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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Democracy 2020 The New Hampshire Primary 20200212

surprising former vice president joe biden refocusing the campaign in south carolina and out of new hampshire before the polls close. he finished fifth. the big story with a challenge with a divided democratic party. the socialist and a democratic party establishing and worried that his party in november. will the democrats get behind bernie if they can't shut them down? fox team coverage tonight, following biden him michael bloomberg down south, in-depth analysis but we kick it off with peter doocy with a victory party, peter. >> shannon there were moments that this sounded more like a crowd of a world cup game with a primary night rally has hundreds of faithful standards, waited hours to hear the senator speak for about 10 minutes. and after nearly four hours of being inside the field house, finally got to hear him do something that he could not do a victory speech. >> with victories behind us a popular vote in iowa, the victory tonight, we are going to nevada. we are going to south carolina. we are going to win next those states as well. >> before sanders took the stage and pete buttigieg appeared on a monitor showing primary results giving his speech, sanders supporters booed and started chanting wall street. but sanders praised all of his rivals including buttigieg and stressed to his supporters he will support whoever the nominee is. he just hopes it will be him. and tonight's event was a lot more about policy than personality because every time sanders rattled off the key pillar of his platform, there was a guilt of electricity all through the fieldhouse. >> health care is a human right, not a privilege. [cheers and applause] the wealthy and powerful will start paying their fair share of taxes. [cheers and applause] es will make public colleges and universities tuition free and cancel all student debt. >> that is an agenda that sanders believe will help him continue running primaries but he admitted for now, it will be tough because he is competing not only against billionaires but also democratic candidates funded by billionaires. he made a point tonight to say that none of his donors, bernie sanders, or billionaires themselves, shannon. >> shannon: all right, peter doocy life on the scene, thank you. so joe biden is not here in new hampshire tonight the former vice president basically seeded the first in the nation primary with early departure to south carolina. our democracy 2020 coverage from the palmetto state, he has moved on, hey jacqui heinrich. >> hey, shannon, former vice president joe biden told the crowd in south carolina i hope you guys love me. >> shannon: it looks like we have some technical difficulties there. let's take a deeper dive and we will go back to jacqui heinrich as soon as we can. what they say about the state of the democratic race, bret baier is with us live, bret, are you there? bret, can you hear me? be when we will keep trying to work out the technical difficulties. i think bret is standing by over there for us. okay, let's skip ahead. president trump tonight making history with a new hampshire primary within the incumbent president in history. the president at it again and monday night in new hampshire new hampshire, looking to steal the democrats thunder with a keep america great rally in manchester. it was packed. he had a suggestion for folks for primary day. >> tomorrow, we will vote for the weakest candidate possible of the democrats. does that mak sen wouldn't do t >> shannon: all right let's get the official republican reaction from the chairwoman of the rnc, great to have you back with us. >> great to be with you. >> shannon: okay, folks here very passionate. we got off to talk to some of the people to go to the rallies. this is how one of the supporters for senator sanders ended up winning tonight characterized things. trump is a politician. bernie is a movement. we have seen the passion. we have seen the crowd. what do you think of the head of the match up of those two? >> trump is delivering results. you look at 7 million new jobs, wages up, unemployment rates at record low, the president delivered on so many levels for the american people. and now, he gets to run on that record it. and bernie sanders is a socialist who wants total government takeover of our health care and every aspect of our lives. i think that contrast could not be clearer. socialism versus democracy. and president trump and democracy will win every time. >> shannon: okay, "the washington post" under this headline come of course bernie can win lee's s way. he commands a passionate dedicated active army of volunteers and small dollar donors. he slightly leads trump and head-to-head polling including places like taxes. sanders message whether you agree with p it or not resonates deeply with millions of americans. rana, texas that would surprise a lot of a lot of folks. >> i don't believe that. i'm traveling the country and i think a lot of americans are afraid of the socialist wing of the democrat party what they are proposing to reshape this country. things like getting rid of the electoral college from expanding the supreme court, getting voting rights and opening up our borders. use all the democrats raise their hands and say, let's get health care to undocumented, illegal immigrants. this is not something that a mainstreamth of this country. especially for hardworking americans who recognize that under president trump the lives are better now than they are doing much better than they were four years ago. i just don't see them looking for a candidate who will reshape .he united states of america. >> shannon: well, one of the things we were asking voters potentially at the democratic primary was, how do they feel e the impact of the impeachment trial and of the acquittal for the president would turn out. here is what they said, do you think it will help or hurt democrats politically? 24% thinks it would help, 44% said it would not make a difference, 32% say wert. that is a huge chunk that say it will not make a impact, but do you think you know come up with speaker pelosi trying to push back a month ago she knew how well it would appear to go for e president? >> yeah because the democrats have not done things in washington except obstruct this president. when you see nancy pelosi rip up the state of the union. when you see her bringing in impeachment oaks on the american people and wasting taxpayer time and dollars are not getting things done commit to such a contract -- contrast, on jobs, getting the economy going, evergy independence and every level this is a president gettig things done. the democrats have sort of thrown atm per tantrum for three years. by the way, we have added a million small online donors and mailed donors to the trump campaign since october because of this impeachment so it is absolutely energized airbase and raised a lot of money. >> shannon: and great numbers for the president and the republican primary record numbers for the president so much to celebrate on that side of the aisle. ronna mcdaniel, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> shannon: let's take a deeper dive in the results what they say about the state of the republican race, special report bret baier sticking around with us. good evening, brett. good morning on the east coast. thank you for sticking around. what is your overall thought, a win and outright win for sanders but not by much when it comes to their field? >> bret: shannon, i think it is obviously a win for bernie sanders, but a lot closer than we thought it was going tot be. it is a big story line for amy klobuchar who really capitalized on a national debate performance and road that momentum in to the weekend. and strong showing for mayor pete almost pulling out a win here after his win mall though, fewer votes in iowa but more delegates, and i think the other big story line is who did not perform andor that is joe biden and elizabeth warren. look for the death nails to start sounding for both of those campaigns. because you have nevada and ther you have to wait until the end of the month until south carolina. you wonder whether joe biden can make it there. >> shannon: i want to play something from the senate minority leader of the top democrat there chuck schumer and his predictions for the fall. here is what he says. >> democrats will be strongly united together, and we will be focused like a laser on beating donald trump. tithe enthusiasm that you last w in 2008 to elect barack obama, you will see among democrats this summer and fall to get donald trump. out of office. >> shannon: i asked one boater that we ran into here was still undecided when i talk to him, amy klobuchar he had some signs not a fan of president trump. is that enough anti-trump the fact that you hate this president, you don't like him, you don't like his policies is that enough? i know whoever gets the nomination has to be good on policy as well. so it seems they know they are forever against the president will not be enough. so can they unite behind bernie sanders? >> that is what we are seeing right now, the creation of the battle for this moderate lane if that's what you want to call it or the alternative to the socialist bernie sanders. and it is crowded. it will be more crowded as mike bloomberg gets in ahead of super tuesday. enemy klobuchar, mayor pete buttigieg, michael bloomberg, joe biden and the more possibilities there are in that lane, the better and more empowered, perhaps, ernie sanders gets with consolidating the progressive length of that vote. i will say one thing on enthusiasm. it looks like new hampshire is going to have a record, as far as turnout, for this primary. that is a much better story for democrats then iowa was which was a dismal turnout. >> shannon: yeah come a different billing here for folks. okay, so moving ahead, there is a lot of debate out there about bernie sanders and whether he will be the standard bearer whether good or bad for the rest of the folks down ticketed it if he were the democratic nominee. we are starting to hear folks sayol openly they worry about holding on between districts that swung back from trump to the democrats. if bernie sandershe was on the ticket, it sounds like real clear on the ballot. >> bret: there is real fear down ballot and the party establishment. look for other things to happen. at have already seen the debate rules to change to allow michael bloomberg to get on the next debate stage in nevada. there will be pushed back from the bernie sanders folksus if me of that stuff starts happening on the way to the convention in milwaukee. and i think, shannon,i this will be knock-down, drag-out fight for wisconsin. maybe it's not a brokerage convention, maybe he wins it outright, but bernie sanders is in this for the long haul. >> shannon: yes as we continue to hear whispers of others that may walk in at the last minute. fractured, we will see. bret baier, thank you for sticking around, good to see you. okay back to jacksonville, talking about the former vice president joe biden. he took off before the polls were anywhere near close. also tracking with michael bloomberg. good morning to you, jacqui heinrich. >> good morning, shannon. so telling you before former vice president joe biden here in south carolina told the crowd, "i hope you guys love me as much as i love you guys." biden is depending on that love after a disappointing fifth place finish in new hampshire. south carolina is expected to act as ao firewall for his campaign with long-standing support from black voters. he reminded supporters tonight he was barack obama's vice president for eight years. they got a lot done. bidenhe to diminish the losses n iowa and new hampshire and those states don't represent the rest of the country. >> you hear all these pundits and experts, cable tv talkers talking about the race. tell them, it ain't over man. i've said many times, you can't beat the democrat nominee or win a general election as a democrat unless you have overwhelmingg support from the black and brown voters. >> shannon: biden two his primary watch party, a surprise to his supporters and surrogates. one state senator telling fox he felt discouraged and thought of voters might too. but leaving allowed his campaign to look forward rather than to answer whether he is the most electable candidate, the basis of his pitch. iowa and new hampshire damaged his fund-raising ability and tonight pro biden super pac sent out a memo to donors asking them to dig deep in their pockets facing pressure from mega billion -- mega billionaire michael bloomberg to replace biden as the moderate. bloomberg has skeletons in the closet to hunt him which could take the wind out of his sale. hoday an audio clip surfaced with bloomberg defending his controversial stop and frisk policy. >> >> 90% of murders and murders and murder victims -- [inaudibl] >> shannon: bloomberg previously apologized for his policy which disproportionately affect the people color, but thatff clip certainly caught the attention of a lot of democrats tonight. they were not happy with it. some may be a glimmer of hope for biden's campaign yet, shannon. at in a little bit with the panel coming up. thank you so much. okay he dominated new hampshire 2016 but there is something different about bernie sanders victory this time around are voters ready to fully embrace socialism? what they are telling me us the political panel debates what it means next. ♪ ♪ applebee's new irresist-a-bowls now starting at $7.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. doctor bob, what should i take for back pain? before you take anything, i recommend applying topical relievers first. salonpas lidocaine patch blocks pain receptors for effective, non-addictive relief. salonpas lidocaine. patch, roll-on or cream. hisamitsu. and my side super soft? yes. with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. can it help me fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise. prove. and now, during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all smart beds. only for a limited time. ♪ >> shannon: welcome back to bedford new hampshire. there is a new democratic candidate searching tonight. senator amy klobuchar from a strong friday night debate performance right into new hampshire's first of the nation primary. ellison barber from the headquarters and concert where i think it a listen, they have to be feeling good. >> yeah, you each night for this campaign shannon, the campaign manager just announced that they raised $2.5 million since the polls closed. earlier in the night, they were working to add staff on the ground in nevada, south carolina and all of the super tuesday states. the campaign also announced a seven-figure add by in nevada. this ad will start airing tomorrow in the las vegas and reno markets. tonight, the room here in concord filled with chance have amy come up vote and make him a beat trump. the senator remind she began her campaign ineg a blizzard and people did not expect it to last. >> then they predicted that we wouldn't make it through the summer. we did. then they predicted we wouldn't make it to the debate. and man, where we at the debate and new hampshire. [cheers and applause] what we have been a steady. we've been strong, and we never quit. i think that sounds pretty good for a president. >> shannon: klobuchar got in a subtle dig at the other 2020 contenders. she told supporters that she does not have as big of a bank bank account has some. she said she's not a newcomer without political experience and shee said though, what i do is get things done based on what we have seen here in new hampshire tonight. it is hard to argue with t her n that last point, shannon. >> shannon: all right, ellison might think is much pier there is bernie sanders, officially the winner of the new hampshire democratic primary again tonight. the panel set to debate what tonight's results mean, fox news contributor jessica tarlov, and the editor. chris stirewalt. hi, guys, how is it going? question? it as official bernie is doing his thing. we keep hearing this either these two different lanes, buttigieg, biden, klobuchar but "the washington post" an interesting piece, pete would adjudge a moderate championing far left policies and he emerged as the front runner in the presidential race as a middle-of-the-road liberal, but his policies including mere unlimited abortion rights with spending plans to make formeren president barack obama blush. don't fit in the moderate lane. hence they tick through several other things. is he more bernie than biden? >> the buttigiegmillion, right? he will ship to his policies. he is like -- you know how he's like obama? he will do whatever is clever. he will do whatever will get him where he wants to be. buttigieg is no hard line -- a former mckinsey consultant with sharp interest in being the next president of the united states. he will say and do what is necessary to make that happen. >> shannon: as they decide on who their nominee will be, yahoo finance with his headline why trump will lose in 2020. basically it says four reasons the economy is not strong enough bloomberg has tons of money, trumps health care blind spots and barack obama's old saying, listen, once they get someone barack obama will get out on the campaign trail and actively campaign for them. >> iam think if you look at president trump and the numbers tonight for president trump, he got more votes than and then deme and it -- incumbent president when it's not a contest. >> shannon: they showed up anyway. >> and he has been able to amass the war chests has welcome of the gallup polls 63% of americans supporting president trump on the economy which i think is the most a president has had since 2001. so i disagree with that. i think people are feeling the impacts and benefits ofen the economy. he also has incumbency to do great benefits and you look at democrats and they can't figure out what direction they want to go in. bernie sanders diametrically opposed to the rest of this field. >> shannon: it is interesting to me when you look at those numbers, 118,000 people showed up for the primary tonight when it's not really a contest. but they came out. it is roughly mild night for new hampshire this time of year. so they did. okay "the wall street journal" has an opinion pete by governor bobby gentle and he'sg wanting to democrats, they hold dogmatic beliefs that are impervious to contradiction by logic and evidence were experience and cultivate a moral superiority towards unbelievers. the party that loudly tried to tolerance is increasingly intolerant, jessica. i'm really taken back by bobby bobby gentle. but it is interesting more moderate establishment thate feels we should do as much as we can to embrace as many people who might vote for us. i've been invoking what james carville said the last few days who struck me and said i want to be a winner. power is about winning and yound have to do whatever you can to bring in the most amount of people. we saw that back-and-forth mayor pete talking about the abortion issue and pooh-poohed and amy klobuchar said come along with a spear that is an elegant way to say we want you o be a part of the party. we are not necessarily changing the policy's first the democratic platform but there is obviously a place for you here. about 20% of democrats pro-life democrats contain personally pro-life democrat. hiller -- hillary clinton as well. >> shannon: wait a minute -- politically. >> what you carry out politically, that is the way you vote. >> shannon: first of all, roe v. wade protects the woman's rights to make health care decisions. >> my point is there is a kinder way to talk to people who disagree with you about something that is fundamental to your party's platform. in your personal beliefs can be different than what you think is politically right and upholding the law which is what hillary clinton does. >> shannon: know mike >> one thing that is interesting, pete buttigieg is not a moderat. you go through as you laid out earlier a guy who supports late-term abortion. if i previously supported medicare for all. he's not a moderate. >> shannon: electoral college. >> the front runner democratic party is a socialist pier that is how far left the democratic party. you go back to 2016 medicare for all was outside of the mainstream of the democratic party and considered extreme policy position to have. now it is mainstreamed. so that is how far the party shifted. bernie sanders basically won inn iowa, new hampshire, tonight,obs heading to south carolina with the wind at his back and emerge as the front runner. >> shannon: let me ask you this, chris. how different will it be when we get to the other states. everybody they are my options first, but former vice president said tonight melissa and african-american voters have in a big way been able to have a voice and vote because not that diverse. >> it is ten days until nevada. it does more than two weeks. to south carolina. joe biden is not in this, right? >> shannon: not at this moment. >> this is not going to happen. you have to feel bad at a pointed moment, this guy will lose a third presidential candidates. one of the guys that is the most popular and full of political figures in the united states who is going to build at this again. that owners will not let him do this. and he is no way going to be able to feed the bulldog what it takes to get through. it is sort of a sad moment for wanted this his whole career. he has been at this for 50 years, and it will come to an end foran him again and that is pointing. >> shannon: don't count joe biden out because the mother said so manyde flaws in each of the other candidates. >> shannon bream, shannon bream. >> shannon: i'm just saying, that is out there. on[laughter] >> you don't know until 1% of the black population in this country votes. be when >> there is an alternative headline tonight 75% of new hampshire voters rejected socialism. >> shannon: okay. it is an alternate. okay, thank you panel. >> thank you commission him. michael bloomberg doing major damage, and stereotyping criminals and their victims. the fallout next. ♪ our retirement plan with voya gives us confidence. we can spend a bit now, knowing we're prepared for the future. surprise! we renovated the guest room, so you can live with us. i'm good at my condo well planned, well invested, well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. i feelbusiness logo...outdoor sign. you always get me. now, get free 1 hour in-store pick up... office depot officemax and same time next week. yes! moms love that land o' frost premium sliced meats have no by-products. 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[conference phone] has joined the call. hey baloney here. i thought this was a no by-products call? land o' frost premium. a slice above. >> shannon: all right, democracy 2020 coverage continues light from new hampshire tonight with a look at quinnipiac poll with a big shift and african-american support on the democratic side. former vice president joe biden losing significant ground to former new york city mayor mike bloomberg in the last few weeks. let's talk aboutty the numbers d the news of the day to impact them again. fox news contributor and fox news analyst, caldwell, welcome to you both. >> thank you. >> good to be here shannon. >> shannon: this is quinnipiac and we are looking at january versus now. this has only been two or three week period between african-american support, biden in january at the top of the list. look at this. he has lost half of that support. bloomberg seems to be benefiting. sanders picked up a little bit as well come about the same for warren. buttigieg picked up a little bit as well. but that is a major shift to go from 52% down to 27% for joe biden. >> that is a major shift, and i think it b should be a shift african-american should take. when we think about the policies in which joe biden has supported in the past, 94 crime bill and nn support of other policies that have been very unfortunate for african-americans come i think it is clear that not just with him, but with other candidates in the race who actually have supported other policies that have marginalized african-americans. i think there should be a shift. when we think about what is going on with michael bloomberg and the audio that came out. he spoke about african-americans come i think the record should be clearer that any democrat cas more about the progress of african-americans then complete myth. black lives in my opinion does not matter to democrats and black votes do. we see this with joe biden looking to solidify his standings with black votes, but not offering black policy that will target and finish with his community. >> shannon: richard, those numbers that we saw a huge bump like 15 percentage point jump, and then today, these holes numbers before the audience today, how do you think he manages that because it seems like a lot of people out there in the mainstream media left pulling for bloomberg a becausei don't think biden is viable anymore and they worry about bernie. do you think you will pay a price for the release of this audio? >> there is no question michael bloomberg will pay a price but if i was in the biden campaign i would say this 2008 barack obama was forced to give historic speech on race. i think if michael bloomberg intends to be the nominee for the party come all the numbers indicate he's putting more than any other candidate. he has the longest runway because of the amount of money in this race but it is time for michael bloomberg to have extraordinary speech to the american people. there is no question of the damage, stop and frisk here in new york city and across the country. and so michael bloomberg has an obligation to do this. really told the american people how he made a shift in another direction or how the policy did not work effectively or any of the merit of issues but he needs to have a conversation with african-american voters how his change has been over time. with that said, i think, you know, michael bloomberg's is just as bad as donald trump's record. excuse me. i did not interrupt you. >> that is alive. >> shannon: okay, we will give you a chance. >> when it came down to the central five come up five men in the scent put in jail for rate d murder, donald trump cited on te opposite side. he wasn't with these five and until this day, he has still not apologized. >> well, we can talk about what is factual and what is the thought of others. we can specifically point as president what donald trump has done for african-americans. we talk about criminal justice reform. thousands of people released from jail, 90% being black. opportunities and in this country has support for school choice which the majority of folks that go to charter schools are african-americans. and they arean poor. so when we talk about real issues, policies that change individuals lives, we can point to donald trump and say this is the person who actually, actually championing issues thae impact african-americans. joe biden recently talked about the fact that african-americans have been taken for. granted. i'm glad because he is absolutely correct. democrats continuously take african-americans for granted. that has stopped with this administration. >> there is another option. >> don't pay us on black voters and call it rain. >> here is the reality come with donald trump has attacked members of color, and he has called his former african-american advisor a dog. i am just getting started not to mention charlottesville where he said there was good people many sides. >> bloomberg's ability to talk to black voters. if bloomberg wants to have a conversation with black voters -- >> policy wins. >> shannon: we have to leave it there because so much unsettled with the results of iowa and where this goes from here and especially looking at the former vice president biden heading to south carolina where he was counting on the african-american voters who were billing him. we will see what happens. richard, thank you. always good to see you. >> thank you, shannon. >> shannon: roger stone to josie -- with an update, hey, >> good morning come i should say, breaking now for prosecutors, roger stone's case resigning aft revised its sentencing recommendation for stone when the trump administration criticized the sentence is over punitive, documents filed monday show the u.s. attorney's office and monday stone serve 87 to 108 months after being convicted of lying to congress and witness tampering. the department finds that figure is extreme, it excessive and grossly disproportionate to stone's offenses. president trump agrees. take a listen. >> it was a disgraceful recommendation. they ought to be ashamed of emthemselves. and then the really guilty ones the ones that have committed major crimes and getting away with it. >> fox news can come from president trump has pulled his nomination to service the top official over at the treasury department. and kept by the fed to oversee both stone and flynn's cases. also developing out actor jussie smollett and hot water again after a grand jury returned a six count indictment accused of lying to chicago police. those charges stem from select claims in january last year that he was the target of a racist and homophobic attack by trump supporter's. the initial charges against jussie smollett were dropped prompting a subsequent investigation into exactly why that happened, shannon. >> shannon: in washington for us this morning, tonight, whichever your time zone may be, thank you. >> you bet. >> shannon: new hampshire feeling the burn up, but is america ready for a democratic socialist president? the power panel debates the odds next. ♪ when you've prepped the gear; done the research; found the spot; nailed the presentation. and now there's only one thing left to do. it's hookset season. come in during the spring fever sale where, for a limited time, you can find huge savings on select rods, reels, and everything else you need to make this the best season yet. >> i think if you look at countries around the world, look at countries in scandinavia, finland, sweden, denmark, what do they have? everybody in those countries have health care as a right. >> the only one on the stageha when asked, do you think a social should be leading the ticket or do you have trouble with that when stepping up to ask that question, i was only went to raise my hand and say yes. >> shannon: the battle for the soul of the democratic party is joined tonight. senator bernie sanders with what looks like a win now, official in the new hampshire primary. the debate continues for the foreseeable future. speaking of debates, let's welcome and left coast news host ethan bearman national laurier associational harmeet dhillon and the next revolutionary host, steve poulton, welcome all. >> high matt, shannon. >> shannon: forbes said the headline for young voters embracing bernie sanders and democratic socialist in the schools have not talked much about the ravages of socialism and communism to young people, socialism minutes though mike is an abstract concept. they are understandably concerned how they can be self-sufficient -- self-sufficient and live the american dream. it sounds like youngsters are willing to take a chance. >> well my think it is certainly true to say that is a bad experience with the system that has been run for the last few years. so it's not surprising they are looking for change. but leap from that to something completely extreme which is what socialism is is incredibly risky. ies, and they have that there too and they guarantee social welfare system safety net and someone peer that is not socialism at all. there is a tradition of more soft left kind of politics and ideology in europe that you see in those countries. but they don't call it socialism. it's called social democracy. what he's talking about, much more centralized government control of the economy and key services like health care. he wants to totally nationalize health care. in don't see that even places like the u.k. where you have the single-payer system. you still have private insurance. what he is talking about is way more extreme than has been applied anywhere in europe or anywhere, frankly come outside rof the former soviet union and the communist state. >> shannon: well, we had a guest on the show last year here at his name, the cato institute now, swedish himself and put together this documentary about abandoned socialism because it wasn't working there. this is what he says about that now. >> bernie sanders wants america to be more like sweden. well, then they would have to reform social security come introduce school vouchers come abolish taxes on things like inheritance and property because sweden has liberalized dramatically in the past few years. because we tried socialism. >> shannon: ethan, that doesn't sound like senator sanders bag of tricks. school choice and all those other things he mentioned. >> it is true. what we are talking about when we hear and talk to the young people in the united states to support bernie sanders, what they are saying, actually, somewhat and conceivably i'm agreeing with steve on this.ha the idea that health care is provided for everybody. that is what the european a countries are modeling peer that is what they are seeing and tyig into this idea that bernie sanders and medicare for all is the right idea. the democratic party is actually clearer. the majority are saying, it is really affordable care act that thepi republicans chipping awayt and trying to tear down. the trump administration suingng the pre-existing coverage. we are saying no, we have to make sure people have access to health care. whether or not 30% that they want to nationalize, the rest of us in the democratic party are saying no, we need to expand on what president obama did to make sure that everybody has access to affordable health care. >> shannon: okay. here is chris matthews on another network saying, you know, a lot of people on the left are saying, they are worried about having a socialist on the ticket against donald trump. here is what he says. >> the issue of this campaign, it is that word socialism. some people like it. younger people like it. those of us like me who grew up in a cold war and saw some aspects of it, visiting places like vietnam like i have and the same countries like cuba, being there, i have seen what socialism is like and i don't like it,t, okay? it's not only not free but it does not freaking work! >> shannon: he is among those that are worried. >> yeah, he's worried, james carville's word but the young this kind of back to the past commentary. and so when you look at the results to that bernie had very strong showing in the urban areas and not so much in the wealthier rule areas. and he had fly -- among 45 liberalgs voters so coming out f bernie sanders strong showing the future of the democratic party. and kind of moderate, you know let's tweak around the edges that ethan described. that is not the core of theny party anymore. the party has gone hard left. this is going to be a real problem as they move forward. i see with these two showings, bernie sanders really is the front runner of the democratic party and he represents the future. donald tweeted he is the one with the energy and the one with the young voters. >> but if you add up klobuchar numbers in y new hampshire, yea, the moderates actually still go in new hampshire. >> shannon: fee have to leave it there. we will decide the nomination and how this plays out in the general. thank you for being with us tonight. , the driver arrested for plowing into a group of trump supporter's reportedly smiling as he arrives in court. details on the disturbing story that is not getting a lot of national attention, next. ♪ >> shannon: a florida man behind bars tonight following the we can attack on a group of trumpck supporter's. chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher is on the case tonight, trace. >> shannon, good evening the olhoople republican party in jacksonville, florida, set up a tent near a mall and trying to register people to vote. the police a 27-year-old gregory tim then drove his band into the tent. nobody was injured, but after he had allegedly drove over chairs and tables and into the tent, witnesses say the suspect got out of his van, took cell phone video, made obscene gesture, and sped off. he was arrested a few hours later. the county g.o.p. chair said on social media, the suspect was intentionally targeting trump campaign volunteers. >> we are not going to be runaway. in fact, we will rededicate our efforts to bee in more places d more numerous than before and according to the police report the suspect never denied going after republicans come in fact just the telling police he ran into the tent because he doesn't like president trump and that someone had to take a stand. gregory tim also voluntarily showed thely police videos he tk while he was driving towards the tent. he was apparently upset because one video ended before he actually hit the tent. tim now facing aggravated assault charges made his first court appearance today where he smiled and nodded at the cameras. donald trump jr. says, he is astounded at the storys, did not get more attention. watch. >> if the shoe was on the other foot and that was some sort of pretend, you know crazy right wing all to right whatever person doing it to bernie sanders or elizabeth, its would be the number one news story all over america. >> florida senators marco rubio and rick rick scott cold it politically motivated and president trump tweeted "be careful, tough guys, you play with." shannon. >> shannon: trace gallagher, thank you. that story. on for now from new hampshire most-watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us. good night at bedford. we will see you tomorrow. i'm shannon bream. it's an adventure waiting to happen; it's a child's fishing 101 course. because, it's more than a boat. it's a tracker. now get up to a $300.00 bass pro/cabela's gift card with purchase of select tracker boats. 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