jesse wthey will be capable ofs his very high level brain state reading that reaches the final frontier of privacy. davos wants to readvo your mind. i am going to do a body i m g cavityoi search. wouldn t if i was, you know, passport, no photo , no problem. migrants cut the line while you get a pat down. i know what youon t got kno e ,but we got to find out. most of us are moved by our white tears because we don t actually think they re real. that s manipulation. that s strategice real. that s diabolical. shaming whitl that se people isw a big business. plus, i m like, totally naked. and i don t remember how i ended up naked. the meeting of the minds goes back to the ancient greeks when philosophers like aristotle and socrates used to gather in what they called a gorgeous a space wherea space philosophy and business and politics were discussed among some of athens best and brightest. these meetings generated a cauldron of ideas on how to organize society and ac