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Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140407

♪ clap along if you feel like -- >> get ready for "happy" monday, america. superstar pharrell is with us and the smash hit of the year. we have an event so big it's going to take all of times square. it's our biggest happiest dance-along ever. >> good morning, america. ♪ and good morning, america. a very happy monday here and a morning filled with news. >> yeah, busy morning, indeed. tracking several developing stories including tornadoes racing across the south right now. ginger will get into that. those promising possible pings from the missing jet's black boxes. >> but right to that dramatic testimony from oscar pistorius. it has been an emotional morning. oscar breaking down on the stand as he apologized to the family of reeva steenkamp. abc's matt gutman is in the courthouse in pretoria. good morning, matt. >> reporter: george, just minutes ago after 15 months of unbroken silence oscar pistorius began telling his story of the past year of torment and terror but first he began by turning to reeva steenkamp's mother in an apology that had people in the courtroom weeping. when it was oscar pistorius' turn to testify, he could barely speak. >> i'd like to apologize and there hasn't been a moment since this tragedy happened that i haven't thought about your family. i wake up every morning and you're the first people i think of, the first people i pray for. i can't mention the pain and the sorry and the emptiness that i have caused you and your family. i was simply trying to protect reeva. i can promise when she went to bed that night she felt love. >> reporter: and since, he said he mistakenly shot the reality-star girlfriend that night claiming she was an intruder has been tortured by the grizzly scene he saw. >> i have terrible nightmares about the things i saw that night. i wake up and i can smell the blood. and i wake up to being terrified. >> reporter: and paranoid, saying he keeps an armed guard outside his door. >> i wake up in a complete state of terror. i'd rather not sleep than fall asleep and wake up like this. >> reporter: pistorius said he is so traumatized by that shooting he never wants to touch a firearm again. no cameras are allowed filming him. we only hear his audio but earlier in court i saw how emotionally broken up he was, crying. he had to be consoled by his brother and his sister. george. >> thanks. more on this in a little bit. moving on now, george, to those promising developments this morning in the search for malaysian airlines 370. two separate signals that could be pinging from the black boxes have been picked up in a remote section of the indian ocean. we want to get right to abc's david kerley for all of the latest. good morning, david. >> reporter: lara, this is really the best lead since this plane disappeared 31 days ago. they were able to narrow the search to the strip of indian ocean right here you see it and they were -- chinese said they heard some pings down here at bottom of the screen. but up here, the australians and the americans using u.s. gear heard the signal two different times and searchers they may have heard both black boxes. on board this australian vessel, the "ocean shield" the ping locator heard something two separate times. >> there's been two contacts thus far and they were early on in the process. >> reporter: it was in the middle of the night saturday into sunday when crews heard something like this. [ clicking ] and saw it on their screens. for 2:20 they heard the signals, they turned back and heard it again for 13 minutes. the two hits about a mile apart. >> clearly this is a most promising lead and probably in the search so far it's the -- it's probably the best information that we have had. >> reporter: this morning, the ocean shield is crisscrossing a small search area, three square miles of the indian ocean with depths of nearly 3 miles. and they already think they may have heard both boxes. the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder. >> we did hear two signals. there was very similar frequency ranges involved coming from different locations. that's actually pretty encouraging. because, remember, there are two black boxes involved. >> reporter: the searchers would like a third hit allowing them to triangulate where these signal pulses may be coming from then this underwater mapping robot will be sent to the bottom of the ocean where its sonar will look for wreckage. the best lead so far and searchers are struck they may be close without ever even seeing wreckage on the surface. the normal telltale sign of where to look. >> i think it's quite, quite extraordinary and while i'd like to see now is us find some wreckage because that will -- that will basically help solve the mystery. >> now, this is remarkable, that first ping in the australians and americans heard was when they had actually reeled in this listening device and brought it up closer to the surface to prepare for a turn and heard the first ping. the manufacturer of those pingers tells us even though we are past the guaranteed battery life, george, they believe that the searchers have three or four more good solid days of signals to try and really pinpoint if this is the wreckage. >> let's hope they're right. thanks very much. more on this from abc's aviation consultant steve ganyard. i'm sitting here with one of the black boxes right here on the desk. and everyone has said this is the most promising lead yet after some false ones. >> it sure is, george. very, very encouraging. we have would solid hits. if we can get one more they can triangulate a good position but even with these two i think we have a very good chance, maybe not today, maybe not this month, but we're going to unravel the mystery of flight 370. >> and we just heard david say the manufacturer believes there could be several more days left of pinging on this black box. the range anywhere from 30 to 45 days but in part it depends how old the battery was. >> and we're down to just days so hopefully in the next couple of days they can get that hit. even if they don't we have this side-looking sonar that makes a grainy black and white picture of the bottom of the ocean floor. even if we lose the pingers we're in a small enough search area we'll find wreckage on the bottom. >> in the air france case even though the pinger had gone out they were able to find wreckage months, years later. >> that's correct. that's the key. it could be years later but based on what we have in terms of position now it's just a matter of time before we find this airplane. >> steve ganyard, thanks very much. overnight flash flooding overwhelmed streets across the south forcing water rescues. on top of that several tornadoes reported and ginger, i know you say this threat is far from over. >> right, there's still a tornado watch. you can see it here in red. deep south in chaos as heavy rains stretch from virginia all the way to new orleans. so that's not the only issue, right? you've got the turbulent winds but also all that rain. 5 to 8 inches, the water rescues are ongoing. cars submerged. look at this video from wbma in birmingham, alabama, itself. big problems. a lot of schools delayed and do not drive into that water if you are going out this morning. that's how people get in trouble. so from richmond to raleigh to columbia, to jacksonville, that's where we're looking for the next couple of hours into the early afternoon for most of the issues. the heavy rain i think will be the biggest problem. another 2 to even 3 inches in places. flood watches as far as portland, maine. we'll talk more about this in our nation's weather coming up. >> thanks, ginger. now to the dramatic rescue at sea. emergency medics parachuting in to save a baby on adrift at sea. martha raddatz with that story and, martha, so many questions about what that family was doing out there in the first place. >> so many questions this morning, george. this rescue was as harrowing as they come. high seas, howling wind, a disabled sailboat and sick baby girl which meant the military to the rescue. the national guardsmen parachuting into the frigid waters of the pacific. their mission, to save this baby. and this morning, 1-year-old lyra kaufman and her family are safe and heading back to land. >> the family is exhausted but out of any imminent danger or harm. >> reporter: a satellite distress call was received from lyra's parents thursday night. their 36-foot sailboat dead in the water. that call launching the massive operation to reach the stranded vessel 900 miles off the coast of mexico. a four-person pararescue team parachuting into the pacific ocean to reach the baby girl seen here on this 2013 sailing trip. she was suffering from a high fever and what looked like a life-threatening rash. the pararescue team stabilized her before the entire family was transferred to the "uss vandergrift." >> the ussvandegrift is now underway towards san diego, california. >> reporter: according to the family's blog, eric and charlotte kaufman along with their two daughters sailed from san diego two weeks ago to attempt an around the world journey aboard "the rebel heart" but their trip sparking criticism on the family's facebook page. one person calling them irresponsible parents. another writing, how selfish to jeopardize the lives of their tiny and helpless children. but overnight, the pair releasing this statement -- "we prepared as well as any sailing crew could. we are proud of our choices and our preparation." >> it's a good lifestyle. i've been on their boat. i have, you know, spent time with them and it's a great thing for those girls to experience. >> the family's boat has now sunk along with everything on it but this was, indeed, a very costly rescue. everybody is very happy. the baby was saved but i don't know about you, but when i have children by a swimming pool i'm nervous. i don't know how they could do it. >> martha, thanks very much. i have a real loss to report this morning. hollywood icon mickey rooney has died. he died on sunday at the age of 93. the man famous for all his films with judy garland and playing andy hardy and playing in the muppets and "night at the museum." his career spanning nearly 90 years. >> you are the most terrific. >> reporter: eternally effervescent. nine decades in show business. 5'3" mickey rooney made the '40s and '30s his own golden age. >> people in our business are the luckiest people in the world. >> reporter: born joseph yule jr., he was a child of va vaudvillens and started on the stage at 17 months. >> it all came very natural to be an actor or an actress is, quote/unquote, to be natural. >> reporter: his big break came at 17 when he was cast as young andy hardy. >> ain't i something? >> andy, you're beautiful. ♪ so let us -- >> reporter: he teamed up with a young judy garland for a host of bouncy cheerful musicals that became classics. ♪ i am a yankee doodle boy >> reporter: he would also act with elizabeth taylor in "national velvet." >> you'll be disqualified at the end when they find out you're a girl. >> reporter: he retained his perpetually boyish appeal throughout his career's ups and downs, including his performance in 1961's "breakfast at tiffany's," which would strike many as an offensive character. >> i am definitely calling the police. >> reporter: given an honorary academy award in 1983. he died sunday at the age of 93 concluding a hollywood life that he felt required the briefest of epitaphs. >> i tried. ♪ who could ask for anything more ♪ >> reporter: for "good morning america," chris connelly, abc news, los angeles. >> mickey rooney, he tried and he succeeded. boy, did he. want to thank chris for that. let's get news from amy. good morning, we begin with a spring break party that erupted into chaos. police had to fire tear gas as violence break out near u.c. santa barbara. nearly 40 people have been hospitalized. more than 130 were arrested. reena ninan shows us what happened. >> reporter: this dramatic video in santa barbara shows partygoers versus the police. more than 15,000 people attending deltopia, the spring break block party near the university of california santa barbara. turned into an all-out emergency. >> certainly a very volatile, dangerous situation. >> reporter: police say it erupted saturday when they were making an arrest on an assault. the suspect hitting the police officer in the face with a backpack full of large bottles of alcohol. with the officer down, the call for help went out. >> a number of units, individuals, responded to the scene. and, unfortunately, that attracted a large crowd. >> reporter: things spiraling out of control. the growing crowd causing more law enforcement to respond. >> sort of erupted into a full-scale civil disturbance. >> reporter: you can see mattresses burning, street signs demolished. cars damaged. police using all means necessary to restore order. pepper bomb munitions, rubber bullets and tear gas. >> this is getting bad. >> reporter: making this american neighborhood look more like a war zone. for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> our thanks to reena for that. there could be a powerful new tool in the battle against breast cancer. researchers say a new drug called palbociclib slowed down or stopped tumors in half the women with advanced breast cancer helping them improve their quality of life though not prolonging it. some doctors call the results ground-breaking, but warn larger studies are needed to prove those benefits. escalation overnight in the crisis in ukraine. pro-russian demonstrators stormed buildings in eastern ukraine seizing weapons and demanding the right to join russia. a ukrainian military officer was also killed in nearby crimea. and back in this country a fire that swept through a massachusetts wedding just moments after the groom kissed the bride is now being blamed on a cigarette that was tossed into mulch nearby. the fire destroyed a landmark building south of boston. thankfully everyone escaped in time. our pick for sports champ of the weekend. 9-year-old kelly shu is the first female champion ever crowned at augusta national, home of the masters. she won a youth tournament beating out 17,000 others who only dreamed of the opportunity. the trophy, i love this, was nearly as big as kelly's head. as her father said she's only 61 pounds dripping wet. she said it was the best day of her life and i love her words of wisdom. she said the reason she loves golf is because you need practice and patience. neither which i have and -- >> she knows that at 9? >> yes. the game of golf taught her that. >> i still haven't figured that out. >> i'm at the 19th hole. >> congratulations to her. >> adorable. >> thank you, aim. sports now. big game tonight. ncaa championship, connecticut takes on kentucky after a bracket busting tournament and gio is in the social square. >> a most unlikely matchup when uconn meets number eight kentucky in tonight's championship game. upsets rolling and really breaking brackets. here's mine, looking pretty ugly. oh, florida, i'm so sorry. i'm not alone, though, check this out, of the 11 million brackets filled out through espn only 1,780 correctly predicted kentucky and uconn would make the final game. and that means that only 0.016% of all entries picked the two teams left standing. you got to figure some of them must have gone to kentucky or connecticut. rabid fans have been taking to twitter and facebook all weekend long. we have go cats and go huskies all over the place on twitter. the champ will be crowned tonight at the huge at&t stadium in arlington, texas. guys, back to you. >> he acted really well. >> he did. >> come on, guy. you got to love yourself. you were so close. so now i ask you, oh, gio, wise one, who will go all the way? >> because you're asking me i'll say uconn. >> oh, thank you. you know i like -- >> uconn. >> beat the sparties, though. >> i have to go with -- >> i have to go with amy. sorry. >> michigan state -- >> i'm with you. let's get some weather now. >> it is the strong storms i want to start with again. we have pictures from new orleans this morning and the lightning that was just blowing through there. the strong to heavy rain that is coming with the thunderstorms, of course, now going to move to the north and east and watch this as it goes into parts of virginia, maryland, delaware, then eventually tonight, northeast. so new york city up through parts of new england going to get it and the other big story, the big heat. close to 100 degrees for some in the southwest. baking as we go into this workweek. first the select cities brought to you by kohl's. >> remember, bud, it's just water. >> okay. it's just water. good morning. i'm abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco with your bay area microclimate forecast. all sunshine, warmer than average today everywhere. highs will start tapering after tomorrow but we'll stay above average with dry weather all the way through the seven-day forecast. today we'll be near 70 along the coast, mid to upper 70s around the bay shore, upper 70s to mid-80s inland. tonight we fall back to the 50s under clear sky. few 40s up north. here's your accuweather >> so if vegas is in the 90s doesn't impress you, how about minneapolis to 70? much more on the dramatic and emotional testimony from the trial of oscar pistorius. the blade runner sobbing on the stand. caught on camera, astonishing moment on a hot air balloon that almost turned deadly. a couple crashed into live power lines. we will get who that coming up. very cheeky new pictures out overnight. will kate and prince george of new zealand go nose to nose on the royal tour? you see why i said cheeky there? >> i do. and pharrell here with a live performance, taking overtimes square. made with me when i was ten. he said, "you get the grades to go to college -- and we'll help out with the school of your choice." well, i got the grades and, with dad's planning and a lot of hard work, i'm graduating today with a degree in marine biology. i'm so thankful and excited about the future. 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[ rumbling ] woah! aah! he doesn't like to be touched there. mmm! [ male announcer ] pet the rainbow! taste the rainbow. they'll wanna eat it rightgonna away.od pet the rainbow! and country crock stirs in easily, to give mashed potatoes that rich buttery flavor your family loves, everytime. welcome to crock country. good morning. i'm kristen sze. police in san jose are vetting a shooting that happened shortly before 3:00. a man was shot several times on snow drive and is in serious condition. they are still looking for the shooter and have been interviewing witnesses. in san francisco, the driver of a truck is cooperating with police as they investigate the seven deadly pedestrian accident this year. it happened around 11:00 last night near van ness on xwoelden gate avenue. the pedestrian was not in the crosswalk when he was hit by the truck. let's hope cars are safer on the freeways. leyla? hopefully so. unfortunately, we have a new accident in concord. this is going to be right on 242. in the southbound direction at concord avenue, one lane is blocked and we are looking at heavy backups but it remains slow heading into pleasant hill and walnut creek. a drive over the altamont pass into livermore farther out towards the dublin interchange into castro valley, slow going to 238. we'll salesgets up to 795 highwayal is the passamiles per tank.sel salesperson #2: actually, we're throwing in a $1,000 fuel reward card. we've never done that. that's why there's never been a better time to buy a passat tdi clean diesel. husband: so it's like two deals in one? salesperson #2: exactly. avo: during the first ever volkswagen tdi clean diesel event, get a great deal on a passat tdi, that gets up to 795 highway miles per tank. and get a $1,000 fuel reward card. it's like two deals in one. hurry in and get a $1,000 fuel reward card and 0.9% apr for 60 months on tdi models. all right. we're back taking a look at this. everybody is up to around 10 miles but there is still some fog sitting in the 101 corridor so be careful there. let's talk about temperatures. very mild this morning. upper 40s to mid-50s. our destination this afternoon, look at all that sunshine, well warmer than average. accuweathe ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ♪ and we can hear the cheers inside as pharrell walked out into times square. say hello this morning. the hottest singer on the planet right now. he is going to be everywhere in times square this morning. he's going to end up on the roof and play in the studio as well as we celebrate a very happy monday morning right here on "gma." >> happy monday, everybody. that song has been number one on the billboard hot 100 list for six weeks straight now and we just cannot get enough. it's contagious. hard not to smile. >> look at them. they can dance. >> whoa. i am impressed. i don't want to dance next to them. and his album currently number five on the charts, and he has quite a performance planned ahead. we'll all do happy dancing. right? >> i'm already doing a happy dance. >>. and also the startling moment caught on camera. a hot air balloon hit power lines right after a couple got engaged. that was in mid-air. we're happy to say we'll hear from them. >> thank goodness they are okay. and quite a royal tour this morning. prince will, kate and baby george. >> my god. >> you want me to say it's a very cheeky picture. there you go. i think you get the point and they go nose to nose as they tour new zealand this morning. >> great pictures. we'll look forward to more of those. more on the emotional and dramatic testimony from oscar pistorius on the stand in his own defense this morning. abc's matt gutman has all the details. >> i wake up every morning and you're the first people i think of, the first people i pray for. i can't mention the pain and the sorrow and the emptiness that i have caused you and your family. i was simply trying to protect reeva. i can promise you when she went to bed that night she felt loved. >> reporter: taking the stand, a broken man, by his own actions. his first whimpered words, an jay to the family of reeva steenkamp. the reality star girlfriend he shot and killed from his bathroom door in february of last year. watching from the bench steenkamp's mother stone-faced. his voice quivering and so low that the judge asked him to speak up. >> i don't like doing this to you but i can hardly hear you. >> i beg your pardon, my lady. i'll speak up. >> reporter: he then described his fragile mental state. >> i'm scared to sleep. >> reporter: saying he wakes up every night in a panic. >> i can smell blood and wake up to being terrified and in a complete state of terror to the point i'd rather not sleep. >> reporter: the man who had purchased a small arsenal of guns before the shooting now terrified of them. >> i never want to handle a firearm again or so -- i've got a security guard that is outside my front door at night. >> reporter: early the defense playing out its case. >> sound, specific marking, disability, evidence relevant to vulnerability. >> reporter: suggesting it will rely heavily on the double amputee's disability and his sense of vulnerability that night. and pistorius describing his birth defect. >> i was born with a missing fibula which is one of the two bones between the knee and the knee and the ankle. >> reporter: and a mother who always made him feel like he was no different than anyone else. >> she treated me exactly the same as my brother and my sister. >> reporter: now this testimony could last for days. earlier we saw the lead prosecutor absolutely grill the defense's pathologist, actually belittling him on the stand and we're told that nel is going to be ferocious in his cross-examination of pistorius. now, the big question is, can pistorius' story and nerves hold up? lara. >> that is the big question. we want to get to our chief legal affairs anchor dan abrams for more on this. it's a huge day, so emotional. what do you think of his decision, pistorius', to start off by apologizing to the steenkamp family? >> if the judge is going to let him do it, why not. it's very emotional, it's very powerful. you can make an argument that whether this was murder or an accident that he's sorry about what happened. >> i'd like to believe he felt like he needed to do that. >> but the key to his testimony will be whether he can survive cross-examination and potential inconsistencies about what time did they go to bed and where was the gun and was there screaming? those are going to be the key questions he has to address. >> one thing to do it with your defense team and quite another -- >> exactly, exactly. >> what do you make of all the talk right out of the gate about his disability? >> that's part of the defense. the defense wants to argue that a reasonable person in his position with his disabilities would have more fear than an ordinary person. and so they're saying that has to come into account in the legal standard as well. so not only is it emotional testimony, powerful testimony how he overcame it and still has issues but related to the legal questions in the case. >> it was really emotional to listen to. it sounded like he could barely get through it. >> he's the one who asked not to be on camera. right? so witnesses who request not to be on camera, we saw audio only. interesting pistorius made the decision and his team to say we don't want him on camera. we want audio only. >> that is. i want to talk about the first witness. traditionally it should have been the defendant but instead it was a pathologist. >> i think it was a scheduling issue, but the pathologist is important in trying to discount a lot of testimony we've heard so far from the prosecution's team and in essence what this pathologist is trying to demonstrate is, don't believe all of what you heard from the prosecution's witnesses suggesting that pistorius' account doesn't make sense. >> and then we'll get it all again. dan abrams, thank you so much. more to come as we know. all right, george. >> thanks, guys. now to those startling seconds in a hot air balloon right after a couple get engaged in the air they crash into live power lines. they are okay. now they're speaking out about the accident. and mara schiavocampo has their story. >> reporter: it was a romantic moment turned nearly deadly. take a look at this hot air balloon crashes into live power lines with seven people on board. steven richardson had just proposed to his girlfriend brandy when the sparks flew in the most unexpected and horrifying way. >> when we actually hit the pilot told us to get down. we were all crouched down in the basket. >> reporter: the fiery collision happened in the skies above noblesville, indiana, over the weekend. the happy couple snapping these pictures just minutes before and then during landing, chaos. first the blinding explosion of light. moments later the hot air balloon billowing black smoke would crash into this open field before catching fire. >> all we saw was sparks fall around us and the -- felt the sparks. >> reporter: incredibly nobody was hurt and the faa is now investigating the cause of the crash and the hot air balloon company tells us the incident is under review. while balloon crashes are relatively rare, they do happen. last spring nfl wide receiver donte' stallworth was hospitalized with serious burns after a hot air balloon carrying him and two others crashed into power lines above south florida. >> oh. >> reporter: and dreams of a midair wedding turned into a nightmare for another couple last winter in san diego. >> oh. >> reporter: just after exchanging their vows their balloon crashed, hit a fence and skidded through some trees. fortunately, the couple and 11 others in their wedding party were not hurt. as for steven and brandy they say they don't consider the incident a bad omen and just hope crashing was reserved for the proposal and not the wedding. >> we've been together for 2 1/2 years and that's the worst thing that's happened so far, i think we're doing okay. >> reporter: for "good morning america," mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> he has the right attitude. let's get weather from ginger. >> yeah, officially trying to forget about this winter. one of the coldest in some 30 years for parts of the midwest. chicago, you're raw but spring fever is on and it's working. whatever dance you've been doing to warm up it'll happen this week. >> doing it up. >> they're doing it all. spring fever up through chicago. brings them to 67 on thursday, minneapolis to 70 in the midweek, denver even from this morning chilly up into the mid-70s so the big push of warmth and warm and dry out west. 88 for los angeles today. that's the b good monday morning. i'm mike nicco with a very warm accuweather forecast. 72 to 81 around the bay. near 70 at the coast. accuweather seven-day forecast, warmer than average and dry all seven days. >> all that weather brought to you by target. i got to say maybe we did the "happy" dance and it'll warm everybody up across the nation. >> good idea. thank you, ginger. coming up, everybody, prince will, kate and baby george starting their royal tour in new zealand. do you think we like this picture? 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[ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. back now at 7:43. a new milestone for the royal family. first official visit overseas for prince george. you can see the family touching down in new zealand last night. the first leg of the three-week tour and abc's cecilia vega has the story. >> reporter: after a 30-hour flight from london, a chubby 8-month-old baby george landed down under this morning, behaving like the prince he is on his first overseas tour. could it be, the first royal wave? duchess kate looking regal in red and that blinged broach, diamond and platinum, on loan from the queen. the royal family landed in new zealand, met by a throng of reporters, me among them. there they are, they just touched down. see prince george, will, kate. the baby looking adorable. it replicates williams's first trip down under when he was a baby though this one included a ceremonial maori greeting called hongi and face-time with warriors dressed in, well, not much. a traditional welcome from this country's indigenous people. a colorful start packed with more than 50 royal engagements. don't expect to see baby george very much. he'll be spending most of his time with the royal nanny. >> i think one thing william learned more than anything from the overexposure that his mother, princess diana, faced, is he wants to protect not only his wife, but he wants to protect his baby son. >> reporter: this is just the first of what will be george's lifetime of royal engagements. cecilia vega, abc news, wellington, new zealand. >> baby george looks like daddy. >> he is one good-looking kid. yeah. >> so cute. hope they have a great trip. coming up here the story behind the video that everybody is talking about. it is of jon hamm on a dating show almost 20 years ago. does he get the girl? >> we'll find out. >> nope, he doesn't. you got to see it. talk about dedication to a job. a mom live tweeting her 14 hours of labor. >> and pharrell is here live making us happy and answering your questions. it's in social square. ♪ ♪ because i'm happy with the quicksilver cash back card from capital one, it means unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. it doesn't mean, "everything... as long as you buy it at the gas station." it doesn't mean, "everything... until you hit your cash back limit." it means earn 1.5% cash back on every purchase, every place, every occasion, all over creation. that's what everything should mean. so consider... what's in your wallet? and then there's juicy chicken. the difference is best foods. best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy and so delicious. you can make dinner disappear. best foods. bring out the best. because black friday has come to springtime. whoo-hoo! let's do this. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. spring black friday is now. get a free refill with ortho or roundup. get a free refill ghirardelli squares chocolate... ♪ a little rendezvous savor our luscious filling combined with our slow melting chocolate. ♪ that little reward for all the things you do. ♪ only from ghirardelli. so why do they often act so naughty? shoes should feel nice. grrr... ooh! it's time to tame the shoe with dreamwalk ultra-slim insoles... grrr... so you can wear the shoes you're in the mood for... ...without them changing your mood. dreamwalk by dr. scholl's. to dinner.t impossible to get them to sit down that's why we have... kfc dip'ems! a kfc dip'ems bucket, 20 extra crispy tenders. 6 awesome sauces. i mean he's sitting still, this is kind of miraculous. ♪ ♪ because i'm happy >> guess what, i'm in "gma's" social square with the one and only pharrell williams and so many of you were posing questions on "gma's" social media because they want to get to know the real pharrell. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> and happy birthday over the weekend. 41. >> yes. >> it's a good number. i like it. let's get to the questions. pulling the lever. let's see what we have here and, oh, this is kind of a good question. cathy wants to know what makes you happy? >> there's two answers. one, family and friends, two, doing what i love to do every day. feels like i get paid for nothing. >> you're happy all the time. >> no, not all the time. i am a human being. life has its valleys and peaks. but for the most part i'm very appreciative and get to do what i love every day. >> that's fantastic. we'll have another question from our viewer. and what makes you feel like -- these are all songs "like a room without a roof"? i love that line. >> my wife. >> that's a good answer. smart man, i like that. and we got another question. from -- haley. who's your inspiration? >> the question is more what is my inspiration and it's that which doesn't exist. always looking for new things. you know, oblivion is the best place to search for new things. >> good. i love the quote on your shirt. wealth is in the heart and mind not in the pocket. words to live by. much more. here to dance with him and us coming up next, stay with us. >> thank you. >> looking forward to it. ♪ clap along if you feel ng forward to it. ♪ clap along if you feel we did a 27-point inspection on your chevy,ce, you got new tires and our price match guarantee. who's this little guy? that's birney. oh, i bet that cone gives him supersonic hearing. watch what you say around him. i've been talking a lot about his procedure... (whispering) what? get our everyday price match guarantee plus a $100 rebate on 4 select tires from your tire experts. chevy certified service. sfx: car unlock beep. vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. wow, this hoh no.s amazing. who are you? who are you? wrong answer. wait, daddy, this is blair, he booked this room with priceline express deals and saved a ton. yeah, i didn't have to bid i got everything i wanted. oh good i always do. oh good he seemed nice. express deals. priceline savings without the bidding. say revlon colorstay makeup. breakthrough time release technology keeps skin balanced for a continuously fresh look. 24 hour wear. flawless results. from the big screen to small screens near and far twizzlerize your entertainment every day with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. anncr: at jennie-o w where evea where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought wsurprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennie-o ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. i feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. i think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. yeah. when i eat well, i feel well. anncr: it's time for a better taco. the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey in a store near you. "good morning america" is brought to you by twizzler's candy. the twist you can't resist. morning america" is brought to you by twiz her's candy. the twist you can't resist. good morning. i'm kristen sze. it's more expensive to cross the golden gate bridge. the toll went up to $6, those with fastrak, $7 without. it subsidizes bus and ferry service. meteorologist mike nicco has our bay area forecast and it looks sunny to start. tons of sunshine, temperatures well above average. if you missed it yesterday, it's back again today. mid to upper 70s around the bay, upper 70s to low 80s inland and 70s along the coast. accuweather seven-day forecast, above average all seven days and no rain. leyla? we have an accident in san jose northbound along 101. we have all cars over to the shoulder but take a look at 101 as you pass that accident. it is jammed as you make it right into east palo alto, 36 miles per hour your top speed. thanks a lot. the news continues with "good morning america." what... could... be... better... than... slice... after... slice... of... america's... best... sharp... cheddar? nothing. tillamook sharp cheddar, tastes better because it's made better. a pediatrician.ds of a . art advances in heart surgery. and these are developing groundbreaking treatments for cancer. they're the hands of the nation's top doctors. kaiser permanente doctors. and though they are all different, they work together on a single mission: saving lives. discover how we are advancing medicine at join us, and thrive. ♪ cause i'm happy good morning, america, it's 8:00 a.m. and had will be our happiest moment ever. pharrell is not just raising the roof he's on it taking over times square getting warmed up for the biggest, happiest dance-along we've ever done. and family matters. honey maid under fire for their wholesome commercial. how the backlash reveals a whole new way of looking at love. do you recognize this guy? >> start off with some fabulous food, a little finish conversation. >> that's idea mad men's" jon hamm on a dating show almost 20 years ago. the clip just went viral and reveals the woman who turned him down. times square is filling up this hour as we say -- >> good morning, america. ♪ ♪ clap along if you're -- >> the dancers right out there in times square. everyone is getting happy on a monday morning as we get ready for a blockbuster concert right here in times square. >> and there is the man of the hour, right there, father sell williams in our social square snapping a selfie in our twitter mirror. >> the most successful physician. >> trying to be one cool customer. >> fashion icon. on the cover of "gq" charge morning. pharrell williams. >> you joined the ranks of turning 41. welcome to a great year. >> yes, ma'am. >> we want to hear about your birthday party, pharrell. >> it was a spongebob -- like nickelodeon was nice enough to throw the barth for me, so it was like, you know, bikini bottom which is where sponge bob lives and -- snrs. >> bikini bottom, okay. >> how long have you had this fascination with spongebob? >> i don't know that it's necessarily a fascination as much as it's just like really another part of my life, you know in got it. >> come home after the studio, 2:00 in the morning eating breakfast cereal and watching -- >> patrick and spongebob. >> how about eating some more birthday cake so we are rolling in a birthday cake. look at that. [ laughter ] >> did that surprise you? >> true gra"gma" treatment. >> good morning, america. >> whoo! [ cheers and applause ] >> are you awake now? >> i'm away now. i'm pretty much in shock. i am jolted would be the right word. >> okay. a lot more pharrell williams coming up. a lot of other -- super cool. very nice of you kwais to have me here and obviously i did not expect this. so seems like you got the last laugh. >> a lot more to come. thank you very much. a lot of other stories coming up including this mom making a lot of waves for live tweeting hour after hour of labor. >> and we've been showing you this. the video that went viral. it's jon hamm on a dating show nearly 20 years ago. we'll hear from the woman who didn't choose him. she let him get away. >> he was going to give her a "fabulous" night. [ laughter ] supermodel mommy randa kerr is speaking up about co-parenting after her wedding with orlando bloom and sharing beauty secrets and we'll try on her -- >> let's get news from amy. we begin with major developments overnight in the search for malaysian airlines 370. the best lead yet, a listening device has picked up pulses twice from what are believed to be the plane's black boxes. they came a mile apart but need to get them one more time to triangulate the victim location. they may only last another three days. breaking overnight severe storms slamming the south and several tornadoes in central mississippi. heavy flooding in alabama. one stranded in two feet of water before firefighters came to the rescue and ginger has much more in a moment. three people who are out for a cruise off new york's long island had to jump overboard when their boat burst into their flames. their fire ex-tippinger was no help and the coast guard rescued them. oscar pistorius broke down this morning sobbing on the stand. pistorius, who asked not to be on camera delivered an emotional apology to the family of reeva steenkamp. that's the girlfriend he claimed he shot and killed by accident. pistorius says he wakes up terrified and never wants to handle a firearm again. a scandal as a florida megachurch, pastor bob coy shocked parishioners when he resigned sunday citing a quote moral failing. church he woulders read the statement. he was not in charge and did not elaborate. it was an ugly scene at a charity hockey game. those huge fights broke out, believe it or not, they were from the new york police and fire departments. several players throwing pumps, wrestling. many suffering black eyes, and bruised. apparently only the goalies didn't get involved. finally, selfies with the president we hear will soon be outlawed because of this red sox saar david ortiz posed with i selfie during the team's visit to the white house last week. the problem is ortiz had a marketing deal with the company that made his phone and his picture was actually a marketing stunt. someone was over heard saying cha-ching. they're considering banning selfies with the president. >> oh, no. someone said cha-ching and one bad apple spoils the bunch. i was waiting for my turn, apparently not in oh, well. "pop news" coming up. first weather with ginger. >> this has got to be the happiest crowd that we have had yet. look at this one. loving "gma" right there from new jersey from grand rapids, michigan. oh, girls, this is a good day, isn't it? let's get right to that weather forecast and give you an idea what's happening. in atlanta, not as nice of a day. heavy rain moving in and flash flood warnings from the southwest of atlanta but those will move to the east as will the potential for violent storms in the mid-atlantic, north and south carolina and virginia and that heavy rain all a threat in good morning. i'm abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco with your bay area microclimate forecast. all sunshine, warmer than average today everywhere. highs will start tapering after tomorrow but we'll stay above average with dry weather all the way through the seven-day forecast. today we'll be near 70 along the coast, mid to upper 70s around the bay shore, upper 70s to mid-80s inland. tonight we fall back to the 50s under clear sky. few 40s up north. here's your accuweather all right, we're still dancing. getting ready for pharrell. a look at what's ahead on the "gma morning menu." coming up, all you need is love. how honeymakers responded to the backlash over what it means to be a family. the story behind this viral video of jon hamm on a dating show almost 20 years ale. we'll hear from the woman who let him get away. and pharrell williams is getting ready for his blockbuster performance, our huge "happy" dance-along all coming up live on "gma" here in times square. ♪ "good morning america's morning menu" is brought to you by centrum silver multivitamins for the most amazing parts of you. they weren't looking at me. ♪ i can't believe i still have acne at my age. i feel like it's my acne they see...not me. 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"star wars" hits theaters december 15th. are the goonies coming back. >> richard donner's plan confirming to tmz he's working on a sequel about a group of kids searching for pirate treasures so they can save their homes from demolition and exciting news, donner wants to bring back the entire original cast and we may get to see corey feldman, josh brolin, sean astin and the others. goonies never say die. what i love about in this wasn't an announcement that was planned. he was just signing autographs. >> made ginger's day. >> i watched it this weekend again. >> favorite movie? >> it is. >> it says a lot about you. the adventure is in there. i can't wait to see you all again now that it's been promised, right? >> thank you, gio. we move on to the big controversy over honey maid graham crackers received a flood of angry couples after it featured biracial and gay couples in its aides. paula faris has the story. ♪ >> reporter: it was the ad for a sweet snack that generated a bitter backlash. >> every day wholesome snacks for every wholesome family. >> honey maid featuring interracial and gay parents in an ad for graham crackers viewed more than 5 million times since posted online in march. >> it's about recognizing that the american family's changed over the decades and our product line has changed in parallel with that change in the dynamics. >> reporter: the uproar was almost immediate one person tweeting "your tv commercial is awful." another "bye-bye, honey maid snacks. not in my hout." one million moms calling it an attempt to normalize sin but the graham cracker company is refusing to crumble this morning. >> this is wholesome. >> reporter: firing back with this ad surround the negative responses with positive ones. and literally rolling messages of hate into one of love. >> it's actually a simple message that love conquering all. >> social media plays such a prominent role and companies feel like they can and often should react to backlash to criticism. honeymaid, this was a fantastic move. >> reporter: it's been viewed more than 2 million times since posted last week. honey maid hoping its message of tolerance sticks once an for all, for abc news, paula faris, new york. >> kate coyne, a top editor at "people" magazine. see how they fight back in realtime. very rapid. >> very quickly. encouraging response they've had here. it's not surprising perhaps that there was a backlash to their original ad. it is surprising that honeymaid responded so quickly and clearly that they are not bowing down and in a way outing the people who went ahead and wrote the e-mails and called this disgraceful and showing what they're saying is really the opposite of the love they thud be saying. >> i was reading about this conversation, i think it's a beautiful commercial but perhaps even expecting it and prepared for it. >> it would seem that they were prepared on some level. if they weren't then this sort of rapid response with this level of artist industry is really astonishing. cheerios ran a commercial with an multiette yik family and received a similar backlash. >> ten more goody melts than -- >> the most important point here. >> as my mom said, kill them with kindness. >> kate, thank you so much. moving on now to a lost video of jon hamm found in a big way this morning all over the internet and it's interesting because this is a very jon hamm than you might think. as the jon hamm you're about to see couldn't get a date. abc's sara haines has been in social square with the story. >> this was a shot of the very different john hamm tweprending twitter on "the big date" getting a big thumbs down by that woman's contestant. what about that hair? >> hello, sweetheart. >> reporter: he plays the dashing and debonair don draper in "mad men." >> we should do this more often. >> we should only do this. >> reporter: and he's been voted one of "people" magazine's sexiest men alive. in 1996 he was a frustratinging waiter looking for love on the tv show, "the big date." trying to score a date with this woman, mary carter. >> i need someone who knows how to give a good good massage. >> how do you make her feel special? >> well, start off with some fabulous food. a little fabulous conversation -- >> what else fabulous, jon? >> fabulous foot massage. >> he hasn't quite perfected his smooth lines but already has that smile smile that women women smooth. hit competition, a frost-tipped finance student and stunt man named mark. >> take her home later and show her my flexible. >> who did she choose. >> mark. he's the only one that shook my hand that day. he and jennifer west belt are till going strong after 17 years and carter, things didn't work out between her and stuntman mark but she is mary lou sand ler happily married to her husband justin for two years. >> i have no regrets for picking john. any other kind of decision different i would have never met my husband. >> she says she only recently learned she rejected the heart heartthrob. >> i didn't know he was famous. i watch the snow but never knew him. >> i wouldn't trade him for a thousand jon hamms. >> did you hear the use of fabulosity. thumbs down. that hairstyle certainly wasn't helping him and clifford shepherd tweets "see how things can change?" i think everything turned out okay. >> you know he was going thank god that video never got out. >> yeah -- >> before the new season starts. >> talking about jon hamm. >> impossible. he dug it out. >> i don't think, he doesn't seem -- >> probably not. >> george, you a lot to say about his haircut. >> i was very surprised to see that haircut. >> hold pictures in the valt -- >> i'm not showing. >> you look fantastic in words smarter. in thanks, sara. miranda kerr is now a single mom after splitting with orlando bloom and opening up but how they're co-parenting together and hoi they're really good friends and abc's mara schiavocampo is here with more. >> reporter: she's building an empire adding a number of new campaigns to her resume and also learning to manage co-parenting with her ex-orlando bloom and shared pretty unique beauty secrets. she's the girl from down under at the top of the modeling world. miranda kerr fast becoming one of the country's most recognizable faces working like reeb reebok, calvin klein, wonder bra and h&m. >> miami randa kerr and new face of h&m. >> making her the second highest paid in 2014 raking in $7.2 million. it's an empire she says is built on a solid spiritual foundation. >> thoughts inside really soy when you feel good inside yo yourself and will be more energized. >> she is much more than a model these days. she's also a mom to 3-year-old flynn, her son with actor orlando bloom. >> did you feel a lot of pressure to bounce back quickly as a model. >> i had to sur represent der to the fact that maybe my we had would never get back in shape. >> this days she's co-parenting with bloom. they announced they were splitting after three years of marriage but says they stayed friends in this unexpected red carpet last month. >> you look amazing. >> thanks. >> how is that working out? >> it is good. >> i think it's to have two happy parents and he's really happy and he's a great dad and i feel line lucky having him in my life. >> she launched cora with her best kept beauty secrets. >> one of my secrets is a super food -- >> noni. >> what is it called. >> noni. n-o-n-i. i apply it on my face. 10vitamins and minerals and drinking it since i was 12. >> the supermodel is also a social media star with more than 3.5 million instagram followers so i couldn't resist asking about these important selfies. do you have your tips? >> light something key. it's the good lighting. >> find your light. >> find your light. in more ways than one. >> so this is her current beauty secret. we have it as a juice. that's cousin a coffee and a lot of cultures use it to treat a bunch of diseases so we can taste it. maybe we'll all look like -- >> will this make me look like miranda kerr. >> she said she's been -- >> nothing will get me this sear. so you taste it. >> whoo! >> no, it's awesome. >> it's terrible. >> hopefully the beauty benefits outdo the -- hose rip oil and said it's good for anti-aging so i'll slather this stuff under my eyes. >> and a little tastier than this year. coming up next pharrell is live on the roof ready to make everyone's monday. good morning. i'm kristen sze. the driver of a truck is cooperating with san francisco police as they investigate the seventh deadly pedestrian accident in the city this year. it happened around 1:00 last night near van ness on golden gate avenue. the pedestrian was not in the crosswalk when he was hit. several car owners are waking up to this unpleasant surprise. vandals tipped over two smart cars overnight. no one was in the cars at the time. a witness says he spotted about eight people in dark hoodies flipping over the small vehicles. hopefully all the vehicles out there being safe right now. leyla has the latest. >> no flipped vehicles on the roadways this morning but we have an accident blocking one lane westbound side of 180, san pablo avenue. heavy backups from highway 4 as you continue in that southbound direction, so very heavy up there. drive time traffic tracy to dublin 49 minutes. mike nicco has the forecast after this. salesgets up to 795 highwayal is the passamiles per tank.sel salesperson #2: actually, we're throwing in a $1,000 fuel reward card. we've never done that. that's why there's never been a better time to buy a passat tdi clean diesel. husband: so it's like two deals in one? salesperson #2: exactly. avo: during the first ever volkswagen tdi clean diesel event, get a great deal on a passat tdi, that gets up to 795 highway miles per tank. and get a $1,000 fuel reward card. it's like two deals in one. hurry in and get a $1,000 fuel reward card and 0.9% apr for 60 months on tdi models. good morning. our first 60, san mateo already, temperatures off their morning lows, most of us in the 50s. look at this beautiful picture from the exploratorium. temperatures this afternoon will be about 9 to 14 degrees warmer than average. accuweather seven-day forecast, warmer ♪ talking this and that >> what a blockbuster performance at the oscars singing "happy." what a night it was for him and all of us and what a morning we've been having. >> all clapping along and dancing with pharrell williams. his chart topping the charts and running what, we found a room without a roof. for you to do that. >> we take this seriously. you have given us all a song to live by. they are hear us over times square right now. it's the moment we've been waiting for, it's finally here. pharrell williams singing something off his new album. the album is called "girl" and the song, of course, is "happy." >> thank you. ♪ it might seem crazy what i'm about to say ♪ ♪ sunshine she's here you can take away i'm a hot air balloon i could go to space ♪ ♪ with the air like i don't care baby by the way ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you know what happiness is to you ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do ♪ ♪ here comes bad news talking this and that yeah give me all you got don't hold back ♪ ♪ yeah well i should probably warn you i'll be just fine ♪ ♪ yeah no offense to you don't waste your time here's why ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you know what happiness is to you ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do ♪ >> come on. ♪ happy bring me down can't nothing bring me down ♪ ♪ bring me down "gma" bring me down ♪ ♪ bring me down ♪ happy happy happy ♪ love is too happy to bring me down can't nothing bring me down ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you know what happiness is to you ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you know what happiness is to you ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do ♪ >> "gma"! >> thank you, pharrell. >> whoo. [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. look at that. how fun is that, everybody? oh, we are so happy. ♪ that was fun. that was so much fun, wasn't it? everybody is so happy. we're going to keep dancing through weather. how about if we do that? let's get straight to that weather forecast. what's happening an the nation, porter beach, close to coast at the beaches here. and here are our happy city, happy, arkansas, going to be 60 today, jolly texas, 68. right there in the mid to upper 40s. spring fever, we do have a happy forecast. oklahoma city being one of them, 86 by thursday. slightly winded. that's a look from coast to coas good monday morning. i'm mike nicco with a very warm accuweather forecast. 72 to 81 around the bay. near 70 at the coast. accuweather seven-day forecast, warmer than average and dry all seven days. [ cheers and applause ] right here. all that weather brought to you by home depot. more pharrell coming up after this. ] ♪ happy happy ♪ >> lara and pharrell up on the roof. having so much fun with pharrell williams on "gma." a lot more songs from his new album are coming up. first let's welcome back pharrell williams, come on in. [ cheers and applause ] >> harrowing ride back down from the roof to make sure you get there. >> run, run, run, go, go, go. i'm sorry, guys, you are like very professional here. 10, 20 seconds and counting. >> there we go. happy birthday. >> that was saturday. >> happy birthday. >> you've given us so much happiness with "happy." eight versions? >> you know, it was actually nine versions and i had to ask myself the last time, i got to point zero and said to myself how do you make a song about a guy who's so happy and relentless in doing so and the answer had been sleeping in the question so long. >> i was reading this a perfect biographical -- you're gem happy but one thing that makes you happy is your love of cartoons and you sort of drew from that. >> well, yeah, you know, illumination is a fine animation house and gave me the opportunity on the first -- in the first movie to do the score with pereira and the second time they let me do -- doing a song score and second film this is the pivotal moment in the film. what am i going to do? i don't want to mess this up. i want to be on on the third and you run out of ideas. that's what we calling inness or nirvana. when you're at zero, when you don't know anything and you ask yourself a question and you listen, you open yourself up and, you know, the master, god, the universe speaks to you. >> you've done that in your whole life and this album is a departure from your previous album. >> the first album was a bit about me, me, me and this other guy named me but this one is not, it's devoted to such an incredible demographic taking care of me for over 20 years and i called it "girl". >> that's just getting older and wiser and realize life isn't all about you? >> yes, and in addition to that, just really honestly wanting to get back to like, you know, to women. women just deserve so much better and so much more. i mean -- >> i couldn't agree more. >> you don't get paid as much as men do. that needs to change. a martian rover but yet still we're also the same species that tries to tell women what they can and can't do -- >> tell us about what you're doing with the nba with their green week. >> with the nba, i just did this butcher and with buy on yarn, long story short we basically take -- instead of make new polyester for clothing if your shirt says 50% cotton, 50% polyester, we have a sustainable place that instead of polyester it's yarn from plastic bottles. >> rescue, recycle and reinvent. please, please perform once again for us. pharrell williams. >> i would love to. >> thank you so much. ♪ different ♪ oh, yeah ♪ all the love is what we could do hopeless romantic. and dance and elevate us. ♪ i close my eyes and the fear everything is that i want ♪ not own ♪ ♪ ♪ joan of arc ♪ girls, girls ♪ why why do i have to lie pretend make believe or hide her ♪ ♪ when i love what i've described but then again i don't need no adjectives for this girl ♪ ♪ dear diary it's happening again ♪ ♪ this energy oh man like i'm about to win ♪ ♪ i just close my eyes and visions appear ♪ ♪ she's everything that i want and it's crystal clear ♪ ♪ not even marilyn monroe marilyn monroe who cleopatra pleas ♪ ♪ not even joan of arc that don't mean nothing to me ♪ ♪ i just want a different girl girl girl girl girl girl girl can't another good boy keep it this thorough ♪ >> you see, we believe that, that which maybes you different makes you special so we'd like the girls to be all color, all sizes, all sexual orient takes ♪ ♪ in honor of the groove and i'm going to win i just close my eyes and visions appear she's everything that i want and it's classify clear ♪ ♪ not even marilyn monroe who cleopatra pleas ♪ ♪ not even joan of arc joan of arc that don't mean nothing to me ♪ ♪ yeah i just want a different girl ♪ ♪ ♪ what's wrong with that ah. what's wrong with that ♪ ♪ i just want a different girl ♪ [ cheers and applause ] woah, this kitchen looks beautiful. welcomeh it's bigger! it's great, right? give him the tour. let me show you! quartz countertop, soft-close drawers, farm sink, under cabinet lighting, look at this spice rack. where's my room? right there where it's always been! we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. just slide right in! because your kitchen dreams can be big, ikea has it all. ♪ if you feel like happiness is -- cause i'm happy ♪ >> look at that we're all busting a move out on the roof and we've had a happy morning and want to continue that happiness because is not done yet. got to say i love those shoes, pharrell. those are sparkling. here he is with "come get a day quote. ♪ ♪ hey >> everybody in here, "gma," make some noise. ♪ i can do what you like ♪ i can do it ♪ ♪ you want to run my motorcycle ♪ ♪ i pop a wheelie ♪ the ♪ thing about your fantasy and the traffic jam do it just like me ♪ ♪ i love you come get it baby come get it baby ♪ come get it baby ♪ ♪ my motorcycle you got a license ♪ ♪ pop a wheelie ♪ ♪ don't believe what you do ♪ girl there's something fine the way you want be h-o-m-e satisfaction guaranteed ♪ ♪ and there will come a time this is where you wanna be 'cause it's everything you need you were lonely minding me ♪ ♪ come get it babe come get it babe come get it babe ♪ ♪ come get it babe ♪ you wanna ride it, my motorcycle you've got a license but you got the right to ♪ ♪ gonna pop a wheelie don't try too high too take it easy on the clutch hey cause girl i like you ♪ ♪ wait a minute huh wait a minute ♪ ♪ wait a minute ♪ wait a minute ♪ hey ♪ wait a minute ♪ wait for it [ cheers and applause ] ♪ avo: safeway g a real bn be a real bear. that's why... ...they've gots lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week,... ... life's just a little sweeter with delicious red, seedless grapes. just $1.99 a pound. clean up with bounty paper towels, only $8.99 for 8 large rolls. and honey bunches of oats are just $1.88. there's more savings to love... safeway. ingredients for life. so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can ♪ because i'm happy. "good morning america" brought to you by coffee mate. >> we could not be happier surrounded by all these great kids. one pore note before we go. barbara walters' last appearance on "the view" will be friday, may 16th. she'll remain as executive producer of "the view" and a lifelong member of abc news. she'll be around for a long time making appearances. we're lucky to have you. >> indeed. couldn't be happier that pharrell williams was with us today on "good morning america." we have a little bit of time so we were thinking perhaps you might sing us off. >> yeah. >> okay. let's do it. ♪ ♪ scloets clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth ♪ ♪ clap along if you feel like -- if you feel like a room without a roof ♪ ♪ clap along if you feel like "gma" is the truth ♪ note if you know what happiness is to you ♪ ♪ hey hey clap along if you feel like the little kids want to do ♪ at kaiser permanente we've reduced serious heart attacks ♪ by 62%, which makes days with grandpa jack 100% more possible. join us at and thrive. good morning. i'm kristen sze. bay area temperatures are going up. mike, what's going on with the temperatures? >> check it out. we're 9 to 14 degrees warmer than average through 7:30 when our sunset is. let's long at that accuweather seven-day forecast and see how long they're going to hang around these 70s and 80s. probably through about wednesday, and then we'll see a little bit of a cooling trend but no rain in this forecast. leyla? we have an accident in the east bay, right at the dub interchange, a couple lanes blocked and that is causing quite the backup. good news is it's good weather out there. westbound traffic bumper to bumper as you reach 680. kristen? thank you so much. join us for the midday news today at 11:00. have a great day. announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, television, film, and broadway actress edie falco. and from the new series, "fargo," colin hanks. plus, your comments and questions when the hosts open up the "inbox." all next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


Transcripts For KNTV Early Today 20140408

i'm alex witt. the university of connecticut huskies have won their fourth national championship. they always had the lead, but at times allowed a 15-point lead to dwindle down to one point. >> daniels! >> uconn set the pace early. senior guard shabazz napier he continued his stellar tournament play scoring 22 points to lead the huskies. kentucky, first team to start five freshmen in the finals since michigan's fab five. >> young and slammed it home. >> those are great. the wildcats got within one point but connecticut hit the clutch shots to keep the lead. uconn wins 60-54 giving coach kevin ollie his first title in his first tournament. the notables in attendance including presidents george w. bush and bill clinton. they took in the big game with the dallas cowboys tony romo and others. back on campus, things got a little wild. police reportedly made dozens of arrests as jubilant uconn fans shattered windows and caused minor property damage. in kentucky, officials reported 17 couch fires and seven arrests and seven injuries or two arrests. lighting fires and tonight it is the battle of the undefeateds with the lady huskies of connecticut taking on the notre dame fighting irish in nashville this evening. oscar pistorius is back in the courtroom today for a second day of testimony in his murder trial. the 27-year-old olympic athlete is charged with premeditated murder in last year's shooting death of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. today's court proceedings shed new light on the couple's relationship. the pistorius read a text message steenkamp sent him regarding an argument they had at a friend's party. >> i feel sick that you suggested that and that you made a scene at the table and made us leave. i'm terribly disappointed in how the day ended. i'm scared of you sometimes and how you react to me. >> mike taibbi is outside the courthouse in pretoria, south africa, following the trial. what is the latest? >> reporter: hello, alex. oscar pistorius is now at the moment of truth in his account of what happened on february 13th last year, the day and the night before that early morning shooting on valentine's day, the very next day, february 14th, at about 3:00 in the morning. he talked about what had happened in the crse of the day. his own routine for that day. talked about getting home at around 6:00 with reeva steenkamp, his girlfriend, already cooking dinner for them in the kitchen. before this, he talked about the two gun incidents that are also the subject of firearm charges against him. he said about the first one, allegedly shooting through the open sunroof of a car it didn't happen. about the second one, allegedly in tosh's restaurant, he said it was his friend's fault, his friend handed him a gun with a bullet in the chamber and it went off. and he went along with the false story. we're at the point now where this is the moment of truth, where he's going to give his account, presumably to repeat what he said in his affidavit, that when he was awakened later on to noises, he thought it was an intruder and he went on his stumps now, not on his prostheti prosthetics, and fired the four shots where his girlfriend reeva steenkamp was cowering. back to you. >> thank you for that. more violence in eastern ukraine as pro russian and pro ukrainian demonstrators clashed overnight. they accuse moscow of orchestrating the latest violence and the white house said there is strong evidence pro russian protesters were paid and not local residents. the white house is warning russia to stay out of eastern ukraine or face more sanctions. >> if russia moves into eastern ukraine, either overtly or covertly this would be a very serious escalation. we call on president putin and his government to cease all efforts to destabilize ukraine. and we caution against further military intervention. >> secretary of state john kerry is set to meet with top diplomats from russia, ukraine and the european union this week. military investigators say last week's deadly shooting rampage at ft. hood may have been sparked by an argument over a request for leave. an army spokesman described an eight minute rampage where the suspect ivan lopez fired 35 shots over an area spanning the equivalent of two city blocks before taking his own life. and what may have brought it on. >> at this point in the investigation we can confirm that the alleged shooter specialist ivan lopez was involved in a verbal altercation concerning his request for leave. and the processing of that request. at his unit's administrative office. >> the shooting spree left three people dead and 16 wounded. three soldiers remain hospitalized and are listed in fair condition. today is national equal pay for women day. and president obama is expected to sign a pair of executive orders to even the playing field. nbc's tracie potts is live in washington with the details. we're loving this story, tracie, good morning. what is the significance of this april 8th? >> reporter: what it means, alex, is this, women on average have to work until april 8th of this year including all of your pay from last year first three months and the first week of april of this year to equal what an average man made last year. the obama administration says that's not fair. the president is going to try to do something about it today for those who work for the federal government. today, president obama's bringing equal pay activist lilly ledbetter back to the white house to watch him sign two new orders for federal contractors. one prevents retribution for employees who speak out about what they're paid. the other requires contractors to report compensation by race and gender. >> the president is using his executive power to do what the do nothing wrong will not do. >> reporter: female workers earn 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. women at the white house earn 88 cents. >> it is better than the national average. >> reporter: but is it fair? republicans argue closing the pay gap could hurt men and women. >> we don't want a law that will make employers afraid to give raises because they're afraid this might invite a lawsuit. that doesn't help men or women. >> january, february, march, little bit of april, a woman is working for free. it is not about flexibility. it is about total unfairness. >> reporter: the senate is due to vote on pay equity this week. and it is that senate bill that would affect so many other women across the country, but, alex, as of right now, it doesn't look like it will pass. >> don't like hearing that. thanks so much. tracie potts. tornadoes and flash floods ravage the southeast on monday, leaving two people dead. officials say a 9-year-old girl in mississippi was swept away and killed after seven inches of rain caused flash flooding. another person was killed in atlanta when their car swerved into an overflowing creek. tornadoes tore the roofs off houses, brought down power lines and even lifted a pickup truck off the road, injuring a man and his son. 18 other people were hurt in $1 the destructive spring storms. no fatalities as far as the tornadoes. but the flash flooding ended up being a big killer. always a surprise for people. lightning is also a big killer. didn't have lightning strikes on any individuals but had incredible pictures from the dallas area last night where the sky was alive. a lot of cloud to cloud lightning strikes, a few made it down to the ground. cloud to ground lightning strikes. as far as dallas/ft. worth, it wasn't too bad. no reports of damage or hail, just amazing photography. let's show you what's happening across the country. temperatures have warmed up in many areas where it is 65 to start your morning in phoenix. warmest mornings we had yet. l.a. at 60. warm spring temperatures are on the way. the west is already very warm if not hot this afternoon. the cool air is exiting the east and the warm air is expanding and moving across the country in the days ahead. yesterday, we were at 89 in phoenix. almost our first 90 degree day. 83 in vegas. 85 in l.a. warm for this time of year. the northwest was mild. warmer today. 94 in phoenix. i mentioned yesterday was a good day to test the ac, you probably will need it this afternoon in the desert southwest. and talk about beautiful weather, salt lake city, 72. boise, 75. so many areas, so warm for this time of year. that's your national forecast. >> california valley will be very warm. >> okay, thank you so much, bill karins. details, americans more confident in the economy. and the battle over equal pay among the sexes. get serious. and nose kisses are for the norm, even for the most famous royal couple. we're not royal. so i wonder if we have to. thank heavens. we really wanted to take a relaxing trip to florida. you know? just to unwind. but we can only afford one trip this year, and his high school reunion is coming up in seattle. everyone's going. then we heard about hotwire... and realized we could actually afford to take both trips. [woman] see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. i should have been voted "most likely to travel." ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. say revlon colorstay makeup. breakthrough time release technology keeps skin balanced for a continuously fresh look. 24 hour wear. flawless results. and these little angels build in strength. and that little angel says, "weeeeeeeee!" 60% more sheets than charmin. everything you want and the value you love. angel soft. i'll just press this, and you'll save on both. ding! ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, llllet's get ready to bundlllllle... [ holding final syllable ] oh, yeah, sorry! let's get ready to bundle and save. now, that's progressive. oh, i think i broke my spleen! home insurance provided and serviced by third party insurers. in the news this morning, one month after the disappearance of malaysian airlines flight 370, family members and officials are still searching for answers. since the pinger locater detected signals on monday, search crews have heard nothing further, even without new ping transmissions, officials say they are, quote, a lot more optimistic than one week ago. moments after steven richardson popped the question, sparks flew everywhere and that's because the hot air balloon he and his fiancee were on, look at that, hit some light power lines. luckily no one was seriously injured and the bride and groom are hoping for a long and happy marriage. vandals in san francisco have taken up smart car flipping. early monday morning, police responded to three incidents of the tiny vehicles flipped on their sides. and the royal nose rub could become the next big thing. while in new zealand, the duke and duchess of cambridge participated in a traditional greeting which involves a little nose kiss. kind of cute. it is time to get down to business with cnbc's mary thompson. mary? >> well, alex, the center passes a bill to restore jobless benefits for 2.4 million americans out of work for at least six months. still, the bill could die in the house as republicans say it doesn't meet their demands on job creation. consumers increase borrowing in february on auto and student loans by the largest amount in a year. but they cut back on using their credit cards. gains in borrowing are a positive sign and investors are more confident and willing to take on debt. and google wants to put glasses to work. reports say that search giant will announce a glass for work program today, providing more tools for business users at the web connected device. the company says google glass still lacks the features they want, like protective lenses and longer battery life. back to you. thank you very much. just ahead, the uconn women battle the fighting irish for the national championship tonight and the rest of your sports highlights straight ahead. . colorburst matte and lacquer balms this morning on "today," the new face of heroin in america. how the skyrocketing rise in drug use is gripping this nation. one mother's hair rogrrowing ta addiction ahead on "today." dale earnhardt jr., his fiery wreck momentarily shuts down the duck commander 500 in texas. earnhardt escapes without injury, but finishes last. not the case for joey logano as he passes jeff gordon on the last lap to win the race, his first this year. oh, man! >> that hit him. it hit infante right in the head. >> oh, man is right. kansas city's omar infante took a fastball in the face. it smashed his jaw causing a nasty cut inside his mouth. he left the game to receive stitches and undergo tests for a concussion. a mock team brawl. she's all smiles as the team huddles and the coach reveals a sign with a proposal. touchdown. she says yes. get a load of this, a number of female golfers were none too pleased with golf digest may cover girl pauline gretzky since she doesn't play professionally. so the gretzky boys. another miley bombshell. her concert canceled at the last moment and franz veans are very. details straight ahead. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all 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in motion. and unlike other fibers, you'll aonly know you're taking fiber by the way good digestive health makes you look& and feel. benefiber. clearly healthy. say revlon colorstay makeup. breakthrough time release technology keeps skin balanced for a continuously fresh look. 24 hour wear. flawless results. well, yesterday in the northwest, one of those beautiful days you want to bottle up and just pull out whenever you were in the md for having some time outside. today, not quite as nice, more clouds increasing. you see the little weak system trying to inch its way toward the coast. not a lot of rain with it. but will bring more clouds here bellingham to seattle. eventually down further south. i still think from about i-5 to southward you'll end up with a nice first half of your day. forecast for today, eventually, we'll push some of the showers toward portland, but medford, great, 76. just inner mountain west is pretty crazy. 71 in billings, montana, very warm for april. and as we look towards tomorrow, not a lot changes. 97 in phoenix tomorrow. we're getting close to century mark already. usually do that in may, not april. 72 in medford. 79 in san francisco, very, very lovely afternoon. all right, well, thank you for that. so you bring your kid to see miley cyrus, okay? >> what good parent wouldn't? >> i did it a while back. i did. a good parent then. i wouldn't do it now. you find out she canceled the show. that is exactly what happened monday night in charlotte when the pop singer canceled her concert just 30 minutes before show time. >> can't do that. >> this happened -- the website put all the news out there. apparently miley came down with the flu. on twitter though -- >> the flu hits 30 minutes before concerts? >> well -- >> she's been so sad mourning the death of her dog floyd. i think it is really overcome her. this is a dog that was taken by coyotes along the side of the road. awful. see what that is? nothing i want. have you ever wanted to own a 12 fo foot long replica of david hasselhoff. it is being auctioned off for charity. it is the giant hoff from sponge bob square pants not your style, there is kit and a few other knight rider items. peaches geldof has died at the age of 25. police are saying her death is being treated as unexplained and sudden. she was the daughter of bob geldof and paula yates. peter mayhew will reprise his role in the new "star wars" film. and sunday's season four premiere of game of thrones drew the biggest audience for hbo. >> do you watch? >> since the sopranos finale in 2007. i do, not religiously. it is good. good stuff. >> i need to. barbara walters announced her exit from daily television on monday. >> you may remember last spring i said that i would leave daily television in a year. so here we are. it is almost one year later and i decided that friday, may 16th, will be my final appearance on "the view" as a co-host. i'm alex witt this . this is "early today." before using her new bank of america credit card, which rewards her for responsibly managing her card balance. before receiving $25 toward her balance each quarter for making more than her minimum payment on time each month. tracey got the bankamericard better balance rewards credit card, which fits nicely with everything else in life she has to balance. that's the benefit of responsibility. apply online or visit a bank of america near you. . colorburst matte and lacquer balms leading the news on nbc, not science fiction, navy to test futuristic gun. rail gun can fire a 23 pound projectile at speeds of up to 5600 miles an hour. no explosives necessary. the navy chief researcher says it is technology that will make enemies think twice. and in usa today, woman unhappy with pot purchase calls cops. the 37-year-old texan called 911 complaining that the bag she bought contained mostly seeds and residue. she was promptly arrested. stories in the news, vance mccallister missed two votes in congress after apologizing for his infidelity. he was caught on surveillance video kissing a woman who was not his wife. he issued this statement saying, quote, there is no doubt i have fallen short and am asking for forgiveness, from god, my wife, my kids, my staff and my constituents who elected me to serve. earlier today, secretary of defense chuck hagel met with his chinese counterparts in beijing. he criticized china for establishing an air defense zone over disputed islands in the east china sea. a soap box derby with artistic flair comes to peru. while these may not look like traditional vehicles, they're charging down the hillside with them to take home the red bull crazy car title. appropriate there. some soap boxcars were less successful than others but didn't bother the crowd. that was one of the lesser successful ones. all based on creativity. >> what does red bull not sponsor nowadays? >> pretty fun company. taking a look ahead and a look back, a three day civil rights summit begins at the lbj presidential library in austin, texas. it marks the 50th anniversary of the passage of the civil rights act. jimmy carter will be the keynote speaker. 20 years ago today, nbc's brian williams reported on a suicide that sent shock waves through the music world. >> kurt cobain's body was found inside a garage apartment adjacent to his seattle home. dead of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound, a suicide note was nearby. ♪ he was among the most powerful voices of his generation, an originator of a music style and fashion called grunge. as lead singer for the hugely successful rock group nirvana, which has sold 15 million albums worldwide. in birthdays, actress robin wright turns 48. you remember her, the princess bride. john lennon son's julian is 51 and kofi annan is 76. i'm alex witt. thank you for watching "early today." have a great tuesday. from nbc bay area this is "today in the bay." good morning, everyone. i'm scott mcgrew. laura garcia-canon is out at a at&t park for the giants home opener. we'll check with her in our next half hour, in the meantime, a lot to get to you. let's get to a check of your forecast with meteorologist. >> christisa is there, at least for this half hour you're stuck with meteorologist slaughter. waking up to clear skies. yesterday such a marvelous day across the bay area. this time of year w u


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