parks closed, 800,000 workers sent home. this isn t some damn game. reporter: the final cost to the economy, around $24 billion. number three, the president initially called glitches, it quickly turned into a political catastrophe. the government called in outside experts for a tech surge to fix the site. the signups have picked up, but it s still too soon to predict whether the site will be a success. reporter: number two, jpmorgan, america s biggest bank, will pay $13 billion to settle charges it misled investors about the quality of the mortgages it sold leading up to the financial crisis. it is the biggest settlement to date. the justice democratic says it won t be the last. reporter: number one stock market record. [ bell sounds ] the federal reserve pumping so much money into the economy, stocks launched to new highs, home prices moving higher, but main street isn t feeling so good.
date. the justice department says it won t be the last. number one, stock market record. the federal reserve pumping so much money into the economy, stocks launched to new highs, home prices moving higher, but main street isn t feeling so good. fast-food workers across the country on strike, protesting what they call poverty wages. they re calling for a $15 minimum wage. that s a debate that won t end with a new year. that s right, that s the year that was. what about the year that will be? up next, join me for brunch with chief international correspondent christiane amanpour and chief political correspondent candy crowley. we re looking into our 2014 crystal balls, next. to help secure retirements and protect financial futures. to help communities recover and rebuild. for companies going from garage to global. on the ground, in the air, even into space. we repaid every dollar america lent us.
government offices, national parks closed, 800,000 workers sent home. this isn t some damn game. final cost around $24 billion. number three, what the president initially called glitches quickly turned into a political catastrophe. they call in outside experts for a tech surge to fix the sites. signups have picked up but it s too soon to predict whether the site will ever be a success. reporter: number two, jpmorgan will pay $13 billion to settle charges it misled investors about the quality of the mortgages it sold leading up to the financial crisis. it s the biggest settlement to date. justice department says it won t be the last. reporter: number one, stock market record. the federal reserve pumping so much money into the economy, stocks launch to new highs, home prices moving higher, but main street isn t feeling so good.
that shutdown lasted 16 days. government office, national parks closed, 800,000 workers sent home. this isn t some damn game. final cost to the commission around $24 billion. number three what the president initially called glitches found a political catastrophe. the government called an outside expert. sign ups have picked up but too soon if the site will ever be a success. number two, jpmorgan will pay $30 billion to settle charges it misled investors about the quality of the mortgages it sold leading up to the financial crisis. it is the biggest settlement to date. justice department says it won t be the last. number one, stock market record. the federal reserve pumping so much money into the economy stocks launched to new highs,
it doubled during a presidency. joining me now to distill this bit of positive news, vice president and msnbc con distributor, with a welcome to you, jared, i love talking about the economy when it s about this but put it in perspective. what are the caveats here? well, it s a good number, particularly those people s wealth that depends on the stock market. lots of pension funds and retirees have stock market wealth but the vast majority is held by the folks at the top of the income scale. in fact, 80% of stock market wealth is held by the top 10% of markets. also, it s important to keep in mind here that the president s stock market record that you just cited benefits from starting at a very low base. it s easier for the market to grow when it s started from such a low base when he took office in 2009. but that said, certainly the