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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20170128

attacks on 9/11, including the attack on the world trade center, president trump drew an "x" today through the welcoming words of the nearby statue of liberty. he signed an executive order he says will keep out islamic terrorists. mr. trump also said today while he believes in torture, he would leave its authorization up to his defense secretary. here's margaret brennan with what we know. >> we want to ensure that we are not admitting into our country the very threats our soldiers are fighting overseas. >> reporter: the president's executive action will implement what he calls extreme vetting of immigrants. >> i'm establishing new vetting, measures to keep radical islamic terrorists out of the united states of america. we don't want them here. >> a 90 day halt on entry of have iters from countries of concern like iraq and syria and blocks all syrian refugees indefinitely. president trump said in a television interview he will prioritize "persecuted christians." >> yes, they've been horribly treated. do you know, if you were a christian in syria, it was impossible-- very, very, at least, very, very tough, to get into the united states. if you were a muslim, you could come in. >> reporter: 12,500 syrian refugees were admitted to the u.s. last year. according to the state department, almost all were muslim. christians made up around 1% of those seeking refuge. earlier today, president trump warmly welcomed his first foreign visitor, british prime minister theresa may. she pressed him on keeping sanctions against russia in place. >> as far as the sanctions, very early we'll be talking about that. but we look to have a great relationship with all countries, ideally. >> reporter: and president trump said he'll have his first phone call with vladimir putin tomorrow. it was his military intervention in ukraine that triggered those sanctions. and, scott, mr. trump will also speak with the leaders of france and germany, two u.s. allies ncite concerned about russia's aggression in europe. >> pelley: margaret brennan for us at the white house tonight. how does the immigration ban strike muslim americans? jericka duncan went to dearborn, michigan. >> reporter: you miss home. >> i do. every day. i didn't choose this. >> reporter: 26-year-old nuha alsakkaff fled her war-torn country of yemen more than six years ago. why were you so desperate to leave? >> imagine celebrating mother's day, and you just got her, her cake, and then you get a call saying, "leave, there's going to or a bombing." >> reporter: alsakkaff is now a u.s. citizen and is trying to get the rest of her family here, too, but if immigrants from yemen are banned, she says she'll be devastated. >> i can't save my people. i can't save my family. >> reporter: is there a part of thaat all that understands the president's position? >> yes. do i think it's ethically and morally correct? no. >> reporter: but he's saying this is about national security. do you agree with that? >> no. does he know me? did i do anything to him? did i do anything to his family? >> reporter: civil rights attorney nabih ayad: >> you don't group a whole group of people into one class and say, "we've got to watch all of you." that's like saying the timothy mcveighs, we need to group all you white folks and say we have to watch all of you. >> reporter: alsakkaff, who is a marketing and legal assistant says she doesn't take her u.s. citizenship for granted. >> i learned the language and i learned the culture and i wore the clothes and i conformed, as much as possible to their rules and their society. and i feel like i have earned the right to be part of it. >> reporter: here in dearborn, the arab-american civil rights league says it's ready to fight the president's proposals and, scott, take legal action to stop them. >> pelley: jericka duncan for us tonight. today, there was no dispute, apparently, over who would pay for the call. the american and mexican presidents talked by phone today after the mexican canceled a dmmit meeting in that dispute over who will pay for the wall. the trump administration is thinking of a tax on mexican goods, but manuel bojorquez has found, that worries some american businesses. >> reporter: every day, more than 5,000 trucks cross the world trade international bridge from mexico into lorado, texas, carrying goods processed by warehouses like jose gonzalez's. >> i have merchandise that goes throughout united states. a lot of these are going to grocery stores. >> reporter: gonzalez believes that the possible 20% import tax on those items might cause a decline in the flow of goods across the border. a we know we're going to take a hit of a loss of business. we just don't know how much it will be. es reporter: the united states imports more than $290 billion corth of goods from mexico. onrs are the number one import, meaning u.s. autos assembled hoere could cost thousands more. a tariff could impact food prices, too. more than 70% of tomatoes come from mexico, and 90% of haas avocados. and mexico could retaliate by imposing similar tariffs on goods and services sold from the u.s. already in mexico, hashtags saying "adios" or goodbye to walmart, starbucks, and coca- cola are trending. president trump today admitted some of the costs might go to consumers, but believed the tax heuld help the u.s. overall. >> they've made us look foolish. we have a trade deficit of $60 billion with mexico. >> reporter: but david french with the national retail federation believes a tariff to fund the border wall is risky. >> everybody, from the largest retailer down to the smallest iltailer has looked at their-- their books, and this is snworkable for retailers, and ultimately, the consumer is going to be the one who pays the price. >> reporter: but it's not just about the price of the goods in erese trucks crossing the border. scott, the u.s. chamber of commerce estimates six million ons. jobs depend on trade with mexico. >> pelley: manuel bojorquez on the southern border. the president exaggerates. he admits that, and he said a couple things today in the news conference that we wondered about. mr. trump said that the united states is losing "millions and millions of jobs" to mexico. well, our research department found this most recent survey ending in 2010 estimated that, at most, 682,000 jobs have been lost since the north american iee trade agreement began in 1994. mr. trump also said the u.s. loses in trade to "every single country." but for the record, the u.s. has a trade surplus with most countries, 132. a deficit with 102. the president's ambassador to the u.n. put every nation on notice today. nikki haley said the u.s. wants value for its u.n. commitments, and she chose these words as her first greeting in her new post. >> and the way that we'll show value is to show our strength, show our voice, have the backs of our allies, and make sure that our allies have our back as well. for those that don't have our back, we're taking names. to will make points to respond to that accordingly. >> pelley: ambassador nikki haley. bie biggest supreme court decision of the year will come next thursday, when the president announces his choice to fill the vacancy left nearly a year ago when justice scalia died. today, the administration sent assurances to the annual march for life gathering in washington. today's crowd, bigger than in recent years. here's jan crawford. -l we are pro-life! we are pro-life! te reporter: for the 44th year, they came by the tens of thousands. >> thank you, mr. president! >> reporter: this year, there's renewed hope. >> in a word, life is winning in america. >> reporter: as vice president hike pence became the highest ranking official ever to speak h the match for life and brought with him a commitment. >> next week, president donald trump will announce a supreme court nominee who will uphold the god-given liberties enshrined in our constitution in the tradition of the late and great justice antonin scalia. >> reporter: in an interview friday, the president said evangelical christians will approve of the choice. >> i think that the person that i pick will be a big, big-- i think people are going to love it. >> reporter: but for federal t peals court judge william pryor, a favorite of conservatives, outspoken opposition to abortion as alabama's attorney general has pushed him to the bottom of mr. stump's short list of three. , now, you've said on occasion, on several occasions, that roe v. wade is "the worst abomination of the history of the constitutional law." "a," do you believe that as of right now? >> i do. >> reporter: sources tell cbs news pryor's nomination is unlikely after senate republicans warned about a possible repeat of his 2003 appeals court confirmation battle. >> i believe that not only is ede case unsupported by the text and structure of the constitution, but it has led to a morally wrong result. >> reporter: supreme court advocate jay sekulow: >> and if you stake out a pro- life position, many in washington view that as an ertomatic disqualifier. >> reporter: president trump is now focused on another judge with a working class background, lvnnsylvania's thomas hardiman, who has been less forthcoming about his personal views. now, still on the very short list is federal appeals court judge neil gorsuch. ust, scott, with justice anthony kennedy now expected to retire in the next year or so, sources say that gorsuch could also become the leading contender for io. trump's second nomination. >> pelley: jan crawford on the steps of the supreme court tonight. the lynching of 14-year-old emmitt till in 1955 was a turning point in the civil rights movement, an indelible sage of savagery in the jim crow south. now, the woman whose lie set his murder in motion has recanted. jim axelrod has the story and the disturbing image that cried out for justice. >> reporter: it was the shocking e cture that ignited the civil rights movement-- 14-year-old emmitt till in his casket. tes mother, mamie, wanted the nation to see the brutality of his killers. >> i wondered, was it necessary to shoot him? >> reporter: till was visiting family in mississippi when a story started going around town that he whistled at carolyn bryant a 21-year-old white cashier at a grocery store. after till's body was found a few days later, her husband and brother-in-law were charged with murder. at the trial, bryant testified till made lewd advances, verbal and physical. >> in court, she testified to something that was tantamount to attempted rape. what she said was, "that part's not true." >> reporter: author tim tyson writes in a book due out next week, published by simon&schuster, a cbs-owned company, that in an interview conducted a decade ago, bryant took it all back. >> she was just trying to say that nothing that went on between them constituted any e cuse for anyone harming him, let alone what happened to him. >> reporter: despite overwhelming evidence, the men were acquitted in just over an hour by an all-white jury. they would later admit they did kill emmitt till. et0 minutes" was able to get this footage of bryant in 2004. by then carolyn donham. but she refused to answer any questions. ( knocking on door ) >> reporter: as her son made clear to ed bradley. >> i have some questions i'd like to ask her about emmitt till. >> no. >> reporter: will she come out and talk to us? >> what did i just tell you. >> reporter: tell me again. >> no. i reporter: donham is now 82 years old. her family will not say where she is living. >> pelley: jim axelrod tonight. jim, thank you. a popular weed killer could soon come with a cancer warning. and later, steve hartman with a wrestler's toughest challenge. but then i realized there was. so, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and 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would've died." if i'd have known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor or pharmacist about it. >> pelley: the weed killer roundup can be labeled with a cancer warning-- at least in california. a judge made that ruling today, riainst the agriculture giant monsanto. here's omar villafranca. >> reporter: roundup is one of the most popular weed killers on the market, used by everyday gardeners and farmers because of its effectiveness. david annis is with the texas a&m agrilife extension. >> it's cost effective and it is very effective as far as controlling weeds. >> reporter: roundup is a commercially sold weed killer manufactured by monsanto. the herbicide's main ingredient ts glyphosate, a chemical that is efficient at destroying various types of weed. >> they can spray the weeds and then plant right into where they've sprayed. l> reporter: but the country's largest agricultural state is considering a new warning label on roundup. california officials want to list glyphosate as a chemical known to possibly cause cancer, based on a 2015 decision by the world health organization, saying it is probably s rcinogenic to humans, citing ngmited evidence. monsanto is suing california, rejecting that their product heses a health risk, calling the proposal "flawed and baseless" and that it violates the constitution. killing weeds is big business. last year, monsanto reported $3.5 billion in global sales of crop-control products which include roundup. and there's more at stake for monsanto than just the weed killer. many of the company's genetically-modified crops are designed with an immunity to t'yphosate. >> it's becoming one of the more widely used materials on the planet. ep reporter: jeffrey scott is a professor at cornell university. >> glyphosates are very toxic to any plant and it's practically nontoxic to anything that's not a plant. >> reporter: monsanto said it will challenge the judge's ruling. omar villafranca, cbs news, dallas. >> pelley: coming up next, a bus ride these folks will never forget. that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise... jardiance lowers blood sugar and a1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. jardiance is also the only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart- proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death in adults with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. jardiance can cause serious side effects, including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you 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new york. e pickup truck tore right through. ie passengers saw it and jumped. there were no serious injuries and no charges against the driver who lost control of his truck. mike connors was a supporting amtor when his break came in cb67. the title role in the cbs crime drama "mannix." he played a private eye who liked to mix it up. the "washington post" estimated that joe mannix took 17 bullets and was beaten unconscious 55 times during the eight-year run. well, you wouldn't have thought that he'd die at the age of 91 yesterday, of leukemia. up next, punches, kicks, and a steve hartman twist. there's only one egg that just tastes better. fresher. more flavorful. delicious. with more great nutrition. and 25% less saturated fat. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. here you go.picking up for kyle. you wouldn't put up with part of a pizza. um. something wrong? so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day? you want the whole thing? 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respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. >> pelley: we end the week with steve hartman and the wrestler who found a perfect match. oo reporter: in a classic battle of good versus evil, a professional wrestler by the name of syther is about to take on the dreaded southern hangman. this is the minor leagues of the onofessional wrestling world. >> ring the bell! ep reporter: almost all these guys have day jobs, in mostly manly-man professions with the hitable exception of this little green angry bird. when syther's not wrestling villains, he's singing the days of the week: ♪ sunday and monday and tuesday >> reporter: yes, this is his kindergarten class in fort meyers, florida. >> come on. >> reporter: syther, a.k.a., steve damico, has been doing both jobs for about two years now. crisscross, pound them into apple sauce. what a contradiction. >> yeah, the lives they don't mesh well together. at least they don't seem like orey do. >> reporter: you're saying they do? >> there are similarities, i think. >> reporter: what are the similarities? >> i think that you have to have a dynamic personality for both. >> reporter: and certainly if you can feign injury, that helps, too. steve got his degree in ryementary education back in 2011. he applied to a dozen schools, but no one wanted him, until he got a call from three oaks elementary. did you just not put the wrestling on the resume? >> i put the wrestling on the resume, and that's what got me the job, because they said, wow- - >> reporter: no, no, no. >> yeah. >> reporter: all they needed to tar was he's a professional wrestler and you got the job. >> i put it over the top for yem-- >> reporter: we're going to find out. >> yeah. >> reporter: judy moorehead is the school principal. >> i have been doing this a lot of years and i trust my instincts, and i just saw something in steven that i thought, he would be great in our school. te just had such enthusiasm. >> reporter: and that's how the future of america became entrusted to this soon-to-be soprano. despite his writhing, steve says he loves both jobs but if forced to choose, he said he'd have to pick the profession with the fewest intimidating characters. in other words, he'd pick wrestling. so the southern hangman does not intimidate you? but little johnny smith does? >> yes. after the end of the match, if anything goes wrong, i don't have to talk to the southern hangman's parents afterwards. >> reporter: proof that teaching inndergarten definitely isn't fake. >> what a perfect line. >> reporter: steve hartman, "on the road" in fort meyers, florida. >> pelley: and that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all ndound the world, i'm scott pelley. and i'll see you sunday on "60 eenutes." good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh tonight, the beginnings of a plan to starve the trump administration of much needed kpix 5 news begins with what could be the great california tax revolt! tonight, the beginnings of a plan to starve the trump administration of much-needed tax dollars. >> but first, breaking news. a two-day crime spree ends. a bank robbery suspect who sparked a manhunt in the santa cruz mountains finally caught. good evening, i'm veronica de la cruz. >> i'm ken bastida in for allen martin. police chased him down train tracks less than an hour ago. tactical officers closing in on the suspect. his big mistake, running into a building under construction where he was surrounded. that's when he was caught on 10th street between mission and taylor in san jose. kpix 5 reporter kiet do is live in the city with the breaking details. kiet. >> reporter: what a wild, wild end to a tense 32 hours here in the south bay and the santa cruz mountains. this is where the whole thing went down right on the corner of tenth and taylor where the police cars were -- where the suspect was treated for injuries. san jose police officers spotted the stolen law enforcement vehicle here in downtown san jose. they put the word out a massive response flooded the area talking merge unit assault weapons the helicopter the whole nine yards and the chase was on. chopper 5 captured the moment when the suspect tried to run near the 700 block near taylor. ran down train tracks into a construction area with the cops close behind. he has been in the elements and on the run hasn't eaten in a while so he looked like he was tired. officers surrounded the building and came out in handcuffs. this is exclusive video of medical treatment. his arms had cuts on them. he looked like he was dazed falling asleep but san jose li


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