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First funerals begin for victims of Highland Park shooting

(NewsNation) - Friday marks the first day of funerals for the victims of the Highland Park, Illinois shooting where a gunman killed seven at a Fo...


Transcripts For WRC News 4 Midday 20110928

ahead. >> reporter: good morning. they did just brief us a short time ago. they are keeping an eye on the sky right now. no specific plans as to when they will have the engineers rappel down. we drew it here. the ropes are hanging down the walls. another one wraps around the monument like a belt. imagine your job taking you here 555 feet up. tuesday, this engineer looked more like a bug on the side of the monument securing ropes around the structure so that today they rappel down and look for undetected cracks or chips. >> they got there about 8:30. they are really champing at the bit to get on the walls. >> reporter: high winds could change their plans. four engineers, two men and two women, are expected back on the monument. each one will be responsible for inspecting a different side of the monument. the ropes are secured inside. since they will also be tethered together with a tension line, the inspections will be done at the same time. >> i think it has to be declared safe before it is used at all. >> reporter: the engineers say oversaul the structure looks good but are worried about cracks large enough to let today's rain in. they are also worried about the monument's elevator shaft. each engineer will carry seven items down, a hand-held camera, ipad, masonry tools, a soft mallet for testing the walls, a two-way radio, debris bag and digital recorder. the mallets will be used to tap each block and listen tore a hollow sound that could signify a crack. >> the national service has the responsibility to restore and conserve and to preserve, which means to repair, the washington monument for future generations. >> reporter: no word on how long the inspection could last. even watching from the ground is exciting. >> they have to do it. what else can you do? how are you going to repair it? >> reporter: the entire inspection process could last a couple of days. we undertan it would be put on hold if an electrical storm came through or perhaps any winds over 25 miles per hour. i am told that the four engineers that will be up there perhaps later today sometime, they he have the final say on whether or not they feel it is too dangerous to proceed. barbara. >> thank you so much, melissa, for that report. turning to the weather now, we had storms move in through our area already this morning. chuck bell is in for tom kierein and can tell us what the forecast is. think the lightning is going to stay away so they can get back up there on the monument? >> they have a quum of dry hours. the rain showers and thunderstorms of earlier this morning have now moved out of the area. there is still some rain across fairfax and montgomery. they are moving northbound. luckily, all of the lightning is out of the area at this point in time. not much of a breeze blowing. from a wind standpoint, they should have relatively good luck getting out on the sides of the monument. temperatures are in the low and mid-70s. highs up close to 80 degrees. most of the rain, northern fairfax to loudoun county, western montgomery county, maryland, moving up into frederick county, maryland. along 270 and also along u.s. 215. be on the lookout for passing showers. as i widen back out, you can see, not much rain back to our south and west. many more dry hours to come here with a little sunshine beginning to breakthrough. we will start to warm up. that will destabilize things a bit. we may have to worry about more showers and thunderstorms coming up later this afternoon. one or two could reach severe limits. a check of the seven-day forecast and a look into the weekend, barbara. coming up in a few minutes. >> we will see you in a little bit, chuck. today, prosecutors expect to wrap up their case against a grandmother who admits throwing her 2-year-old granddaughter to her death. in a videotape confession, carmel la della rosa said she felt unloved and jealous of the attention her grandmother was receiving. prosecutors say she threw the toddler to her death to get revenge on her son-in-law for getting her daughter pregnant out of wedlock. she told reporters, i thought about james when i threw her. the father of the 2-year-old broke down while recounting her final moments. a juror was so visibly distraught by the testimony she was excused from the service. dela rosa has pleaded not guilty by insanity. > the principal has resigned after suspending the so-called ban ana man. they accepted her resignation. they did not give a reason for her resignation. tracy wilson talked about the parents this morning. >> reporter: let me begin by saying i am not putting on a grape costume to give you this update. it turns out the banana man principal decided to call it quits. >> reporter: did you realize it would come to this? >> not at all. >> reporter: just last week, our own pat collins got dressed up with 14-year-old brian some p son. at the time, he was deeply regret full for his decision to run across the colonial high school football field in a banana costume during halftime. the principal suspended him and recommended that he be kicked out of school for the rest of the year. students that wore free banana man were told to remove the shirts and some given detention. the superintendent of the schools said the school's reaction was inappropriate. banana man's suspension was lifted. now comes word that the staffer county school board has accepted principal spillman's resignation. this morning, it's all that parents and students were talking about. >> i think she is an excellent principal. she has done an excellent job. we admire her and we respect her decision. >> i was kind of surprised about it. it was a scandal, i guess. i know there were some other issues. it wasn't just banana man thing. there was a lot of i don't know what's true and what's not. a lot of rumors flying around. >> the kids kept saying they thought she was overreacting a little bit. i didn't have the principal's side of the story but my impression was it maybe wouldn't have been as big an issue if maybe she had handled it differently. >> reporter: stafford's assistant superintendent for secondary education, lisa martin, will supervise the school until an interim principal is assigned. she is the former principal of colonial forge. >> the students are happy, really excited the old principal is coming back. >> i know it is wa a big topic of discussion. i hope they get over it and move on. we need to keep the kids focused in the future. >> reporter: this was spillman's first year aspirin. there will be a search for her replacement. in stafford county, i'm tracee wilkins, news 4. immigration and customs enforcement has just announced a major crackdown on illegal aliens with criminal convictions. national cross-check arrested more than 29 immigrants in seven days. the director of i.c.e. said these type of operations are important for the public safety. >> removing criminal offenders from our streets is good law enforcement, it is good immigration enforcement. public safety is directly and significantly improved by deporting those who are involved in crime. we are a nation of immigrants. we are a nation with a proud history of immigration. if you come here lawfully, you work hard, you play by the rules, we welcome you with open arms. we are also a nation of laws. if you come here unlawfully and you turn to a life of crime, a different reception awaits you. >> more than 2400 people were arrested in the first national cross-check in may. i.c.e. officials say about 1 million illegal immigrants with criminal convictions are still at-large. if you notice, a lot of police activity around rfk stadium, don't be alarmed. the department of homeland security is sponsoring a national disaster drill. it is to prepare the government to respond to hazardous events that could happen here. the drill will last until 5:00 p.m. most of the exercise will happen at rfk stadium but some of the events will be at the homeland security emergency operations center. prince george's county firefighters are investigating an overnight apartment fire in tacoma park. they were called to red top rode around midnight. firefighters contained the fire to the lower level of the three-story building with you could not save one family's home. they are now looking for another place to stay but fortunately, no one was hurt. workers at a d.c. rehabilitation center say a damaged hot water boiler may be responsible for a carbon monoxide leak. dozens were overcome by the carbon monoxide. an ambulance was called to evacuate a sick person around 3:15. they took readings and found elevated levels of carbon monoxide inside two buildings. emergency crews took 43 people to the hospital, including three people in serious condition. they are expected to make a full recovery. new security measures are in place after a ten-year-old girl was sexually assaulted in her own bedroom at an oxen hill apartment complex. the victim's family says they complained about broken locks on windows and doors for months but the complex didn't fix it until now. police say a man broke into the carlyle at harbor point complex in the 5400 block of living ston terrace in prince george's on monday morning. he crawled into her bottom floor building and sexually asaultd her. she says the window locks were broken at the time and now they have been fixed. managers also installed new doors since the event happened. we are not showing the grandmother's face or revealing her name. >> i am all upset about it. i feel like i were here and i didn't hear anything. that hurts me more than anything, that i wasn't able to do anything to help her. >> she says her granddaughter is okay but obviously traumatized. managers of the complex say they will relocate the family to a new apartment at another location. they have hired off-duty officers to patrol the property. they are offering a $15,000 award for information leading to an arrest on top of the $25,000 being offered by police. former wizard, javez crittenton is out, charged with murder in the drive-by shooting of a 22-year-old woman in august. he will be required to wear an ankle monitor until october. friends, family and the crittenton college basketball coach provided character testimony during the bond hearing. his attorney says police don't have enough evidence to link the basketball player to that shooting. 12 minutes after 11:00 is our time. coming up, chris christie is still saying no. he did give those hoping he will change his mind about run willing for president, something to cling to. the dramatic start to the trial of conrad murray, the doctor charged with the death of pop star, today, president obama will deliver his annual back to school message to students. he is expected to tell students that america needs their passion and ideas in these tough economic times. the speech will be broadcast to schools across the country this. year, the president will deliver the speech from a magnet school right here in the district. it is happening this afternoon at benjamin banaker high school in northwest d.c. to decision, 2012. republican new jersey governor, chris christie delivered a much-talked about speech. he says he will not join the race but left supporters something to cling to. chuck todd reports. >> reporter: are you reconsidering or are you standing firm? it is the question on everyone's mind. chris christie had some fun with it. poking fun with his audience because it was the second question asked. >> you folks are an incredible disappointment as an audience. the fact that that took to the second question. >> reporter: with speculation at a near frenzy, tough-talking new jersey governor, chris christie, got a big cue in his latest attempt to deny interest in running for president. >> go to it is on the front page. i am not going to bore you with it now. click on it. >> i am not running. i am 100% certain i am not going to run. >> reporter: christi's latest nonannouncement came after his speech. it certainly sounded like he was presenting his case for the presidency. >> we have watched as we drift from conflict to conflict with little or no resolution. we watch a president who once talked about the courage of his convictions but still has yet found the courage to lead. we watch a congress at war with itself because they are unwilling to leave campaign style politics at the capital's door. >> reporter: while he never said it tuesday night, the audience would not take no for an answer. >> i mean this with all my heart. we can't wait another four years until 2016. we need you. your country needs you to run for president. >> i hear exactly what you are saying and i feel the passion with which you say it, and it touches me. the fact of the matter is that anybody who has an ego large enough to say, oh, please, please, please, stop asking me to be leader of the free world, it's such a burden, if you could please just stop, it's extraordinarily flattering but, by the same token, that heartfelt message you gave me is also not a reason for me to do it. that reason has to reside inside me. so that's what i have said all along. my answer to you is just this. i thank you for what you are saying and i take it in and i'm listening to every word of it and feeling it too. >> that was chuck todd reporting. now, on to the candidates who are in the race. texas governor, rick perry, raised $75,000 in maryland for his campaign. perry held a breakfast with donors yesterday in baltimore. former governor, roberter lick and several state republican leaders attended. tomorrow, another leading gop presidential hopeful will be in our area. mitt romney has a fund-raiser in bethesda as well. chuck bell is with us. did you get out and run in the rain? >> no, no, i had to be here at work. the alarm went off at 2:15 as it was. i ran yesterday. >> you did? >> i did my 20 miles yesterday in preparation for the marine corps marathon. it was warm and humid yesterday afternoon. those last few miles were tough. >> are you waiting for the cooler weather to come in? >> am i ever waiting for cooler weather to come back as are many folks who are wondering, when will the summery feel ever come to an end? we only have two days left before some very falllike weather moves back into the area. outside on a beautiful wednesday, almost noontime, still, full overcast sky for you. the rain showers have missed downtown washington at this point in time. there are showers not too terribly far away. i will show you those on the radar. cloudy skies out there. no rain falling. one or two little slivers of sunshine there, bouncing off the south faceings of the commerce department. 73 degrees in washington. the dew point, that's the reason it still feels like summer out there even though we are really not all that warm. we are terribly humid with dew point up to 70 degrees. a few spots in the blue ridge and shenandoah valley hanging back in the upper 60s. no rain in downtown, especially down by the airport but far northern parts of fairfax county, much of montgomery, northern, louden, headed up into southern frederick county, no lightning with this little patch of showers, unlike earlier this morning. we had thunder and lightning to contend with. it is raining along a 270 spur. this is all lifting further northbound but look down to the south and west, not much showing up on the radar down to the south and west of us. as a result, we are more dry hours coming our way. with these few breaks of sunshine, we may be able tole cook up more instability. that may lead to another roun of showers and thunderstorms later on this afternoon and evening. one or two of the storms could reach severe limits. cloudy and humid, showers and thunderstorms will be likely. one or two of them may be severe as well. keep a weather eye to the sky over the coming hours. today's high temperatures, upper 70s and low 80s. one or two extra breaks of sunshine might put temperatures in the low 80s. down towards charlottesville, west of culpeper. for tomorrow, rain showers, a passing thundershower as well. not much of a severe weather risk for tomorrow. that is good news. our one opportunity for severe weather is going to be this afternoon, from 4:00 or 5:00. highs in the upper 70s to near 80 degrees. here is our extended forecast. about 80 degrees with an 80 percent chance of more rain coming our way. again, one of those thunderstorms could reach severe limits. tomorrow, just passing showers. maybe one or two rumbles. that's it. not much of a severe threat for tomorrow. turning breezy and noticeably less humid on friday. as we get into the weekend, that's going to feel a lot more like october. highs only in the low 60s. overnight lows in the 40s and 50s. it looks like much nicer coming our way. you can follow me on twitter. >> you are talking about your preparation for the big day. >> four weeks from sunday, the marine corps marathon. >> 20 miles, right? >> 20 today and 20 next week. >> thank you. we will see you again. >> okay. work has started at the washington monument. one person is out there working at the top. four people will work to inspect it for quake damage. it could take several days. we are continuing to follow the progress there. it is 11:22 and still ahead on "news 4 midday," why binge drinking is not just a problem for teens an college students. how an ice-cream costume was mistaken for something much, much different. here is a look at what' [ agent ] so your policy looks good, is there anything else? why did you buy my husband a falcon? thanks for the falcon. i didn't buy anyone a falcon. sure, you did. you saved us a lot of money on auto insurance. i used that money to buy a falcon. ergo, you bought me a falcon. i should've got a falcon. most people who switch to state farm save on average about $480. what they do with it, well, that's their business. oh, that explains a lot, actually. [ chuckles ] [ male announcer ] another reason people switch to state farm. aw, i could've gotten a falcon. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. [ falcon screeches ] nine out of ten growing kids don't get the recommended amounts of whole grain and calcium? that's where their favorite cereals like trix and cocoa puffs can help. general mills big g has the only leading line of kid cereals with at least eight grams of whole grain and a good source of calcium. look for the white check on the cereals they already love... like cinnamon toast crunch and lucky charms. help them grow up strong with general mills kid cereals. ♪ what's going on? >> a florida ice-cream shop is apologizing after customers were offended but a costume meant to drum up business. the owner of the store put an employee outside in this costume. they say it was supposed to be an ice-cream cone but when business started dropping off, they learned that some people who saw it from a distance thought it was a ku klux klan hood. the owner said her family is from puerto rico and did not know what the kkk was. she says, no one will ever wear that costume again. today, the nationals look to go on a high note, go out on a high note, that is. in the final game of the season, steven stra stev steven strausburg will be on the mound. the best they can finish with a win is one game under .500. they will end the season in third place, the highest in several years. four other major league teams are still competing for a wild card spot. it is making for a wild finish. the tampa bay rays turned in a triple play. stay tied for the american league wild spot. the red sox who won last night with the help of two home runs from a rookie. the n.l. wild card spot is also knotted up. the cardinals overcame a five-run deficit for a win. the braves lost their fourth straight game last night. it is now 11:27. coming up in our next half hour of "news 4 midday," the second day of the conrad murray trial begins in a few minutes. the disturbing details and photos already presented against michael jackson's personal physician. it has already been a stormy morning. chuck bell takes a look there are over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee that have earned the keurig brewed seal of approval. the keurig brewed seal is our commitment that the coffee inside will deliver a delicious cup of coffee every time. keurig brewed. look for the only mark of genuine keurig quality. why did you buy my husband a falcon? thanks for the falcon. i didn't buy anyone a falcon. sure, you did. you saved us a lot of money on auto insurance. i used that money to buy a falcon. ergo, you bought me a falcon. i should've got a falcon. most people who switch to state farm save on average about $480. what they do with it, well, that's their business. oh, that explains a lot, actually. [ chuckles ] [ male announcer ] another reason people switch to state farm. aw, i could've gotten a falcon. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. [ falcon screeches ] "news 4 midday," work has started at the washington monument. just about ten minutes ago, one person emerged at the very top of the monument. a four-person crew plans to rappel down the structure to check for damage caused by last month's earthquake. preparations at the top of the monument were stopped yesterday because of the lightning. president obama is preparing to deliver his annual back to school message to students. it is happening this afternoon at benjamin banaker academic high school northwest. he is expected to tell students that america needs their passion and ideas in these tough economic times. the speech will be broadcast to schools across the country. in just a few minutes, the man slaughter case for dr. conrad murray will be back in session. he is the physician on trial for the death of michael jackson. a number of people close to the popeye con are expected to testify today for the prosecution. it comes after an emotional day during opening statements. nbc's stephanie stanton has more on what happened yesterday. >> reporter: day one began with the prosecution's charges. >> it was doctor murray's repeated incompetent and unskilled acts that led to mr. jackson's death on june 25th, 2009. >> reporter: prosecutors claimed dr. murray violated the stan doord of care by giving the pop star propofol to help him sleep. then, outlined his actions in the weeks and days leading up to his death. even playing a disturbing audio tape of an incoherent-sounding jackson during a conversation with conrad murray six weeks before his death. >> reporter: doctor murray wiped away tears as his attorney, ed chernoff disputed the prosecution claims and described him as a caring physician trying to wean jackson from propofol suggesting that jackson administered the fatal dose. >> against his orders, he did an act that caused his own death. >> reporter: then, the first witness took the stand, kenny ortega, jackson's concert director who said he voiced concerns over jackson's health to dr. murray. >> he said i should stop trying to be an amateur doctor and psychologist and be the director and allow michael's health to him. >> reporter: six days later, jackson was dead and more than two years later, the trial against his personal doctor is underway. stephanie jackson, nbc news, los angeles. >> the trial is expected tos la the about five weeks. if convicted, dr. murray faces up to four years in prison and could lose his medical license. a verdict in the amanda knox trial in italy could come in a matter of days. she is appealing her conviction in the murder of her roommate. the stress appears to beware ong h wearing on her now. this morning on "today," matt lauer talked to her father and noted the prosecutors have been launching personal attacks on amanda all week. >> listening to an all-out assault and describing you as somebody that just doesn't exist was something extraordinarily hard on her. i watched her wince a number of times bh certa times when certain names are being called. especially by people who have never spoken to her or have no idea who she is. it was very difficult. defs arguments are beginning. i think things are going to look better for her. >> italian prosecutors and some foreign media have painted amanda knox as a witch, devoted to drugs, sex, and alcohol. she will have a chance to deliver a statement on her own behalf in court later this week. her father says she has been working on that speech for three months and it will be in his words truly heartfelt. nasa has found their missing dead satellite. it came nowhere close to hitting anyone. the dead satellite fell over the southern pacific ocean scattering about two dozen pieces of large debris over 500 miles. the closest piece of land to the crash site is christmas island, about 300 miles away. most of the satellite burned up in the earth's atmosphere. nasa warned before the satellite's reentry that there was only a 1 in 32,000 chance that someone could be hit by a piece of that space junk. we are going to check in again with chuck bell for the latest on our forecast and look ahead to tomorrow as well. chuck? >> hey, barbara, good morning to you one more time. cloudy skies roo emain in place. there are breaks of sunshine across northern virginia down into central virginia. temperatures are starting to respond to a little bit of thinning in the cloud cover on their way up. 73 now at national airport. 73 in waldorf and la plata and tobacco, down in charles county, maryland. 75, fredericksburg, 70 degrees in frederick maryland where there are rain showers to deal with. here, you can see it on live doppler. moef of the rain is from the top end of the capital beltway northbound up towards i-70 in frederick county. here we are zoomed all the way in. you can see some rain right around 270 from the spur towards rockville and germantown getting in on the rain showers. also, raining in frederick county, maryland. those showers are lifting off to the north and northeast. you folks northern most in carol and fredericks county, expect more showers. doup to the south an west shall not much in the way of rain coming our way over the next several hours. with the sunshine breaking back out, we may cook up another thunderstorm or two, one or two of which could be strong to perhaps severe. keep a weather eye to the sky. cloudy skies, passing showers, one or two isolated rumbles tomorrow. that's just about it. the rest of the week, beginning of the weekend, noticeably cooler and less humid air on friday. downright chilly as we head into saturday and sunday. bash, anoth barb, another check in a few more minutes. about 40 families in northern virginia are looking for a permanent place to call home. rain flooded them out of their neighborhood in woodbridge. they have tried to get by in shelters. temporary housing just won't do. >> reporter: for 73 prince william county families, this is all that remains of their holy acres mobile homes after devastating floods caused by tropical storm lee. through a translator, corina garcia says her life is a mess. >> translator: right now, we are living in the basement of a house of the friend of my husband. >> reporter: for two weeks, garcia and nearly 200 others have lived in shelters funded by prince william county and the red cross. all have moved out. 40 families still need permanent homes. >> the need is for someone to come forward and provide housing. it has to be permanent housing. we have the temporary housing. we need something where these families can move in and feel comfortable to raise their families and stay for the long-term. >> reporter: in the weeks since the flood, the community has rallied. members of the potomac crest baptist church and others are trying to help. there is a desperate need for any sort of household goods. >> dishes and linens and shower curtains and things for that many people, car seats toasters, blenders. if it was in the house, it is gone. >> reporter: that's because moving back into the holy acres mobile home park is not an option. >> it was built in the early 1960s in a floodway. it is simply unsafe. it was unsafe before this happened. we simply cannot allow the trailer park or any other residential to be built in that location because of the safety factor. >> reporter: on saturday, the community will come together again. a benefit concert will be held to help the families who lost everything. in woodbridge, jane watrel, news 4. . maryland could soon impose the first stayed-wide ban on the sale of crib bumpers, cushions that line the inside of cribs. the makers say the pads prevent babies from hitting their heads. they have been also linked to two dozen infant deaths. some experts say they can suffocate infants that don't have the strength or motor control to move their heads. they are seeking public comment before imposing the band. it would take effect in january of 2013 if it is passed. the city of chicago banned the bads earlier this month. a warning for parents this morning. a popular toy is being recalled because of choking concerns. little ti little tiks is recalling tool sets and workshops. the problem is big plastic toy nails that come with the sets and become a choking hazard. it is an extension of a 2009 recall when more than 1 million toy sets were recalled. since then, two new indents have been reported of children choking when the nail became lodged in their throats. they were sold between 1990 and 2004. the deadliest food outbraeblg, more than 16 people have died from listeria illnesses traced back to cantaloupes grown in colorado. they have linked 13 deaths to the outbreak, including maryland. three more deaths are still under investigation. listeria is more deadly than other foodborne illnesses like salmonella and e-coli. our time is now 11:40. still ahead, tracking the cost of your morning cup of joe. plus rg the latest tablet to hit the market. stay with us. we'll be back. how important is your morning cup of coffee. a new documentary shows you what it takes to get a coffee bean to a mountaintop in south america to your cup. scott wapner reports on our coffee addiction. >> reporter: it is a passion, an addiction, a shot in the arm for a nation short on sleep and a drink that spans generations. >> when you have two little kids, you drink coffee. >> when i get up in the morning, mommy has to have coffee. >> reporter: americans drink up to 400 million cups of coffee a day. as you sip your morning cup of joe, you probably never give much thought to how it gets to your cup. >> coffee is an amazing product. >> reporter: phil beaty thinking about it all the time as a coffee buyer. >> most of the time i am traveling around central and south america and the south pacific to find the best coffees. >> reporter: we accompanied beatty on his latest trip to northern purr u through the jungle to where the coffee supply chain really begins. >> we will cross this river and begin hiking to the coffee farm. >> reporter: our six-mile hike is crimy and grubby with mud so sticky and deep you could lose a shoe. here is the coffee right here on the trees. >> reporter: coffee beans come from trees that take about five years to bear fruit and thrive in this jungle cly the ma. >> reporter: this cherry has two coffee beans in it. this nice, deep red is ripe. that's when it is going to have most of the sweetness. >> reporter: it will take these same coffee beans two months and 4,000 miles to reach the states. a costly process for phil beatty. the beans he paid $2.70 a pound go up to $3.83 for shipment and after being packaged, $7 upon. marketing and distributing puts him up to $10.50. after accounting for overhead and profit, the retail price comes to $14.70 a pound. >> the stakes are very high. the competition among u.s. roasters to find the very best coffee is very tight. if i'm not here, somebody else will be to get the best coffee for their customer. >> again, cnbc will have more on our coffee addiction tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. moving on to the wall street interest. i know everybody is. let's find out what's going on. let's check in with julia boorstin. hey, julia. stocks trimmed their gains in another volatile session with material and banks dragging on the markets. the dow up about 68 points, the nasdaq higher, just a fraction of a percent and s&p 500 higher by nearly 3 points. amazon stock is up today, gaining as it unveiled a new tablet computer this morning, the kindle fire costs $199. the kindle touch tablet for just $99. amazon is picking a fight with apple and their ipad which costs $499. they will run google's android software but will not have an embedded camera or microphone and will come with wi-fi but not 3 g. new orders for long-last manufactured goods slipped in august on weak demand for motor vehicles. a rebound in a gauge of spending supported views the economy could avoid another recession. barbara, we are certainly going to keep a close eye on that. >> thank you, julia. have a great day. from high school tail gate parties. the forge of binge drinking. 95% of tea and alcohol occurs in the form of binge drinking. dozens of college students die from binge drinking. >> that's pretty big. 75% of all adult alcohol consumption is done in binge drinking. >> i think people might be a little bit surprised by what the definition of binge drinking is. according to the cdc, binge drinking is defined as a man drinking five or more drinks in a two-hour period and a woman having four or more drinks in a two-hour period. a lot of people going out on a friday or saturday night. they are looking to have a good time, party. they end up drinking more than that. they fall into the category of binge drinking. any drinking that's considered not responsible and drinking that gets you to the point of being drunk is considered binge drinking. >> it would be interesting to ask restaurants and bars when people are standing at ai bar or sitting and having dinner, what do they expect to serve to somebody, two glasses, maybe, of wine with dinner. >> i don't know. it probably would be interesting. i think most people would consider a reasonable amount of alcohol intake to be something like that, a glass or two of wine, over a course of a dinner. >> so let's move on to college students. why do you think that college students have this thing that goes on. it seems to be part of being in college. >> yeah. i think it is just part of the college culture. i think kids are out to have a good time. they enjoy getting drunk. they like the fact that it makes them a little bit more social. they are willing to talk to people they might not talk to other wi. it is kind of a social thing. i think it has become engrained in the culture of college kids. >> it is interesting that the other side of drinking and becoming social, you end up not feeling that good generally, having binged. >> there is the hang ovover yout the next day and more serious consequences that result from drinking heavily. any person that drinks an excessive amount, the risk of doing things you are going to regret, driving drunk, having a sexual encounter with somebody you shouldn't be having a sexual encounter with. the most serious effect can be alcohol poisoning. that's when people are drinking a really excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time. so let me give you an example. for a 150-pound man or woman, an amount of alcohol intake that would cause alcohol poisoning would be about 12 to 14 drinks in one hour for a man and about 10 to 12 drinks for a woman. we are talking about a ton of alcohol. that's a lot of alcohol. when you think about it, you could see how this stuff might happen for college kids and younger teens who are not responsible with alcohol. they are drinking a bunch of shots of alcohol not really realizing that it takes a while for the effects of alcohol to take place. before you know, it they are passed out and may be at risk of alcohol poisoning. >> are some people more susceptible to being poisoned by alcohol than others? >> women are at a higher risk of alcohol poisoning because women in general have a lower amount of water in their body. because they have a smaller percentage of water in their body compared to mep, they have a harder time handling alcohol. women have problems with alcohol with lower dosages or less drinks. >> these days, a lot of women feel like they have to keep up with the guys. >> maybe they do, right. >> especially in college. is there a problem with women and drinking, overdrinking on the rise? >> i think there is just a problem with everybody overdrinking on the rise. one thing that's kind of important for me to point out is blood alcohol concentration. if somebody drinks a couple of drinks within an hour, their blood alcohol concentration is going to be about .08 or .1. whether you sta when you start getting into p.2 you start feeling drunk. .4 or .5, ten or 12 drinks within an hour, you are at risk of death. the risk is about 50% if you don't get treated and your blood alcohol concentration is that high. if you see somebody drinking excessively and they are hard to arouse and they are vomiting, their breathing has slowed down, they need to immediately call 911. that person really is at risk. >> thank you for telling us. we are moving into the drinking season as we get to halloween, which i never knew was a big drinking holiday, until i came to the washington area. >> i think a lot of people consider everything a drinking holiday. >> next week, dr. weiner will be answering your questions. to submit a question, e-mail us at "news 4 midday" at nbc you and or you can go to our nbc washington facebook page or send us a question on twitter. we will be looking forward to getting your questions and dr. weiner, thanks shall as always, for coming. >> always a pleasure. thank, barbara. 11:52. coming up, how to get a behind the scenes look at the white house. chuck bell will let us know if be sure to like the nbc washington facebook page for your chance to win some prizes. we call it fandemonium. sign up on the left side. a new prize to sign up for every day, from gift cards to ipads, even a tv. today's prize took us to the washington capitals final pre-season game against the chicago blackhawks on october 2nd. we will choose a winner during our 6:00 p.m. newscast and announce the winner tonight at 11:00. if you have ever wondered how the inside of the white house is decorated, smith sewn yun is giving you a special behind-the-scenes look. it opens at the ren wick gallery. 95 pieces from past white houses will be on display including ceramics like this turkdy platter from the monroe presidency and china from various presidents, including abraham lincoln. tex tills, glass ware and lighting fixtures will be on exhibit through may of next year. let's take a look now at some stories we are going to be following on news 4 this afternoon. pat lawson hughes joins us with things to come. blockbuster developments today at the trial of conrad murray, michael jackson's doctor. the question is, will dr. murray take the stand? a local defs attorney will join us at 4:00 this afternoon with insight into strategies and tactics. it's wednesday. we are asking, what's your work-out. tonight at 5:00, how people are getting a combo of cardio and strength training with a kettle bell. we will show you. starting on news 4 this afternoon at 4:00. >> that's one i haven't seen. thanks a lot, pat. time for a final check on the forecast. chuck bell, do you work out with a kettle bell? >> no. that would be me throwing my back out right there. one and that would go. outside of a little bit of sunshine trying to breakthrough a bit, a live picture of the lone man atop the washington monument out there. he has the best view in the entire city right now. a little bit of sunshine getting through and the showers from earlier this morning are now gone. temperatures in the mid-70s. the last of the rain showers pulling out of northern montgomery, heading into frederick county, maryland. not much in the way of rainfall just yet. still, another chance of a few rumbles of thunder coming in later this afternoon. one or two of the storms could reach severe limits. it doesn't look too bad. way cooler in time for the weekend. >> thanks a lot, chuck. >> you are welcome. >>. >> that's "news 4 midday" for today. we thank you for joining us. i'll be back tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. with "news 4 midday." until state farm. this is jessica. hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm.


Transcripts For WRC News 4 At 11 20110903

her mystery. the white house explains why the president's flight was deverted today. and tropical storm lee could be a test for new orleans's rebuilt levee system. an emergency has been delaired in two states. i'm doreen gentzler. jim vance is off tonight. so much mold has been found after hurricane irene a condominium may have to be torn down. >> reporter: good evening. you can smell the mold in this parking lot and residents say it was that way long before hurricane irene led county inspectors here today. >> this is the apartment. they have to abandon it. >> reporter: black mold climbed three feet up the walls of this basement condo which was flooded and abandoned before hurricane irene. every surface is covered with it. >> bad asthma. every since we moved here. >> reporter: residents of king's crossing, a 30 unit building in temple hills say they watched things fall apart here. most are renters. and two thirds of the unit owners don't pay their condo fees. for sheila the last straw came when rain from hurricane earena poured through her ceiling kitchen. >> this is ridiculous. how am i supposed to live like this? i cannot live like this. the mold is growing up through the walls. >> reporter: enter a small army of county inspectors who determined the building has dangerous structural and safety problems. the question is who is going to fix this. the management company will given a short time line to make repairs. but it is likely that the property will be condemned. >> i can't go to school right now. >> reporter: several municipalities are finding problems with buildings who went condo during the height of the booms. reporting from temple hills, jackie bensen, news4. prosecutors in aruba hope that video released tonight will lead to clues in the disappearance of robyn gardner. the video shows a white hyundai driving around the time of her disappearance on august 2nd. prosecutors hope that people in the car saw giordano or the suv he rented on the island. is it a long shot and may reveal how desperate the authorities are. the defense lawyers are preparing to appeal a judge's ruling to hold giordano for 60 days. giordano claims that gardner drowned during a snorkeling trip. there was some satisfaction in aruba today when yoern van der sloot was charged with murder in me view. prosecutors want to put him behind bars for 30 years for the murder of stephanie foreclosure. she was found dead in a casino last year. the prosecutors are seeking more than $70,000 in damages for her family. van der sloot was arrested twice but never convicted in the disappearance of natalee holloway in aruba. bad water forced president obama to take a detour on the way to camp david this afternoon. the president and his daughter sasha left on marine one just after 12:230 today. they had to devert to maryland because of storms and low visibility. the white house said it was a last-minute decision. a motorcade took the two the rest of the way. we're following a developing story from the gulf coast. parts of louisiana and mississippi are preparing for a direct hit by tropical storm lee. both governors have declared a state of emergency. coastal towns are under evacuations. new orleans is expecting up to 20 inches of rain in the next few games. a dangerous situation for a city so far below sea level. rescue boats have been staged just in case. >> there is high wind. there is a lot of rain and it's going slow. that's not a good prescription th may have to operate the gates and the pump stations and we're paying attention to the levels in the lakes. >> heavy rains could be a test for new orleans's newly repaired levy system. veronica joins us now with more. how hard are they likely to be hit? >> very hard. the system is moving very slowly and there will be a lot of rain over the next couple days. the center is well off the coast. and that center isn't expected to come ashore around louisiana until late saturday night and early sunday morning. a lot of rain coming into new orleans already. more than two inches there now. gulfport, mississippi over 3 1/4. the levy system is really going to be test. . ten inches of rain already i think by late saturday and early sunday morning and the rain may make its way this way by midweek. i'll have more on that coming up in a little bit. a normally quite community for seniors is a focus for a murder investigation. investigators handed out fliers and family members came to check on their family members. >> reporter: i spoke a to a resident who is shaken up. she says she knew the victim. he was a quiet man who stayed to himself. he drove his wife to work and back home every day. who would kill him and why remains a mystery tonight. police hand out fliers at a wood bridge retirement community where a 75-year-old man who was a nice quiet neighbor was found murdered in his apartment. his wife found his body 11:30 thursday night. >> do you feel unsafe now? >> i feel unsafe since i been here because there is no security. but this is heart breaking to have something like that. i feel so sorry for his wife. >> reporter: the police are not saying how the man was killed. but they say the murder does not appear to be a random attack. >> there was no sign of forced enter into the apartment. >> reporter: the killing happen at the river run senior apartments. you have to be at least 62 years old to live here. many are receiving care and therapy on site. >> it's surprising. it really is. hopefully it's just an isolated incident but yeah, it's a concern for sure. >> my parents are here. >> what do you think about their safety? >> i will be calling off and on to make sure you close the door before you go to bed. >> reporter: the man was killed in the second floor unit. residents say an access code is needed to get in the building and many are wondering how the killer got in. >> that's very disturbing. and a child care center right across the street. that's very disturbing as well. so very unexpected. >> reporter: prince william county police were out here for several hours this evening handing out fliers to everyone who came on to this apartment complex property. they say they are working leads in this investigation. but at this point, no arrest has been made. reporting live from wood brinl, darcy spencer, news4. >> thank you. still ahead tonight, an explosion rocks a building home to a technology and research company. thieves hit multiple °wvers.ñswversion= undoing? and a ballpark proposal that is a home run. washington redskins tight end chris cooley has a personal stake in kofling a crime in leesburg. someone broke into his art store last night.replaceable. and cash register. his wife said the thief got $3500 worth of stuff but it is all replaceable. >> at first i thought all the pottery would be destroyed and everything. >> police found the computer and empty cash registerer need the courthouse. a man from northern virginia is in jail on charges he helped a known terrorist organization. he was taken into custody after federal authorities raided his apartment in wood bridge yesterday. he is accused of having ties to a group responsible for the shootings and bombings in mumbai, india. he made a video on youtube and will remain in jail until a court appearance on wednesday. a d.c. police officers accused of shooting and injuring a group of transgender people last week will be held in jail without bond. he faced a judge today. he said i'm going to kill all of you before he fired five shots into the group's car. three people were injured. police say he confronted the group at a cvs about 90 minutes before the shooting took place in northwest. he is charged with dwi and assault. still to come, another holida against roger clemens. =q washington. "@ital abãday weekend. )sj ñ police in montgomery county k for the p bankririe and!2 in avenue. investigators think he is responsible for eight other armed bankriries and four in northern virginia. a judge in montgomery county ruled that everything a former lululemon's employee can be used at her trial. the lawyer charge was but the judge said that she spoke willingly with police when they thought she was a victim. norwood is charged with killing her co-worker inside the store back in march. a new trial on perjury charges has beenapri roger clemens. his original atc2wóa zllowed. proposed to$z7c% a hisy' girlf at differentlypark girswversi in bo the"5rickson field.9xos jumbotron. ownian. dnatodsom7 6 race.4r check it out. 6 on matt! [ laughter ] [ laughter ] >> let haveñga3t been humor. í !he do. é winsé>gnourse.anyway. >> kiddme. foot race. hing in like her. you have to be kidding me. >> that's a good way to start a marriage. >> perfect. exactly. >> so our weekend is off to an iffy start. >> a bit of rain in thegy(p forecast. :xu eekend. a little bit of rain nothing like last weekend. >> we're okay. >> out there the subsidy is k)g partly cloudy. look at thatshot. that is so pretty there for a that is so pretty there for a friday week. 68 was the low. the average is 83. when you look at the rain today,.16 inch. oneú! thingyhe surplus. but look at dallas, texas, 7 1/2 inches on the deficit. it is dry there and in louisiana. and one thing about the tropical storm that is brewing down there and about ready to come on shore on sunday is that louisiana will get the rain from lee. but i don't to get a lot of rain out of lee and they need it. temperatures 70 to 73 degrees again. no it a huge range in the numbers and a little bit of rape starting back into the forecast for tomorrow. it's ahead of this line. it'storms. seek isola shower st tomorrow. we could see isolated showers and storms tomorrow. during the afternoon there is the s4w 4:00. bigger ofe whic sys afternoon of scattered storms and in the tom head ocean c ontstorms is andrt jumping in the car tomorrow heading ocean city, 81 on saturday and 82 on sunday. more cloud cover on sunday. and the seas two to four feet. sun's is mu in the afternoon it will be hot, humid and sticky and feeling a lot like summer this labor day weekend. that's for the weekend. monday again is much cooler but we1 degrees for tuesday. and it's about the time we get to wednesday when moisture from storm lee will start feeding up into this area. that's why f theé of west.éx roughlocal havesuf1 ohello,$ bear to watch. ticketsv hello, what's going on tonight? >> on website yet?90 tick or pa3nat'smark.já schedule four pitc tuesday. steven straus club can aqeh at j6 0zíbers.5d> g ice bljw boost ots. pagangc and up wit a detwiler deep to left.d@ht's first home 1 pand is have used straus straus fifth inning mets p rickf:u ge first and bu1m park.vk one é fansw with his . iù th. oftó( ne. the rout1oght . gfxi terps in you're so02r with his two %orulp kick dñ'aping thathomee townsend arewçt with two season against miami at home. the hurricanes are without starting quarterback gentleman y stephoneo nfdtñ "!li80-yardc tu the fourth quarter. stephon diggs, 80-yard completion for a touchdown. good council wins it overtime. s< with atd÷de plungeo musclesñ in g%quao with gh23- hig foo outside to the and is more. cougars on the marc. and green and green orchard with complete this merger, and present to the board, sink your teeth into some big n' toasty if you understand. good. you've got spunk. a big day calls for the big n' toasty. wrap your hands around fried eggs, cherrywood smoked bacon, and cheese on texas toast. america runs on dunkin'. get america's favorite coffee for america's favorite single-serve brewer. try all five delicious varieties, only at dunkin' donuts stores. america runs on dunkin'. vi$j one person x$entwj[ 236) people' íñ.0n. another was youred. 23 people were evacuated safely. investigator are not investigator are not the gas #.=school.ldt> after c x okay, you're the good cop. i'm the bad cop. look, it's still a great time to refinance. listen up, buster! we're not gonna pay any closing fees. i'd do what she says, friend. i can't control her. well, it's the "no closing fee refinance," so we pick up the closing fees. oh, you're gonna pick up the closing fees? yes. on average, that's $3,300 at closing. 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