Outdoors was the subject of the latest Readers Photo Challenge. While the percentage of people getting vaccinated is increasing, the pandemic is still here and still presenting safety restrictions. But being in the great outdoors during springtime is one thing we can do and still be socially distanced. From desert landscapes to the waters of the Delta, readers sent in photos from as far away as Utah and as close as their own backyards. Sixteen people sent in 95 photos. Here are the top picks.
Former Stocktonian, who now lives in Billings, Montana, Janet Baniewich’s photo shows the grander of the open outdoors. On a trip through Utah, she used a Nikon D3300 DSLR camera to capture a majestic landscape in Canyonlands National Park. Imposing mesa and column rock formations populate Baniewich’s photo. The use of a mild telephoto lens helps to emphasize the layers of the scene. The scene’s warm, pastel colors gives the image an inviting feeling.