Aristotle first took on this question in his Nicomachean Ethics – arguably the first time anyone in Western intellectual history had focused on the subject as a standalone question. He formulated a teleological response to the question of how we ought to live. Aristotle proposed, in other words, an answer grounded in an investigation of our purpose or ends (telos) as a species.
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How do we live good, fulfilling lives? Aristotle first took on this question in his Nicomachean Ethics arguably the first time anyone in Western intellectual history had focused on the subject as a standalone question. He formulated a teleological response to the question of how we ought to live. Aristotle proposed, in other words, an answer grounded in an investigation of our purpose or ends (telos) as a species.
Aristotle and the existentialists have different perspectives on how to live a good and fulfilling life. Aristotle believes that understanding our purpose and essence as humans is crucial, and that living a life of virtue and practical wisdom is necessary for achieving eudaimonia, the highest human good.