43.8, well within the margin of error. joining us now steve bosque. clearly this was a violation of the rules, right. >> absolutely. less than an hour after the debate ended alex sink fired who delivered that message. republicans pounced on this incident. jon: the message said what? >> the message was providing counseling to alex sink as to how to deal with what then attorney said in a fraud case that was investigated at a company that sink once had an association with. sink was not found to have committed any wrongdoing. the aid was frustrated that this point wasn't being made tphoers flee enough. jon: they were trying to give her advice as to how to continue on in the debate. >> reporter: absolutely. jon: she said in a statement after the debate tonight one of my campaign advisers admitted he tried to communicate with me during one of the breaks while he told me it was out of anger with rick scott's repeated distortion of fact it was a foolish thin to do, it violated a debate agreement and he immediately removed him from the campaign. he didn't try to communicate with her, he did communicate with her. >> right, the question is what kind of damage has this done to alex sink in it's too early to know. this is a close race as you say. both candidates have abnormally high negatives, it is not going to take much to antagonize the electorate one way earth other. jon: the question is how long does that stick. all right. steve, good to talk to you. jenna: an ordinary ride to school becomes a nightmare for students in los angeles. how their bus ended up on its side. students ended up in the hospital and why three other teenagers are under arrest today. also live on capitol hill where the balance of power is up for grabs, exactly seven days from now voters will decide who will control congress. which political party will it be? our experts weigh in next. my mother froze everything. i was 18 years old before i had my first fresh bun. the invention that i came up with is the hot dog ez bun steamer. steam is the key to a great hot dog. i knew it was going to be a success. the invention was so simple that i knew i needed to protect it. my name is chris schutte and i got my patent, trademark and llc on legalzoom. 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[ helicopter noise ] [ grunting ] [ male announcer introducing new wheat thins crunch stix. jon: fox news alert, we told you about that massive storm system surging across the midwest right now. take a look at the size of that thing. winds are so treacherous big rigs are banned from some roads in indiana. tornado warnings also in effect. we are joined right now by howard county sheriff marty talbert. howard county in indiana. i understand there is a house that's been flattened in your jurisdiction. >> yes there was a house about three miles east coco mow that received -- cocomo that received significant damagement fox news should have those pictures momentarily. utility poles have been knocked down by trees. several buildings are without electrical power. the courthouse is closed except for absentee voting. we don't have any injuries. the good part about this is we did get a good rain which we've had problems with fire damage due to our drought conditions. we have some problems but we also solved some. jon: is this damage from a tornado or straight-line winds? >> it appears possibly to be a tornado. of course the national weather service will evaluate the scene to determine exactly what occurred there. we did have two eyewitnesses that indicated that there was a dark cloud that inveloped the home before it was damaged. if you look at that scene there is damage on both sides of the property there. it possibly was a tornado, but the national weather service is yet to confirm that. jon: well, we know you've got your hands full, marty talbert the sheriff of howard county, indiana. we'll let you get back to it. for you folks in the midwest who are facing all that bad weather, stay safe today, that's all we can ask. thanks very much, sheriff. jenna: from that to this, a lot of polls are suggesting republicans could take control of the house after the november elections. while those same polls show democrats could retain control of the senate they still show the gop gaining some seats there. some people aren't believing all this hype, they say the democrats will keep control of both houses. bob, what are your predictions for this election. >> the democrats will keep the senate. the house will be very close. democrats could keep it by a margin of three, four, five seats. and republicans could get it by a relatively narrow marriage inch. -- margin. that's what i think is going to happen. jenna: if an article you wrote back on december 30th you said the democrats could keep the house as well as the senate. >> i'm still definitive. this morning first read the bull lynn a -- bull finance that comes out every morning goes through all of the the races. democrats will pick up four, five seats for sure. the republican's total they need goes to 44, 45. if democrats win a clear majority of the toss up seats they are going to keep the house. the other thing that is going on is the enthusiasm gap you were talk about earlier. i think there will be a lot of fairly unenthusiastic democrats who are actually going to vote. and i think these likely voter screens are too tight. i'll give you one example. in pennsylvania the poll that shows path too many me beating joe sestak by four or 5 points. it has 18% of voters in its sample 39 or younger. for that too happen would be entirely unprecedented. i don't think it's going to happen. jenna: where do you think this enthusiasm as am gap is going to close. what is behind that? >> i think democrats have got even much more engaged in the race. california was probably a kind of early indicator of this, about five or six days ago. you see jerry brown opening up a big lead out there. you see barbara boxer opening up a very substantial lead. i think here in new york carl paladino has been very helpful to chances in congress. jenna: you think some of the individual campaigns as they got into the national phsyce is bringing people out. >> i think the tea party is now motivate democrats and progressives. jenna: let me ask you the same question i asked karl rove about the gop yesterday, and how it relates to the democrats. what mistake do you think the democrats have made over the past several weeks leading up to the election and how could they correct it over the next seven days. >> i think it would be better to stay in washington and keep fighting for a jobs bill and if the republicans wanted to block it let the republicans block it. i think democrats would have been better off fighting for the jobs of american workers. we should have had a big fight over tax cuts for the middle class over tax cuts of the very wealthy. jenna: a poll from pew research basically asks voters in this country would the country be better off if the gop wins congress or the democrats. if you see on the poll, 32% say if the gop wins congress the nation is better off. 32% if dems keep control the country is better off. and you have 30% that say it doesn't matter. the country is going down a certain path. it seems like dissolutionment with both parties. >> i a tribute the whole feeling and frustration in the country to the economic situation. people are very war lead about jobs -- worried about jobs and the prices of their homes. until real people feel it in their lives there will be a lot of dissatisfaction out there. the other real interesting finding is that 47% of people want barack obama to run for re-election. in 1982 in this point in another recession only 36% of people wanted ronald reagan to run for re-election. i think the republicans have been doing a premature victory dance not only about this year but about 2012. jenna: you told your stef son if you go into politics just remember every two years you're going to get your heartbroken. who is going to get their heartbroken this year, do you see a big upset going. >> i don't know. if you knew in advance you'd meant your heart and prepare for it. i was really writing about 2000 when i think al gore won that election and after 37 days the supreme court called off the counting in florida. my step-son is doing very well as a script writer in los angeles so maybe he took my advice. jenna: thank you very much. >> take care. jon: we are keeping an eye on dangerous weather in the midwest. tornadoes apparently have touched down, not confirmed yet. we will glow live -- go live to the fox weather center for a complete update. american asking, our town hall segment about to get underway. what are we hearing. >> reporter: we are knee deep in polling. a lot of people want to know, like sonny writes in reading all these polls i want to know, how do they work. he says how come i've never been polled? that is a big issue. they are hearing a lot of numbers come their way. a lot of people have already voted and some are heading to the polls today to commemorate the fact that we are a week out from the official election. ray says i voted this morning and brought four neighbors. everyone please do the same. our live chat is skrolg as we speak. hundreds and hundreds of people getting their questions on for our panel coming up. we will pull questions from that. you guys are the star, remember, get your voice heard. go to the clickable section for "happening now," get on the live chat and come back right after this short commercial break. 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[ male announcer ] see how the hartford helps businesses at jon: the big question ahead in the midterm elections, will democrats hold onto power in congress. moments ago you heard what bob schrum told jenna. >> the democrats will keep the senate. the house is going to be very close. democrats could keep it by a margin of three, four, five seats. and republicans could get it by a relatively narrow margin. jon: let's get reaction to that from bill crystal. he is a fox news analyst. what do you buy about what bob schrum has to say. >> i don't think the polls will be close. they may have a chance to win the playoffs even though they are 1-5. the cowboys entered with great hope, now they are not going to make it. the democrats are going to lose the house by a very considerable margin. the senate is 50-50 whether it flips republican. jon: you think that is a possibility. most analysts seem to think that the senate is going to stay in the democrat's hand. >> that's because most analysts look at the polls and they don't really think dynamically. if barbara boxer is ahead by 2 points or so in california, ahead of carly fiorina, 46-44. she's the incumbent. every californian know barbara boxer. if only 46 of californians want to reelect her the bulk of the undecided votes will go to carly fiorina. if they go on in on election day and harry reid is only ahead by two points i think the incumbent loses. the republicans could pick up those three seats and i think they could make it at ten senate seats. in the house we have an excellent post this morning, imt massive in the house, and i think the most likely outcome is probably republicans picking up about 60 seats. i think it's more likely to be more than that, rather than less than that. the wave looks like it's still building. jon: it is an interesting column i read that piece. what about the enthusiasm, though of the tea party as you just heard bob say he believes that the tea party in effect helps drive democrat particular voters because there is so much enthusiasm among tea party -- the tea party electorate to drive sort of conservative and republican candidates. >> this reminds me of republicans in 2008 saying, you know, moveon.organize and all the mobilization stkaeupbz barack obama, well there was a little reaction and republicans came out at the end. if you have energy and enthusiasm on your side that is good not bad. if the tea partyers write about everything, maybe they were weaker than the other candidates in delaware, but the tea party is the best thing that happened to the republican party. if you told me in january of 2009, with the disspirited party, a obama sweeping to victory if you told me republicans and conservatives would be in such good shape at least for now i would not have believed it. it's not due with all due respect to mitch mcconnell or john boehner although i think they've been good leaders it's due to the tea party activists who reenergized the party and brought in fresh ideas and bold thinking. governing after november the 2nd when they are in charge of the house and maybe with the senate, how to deal with the president, how to confront the president, what policies to advance that is the real challenge. known should minimize that. in terms of the last year and a half the tea parties have been a huge asset to the republican party and to the cause of conservatives. jon: we are a week away from finding out what happens. bill crystal thanks you. fox news is your headquarters. you can log into our blog to get information on the candidates and the races. our correspondents and producers are working around-the-clock you can check it out jenna: brand-new information coming into our newsroom on a deadly chain reaction accident out in california. it started when three teens riding in a bmw ran a red light, hitting and killing a pedestrian before hitting that school bus, you can see and knocking it on its side. the driver an 18 students were taken to the hospital, and the boys that were driving that bmw reportedly tried to runoff. bystanders held them until police arrived. now the teens face some pretty serious charges, as you can imagine. harris has more details from the breaking news desk. >> reporter: there were a total of 44 students on that bus. more than half of them ended up going to the hospital for minor injuries. jenna you mentioned that pwrus driver, just upgraded from serious to fair condition in the last couple of hours. the bus driver was the only person who was very badly hurt in all of this. you had that poor person in the intersection, wrong place, wrong time the pedestrian who was killed in all of this. the bystanders, those construction workers who saw some of this happened ran after a couple of guys that they say got out of the the bmw. turns out that these were not necessarily older guys they were chasing, they weren't really sure. the driver 17-years-old, two young paoepbgs. they are -- passengers. they are in custody this morning. and the l.a.p.d., the los angeles police department was confirming that it was the heads up of those construction workers nearby to run after these guys who got out of that bmw. now they are in custody, and l.a. mayor, is on his way to roosevelt high school as we speak this morning. they are getting ready to have a big auditorium assembly to let kids know it was safe to ride the bus. a lot of parents were afraid to put their kids on buses. the phaeufr coming in supposed to arrive at the high school where the kids were riding from in a school bus to get the point across that school buses are still safe. the bus driver has been upgraded from serious to fair condition, three teens in custody. jenna: good news about the bus driver. our thoughts go out to all those families affected. thank you so much for that. another kind of threats targeting u.s. planes. laser pointers being used against our pilots. what is going on with that. laura inch ellis here to tell us about it. is it just the fact of our high-tech age orin sraeugs of privacy. a closer look at these x-ray vans. we report you decide next. 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and punishment in a live report from baghdad. iran calling the world's bluff, firing up its new atomic reactor for the very first time. what it means for growing tensions in the middle east and beyond. jon: laser pointers, and the pilots of airplanes, a dangerous mix. now the feds and local authorities are launching a new plan to try to tackle the problem even as reports of people using those laser pointers against planes is on the rise. laura ingle is live in our new york city newsroom with more. >> reporter: it's a federal crime to attempt to take down an airplane. government attorneys say it's been really hard to prosecute people for pointing lasers at planes the way the law is written out. we are talking about bills to stiffen the penalties against those who point lazers at planes. it has passed the house and is under consideration in the senate. the it would impose fines or a prison term of up to five years for those convicted. >> the normal reaction for a human is that when something shines in your eyes you tend to look over there. you get distracted. and that makes it even worse, one, because you're not paying attention to what you're doing, in terms of flying, which, again, at low altitude can be really dangerous, but also as soon as you look in that general area you open up the possibility that the laser can damage your eye. >> reporter: a california congressman dan lundgren who introduceintroduced bill this ys we shouldn't have to wait until we have a loss of life. in many cases by the time the pilot reports the light the person who pointed the laser on the ground long gone. a man was standing on the shoreline in rhode island and pointed the laser at a plane arriving from newark. the police were able to catch him because he also pointed the light at a boat captain who brought it in. cheaper and stronger lazers are making their way into people's hands and they ask you think about your surround insurance before pointing your beams up. jon: hard to think why anybody would get a kick out of doing it. but i guess they do. laura ingle, thanks. jenna: a security tool raising big privacy concerns. this is called the z back scatter. it uses exx-rays to detect explosives or even drugs. we have a great story on our website diane, tell us a little bit about this van/device. what does it actually see on the street and what is it being used for. >> imagine something that looks like a regular delivery van except that it's actually able to x-ray almost anything beside it. that is basically what it is. we were lucky enough to take the ride on one with the department of homeland security. the technology its a -- is amazing. you drive by at a slow speed, you can see inside a vehicle, lightly constructed vehicles. they are using them at ports, at the borders, things like that to scan cargo and vehicles that are coming into the country and they say it's really become a ketek tphol kwraoe -- key, technology into our national security. jenna: we've seen some of the pictures on the web side. our viewers are talking about this. talk to us about the concerns with this though. you have privacy and health concerns. if this van is driving by a house in a neighborhood can they see into the house and see them watching tv company who owns the vehicle won't disclose who they are selling them. not only are federal agencies using them, local law enforcement are buying them, including unnamed clients a broad and here. people are concerned by how they are being used and by hop. there is a potential of seeing into somebody's house. the website says they are able to see into lightly constructed buildings. they say they are not sure that would include a standard brick and mortar house. if you wanted to see into the house you'd have to pull into the driveway or right onto the front lawn, it's not as inconspicuous as people might think. the same thing goes for the human body. oh, it can see through my clothes . i don't want to be walking down the street and have somebody look at my body. it basically looks like a store mannequin. jenna: we want the vans to keep our streets safe but there is a question of who is owning them. how much do they cost. >> they cost in the 700,000-dollar range. some cost more depending on what attachments you put on them. some can detect raid kwraeus. it spends how souped up you want your van to be. jenna: for more on the story you can check out jon: you've probably seen it in our area, job cuts at companies all across the country because of economic downturn. uncle sam seems to be a very different kind of boss. why the federal pay roll actually expanded since 2008. we're live with that story. and america is asking our town hall usa chat is really rocking today. harris is watching. what kind of questions do folks have for the panel. >> reporter: i know you and jenna have been hanging out on the chat, why do i know that, because there is a lot of talk about jobs. my number one concern is an end to my unemployment. all i want to do is work and there is nothing out there. michelle writes healthcare/unemployment will be driving my vote next week. get on the live chat go to, click on "happening now" and go to our live page. you can blog, email or chat with us live. we'll be right back after this quick commercial. to stay fit, you might also want to try lifting one of these. a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. jenna: we're going to take you out to indiana right now, right near indianapolis in fact where we're getting live pictures here. the first pictures we are really seeing from some of the storm damage that is happening across this country. according to the national weather service a trained spotter saw a tornado near co -- kocomo in indiana, they think that is what is causing this damage and causing weather delays across the midwest. if you're traveling today check ahead. we are seeing power outages to more than 60,000 customers in indianapolis. according to another big energy company maybe as many as 40,000 outages across central and southern indiana as well. a developing story, lots of tough weather, apparently caused by tornadoes, but we're still working on verifying some of this information. as we learn more about the travel situation and damage, potential injuries as well we' l bring you the developments as we get you. jon: the tough economy is forcing companies across the nation to make cutbacks. state and local governments are also tightening their belts. it seems to be a very different story when it comes to uncle sam. the number of federal jobs actually increasing since the economic downturn began in 2008. shannon bream is live in washington with more on that. the critics say, shannon, the federal payroll is very hop heavy. what do the numbers actually look like. >> reporter: jon you've r*efrpbsed referenced. we were talking about 1.2 million civilians in 2008 working for the federal government. now it tops 1.4 million and that's raising some concerns. here is chris edwards who specializes in analyzing the federal budget for the kato institute. >> the federal bureaucracy has expended greatly, there are 270,000 more federal workers at the same time that the private sector is shrinking. not only that the federal bureaucracy is becoming a lot more top heavy with far more administrators, and relatively less people doing actual work. >> reporter: gop senator orin hatch has introduced a measure that would force a lot of federal agencies to scale back. as people were retired they wouldn't automatically be replaced. he thinks it's saoeupl for some a tricks. how well he does with that measure could be based on how well they do the in the elections. a lot of jobs were added after 9/11. they are sr-r important, you cannot ignore how critical they are. we talked to mark stier. here is what he had to say. >> most of the hires going on in government around the defense department, around the department of homeland security, can we do things better? for sure. but we need to make sure that when we are doing them better we are also making sure that we are not reducing resources where we really very much need them. >> reporter: it is interesting to note that president obama has not ruled out furloughing federal employees if he has to to cut the budgets. jon. jon: shannon, thank you. jenna: some more live pictures, brand-new pictures of indianapolis, indiana where we're getting some of the first images of the storm damage that is being caused out in the midwest. some of you waking up to this storm early this morning. well you felt it firsthand. we are watching some of these live images come in. you can see a few people milling about right now. hopefully it's safe and the worst is behind us. a developing story, we'll bring you more live images and the updates on the other side of the break. this is the aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan card. wherever you go, nationwide, your coverage travels with you. and that's just one of the many reasons... you need a card like this. with all medicare supplement insurance plans, you can choose from a range of plans... and keep your relationship with your own doctor that accepts medicare. if you're turning 65 or older... or you've already enrolled in a medicare supplement plan, call now for this free guide to understanding... medicare and information kit... on aarp medicare supplement plans, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. as with all medicare supplement plans, these help cover some of your medical expenses... not paid by medicare alone. this could save you thousands of dollars. look, want to do away with almost all claim forms? like the sound of no referrals 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tornado touch down. they're looking to verify that, but obviously damage we're watching in this area, an overall, this is the midwest, these are tough picture toss take in there. jon: widespread power outages in indiana, reports of about 18,000 people without power because some of the big transmission lines apparently have gone down. take a look at that house. wow. a trained observer did spot a tornado on the ground in that area and that is apparently where a lot of this damage has come from. jenna: it's interesting to think about this a a little bit as we start the show. we're seven days away. seven days away, and if we see that same type of weather on election day, one has to ask what that could potentially do. jon: let's hope for clear skies all across the country. jenna: get out of the way. hi everybody, i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. gearing up for the battle for the senate in illinois, republican candidate there, mark kirk, holding a slight lead right now over democratic opponent alexi giannoulias. two points, according to this fox news poll. could this blue state go red when it comes to this senate senate seat? joining us now, chris stierwalt, digital politics, and this isn't just any seat, this is former senator obama's senate seat. >> this is a symbolic victory, what republicans want very much, to take back president obama's former senate seat and the president and his mom and his administration are trying to make an all-out effort to save giannoulias and the seat for democrats. this is a very emotional battle. jon: what's driving the argument? what are the big campaign themes in illinois right now? >> well, the big campaign themes in illinois are surprisingly like they are in the west of the -- rest of the ones, it's a democratic state and a state that barack obama used to represent and now what we're seeing is that the approval for the president and his polices is a little soft, it's not what it is in the republican parts of the country, but it's a little anemic and right now, democrats are concerned that the discussion over taxes, spending, size of government, debt, these kinds of things, is driving the election away from them, and that's why they're trying to keep the focus on personal issues and keep it very local. jon: are third party candidates helping or hurting the democrats here? >> you know it's interesting, jon, when we see third party candidates, generally what we expect is that by election day, either they are viable to win or they disappear. what we've watched in illinois, it's fascinating, we've seen lee ellen jones, the green party candidate, stay steady at 7 percent week after week after week. what we can draw away from this, this is a real bona fide protest vote, that these are democrats most likely, and that's what the cross halves tell us, these are democrats unwilling to support giannoulias who has some personal issues relating to his family's bank that was shuttered by regulators, made some loans to some organized crime figures. it's been very controversial. and there are a lot of democrats, 7 percent in this latest poll, that continue to say they'll vote for lee ellen jones in a protest vote that may hand this election to mark kirk, republican. skwro*b skwro b -- jon ononly one week left to decide. chris stierwalt, thank you. you can read chris' work at, to get the app download details, your shortcut to american politics. jenna: you never know what's going to show up on that power play. i hope kreurs hasn't left. he had breaking news last night. we welcome into the fox family little baby arthur. chris, are you there? is chris with us? >> i'm here and i'm so thrilled. thank you. thanks for putting that up there. i'm so proud of my wife and arthur. jenna: your beautiful wife and arthur who might ab contender in 2028? >> his mother is a smart lady, she'll get him there. jenna: i want to ask you, in this scuff interview, you know what chris told me? oprah. >> maybe she has the inside track. keep your hat in the ring. that's all i can say. jenna: spoken like a true political dad, i guess. chris, congratulations and welcome to the family, little arthur. jon: only 18 years until arthur registers to vote. >> thank you very much, guys. jenna: speaking of that third party candidate, you were talking about this with chris, right now it maying getting too close for comfort in colorado's governor's race, a new poll showing third party candidate, tom tancer -- tanredo against john hinkenlooper and, he is down alysha acuna has more. from the looks of it the republican is polling like a third party candidate would poll, one would expect. what's the gop in colorado saying about that? >> well, jenna, actually they're speaking with their actions by switching their endorsement from the republican nominee, dan maize, to tancedo and maize is finding it impossible to raise money because donors are putting money behind tom tancredo and he told us that he believes that he is the gop's best shot at having their values, conservative values, in the governor's office, the former congressman says he didn't switch parties because he had a philosophical problem with the gop, he just couldn't stand by and watch them tumble toward defeat with the mayor hickenlooper. the allegations are long, campaign finance allegations, withholding information about a permanent bankruptcy and calling denver's bike share program a u.n. conspiracy. >> i think clearly there was a drive on behalf of lots of republicans and the tancredo campaign to get maize out of this race. while we have a few days left here, i think maize has made himself clear he's going down, he's going to ride this to the bottom and that's the direction he's riding it. >> reporter: the democrat, hickenlooper, told us he doesn't worry about who his opponents is or the polls but this is tight, within the margin of iron on the bulk of the polls out there. jenna: the question comes up once again, why won't maize drop out because the thinking is there, that if he did, maybe the votes would go to who is in the lead there, tom tancredo, or in the top there, i should say. >> yes, and actually, dan maize has told us this, we asked him this and he said well, i'm the nominee and tancredo should be the one to bow out, even though tancredo is the only one here on that side to have a shot, but in talking to political watchers here, they're saying they think they know that dan maize is hurting his own party here and that he doesn't want hickenlooper to win but he's so mad at tom tancredo that he wants him to lose even more. it's gotten personal. jenna: thank you very much, alicia acuna in denver today jon: and weather is something to watch now. it's always a big factor on election day. it often affects turnout. maria molina is in the fox weather center, she has the seven day forecast for us, plus that extreme weather we're watching. >> definitely, we are watching a very strong low pressure system and cold front attached to it and this system is what was responsible for that tornado, remember earlier, that texas tornado and a lot of mountain snow in colorado, same storm system today producing a lot of tornado watches out there, and one of these in particular, the one that does include pennsylvania and also portions of alabama, is in effect until 5:00 p.m. local tile and it's actually a particularly dangerous situation. pds, we've been looking at longer living tornadoes. we need to go to the election forecast, but yes, a very dangerous line of storms, through michigan, ohio, kentucky, tennessee and other warnings have been issued out. now, if you're a torn -- if a tornado warning is issued for your county, definitely that's the time to head into the basement or seek shelter as the storms will begin to be moving through. now, we have the election forecast on the weather computer, otherwise, the storm system is just continuing to move eastward and will be in parts of pennsylvania, eastern ohio, throughout the day today, as we'll continue to see that severe weather threat. jon. jon: maria molina, thank you. jenna: big international news today, saddam hussein's long time foreign minister sentenced to die by a criminal court in baghdad, tareq aizi helped political parties during saddam's regime. >> reporter: jenna, iraq's high criminal court sentenced tareq aziz to death by hanging, for his part to hunt down and execute members of the party which nouri al-maliki is a member. the spokesman didn't say when the 74-year-old wouldto de. aziz was in court for the sentence. the frail former iraqi prime minister grasped the hand rail in front of him as the judge read out the verdict. aziz has 30 days to appeal his sentence. his lawyer said he believes the case against his client is politically motivated. if the appeals court upholds the death sentence, the law says aziz should be hung within 30 days of the final decision. the iraqi president also has to sign off on the order -- an order. he became the face of the saddam regime as long-time foreign minister. aziz has been convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison for his role in the 1992 execution of 42 merchants found guilty of profiteering. he also received a seven-year prison sentence involving a forced displacement of occurred necessary northern iraq. he was interviewed recently in prison and he said he expected to die there because of the lengthy sentences he had already received and because of his age, but it seems likely now it will come much quicker. back to you jenna. skwr*pb jen david piper following that story in baghdad, thank you, david. jon: on trial for a bizarre and gruesome crime, it's a story that a lot of people remember. a pizza delivery man, forced to wear a bomb around his neck, while robbing a bank. tragically, that bomb went off after he was cornered by police, killing him in front of shocked authorities with television cameras rolling. now, the person that police say was behind this awful plot could be taking a stand at any moment. jenna: it's an unbelievable story. plus america's talking town hall, we want your questions , live chat with us, and harris has been chats as well. >> reporter: jon and jenna, yes, right now i would say our upcoming panel had better get ready. they've got their work cut out for them. some of these questions are pretty tough and some people just want to know exactly what's going to happen with money. dave matthews says why don't we hear any talk from any politicians about a balanced budget amendment. and then you've got alex diaz saying who will lower the corporate tax? so they're getting kind of chippy as we like to say in hockeyland, i used to live in minnesota, so there's the live cat, it's rolling, scrolling, get in on the conversation. we're coming up upon 12:13, we're going to start the full questions for the panel. get yours in. stay close, we'll be right back. jenna: the midterm elections pitting democrats against republicans in a fierce contest for control of congress. so who's safe and who's the most vulnerable? let's just say you certainly don't want to get caught in the middle. turns out the most liberal democrats are riding out the storm. most vulnerable are those closer to the center, the so-called blue dog democrats, in the battle of their political lives right now. in the meantime, conservative republicans are in the, quote, safety zone thanks in part to the tea party, once again, moderates pushed to the side as the gop moves to the right at least in some -- in this campaign season. pak adell is a fox news contributor. pat, what kind of government emerges after next tuesday, will it be more polarizing on either side? >> it will be very polarized and will frustrate the american people very much. what we have now is a political system, jenna, that is controlled basically by the extremism from both sides, the ideologies -- idealogues. money is centralized, that's controlling, the vast middle of america, what i would call the center, slightly right america, often feels terribly unrepresented and in this election, a lot of the moderates or the more conservative democrats are going to lose and let me just say that they're going to pay the price for having been part of a parliamentary government, in other words, the centralization of money and whether you get -- what job you have in congress is now all centered about how you vote with the party. too many of them went along too much. in the past, 20, 30 years ago, democrats in congress, more conservative ones, would just bolt their party, they can't anymore, and they will pay the price because voters know that they are, if they go back, they will have to support the leadership. this is happening in west virginia. jenna: let me go ahead and stop you there. when you talk about most of america being center right, why aren't we seeing that reflected in government, why does it seem that maybe the politicians are more polarized than the country actually is right now? >> yes, well, the country -- look, the country's basic attitude, which is politicians -- they wish politicians would stop speaking democrat and start speaking american but they put the party and power, and i hate to say this, apparently ahead of their country. they don't even realize anymore. this notion you have to check your voter registration to find out which principles you have, 30, 40 years ago i coined the phrase radical center, radical in the sense of making real changes and moving forward, but at the same time, being grounded in american values and principle and american history. that vote which is the majority of america is not being heard. right now what the country want social security someone who will help lead them, and the tea party is part of that expression, to lead them. jenna: that's what you say americans want, move of -- more of -- i don't know if it's appropriate to say a nationalistic known some of the politicians rather than partisan-based politics. then where will we find that post november 2nd? does that mean the president has on opportunity -- an opportunity there or is there a third party that emerges that represents that? >> the president, that's how he got agency dollars -- elected, he campaigned promising he would be that kind of president and he has been in many ways of being divisive and polarizing and it's frustrated the depressed the country. i'm telling you, this recollection is a weigh station, this is the red default button election, the country is going to stop what's going on, but they're not happy with the republicans, they're not endorsing the republicans, they're looking for something different and i guarantee november 2nd, we only begin to go down a road that will be even more interesting than we have the last two years. jen je we look forward to having you on that road with us, pat, pat caddell, thank you. >> good to be with you. jon: iran is raising the if you clear stakes, firing up its nuclear reactor, injecting uranium into the core and reigniting concerns about its nuclear ambitions. jon: right now some big developments to tell but in iran's controversial nuclear program, engineers loading fuel into the reactor core of iran's first nuclear power plant, putting that rogue nation one step closer to powering up a facility the u.s. once hoped to stop. comments from secretary of state clinton just coming in, she says the u.s. is not concerned about this nuclear site, but is concerned about other suspect sites. our next guest says today's developments could have a silver lining. he's iran expert jim walsh of mit's studies securities program. hard to see a silver lining to me, jim, what do you stph-pbg. >> i agree, jon. it's counterintuitive but let me explain why. this plant actually doesn't do anything to advance their ability to make a nuclear weapon. lots of countries have electrical nuclear power plants but that doesn't mean they can build a bomb. the issue are the centrifuges which they've had since 2003. what's the silver lining? if they have a big ceremony and say we cross thunderstorm threshold, how great we are, that might put them in apgs where they could actually go to the bargaining table, to geneva in a month or so and be able to make concessions on the issues that male -- really matter and that has to do with centrifuges, they can say look we're successful and that might give them breathing space on the more important, telling issues. jon: the russians helped them complete this plant, it was originally started by germans. the russians helped them complete it. haven't they agreed to take charge of the fueling and processing of the spent fuel? >> that's exactly right, jon. you put your finger precisely on it. that's another reason why the united states government is not worried about this from a bomb perspective, because again, the plant is under international safeguards to win with, then you have all these russians on the ground who will be there for a couple of years at least, they'll be watching what's going on. so i don't think many people are worrying the plant. what they worry about are other aspects of the iranian program. what people do worry about, i think, is not the proliferation dimension, but the safety issue. remember, as you point out, just said, this is a german plant, built by russians, operated in part by iranians, and the question is can they do this safely. this really hasn't been done before. jon: history shows us the israelis have not been shy about taking out nuclear plants when they felt they were a threat, they did so in iraq, they did so in syria. why did they let this one come on line and now you've got a situation where with the fuel in it, they don't want to bomb it because you'd have such a nuclear nightmare, really? >> i think that's right, jon. i also don't think they're going to want to bomb it with russians inside, killing a bunch of russians. that wouldn't advance their foreign policy goals, anyway. i think they concluded essentially what you and i have just been discussing, which is that the plant itself is really not the heart of the issue. the heart of the issue is the centrifuge program. if iran had no nuclear power plant at all we'd still be worried about a potential nuclear weapons program because it's the centrifuges that allow you to produce the highly enriched uranium and that's what you would use for a nuclear weapon. the power plant doesn't do that. so the israelis have made a calculated choice here they're not going to do something and attack the plant when that's not the center of gravity on this issue. jon: jim walsh, thank you. >> thank you jon. jenna: we're getting information about a terror suspect nabbed in honolulu, federal investigators saying this man from new york is charged with making false statements in a terrorism case. we're told the 21-year-old made several attempts to join the taliban and also tried to enlist in the u.s. army to go ahead and then turn against the troops. that supposedly was his plan. joining us, sto*pl pomeroy, former fbi tkrerbgt and former chief of counterterrorism. what goes through your mind when you hear a story like this? >> a couple of things, really, the good work that the law enforcement authority did, they got on this guy early, probably from information they received from the pakistanis but they stayed with it, they launched a thorough investigation, they folded all the threads and loose ends, and were able to make a case. the second thing that has to jump out here, this guy is no master terrorist. he obviously is a wannabee, he's serious about that, but certainly at this stage, he is not a member of a very sophisticated terrorist cell. jenna: let me pick up on that, sorry to interrupt, but i'd like to pick up on that point. you know that expression where there's smoke there's fire. aren't men like this, the 21-year-old, is he just alone doing this or is he a sign there could be a cell or something going on in staten island where supposedly he was living in new york? >> that was my third point, jenna, that even though he was at this stage, he was trying -- the at a minimum, he was trying to create a cell, recruit other people and people like this are dangerous. you don't have to be a highly trained,ry sophisticated terrorist, if you're a jihadist and he certainly seems to be at that point, where he's absorbed the ideology and the mission, he's trying to become -- he's desperately trying to become a part of t. he's trying to recruit other people to his cause, and people like that can cause a lot of death and destruction. you don't have to be in this day and age a master sophisticated terrorist in order to kill a lot of people. so although he does not appear again to have been at this point part of a larger organization, it would be very wrong to dismiss this as inconsequential and not without tkaerpbg. this is what we have to be on the alert for. jenna: i'm short on time, this is a final thought coming from the u.s. justice department giving us information about this man, and one of the things they say is that the complaint alleges that he was involved or he was inspired by a sermon or a discussion by the cleric anwar al-awlaki, of course that's the guy that allegedly inspired the times square bomber, the christmas day bomber, all these botched attacks, but if we get this guy that we're showing our audience on the screen, does that eliminate these younger men that apparently are popping up in our country, or is that just one part of it? >> no way does that eliminate the threat. there are lots of these people, there are lots of these clerics, there's a great deal of this that goes on both on the internet and in other ways. yeah, he's a danger, al-awlaki is a dangerous person who we need to get, but it's not going to end the problem there. i wish it were that simple. jon: steve, appreciate you joining us, thank you very much. >> you're welcome, jenna. jon: america's asking town hall, we are answering your questions leading up to midterm elections. we have harris monitoring the live chat on our web page. what are they talking about? >> reporter: i'm -- i feel like i'm eavesdropping on a conversation having to do with illegal immigration and people who are pulling up sources, sources from associated press like one that says illegals have been known to be knocking on doors in the seattle area. it's a story that the associated press is running right now. so ray in iowa, father of a veteran, asks harris can you please ask the upcoming panel where they stand on illegal immigrants weg used to get out the vote in some states. and there are even links to stories where you can read more about this, they really want the panel to take up this issue. that's what's happening on our live chat right now. we're coming right back after this quick commercial break. stay with us. jon fox news alert, we told you earlier about those storms ripping through the northwest morning. while we were on air, one of our alert viewers sent us this photo of a funnel cloud, lou an was in piatone, illinois, hope i'm pronounce thank correctly, 40 miles south of downtown chicago, she tells us the funnel cloud did come all the way to the ground, became a tornado, ripped the roof off of a house and destroyed a barn. if you can safely get a photo of this kind of activity in your area, send it to us, the link is you report at fox news tko*plt but be sure to stay safe as you do. brand new pictures out of milwaukee from witi, you can see the barn that has just been picked up by the winds, knocked right off of its foundation, all of this in the milwaukee area from witi, what a mess in the up per midwest this morning. our thoughts and prayers are with you folks there. jenna: i don't believe the pictures, even of the helicopter pilots up there, getting us those live picturings, we thank them. lots of questions coming into the newsroom from our viewers. we're going to bring in our panel, juan william -- williams, o'donnell was outreach director for the outreach campaign and bob cusack of the hill. bob, ford, juan, thank you very much for joining us. ford, let's go ahead and start with you. carrie has a question, asking how accurate are poll numbers during the final weeks prior to election historically been compared to actual results. >> here's the deal. i think the current poll numbers are slightly off, pollsters have a lot to work on between now and 2012, the reason is primarily we have land lines versus cell phones. i think cell phones which are predominantly used by younger folks and minorities is going to play in a bigger situation. we need to figure the balance and right now, i think ph some cases they're slightly favoring republicans. jenna: juan, can you pick up on that as well? anthony was asking which polls they look at. of course, you can say the fox news opinions dynamics poll. juan, if there's another one, we'd like to hear it. >> pew does a good job, gallup does a good job, those are mainstream poll that is have a terrific record behind them. jenna: this one is coming from shea klein, asking this, is there a sense that bill clinton doesn't really want the dems to win big so hillary can beat obama in 2012? what do you think juan? >> no. at this point, i think it would mean all out civil war within the democratic ranks and i think given the fact that obama has the white house and control of the democratic national committee, it's unlikely that hillary clinton, even with bill clinton, could overcome that. so i think that she's now, and this is interesting, i think there's been a change in the clinton mindset about 2016. that sud beenly they think she won't be too old and she could be the prime candidate. jenna: that's interesting, bob. do you have any thoughts on that, what juan said? >> i agree with juan, i think that hillary clinton could run in 2016 and bill clinton, his reputation was damaged after he attacked president obama, then campaign candidate obama so president obama is loving the resurgence of this savior coming into the south where president obama is not kel with him -- welcomed but president clinton is. who knows, down the road, hillary could done again. >> gosh, 2016, 2012. we just got to get through 2010. here's a quick question, ann has this question, it's a good one about fundraising and campaign finance, she says why don't all the candidates take their money and pay off the national debt, a billion dollars will go a long way. she's referring to the house races there. then the candidates just give their name and background to the local newspaper and let us vote. what do you think about that issue, bob, so much money going into these campaigns and yet everyone is talking about the debt. it seems counterintuitive. >> that's true. it might be pie in the sky because it won't happen, then donors won't give to their candidate. some say there's more money spent in this country on potato chips than on campaigns and obviously the money that's going into campaigns is on the rise, we're breaking records this year, i'm sure we'll break records in 2012, but that idea is not going to happen any time soon. jenna: potato chip? what kind? >> normally it's being spent on a bottle of water, too. jenna: when you put it in that context, it's unbelievable. ford, we'd like your thoughts as well on this. >> just for the money and campaign, it needs to be more transparent. this is a system we have and it's nothing new. jenna: thank you very much. hang tight, guys, we have a lot more questions coming up and we appreciate it so far. jon is next. jon: pamela beard wants to know what would it take to make the federal government present a balanced budget each and every year. we'll be asking that of our panelists when our town hall panel returns. jenna: we have breaking news in this election, reuters polls has the pennsylvania race, that race for the senate seat, in a dead heat at 46 percent each for the republican pat toomy and democrat joe sestak, just one of the races we're watching closely as the control for the senate is up for grabs. jon skwrao*pbd pretty get back to our new america's asking town hall, you ask the questions, we try get you the answers you need before election day. let's bring our panelists back in, juan william, civic forum chairman ford o'connell and the hill managing editor bob cusack. here's a question from dave gustafson, juan, if the gop takes over congress is it a lock that boehner and mcconnell are elect to leadership. he goes on to express concerns about them as leaders for the republican party. what do you think, juan? >> yeah, i think that john boehner is the choice. i don't think right now that there's likely to be any substantial challenge. it's interesting, you've got some young guns, if you will, you know, in the republican party, people like eric cantor others, who have their own ideas, you know, you may have read about the pledge and other things, but right now, i think everyone is of a mind that john boehner is the right person at this time, that he has done a good job, and that he deserves the opportunity to lead. and on the senate side, i think some of the tea party people would have trouble, but if you think about it for a second, even, you know, people who have expressed concern, had differences in his home state with senator mcconnell, have said they would vote for him to be the majority leader. jon: juan, let me hop in on that for one second. that question assumes the gop is going to take the senate. i don't think they are now because the gop situation and the democratic strong hold. with that said the bigger question is who's going to be democratic majority leader when harry reid goes down, will it be chuck schumer or dick durbin, that is the main question because right now the gop is probably going to net eight assets depending upon the size of this wave. jon: because harry reid is apparently in some trouble in las vegas. we'll see what the actual results are on election day. here's a question for you bob. i hope you can answer this. a woman, julie in las vegas writes my husband and i voted on saturday afternoon, early voting, obviously, that evening, we received a call asking how we voted. is it legal for the board of elections to give out such information to political parties? i'm guessing this wasn't a political party that was asking, it was probably a pollster, wouldn't you say, bob? >> probably, yes. i mean, we're in this season, a lot of strange things happen and also a lot of things -- there's a lot of rumors and speculation about stories that happened and i heard a story about a campaign operative paying homeless people to go into wealthy neighborhoods to make the case for a candidate in hopes that the wealthy voters would vote the other way, so we're getting into the area of strange things that happen, and some of them are true, and shall of them are urban legend. >> let me say one thing on that, bob, real quick, what else do you expect from a secretary of state like mill ner the state of nevada? come on, he's obviously in the ring for harry reid. these things, if they are true, it doesn't surprise stkpwhraoe and they may be investigated and obviously that's a race that's gotten extremely nasty. >> it has and i think the race is going to come down to the early voting on october 29th. if angle is close, okay, or ahead, she's going to be the next senator of nevada, if not, harry reid is going to time the -- join the lifetime byrd club. jon: here's the question s. anyone going to lower the corporate tax. juan, you want to take that on? >> i don't think sclearly, the n post-election is about the bush tax cuts and expanding them, but -- extending them but in terms of corporate tax rates, no, it would be small business and we've already seen some of that enacted. in terms of the big corporate taxes, i don't think so. there's pressure as you know coming out of the wall street reform to make sure the corporations are paying those taxes. jon: real quickly, a lot of our viewers are wondering whether after this fractious election season we will all come together again. bob? >> i think it's doubtful. i think there's a chance, because you look in the 1990s and president clinton with the republican congress passed welfare reform, passed a balanced budget act in 1997, so it's possible, but right now, i think it's unlikely, especially when so many people, including us, are talking about 2012. jon: all right. >> with that said, if we don't come together, the bottom line is restore confidence in main street, everybody in 2012 is going to be out. jon: ford, bob, juan, thank you. jenna: lots of good questions. we thank you very much for that. as we're looking at this election and what's important, if something is important it's the latino vote, critical to holding on to power, what new polls are saying about the chances for a big latino push in key races. that story just ahead. megyn: hey everyone i'm megyn kelly, jack conway took a big gamble in going after rand with aac qua buddha attack. did it work? stunning new poll numbers just out. plus that bipartisan panel looking for ways to reduce the decifit is almost done. guess what might be going away? lots and lots of tax breaks you probably love. plus democrat sync got caught cheating in california. and charlie sheen found naked in a trashed hotel room. wait until you hear the details. we've got them. see you top of the hour. jon: right now, a woman accused of masterminding a bizarre bank robbery set to take the stand in her own defense, prosecutors say the eery woman's plot ended in the death of a pizza delivery man, killed by a bomb that was strapped to his neck. harris is following the story from the breaking news desk. >> reporter: jon, police had just shown up to try to help that guy out and didn't get to him in time. on the stand this afternoon, right now, in fact, is a former attorney for marjorie diele armstrong. it's a whole lineup and expected later in the day, this all hinges on a -- on what a judge will allow, will marjorie armstrong take the stand in her own defense. she's slated to be the final witness and then it turns over to rebuttal witnesses for the prosecution. the judge, though, has to decide will it be a psychiatrist she's been going to or will it be marjorie diele armstrong. this is happening in a courtroom in pennsylvania fog that pizza man delivery 's death. there was a bank robbery and police moved in on a car and they could see a guy with a bomb strapped to his neck. they couldn't save him. that bomb went off. marjorie diele armstrong on trial now. back to you. jon: harris, thank you. jenna: seven days, one week before the big day, president obama is pushing one message hard to latinos, if they want immigration reform, make sure and vote. anita vogel is live in los angeles. i'll saying he's saying vote for one side in particular, right? >> he is, of course, the democrats, and you know, the president there is reacting to a series of new polls that are out, suggesting that latinos are so frustrated with a lack of progress on immigration reform and jobs and other things that they might actually sit this election out and stay home and not vote. now, one poll that we're looking at in particular is a pew research study, showing that only 51 percent of latinos say they are absolutely certain that they'll be going to the polls to vote. now, that's comred with 70 percent of all registered voters. latino pollsters say hispanic voters still prefer democrats, but are disappointed with inaction. listen: >> it's something that was given as a campaign promise not only by president obama, but reiterated many times by the senate majority leader harry reid that immigration reform would be on the agenda and it would be passed. so i think latino voters are looking at that rhetoric, they're looking at the attacks from the right, and they're saying who's here to help us. >> reporter: now, there's another group called latino decisions which tracks latino voters in 21 states. it suggests that they have some new poll thank shows that that number, that 51 percent number, is actually on the rise, as we get closer to election day. jenna. jenna: what about the latinos that identify themselves as republicans, how are they expected to turn out? >> right, and there certainly are some. it's very interesting. there's one conservative latino group, called latinos for reform, they put out a very controversial ad, urging latinos not to vote if they're going to vote for democrats. the ad is very controversial, it shows pictures of congressional democrats who are facing tough releeks battles like harry reid and goes on to ask the question aren't you tired of politicians playing with your future, if so, don't vote. now, why is all of this important? because latinos make up almost 10 percent of registered voters across the country, 65 percent of latinos consider themselves to be democrats, and that's why democrats count on that key voting group each year. jenna, back to you. jenna: one of our big political stories of the day. anita, thank you very much. jon: there's a big ruling out of alaska on its way that could be critical to the outcome of that very close senate race there. the legal battle over write-in candidates. that's coming up next on "america live". let's get chinese. should we order panda blossom, panda moon... how about chinese at home with wanchai ferry? you can make it in just 14 minutes. mmmh, orange chicken. great. i didn't feel like going out anyway. 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